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EA shuts down Visceral, moves Star Wars game to EA Vancouver/others


why does he look like a bond villain


What a terrible news for the industry :(
I think SP games are being rare and rare and rare each year. I'm still gamer because of Sony and Nintendo. Hope they continue their SP games and don't force their studios to online lootboxing games!


Not to go off on a tangent but I continue to struggle to believe that the majority of people who play games - i.e. a medium that in part got big because it allowed people with anxiety, low self-confidence and other pychological problems to escape from said problems and enjoy something without the stress that comes with having to deal with other humans or compete with them - now suddenly all prefer multiplayer games with a focus on competition, loot and cosmetics.

I can't be the only one who still feels intimidated and stressed when having to compete with others and as such prefer to be engrossed in a game world offline at my own pace, can I? I truly fear it won't be long before I might as well stop gaming alltogether unless I adapt myself to like GAAS style games with a focus on multiplayer and shared experiences...
I think when you hang out on NeoGAF and Twitter you get the feeling that most gamers are like yourself, buying 20 games a year and keeping up with all the latest AAA releases. That's just not representative of gamers in general. Most people probably buy like 2-3 games a year, and they're games they can play with their friends, and games which they can play for a long time. FIFA, COD, GTA, Overwatch, etc. It's also a matter of cost; paying 60$ for a 15-20h experience is not something most people can do on a regular basis.

I don't really see this trend turning around anytime soon, because the traditional audience for these games is slowly being siphoned off by GaaS which split the player base between themselves. The upside is that the lack of AAA games will make room for indies and B-tier publishers to thrive.


This. Their last games feature always more open areas. They're good at least, but I feel I need some linear non rpg games in between all the open worlds and I don't even play games as a service things.

I understand they think the game wouldn't be profitable and shutting down as a business decision because they're an enterprise and not a friend, but it sucks anyway. And what rubs me the most in the wrong way is switching the approach to something not story focused linear game which there are less and less.

The industry is changing into something awful because that's what the majority of people is buying and so the major companies are adapting and this is the result: losing potentially amazing games or eventually even entire genres which made the medium great in the first place (in the AAA space at least). That's what I fear.

Agreed. The open world fad is what I hate the most about the current generation. There's a very limited amount of linear AAA games to play, particularly if 3rd person action-adventures are what you enjoy the most.

I actually quitted playing Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, when I came to the open area. I just don't find it fun or interesting to roam around aimlessly. Now I'm worried that The Last of Us 2 will have semi-open areas as well to appease the current trend.


Agreed. The open world fad is what I hate the most about the current generation. There's a very limited amount of linear AAA games to play, particularly if 3rd person action-adventures are what you enjoy the most.

I actually quitted playing Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, when I came to the open area. I just don't find it fun or interesting to roam around aimlessly. Now I'm worried that The Last of Us 2 will have semi-open areas as well to appease the current trend.

You should power through it, honestly. I thought the open world segment was a drag as well, but it's a relatively small part of the game, and everything afterwards rivals Uncharted 2 in terms of quality, imo.


You should power through it, honestly. I thought the open world segment was a drag as well, but it's a relatively small part of the game, and everything afterwards rivals Uncharted 2 in terms of quality, imo.

I may have to do that, if it gets better afterwards. The thing is, it bothers me to leave something unchecked, and having such an area to explore just feels exhausting to me. That's exactly why I quitted Witcher 3 early on as well.


This saddens me greatly.

The Dead Space series is one of my favorite franchises.

Not quite willing to throw out "fuck you´s" because what the fuck do I know about the business side of things.

Still very sad.

Hope everyone comes out of this shit OK.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
As a lifelong Star Wars fan that pretty much only plays single player, narrative-based games, this is extremely depressing. This was my most anticipated game. Trying to comfort myself with the prospect of Respawns game, but fuck knows what that has turned into by now.

All of this is made worse with the fact that Dead Space 1&2 were two of my fave games last gen. Seriously, Fuck EA. I hope this massively backfires in some way. GAAS is slowly killing my love for my hobby. I just don't respond to this type of game at all, it's almost diametrically opposed to what I enjoy about the medium.

lord pie

I find the industry shift to online focused, monetized games disheartening. Especially the phycological elements and pseudo gambling (I absolutely love rocket league but hate what they are turning it into).

