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Edge cover revealed: Bloodborne, the verdict (review available tomorrow)

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I'd like to know an example of just what "next gen gameplay" supposedly is. I cannot think of any game released on any of the new consoles that couldn't be done on the previous games in terms of gameplay.
I don't think this term has any reality. I'd prefer people talk about more concrete terms than vague ass "next gen gameplay" malarkey cause where's the discussion in that?
When was the last time a site/publication got early review exclusivity rights for some aaa game ? I legit can't think of one recently

Wasn't Dark Souls 2's first cover showing also from Edge? With the first preview as well? Maybe they got a thing going with FromSoft


No, because destiny is a 8 imo, with a actual story and more content it would hit 10.

Even with more content, I would imagine a critic would still criticize the repetitiveness of the mission design and structure. I love Destiny but just throwing more similar content doesn't make it a "10"

Joey Ravn

Dark Souls II has a 91 MC score. I guess we can expect Bloodborne to reach at least 182 on Metacritic. Yeah, over 100.

Dark Souls was lightning in a bottle for me. DSII completely turned me off that kind of game, so yeah... Bloodborne is definitely not for me. And the fact that it's exclusive to PS4 makes the deal even more bitter.


I didn't think this question was thread worthy, so I'll ask here.

Is Bloodborne actually part of the Souls series? In other words, are there common enemies, creatures, geography and/or characters?

Or is it merely a spiritual successor to the Souls series? As in... they merely share the same gameplay mechanics and overall tone, but this is a totally new game world.

Not that this matters much. I'm just curious.


I didn't think this question was thread worthy, so I'll ask here.

Is Bloodborne actually part of the Souls series? In other words, are there common enemies, creatures, geography and/or characters?

Or is it merely a spiritual successor to the Souls series? As in... they merely share the same gameplay mechanics and overall tone, but this is a totally new game world.

Spiritual Successor
If I rated these games:

Ocarina of Time 6/10
Halo CE 4/10
Destiny 7/10
Driveclub 1/10
Bioshock Infinite 3/10
The Order 8/10
Superman 64 5/10

Would you take me seriously as a professional reviewer? Defending my "Opinions?"

I hope not.

if you write a good review explaining your reasoning behind the scores you give out, sure why not.
I didn't think this question was thread worthy, so I'll ask here.

Is Bloodborne actually part of the Souls series? In other words, are there common enemies, creatures, geography and/or characters?

Or is it merely a spiritual successor to the Souls series? As in... they merely share the same gameplay mechanics and overall tone, but this is a totally new game world.

The latter. Neither of the Souls game are really part of the same universe (aside from perhaps DS1 and DS2, but those have loose connections last time I checked).


I didn't think this question was thread worthy, so I'll ask here.

Is Bloodborne actually part of the Souls series? In other words, are there common enemies, creatures, geography and/or characters?

Or is it merely a spiritual successor to the Souls series? As in... they merely share the same gameplay mechanics and overall tone.

There are some oblique references to Demon's Souls hinting that they could take place in the same universe, but it might not mean much in the long run. Dark Souls shares a few characters with Demon's Souls and King's Field but those connections are never really explored and aren't vital to the lore.

From Software has a history of this stuff, like Nine Ball showing up in most Armored Core games and the Moonlight Sword (from King's Field) making various cameo appearances in all of their games.

Oh my bad then. But what is EDGE talking about when they say "no class system"?

Misremembering the importance of classes in the Souls games, maybe? I really don't know.


There are some oblique references to Demon's Souls hinting that they could take place in the same universe, but it might not mean much in the long run. Dark Souls shares a few characters with Demon's Souls and King's Field but those connections are never really explored and aren't vital to the lore.

From Software has a history of this stuff, like Nine Ball showing up in most Armored Core games and the Moonlight Sword making lots of cameo appearances.

Misremembering the importance of the class system from Souls? I really don't know.

So it's sort of like how Platinum Games has a bunch of cameos and references to previous works in all of their games (disregarding very clear direct sequels like Bayonetta 2).
Even with more content, I would imagine a critic would still criticize the repetitiveness of the mission design and structure. I love Destiny but just throwing more similar content doesn't make it a "10"
Depends if that content was different to current content making the current levels less repetitive in structure as the added levels would of fleshed it out In design.


So it's sort of like how Platinum games has a bunch of cameos and references to previous works in all of their games?

Basically, yeah. From Software plays fast and loose with most of their games' stories, even within the same series.


