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EA Sports UFC |OT| Bigger than FIFA

No. Its fun. It seems a little hollow. It will occupy my time. I do not like the ground game that much.

That's what I got out of it, fun but hollow. I played a ton of EA MMA, it was really fun with the online tournaments and great controls. I was hoping for version 2 of that game since it's made by EA but it's really almost nothing like it. This game is a good buy if you want to just mash buttons and have fun fights with knockouts. It'd be a bad buy if you want to get into the competitive side of it, which is all I want out of it. I think the 30fps makes it hard to time counter strikes, ground controls seemed really iffy, and the crazy spin kicks just make it look stupid as a simulation game.

If it was launching at $30 or something I'd get it just to have fun with, but I can't see myself playing it long term with the faults it has, I'd get too annoyed. Not a good value at $60
69 on metacritic so far...i guess i'll stick to undisputed 3 for the time being. if only the servers for that game were stilll up :(
Oh ,now I'm in a pickle. Ive promised my eldest son i'll buy it this Friday ,and if I don't he will be sad and angry. I thought it would review better tbh as I've quite enjoyed the demo but 69.
I haven't purchased a game that scores so low in reviews since Rock n Wrestle.


Oh ,now I'm in a pickle. Ive promised my eldest son i'll buy it this Friday ,and if I don't he will be sad and angry. I thought it would review better tbh as I've quite enjoyed the demo but 69.
I haven't purchased a game that scores so low in reviews since Rock n Wrestle.

Save your money, seriously.. Buy him something else. This game isn't good (my opinion, obviously).


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
Decision robberies. Fuck that shit.

Only knockouts and submissions from here on out, no matter what.

EDIT: Also a lot of people seem to not know what they're doing online. Especially on the ground; no blocking escapes or transitions.

Oh, and Dos Santos is OP.
Goddamn I fucking suck.

I fought he same damn guy to enter the TUF house four times. I lost by decision the first three and got a lucky KO the fourth time.

Maybe Normal is too hard for me.


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
Goddamn I fucking suck.

I fought he same damn guy to enter the TUF house four times. I lost by decision the first three and got a lucky KO the fourth time.

Maybe Normal is too hard for me.

Yeah, same here.

Having your guy feel so slow and sluggish really kills it for me, especially from coming online.


Oh ,now I'm in a pickle. Ive promised my eldest son i'll buy it this Friday ,and if I don't he will be sad and angry. I thought it would review better tbh as I've quite enjoyed the demo but 69.
I haven't purchased a game that scores so low in reviews since Rock n Wrestle.

I had to put together the list of reviews and it came in at what I expected. It did not score that bad at all. In fact, I think they were all pretty much positive. (Most 7ish, some higher, a few high 6's). The main critique was the lack of depth as far as gamemodes go.

If your son likes to play against you or online then I have no doubt he'll get his fun with it.
For singleplayer content, I believe the game is somewhat shallow.

I've read alot of impressions, and they all conclude that the retail game is a much more polished product. Some even saying the demo did not do it justice. The gameplay itself obviously did not change the slightest, but I've read this several times, so if you enjoyed the demo, I am sure you will have fun with the retail game, only critique being the singleplayer part.


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
I had to put together the list of reviews and it came in at what I expected. It did not score that bad at all. In fact, I think they were all pretty much positive. (Most 7ish, some higher, a few high 6's). The main critique was the lack of depth as far as gamemodes go.

If your son likes to play against you or online then I have no doubt he'll get his fun with it.
For singleplayer content, I believe the game is somewhat shallow.

I've read alot of impressions, and they all conclude that the retail game is a much more polished product. Some even saying the demo did not do it justice. The gameplay itself obviously did not change the slightest, but I've read this several times, so if you enjoyed the demo, I am sure you will have fun with the retail game, only critique being the singleplayer part.

I can confirm that the final product feels better than the demo.

Can't say why exactly, maybe the demo was on a slightly older build? Don't know.