It feels like many are blinded by the runaway (and possibly temporary) success of titles like RL, PUBG, destiny, GTA online etc.

Yet it's so staggeringly obvious that to rebottle that lightning is going to be damned expensive and/or require a metric arse tonne of stars to align. The profit potential is certainly large, but the risks are *enormous* - and that's without a saturated market which is surely coming. Just look at lawbreakers for how badly this can backfire with a quality game.

Meanwhile some of the most successful games of the year have been single player story driven games that aren't especially heavy on monetization (horizon, zelda, wildlands, etc). Bread and butter gaming.

This market is fickle. History shows companies that 'pivot' hard from diversified titles to follow the current trend often crater spectacularly. Just look at crytek.
I think you guys are seeing to much black here. I don't think this means the end of SP games at all. The industry is going through phases, that's all. Now that shared world stuff may be all gloom and shiny but I doubt that this will last. That market will become oversaturated was well at some point, especially because it keeps players for longer.

While that may be good for one game it ain't good for the rest. Because a gamer playing one game all the time means he won't move on to the next best thing - and that is what the industry wants.

Just watch them jumping on the PUBG/Destiny bandwagon and then failing left and right and then coming back to SP games.

We already had this talk a few years ago and looky look, 2017 was one of the best years ever for SP gamers.


Purple Drazi
I just don't respond to this type of game at all, it's almost diametrically opposed to what I enjoy about the medium.

Really well said. I'm in the same exact boat. I veer very, very heavily toward single-player story-driven experiences but I've happily tried expanding my horizons a bit to zero avail. It dawned on me that this is, as you said, not something I respond to at all.


Man, I wish they could take a shit on their Frostbite engine. It did so well on Mass Effect Andromeda... (and still does a great job with game breaking glitches).
I love how in the statement EA are basically angry that SP games are a bane to them.

Single player games aren't going to die, just the top end budget ones

Yup there's barely anyone throwing big budgets at single player stuff. I can only really think of Sony and Bethesda dumping money into such titles.


I may have to do that, if it gets better afterwards. The thing is, it bothers me to leave something unchecked, and having such an area to explore just feels exhausting to me. That's exactly why I quitted Witcher 3 early on as well.

Well I personally can't wait for a price drop on TLL and enjoyed greatly TLoU and Uncharted 4 and Witcher 3 and Horizon, but it's just that when you get in the same year mostly only open world AAA, let alone online only, the thirst for a real adventure comes out. I can't play only Horizons because fuck what a drag it would be. I rather have an Order 1886 thrown in between each open world.

And I loved (to death) Breath of the Wild too, but had just played the hd ones on Wii U so it was a welcome change. But I don't want the franchise to stay only there. That applies to ND and every single AAA game. You just run out of linear backlog games, too, nowadays. Un lucky to have some left for now. But AAA games that I really look forward to? Definitely not Ass Creed or Days Gone. Maybe GoW and TLoU2 are the only big ones right now and both are bound to have bigger explorable environments (which can be fine if done like TLOU1 or U4).
Single player games aren't going to die, just the top end budget ones

I'm perfectly fine with that, when the lower end ones are games like Divinity: Original Sin 2, Cuphead, Hob, Headlander, etc.

But it's easier for me who have no need AAA action games at all.

The only worry for me are what Bethesda are going to continue to to with their open world RPG's.


I think you guys are seeing to much black here. I don't think this means the end of SP games at all. The industry is going through phases, that's all. Now that shared world stuff may be all gloom and shiny but I doubt that this will last. That market will become oversaturated was well at some point, especially because it keeps players for longer.

Thing is I'm particularly talking about big budget third person action adventure games. Ass Creed has been around for some time now but it seems that kind of game development is now devouring the Uncharted 2 kind. And financially it makes sense maybe. And even first person games seem to be on a campaign crisis, kinda. Some fps don't even have and some story centric ones sell poorly.