-No next gen gameplay

What the hell is "next gen gameplay"? The only system that could actually meet that criteria right now would be the Wii U, just because the pad allows for things that can't currently be done on PS4/Xbone. Even then, it's still typically just a gimmick if it's not ZombiU.


as a guy who appreciated dark souls but didn't have the time nor patience to play it (too detailed, wanted it to be more focused on action, etc - not looking to get so involved with numbers on everything), is there any hope I will appreciate this game? It looks really cool.
If I rated these games:

Ocarina of Time 6/10
Halo CE 4/10
Destiny 7/10
Driveclub 1/10
Bioshock Infinite 3/10
The Order 8/10
Superman 64 5/10

Would you take me seriously as a professional reviewer? Defending my "Opinions?"

I hope not.
You reviewed Ocarina of Time for today's gamer. At the end you recommend Wind Waker for beginners and Majora's Mask 3D for advanced Zelda fans, Ocarina doesn't hold up anymore but it still good so you give it a 6.

You gave Halo a 4 because it's broken but it's still three great Halo games.

Destiny gets a 7 because (the same reasons it did irl)

You gave Driveclub a 1 because it was broken and also wasn't Halo after that.

You gave Ininite a 3 because of its pretentious and nonsensical storytelling, bad characters, boring gameplay, and handholding.

You gave The Order an 8 because you really think the storytelling worked well for some reason, and enjoyed the new weapons.

You gave Superman 64 a 5 because it's a "classic" that everyone should experience, if only to learn how not to make games. It's like the Room of games!

All of these are pretty reasonable.


Spiritual Successor

I just dont see it as a spiritual Successor. If they wanted to make Demon Souls 2.. couldn't they have just done so?

It also seems like they are doing a lot different. Personally I like the world of Demon and Dark Souls better.. as I have yet to see any brightly lit areas. I also am a total sword and board fan which this game seems to have done away with as well.
Can someone please explain to me . (And this is coming from a sony fan) Are we expecting most sites to review this very well without bringing up . Where is the next gen gameplay ?

Btw for the record I'm pretty sure this will review well (good track record previews etc) but I personally don't see what's being done in this game that couldn't be done on last gen . (Disregarding graphics because we always do that it seems)

So if this reviews super well without it's online introducing something super unique or without many reviewrs atleast bringing up next gen gameplay it would just illustrate a very silly expectation ppl have built up .

I have no idea what this means.

Define "next-gen gameplay," please. Define what you expect to see done gameplay-wise "that couldn't be done on last-gen." We're still using a TV and Dualshock controller, after all.


as a guy who appreciated dark souls but didn't have the time nor patience to play it (too detailed, wanted it to be more focused on action, etc - not looking to get so involved with numbers on everything), is there any hope I will appreciate this game? It looks really cool.

Combat is faster, more forgiving in some ways and harder in others. The list of stats has been trimmed down and simplified a bit. Co-op with friends is a bit more straightforward.

Still going to be a challenging and evidently very long game.


If they are saying they are 40 hours in and don't know yet when the endgame happens, then this game is pretty sizable alright. I really see this more of a preview, with a very convinced previewer. Even without considering multilayer separately they haven't played enough of the game. Really like to read more the article.


I was thinking last night, at the rate I'm seeing posts on GAF along the lines of...

, there's going to have to be a dedicated questions/help thread for newcomers to the series.

If Bloodborne receives pre-release 10/10s from major publications then it's gonna get busy, haha.

That is a very good idea. As usual, the OT thread will be a hodgepodge of opinions, screenshots and arguments. I think having a dedicated thread to "new" Souls players that has the one goal of helping people that have never played a Souls game get accustomed to the mechanics is a great idea. I nominate you for OP!

Edit: As for the "nextgen gameplay" comments, umm, using a big ass hammer that you slam a sword into as you are mid swing to combine it into a two handed weapon is pretty nextgen to me. Having an entire underground, procedural area that creates unique levels and allows for MP is also pretty nextgen.


Here's wallpaper version of the cover although small resolution
It was used as advertisement image on PSN one week.
Not a review, but the second-from-last line is

'And if you've been watching this generation from the sidelines, unmoved by the remasters and rush jobs while you wait for the first essential to arrive, now's the time'. The last line is even better: 'As if there was ever any doubt, Miyazaki and his team have done it all over again'.

So it looks like people might just be buying a PS4 for Bloodborne, afterall.

This quote....The wait just got 100x harder.


Not a review, but the second-from-last line is

'And if you've been watching this generation from the sidelines, unmoved by the remasters and rush jobs while you wait for the first essential to arrive, now's the time'. The last line is even better: 'As if there was ever any doubt, Miyazaki and his team have done it all over again'.

So it looks like people might just be buying a PS4 for Bloodborne, afterall.
Well, I did, for example. Just last week.

Originally I had a PS4 pre-ordered at launch. I cancelled it last moment because I realized I wasn't interested in any of the available games (bough a WiiU instead half a year ago). But as a Souls fanatic I knew I eventually had to give in and buy a PS4.
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