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Earth quake in China

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CNN said:
BEIJING, China (CNN) -- At least five people were killed and 100 hurt when two primary school buildings and a water tower collapsed after an earthquake capable of causing major damage shook central China on Monday.


Students help a fainted classmate evacuate to a
playground in Qionglai city, southwest China's
Sichuan province.

The quake registered a magnitude of 7.8, according to the United States Geological Survey.

Four students died and many were wounded when the schools collapsed in the Chongqing municipality, about 215 miles (345 kilometers) southeast of the epicenter, according to China's official news agency Xinhua.

Another person was killed when a water tower fell in the city of Mianyang, Xinhua reported.

The Three Gorges Dam in Wenchuan -- near Chongqing -- was not damaged, a spokesman there said.


The earthquake struck central China around 2.30pm
in the afternoon.

Five more earthquakes -- measuring between 4.0 and 6.0 magnitudes -- happened nearby over the two hours, the USGS reported.

Chinese President Hu Jintao immediately ordered an all-out effort to help victims of the earthquakes, Xinhua reported.

It said Premier Wen Jiabao would go there to direct the rescue work.

China's state-run CCTV reported no serious damage in Chengdu, a city of more than 10 million that is about 60 miles from the epicenter, in the eastern part of China's Sichuan province.

Bonnie Thie, the country director of the Peace Corps, was on a university campus in Chengdu when the first quake hit.

"You could see the ground shaking," Thie said.

The shaking "went on for what seemed like a very long time," she said.

Plaster fell from some walls, she said, but she saw no fallen bricks or broken windows.

"This is a very dangerous earthquake," said Bruce Presgrave, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey.

The quake has the potential to cause major damage because of its strength and proximity to major population centers, he said. In addition, the earthquake was relatively shallow, Presgrave said, and those kinds of quakes tend to do more damage near the epicenter than deeper ones.

An earthquake with 7.5 magnitude in the northern Chinese city of Tangshan killed 255,000 people in 1976 -- the greatest death toll from an earthquake in the last four centuries and the second greatest in recorded history, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Tangshan is roughly 995 miles (1,600 km) from Chengdu, the nearest major city to the epicenter of Monday's quake.

On Monday, the ground shook as far away as Beijing, which is 950 miles (1,528 km) from the epicenter. They felt "a very quiet rolling sensation" that lasted for about a minute, according to CNN correspondent John Vause.

"Our building began to sway," he said.


A street in Chengdu, in southwest China, is covered in
water after a pipe burst during Monday's earthquake.

Thousands of people were evacuated from Beijing high-rises immediately after the earthquake.

A spokesman for the Beijing Olympic Committee said no Olympic venues were affected by the earthquake.

"They were all constructed according to government-mandated specifications, including ability to sustain major earthquakes like this one," said Zhu Jing, the spokesman.

The first earthquake happened at 2:28 p.m. local time (0728 GMT, 0228 ET), the USGS said.

The earthquake was also felt in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taiwan, and as far away as Hanoi, Vietnam, and Bangkok, Thailand, according to the Hong Kong-based Mandarin-language channel Phoenix TV.

China has shut down all communication networks with the area that's been hit by the earth quake. Supposedly this is common practice when a disaster occurs, to keep out journalists.

This news is developing, so not much info or coherence in the article.
acidviper said:
this is nothing compared to Burma
Well, in 1975 255,000 people were killed by a similar (less heavy) earth quake. I think the death toll will rise.

And even then, it's not because Burma is in worse trouble now, that other news should gtfo. If that was the case, the only news you'd want to hear the last 50 years is Africa related. :p


Wii said:
How many natural disasters will it take for people to realise PLANET X / NIBIRU IS COMING!

O_O maybe it's got to do with that rain of blood over in india, scientists analyzed it but found actual bacteria and concluded it to be from another planet's meteor O_O ...Picture:



For a earthquake hat big the death toll is kind of small no? But I guess thats a good thing if you can get any good out of this.
RumFore said:
For a earthquake hat big the death toll is kind of small no? But I guess thats a good thing if you can get any good out of this.