Of course we will still have the character action games, the souls alikes, the (j)rpgs (even if FFXV seems to want to become a service on an open world), around, at least for some more time. Then it maybe will become an indie only thing? :p


So I just thought about the big AAA puplishers and came down with this for current statues with AAA SP games:

  • EA not gonna (clearly) do SP games anymore.
  • Microsoft low-keyed that their not gonna make anything other then Halo.
  • Ubisoft hinted that they would prefer to not do any SP in the coming future right before WD2 released. Their last E3 were just Multiplayer/Share-world games. Even freaking Beyond Good and Evil 2 is a shareworld.
  • Bethesda's last 4 single player games have bombed. It won't be too late for them to realize lootboxes are the "thing" now.
  • Square Enix announced their targeting GAAS game mainly for their AAA in the future- FFXV was just a testing field for them.
Käebi;252374286 said:
So, how can we get Disney to revoke EA's monopoly on Star Wars games?

You ask Traveller's Tales.

But generally I expect this could be derived from the deal. If EA paid/pays for the monopoly itself then deal is probably safe until it ends. If they only give Disney cuts then there may be some sort of override clause in case of EA underperforming. But that could be blocked just by Battlefront profits if it's specified as dosh. Hard to say.


Well I personally can't wait for a price drop on TLL and enjoyed greatly TLoU and Uncharted 4 and Witcher 3 and Horizon, but it's just that when you get in the same year mostly only open world AAA, let alone online only, the thirst for a real adventure comes out. I can't play only Horizons because fuck what a drag it would be. I rather have an Order 1886 thrown in between each open world.

And I loved (to death) Breath of the Wild too, but had just played the hd ones on Wii U so it was a welcome change. But I don't want the franchise to stay only there. That applies to ND and every single AAA game. You just run out of linear backlog games, too, nowadays. Un lucky to have some left for now. But AAA games that I really look forward to? Definitely not Ass Creed or Days Gone. Maybe GoW and TLoU2 are the only big ones right now and both are bound to have bigger explorable environments (which can be fine if done like TLOU1 or U4).

Agreed. The lack of good old linear adventures is extremely disappointing, and the abundance of open world games is starting to get increasingly tiresome. That alone made Hellblade seem like a breath of fresh air. Not to mention, that series like Uncharted, that used to be linear are now seemingly moving towards open world.

It may seem contradictory that I loved Horizon Zero Dawn, but because of its setting, atmosphere and combat I was willing to tolerate its open world. I firmly believe I would have enjoyed it more if it had a linear structure, perhaps akin to Bloodborne/Soul Reaver.

Nah, we're good. (via Reddit)

And about half of those are open world.


that might hurt the fans and will leave a Dead space in their hearts

the decision was probably a Hardline for EA to make


I think when you hang out on NeoGAF and Twitter you get the feeling that most gamers are like yourself, buying 20 games a year and keeping up with all the latest AAA releases. That's just not representative of gamers in general. Most people probably buy like 2-3 games a year, and they're games they can play with their friends, and games which they can play for a long time. FIFA, COD, GTA, Overwatch, etc. It's also a matter of cost; paying 60$ for a 15-20h experience is not something most people can do on a regular basis.

I don't really see this trend turning around anytime soon, because the traditional audience for these games is slowly being siphoned off by GaaS which split the player base between themselves. The upside is that the lack of AAA games will make room for indies and B-tier publishers to thrive.

True words these.

For those only willing or able to spend money on 5 games per year or so having games that reward and enable longer lasting experiences is indeed a good development in many ways. I just worry about the downsides to that model in terms of both in-game and overall gameplay variety and such. If all AAA games are like McDonalds and similar fast food chains in the sense that they offer similarly engineered experiences with only slight variations that are just enticing enough to have keep people coming back for more almost indefinitely (to the detriment of spending money and time on healthier and more varied alternatives), the AAA gaming landscape will be all the poorer I think. That said, the mobile market in many ways has already gone to that side with a handful of games like Hayday and Clash of Clans dominating the landcape by continuing to attract new players and keep veteran players invested (indirectly too, i.e. by means of their invested money and time), so I guess it is a matter of time before the AAA console and PC market had to follow suit. It's just too damned effective a model in times when costs are going through the roof and digital in-game purchases offer the biggest profits (I assume).

