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EA shuts down Visceral, moves Star Wars game to EA Vancouver/others

Reading between the lines it sounds like another nail in the coffin for single player experiences.

Linear single player games outside of some 1st party titles or funded by first party are DOA at this point imo.

I don't foresee any of the major 3rd party publishers funding them in the near future

The Ummah

You motherfuckers, we WANTED a story driven single player Star Wars game. Remember 1313? Remember the hype?

After this, I'm never expecting another one-player focused title from them again. This is really shitty. I'm sorry, Amy :(

AAA single players games are basically dead, right?

Exactly what I'm thinking, coming out of EA at least. I don't like this at all.


As much as this sucks, It's not hard to underszand the logic behind this move when your company makes more money from added transactions than the games itself.

Its not like they will completely ignore single player experiences - There seems to be alot of money and efford behind Battlefront 2's campaign - it just wont be main focus anymore when the money clearly is elsewhere and that decision is made by the players who support and clearly want this.

Feels like the only worthwile single player only games for big publishers will be open world rpgs.
RIP visceral and good luck to all employees!
Judging by Blood, Sweat and Pixels, the Amy version of Uncharted 4 was an unfocused mess that probably would have had a hard time getting on track to see the light of day.

Still...it must not have been easy to walk out of a franchise that you helped built. And now to lose the opportunity to create a game out of one of the biggest franchises in the world.


Junior Member



Cause the bolded in my opinion makes it sound like EA wants to add some sort of multiplayer eliminate :( Seems like Bethesda is the only 3rd party company that does single player games anymore :(


Can Disney take Star Wars exclusivity away from EA and give it to someone else please.

Fund another studio within CDPR and have them develop a quality game. I don't know. But I simply don't understand how happy could they be with the mishandling of the franchise in the games department.

I wouldn't be surprised if they had a hand in this happening as well.


maybe tomorrow it rains
Fuck, I love Visceral. Dead Space is my favorite game of all time. This hurts, man. I'm wearing my DS3 New Horizons shirt right now.

Hope everyone lands on their feet. There's some insane talent there. Incredibly sad that we'll never get another Dead Space game.

Mr. Tibbs

Man, this fucking sucks. Visceral were a quality team. Losing them is such a disappointment. I feel so bad for the developers.


They weren't ready to even launch in 2018? ... they've dropped nothing since 2015, if Infinite and Andromeda have taught me anything it's that you can't just spin your wheels for 3-4 years without a release.

Can Disney take Star Wars exclusivity away from EA and give it to someone else please.

Fund another studio within CDPR and have them develop a quality game. I don't know. But I simply don't understand how happy could they be with the mishandling of the franchise in the games department.

You'd have to wait even longer to get a game out of them and I'm pretty sure Disney is happy with how Battlefront has turned out.
It's all clicking in my head now. Tin foil hat doesn't feel so tin anymore. Mike Laidlaw left BioWare because he didn't want Dragon Age 4 to become a GaaS-centric experience. And it probably will be.

Meanwhile, the other of two games I was far and away most hyped about -- an Amy Hennig Star Wars experience -- is wrecked and the studio behind it is closing down, leaving plenty of people jobless no matter what EA wants to say to the contrary.

Today is a day that will live in infamEA.
Its the end of singleplayer AAA third party titles.


There was a space here. It's dead now.


thought it was fitting as two great horror franchises are now dead
I wonder if we're going to see more games in development at EA move to GaaS model in the near term. I really hope they aren't done with traditional single player titles, but this doesn't look promising.

Either way, it's a shame folks are losing their jobs.. I hope everyone impacted finds new employment soon.

We're used to these sad stories by now, but for some reason this one really hurts and puzzles me.