I have this sealed copy in my hands, and I'm really thinking about returning it. Most things I've heard do not sound so hot on this. It seems like EA will need more time to figure it out. It's a shame because I really loved Undisputed and especially the 3rd one. They got so many things right. I'll give EA a pass on this because this is their first shot on a tight schedule.


I can confirm that the final product feels better than the demo.

Can't say why exactly, maybe the demo was on a slightly older build? Don't know.

Yeah, that's definitely the case. The demo was approved ~18 May, and it probably takes a good 2 weeks to process.

So pretty much all of the polishing they did in the retail game, were not even included in the demo build yet.

I really can't wait to see it for myself. During the demo I had alot of fun but it did not feel polished at all, so that seemed to be a good guess after hearing all of that.


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
Having someone lame the whole match by just spamming sub attempts to get points to win decision is so fucking stupid.


war of titties grampa
Oh ,now I'm in a pickle. Ive promised my eldest son i'll buy it this Friday ,and if I don't he will be sad and angry. I thought it would review better tbh as I've quite enjoyed the demo but 69.
I haven't purchased a game that scores so low in reviews since Rock n Wrestle.

time to get gamefly and get it for him that way, that way when he gets bored of it you just return it! :D

Xaero Gravity

Liking it a hell of a lot, but the lack of online fight cards is a real bummer. I had friends that weren't fans of the sport buy EA Sports MMA just for that mode alone. I'd love to see it get added in this iteration, but I'll settle for the sequel.


I have this sealed copy in my hands, and I'm really thinking about returning it. Most things I've heard do not sound so hot on this. It seems like EA will need more time to figure it out. It's a shame because I really loved Undisputed and especially the 3rd one. They got so many things right. I'll give EA a pass on this because this is their first shot on a tight schedule.

Then you will love this one. I personally hated EA Sports MMA, but this one is a massive improvement. Still a lot of things that has to be done and it's nowhere near perfect, but if you are an MMA fan then this will be the best 60 bucks you have spent in a long time.


Oh ,now I'm in a pickle. Ive promised my eldest son i'll buy it this Friday ,and if I don't he will be sad and angry. I thought it would review better tbh as I've quite enjoyed the demo but 69.
I haven't purchased a game that scores so low in reviews since Rock n Wrestle.

is he under 10 years old? if so, he'll probably like it regardless. lots of kids-oriented entertainment sucks anyway.
Any member of XB1 GAF wanna do some fighting? I'm hot garbage and can't stop a takedown or block to save my life, but we can learn together! Lol

XB1 - TheApatheticOne


Online is fucking hilarious. I knocked this guy down as The Korean Zombie (he was playing Scott Jorgensen) and he wouldn't get up from the bottom guard position, so I started spamming leg kicks and he started spamming upkicks from the bottom. What ensued was pure hilarity as the fighters started clipping each other and it looking like I was kicking him in the head and balls, and he was upkicking me in the balls. I have no idea why he decided to do that but it had me dying laughing.


My install is stuck on 8% is there anything I can do

I hit the download button this early morning (around 7AM), told me the game was downloaded after a couple of hours and it's now sitting at 33% installing in game (it's 11pm). I already regret buying this.

And seriously the PS4 UI needs a serious overhaul as well as some fucking decent servers since were now paying for online.


So not worth it
I downloaded the full game in about an hour. And I am in Europe downloading from the US servers. Not exactly sure what the issues on your end are, but the servers appear to be fast enough.


WTF is this shit?

Bruce Lee – Bantamweight ($1.99)
Bruce Lee – Bundle ($5.99)
Bruce Lee – Featherweight ($1.99)
Bruce Lee – Lightweight ($1.99)
Bruce Lee – Welterweight ($1.99)
Royce Gracie – Middleweight ($1.99)


WTF is this shit?