You are right though, as long as we have a healthy indie market, there will be an alternative to this. And to clarify: I'm not saying all GAAS / multiplayer heavy games are bad, heck I like quite a few of them myself, but I do dread the scenario where all everyone is playing a 5 to 10 big multi-year lasting (in gameplay often highly repetitive because of loot cycles) Destiny/WOW/PUBG-likes because they invested too much time and money and are too much tied to their in-game friend groups (and subsequent peer pressure perhaps) to ever consider stopping. (It's always easy to go back to McDonalds for a quick fix in other words, especially if they are everywhere, if their food is affordable and tasty enough on first bite, and if all your friends are going too.)

I'll stop derailing this thread further now though. Hopefully the folks at Visceral will land on their feet, regardless of whether that is within other EA studios if they prefer that route, or at other companies. Dead Space is a series that deserves remembering for a lot of things, not just for how it failed to become the mega blockbuster hit EA wanted it to be so I can only hope that the team working on the Hennig Star Wars game will be able to do in some capacity what they are good at.


Purple Drazi
If anyone in this thread can point me to indie/AA/whatever games with deep lore, engaging stories, and memorable casts of characters I'd greatly appreciate it. Two out of those three criteria is also fine; beggars can't be choosers. Bonus points if they're playable on PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, 3DS, or PS4, because those are the systems I have access to right now.

As for AA-to-AAA stuff, I still have to play The Witcher series and I know I'm missing out. I understand that. I'm reading the books first and I've struggled somewhat with a certain issue of mine against Sapkowski's writing, but I'm still enjoying them overall. It's just slowing me down.

I've calmed my fears over what might happen to Dragon Age 4 with some much-needed sleep and more chamomile tea than even my grandmother even drank on a rough night, but I've woken up wondering where I should be looking for video games now that one of my two anticipated projects has been canned and the other one may yet turn into a Destiny-esque, too. (Because EA.)


Tears of Nintendo
The death of single player games may kill my love of video games ultimately.
Same here. Single player games is all that matters to me. Kill them off and i'm no longer interested in video games at all which also means that i won't be buying PC hardware and video game consoles too.
Agreed. The lack of good old linear adventures is extremely disappointing, and the abundance of open world games is starting to get increasingly tiresome. That alone made Hellblade seem like a breath of fresh air. Not to mention, that series like Uncharted, that used to be linear are now seemingly moving towards open world.

Uncharted isn't moving to open world. 4 and TLL both had one non-linear chapter and even those were hardly open world.


Not all that surprising but very sad indeed. I'm not a big Star Wars fan but a SP linear story based Star Wars game (similar to the Uncharted games) sounded awesome. I love 3rd person action adventure games (of which very few are made these days).

As a single player only gamer, it's very noticable that single player games are on the way out for big studios. In fact, other than a few exceptions (Sony, Nintendo and Bethesda), i think the genre is almost dead and will most probably never return, judging by where the industry is going (GAAS, loot boxes, multiplayer,...). Which is why virtually all of my game purchase are indie games these days.
If anyone in this thread can point me to indie/AA/whatever games with deep lore, engaging stories, and memorable casts of characters I'd greatly appreciate it. Two out of those three criteria is also fine; beggars can't be choosers. Bonus points if they're playable on PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, 3DS, or PS4, because those are the systems I have access to right now.

As for AA-to-AAA stuff, I still have to play The Witcher series and I know I'm missing out. I understand that. I'm reading the books first and I've struggled somewhat with a certain issue of mine against Sapkowski's writing, but I'm still enjoying them overall. It's just slowing me down.

I've calmed my fears over what might happen to Dragon Age 4 with some much-needed sleep and more chamomile tea than even my grandmother even drank on a rough night, but I've woken up wondering where I should be looking for video games now that one of my two anticipated projects has been canned and the other one may yet turn into a Destiny-esque, too. (Because EA.)
Man, too bad you don't have access to a PC as of now, I would have said Tyranny + Pillars of Eternity. Especially tyranny. Fantastic lore, fantastic cast, and one of my favorite RPGs this decade. I like pillars as well and am looking forward to pillars 2

Check out Banner Saga and Banner Saga 2. Both great games that ooze lore. I just love the artstyle too. Both can usually be found for under 20$. Both are on PS4 and Xbox as well as PC.
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