So linear single player games are really dead hein?
Those games, the linear ones, the solid, mature and intriguing stories, the amazing graphics, the great and focused gameplay, those were the games that made me fell in love with this medium in the first place.
Every time I hear companies talk like this it feels as if I'm getting disconnected from the medium, as if my interests don't fit with the general audience's interests in today's gaming. And they're not wrong. Single player games aren't making money, we've known this for quite some time.
I'm glad I've kept with Sony, but one day they'll to move on (I suspect), seems inevitable at this point.
Maybe it's time to face the music.

It also hits hard because Visceral made one of my favorite games from last gen, and one that had a great share of new ideas. One that was killed exactly because things were added to expand its "mass appeal".
It also saddens me that Amy moved to Visceral to work on this game and now it's gone. Can't imagine how she's feeling and I hope we hear anything from her.

On another note, you asked for it, here it comes: STAR WARS BATTLE ROYALE



Cause the bolded in my opinion makes it sound like EA wants to add some sort of multiplayer eliminate :( Seems like Bethesda is the only 3rd party company that does single player games anymore :(

I wish BETHESDA would have TERMINATOR still. A FUTURE SHOCK type game would be so good with modern tech. could even support Battle Royale mode without bending over backwards.
Single Player games are dead.

No they are still alive, we have to make sure we are supporting large unpredatory single player games and voting with our wallets when it comes to these "games as a service" my motto is if it has paid loot boxes, i wont buy it. Which sucks because it means im missing out on stuff i wanted to play this year like destiny 2 and forza. Sony is generally good about it so support their large single player endeavors as is nintendo and support the indies out there doing cool stuff in the sp space.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
Welp that the final nail for the Dead Space franchise!

Congratulations EA your body count just keeps on growing I wonder how long Bioware has left if Anthem ends up bombing...
Bethesda's still there, but those games aren't all doing too hotly either...

Bethesda AKA "All of our last single player focused efforts did shit"?

I mean outside of Fallout and Elder Scrolls, I don't see many more of these.

Sony and Nintendo are still trying though. We did get Horizon this year and Switch is swimming in single player gold right now.

I mean, outside of first parties.
How did EA get so much power they can just go destroy a company?

These smaller game companies made a deal with the devil. Either go it alone and live 'paycheck to paycheck' as a company on your games, with a single even minor flop killing your studio... Or let yourself be bought out by a larger company who can give you a ton of funding and give you some more security, but who at any time could just end you regardless.

It's a tough call to make, but the latter tends to offer more security for the workers with larger severence packages and what not if things do go south.


Dead Space was the greatest new IP last generation for me. Such a shame and hope the devs at Visceral find employment soon.


There you go

Interesting, After Schreier's expose on how ND scrapped Amy Henning's UC4 because it was unfocused and now this... I wonder if she bears some responsibility for this.


Fuck. I was really looking forward to this game. A narrative focussed Star Wars game, was right up my alley. Amy can’t catch a break either it seems.
Let me just say this once more: unless the game was a total train wreck, there is no way it wouldn't have brought in plenty of money due to the Star Wars brand alone. Hell, it probably would have if it sucked.

Remember this when people say $60 isn't enough for these mega publisher AAA games without loot boxes and microtransactions.


How did EA get so much power they can just go destroy a company?

I mean, they own Visceral. They founded Visceral, they can shut it down, it just sucks that these kinds of studios (the ones that produce top-tier single player games) are the ones that are continually either being shut down or "pivoting" to GaaS. I haven't played a GaaS game I've loved, yet. I guess that's why almost all of the games I've purchased so far this year have been Nintendo or Bethesda games.
I know people's reaction is to blame EA for wanting to put in loot boxes and make it a PUBG clone or whatever, and it's entirely possible/plausible that that's the direction they take it in now, but they wouldn't just close down the entire studio this far into production if all they wanted to do was retool the game into a GaaS.

Like this coupled with Jason's tweet and the length of development time with almost nothing to show for it points to more fundamental problem within the studio, and the game people are crying about might not have ever come together at all. Hard to say until more details about the state of the game come out.
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