It's still going to go up... things seem to be in pretty bad shape in some areas.
RumFore said:
For a earthquake hat big the death toll is kind of small no? But I guess thats a good thing if you can get any good out of this.
I said it in the beginning of this thread, the death toll is still going up (kinda like with Myanmar, but hopefully less dramatic).
demigod said:
People are dead and you're joking about it? Seriously are you like 12?

Be easy demigod...

Humor, at its very core, is a defense mechanism against uncomfortable concepts. I agree that his post was stupid but we really do have to be able to laugh at bad stuff, else we go mad.


Case in point.
Hint: It's not funny because people died.
AmMortal said:
Punishment for what happened to tibet?

More to come...?

Hello there, Mr. Hagee! Welcome to NeoGAF, enjoy your stay, complimentary "Gays caused God to destroy New Orleans" cookies are right over there, next to the "Catholics = Nazis" cola.



Jason's Ultimatum said:
What is going on with this planet of ours? Cyclones, earthquakes, tornadoes ripping apart half the U.S.. What's next?
Everyone knows the Locusts will soon rise and take over the planet.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Apparantely more than 8.500 people have died. The earthquake might be the biggest one to hit China for over 30 years.


Over 8 thousand dead. And my mom just went to china last tuesday. She went to the Hong Kong district but still I am worried if she went traveling. I hope she's ok, haven't been able to get ahold of her. What in the world is happening in that area. =(


California is not ready. When will everyone wake up? The Bay Bridge replacement is due to be finished in what, 2013 now? People act like it doesn't even matter. If an earthquake like the one in China happened here today hundreds would die from that bridge alone, not to mention all the less visible bridges and tons of other infastructure that is not up to spec.


Junior Member
Mango Positive said:
Be easy demigod...

Humor, at its very core, is a defense mechanism against uncomfortable concepts. I agree that his post was stupid but we really do have to be able to laugh at bad stuff, else we go mad.


Case in point.
Hint: It's not funny because people died.

It's cool to make fun of things that are kind of funny or humorous in hindsight, but terrorist attacks, tsunamis, devastating hurricanes, and earthquakes that claim thousands of lives are just untouchable material. It's just to serious of a matter to laught at. They should be taken seriously rather than "laughed off."


AmMortal said:
O_O maybe it's got to do with that rain of blood over in india, scientists analyzed it but found actual bacteria and concluded it to be from another planet's meteor O_O ...Picture:

Yep saw a documentary about that on "Nova",I also found out about this theory which says we might not even be native to planet earth. We could have been microscopic organisms in a comet from ANOTHER planet which just happened to land on Earth billions of years ago, And the microscopic organisms started to migrate after the comet hit.Thus us humans are here.


Forgot the name of the theory i hope some one can tell me :D


aswedc said:
California is not ready. When will everyone wake up? The Bay Bridge replacement is due to be finished in what, 2013 now? People act like it doesn't even matter. If an earthquake like the one in China happened here today hundreds would die from that bridge alone, not to mention all the less visible bridges and tons of other infastructure that is not up to spec.

Southern California still hasn't recovered from the last big one IIRC.

there is a freeway which use to a have a 2nd level I think? Now it dont. Or maybe my memory is fucked up.
I live in Beijing for the moment. Supposedly we all felt something around 2 P.M. local time yesterday.

Watching the news on CCTV 1, and it's consistent coverage.

I'd tell you guys exactly what they are saying, but I can't get more than snippets of understanding. : (


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
titiklabingapat said:
Well, China has an excuse to continue ignoring Burma, at least.

Uhm, didn't China offer Myanmar/Burma several millions in aid and rescue workers ontop of that?


Jason's Ultimatum said:
What is going on with this planet of ours? Cyclones, earthquakes, tornadoes ripping apart half the U.S.. What's next?
Yeah, this year has been pretty crazy so far.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
What is going on with this planet of ours? Cyclones, earthquakes, tornadoes ripping apart half the U.S.. What's next?
You know the Mayans predicted all this stuff leading up to 2012.


Nooreo said:
Yep saw a documentary about that on "Nova",I also found out about this theory which says we might not even be native to planet earth. We could have been microscopic organisms in a comet from ANOTHER planet which just happened to land on Earth billions of years ago, And the microscopic organisms started to migrate after the comet hit.Thus us humans are here.
You know the name of that documentary? Sounds intriguing.
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