Bruce Lee – Bantamweight ($1.99)
Bruce Lee – Bundle ($5.99)
Bruce Lee – Featherweight ($1.99)
Bruce Lee – Lightweight ($1.99)
Bruce Lee – Welterweight ($1.99)
Royce Gracie – Middleweight ($1.99)

Oh lawd.


I downloaded the full game in about an hour. And I am in Europe downloading from the US servers. Not exactly sure what the issues on your end are, but the servers appear to be fast enough.

But that's the thing, it says it was fully downloaded, I have no download notification in the PS4 UI yet I go ingame and this silly ass bar says installing. Game is 18GB right?

Just checked and game doesn't download when it's not launched, now at 36% since my last post while sitting in the game menus.


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
WTF is this shit?

Bruce Lee – Bantamweight ($1.99)
Bruce Lee – Bundle ($5.99)
Bruce Lee – Featherweight ($1.99)
Bruce Lee – Lightweight ($1.99)
Bruce Lee – Welterweight ($1.99)
Royce Gracie – Middleweight ($1.99)

Ah so THAT'S why it was called the Bruce Lee - Bundle.
WTF is this shit?

Bruce Lee – Bantamweight ($1.99)
Bruce Lee – Bundle ($5.99)
Bruce Lee – Featherweight ($1.99)
Bruce Lee – Lightweight ($1.99)
Bruce Lee – Welterweight ($1.99)
Royce Gracie – Middleweight ($1.99)

What in the flying fuck?

That's some shady bullshit, even for EA.


sounds like this game isn't too good. Which is what I expected from the demo after playing it some more.

whole game needs to be erased and rebuilt, keep the counter system though. I had so much fun countering Jones' superman spamming bitch ass in the demo.

watching people play this game is hilarious lol
One good thing is that fights can actually go to a decision now instead of always ending in the first. I know this because I keep losing decisions in the TUF house!!!!!

I can't tell you guys how much I suck at is game. I started over on Easy and I still lose. I want to call bullshit decisions but I may just be terrible at this.


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
Ground game feels way too fucking random when fighting people online.

And how the SHIT do you prevent people kneeing you to kingdom-come in a Thai Clinch??


What in the flying fuck?

That's some shady bullshit, even for EA.

Nah, if you've played any of the EA sports games it's quite on par. In the NHL series you can unlock the actual boost slot (with real money) along with the boost for real money, and there's a ton of em to unlock. So they are probably raking in some dough with kids using their parents cards lol


Goddamn, I suck at this game, even on normal. Is there a way to change difficulty during carreer mode or do I have to start it all over again? I'm at the semifinals on TUF and my opponent strikes me twice in the head and I am KO'd in a sec.


formerly "chigiri"
WTF is this shit?

Bruce Lee – Bantamweight ($1.99)
Bruce Lee – Bundle ($5.99)
Bruce Lee – Featherweight ($1.99)
Bruce Lee – Lightweight ($1.99)
Bruce Lee – Welterweight ($1.99)
Royce Gracie – Middleweight ($1.99)

Those are the pre-order bonuses, they're all free in Europe at the moment as the game doesn't release officially until 20th.
One good thing is that fights can actually go to a decision now instead of always ending in the first. I know this because I keep losing decisions in the TUF house!!!!!

I can't tell you guys how much I suck at is game. I started over on Easy and I still lose. I want to call bullshit decisions but I may just be terrible at this.

To ensure a win, just suplex your opponent a couple time a round.


I just got it, hopped online to start things off after the tutorial.

I predict there'll be a ton of Rousey doppelganger matches, as I just submitted my first one- rear naked choke! The game definitely has a variety of problems, but I'm having a ton of fun.


WTF is this shit?

Bruce Lee – Bantamweight ($1.99)
Bruce Lee – Bundle ($5.99)
Bruce Lee – Featherweight ($1.99)
Bruce Lee – Lightweight ($1.99)
Bruce Lee – Welterweight ($1.99)
Royce Gracie – Middleweight ($1.99)

noo..... way....
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