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Edge Magazine: The 100 Greatest Videogames 2017 Edition

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Yeah no "Baldur" is striking and ridiculous. Baldur's Gate 2 easily is Top 10 material.

Both Destiny and Horizon are better than the Witcher 3 though. So I'll give them that.
Yeah, truth be told.. it's not a good list. You're going to have to really explain why you're leaving out classic RPGs like Final Fantasy VII, IX and X that have aged well to this day whilst including in XII, a good game that is however not considered to present the finest the series can offer.

FF7 has not aged well. And while FF9 is a classic and a great game compared to tge modern era of all gaming, it is not a glaring ommission by any stretch. Have FF10 but never played.


More than anything, this list shows that we've reached a point where there are just too many great games to rank. There are so many more games just as worthy of being in a top 100, its almost silly.

It's a good, valid list. But you could make another top 100 with entirely different games and say the exact same thing.



There are some inclusions I find surprising but I'm happy to see. And atleast this list has Dota 2 as the highest ranked MOBA. But too many omissions of some of the greatest. Like no Deus Ex or Planescape, maybe those games are too old to be included. I find their Final Fantasy pick a bit baffling too. And I admit that seeing Witcher so low hurts a bit, but hey atleast it got recognized. Can't take even that for granted with this list.
Anyway with how many amazing games there are now adays listing just 100 would make any list incomplete. I think it's a good list of games that if you gave it to someone without nostalgia bias they would enjoy tremendously. That said I am salty Yoshi's Island didn't make it :p
More than anything, this list shows that we've reached a point where there are just too many great games to rank. There are so many more games just as worthy of being in a top 100, its almost silly.

It's a good, valid list. But you could make another top 100 with entirely different games and say the exact same thing.

What makes it good is the context. A list is just a list but the write-ups are superb.

For those who already have the previous one, the write-ups are the same, so only the new entries are new write-ups.
Great list. No prob with BotW at #1. Easily well deserved by a mile.

Also, super happy to see the From games, Dark Souls 1, Bloodborne and Demon's Souls all well positioned in the top 25.

One thing that I find odd is how can games like Splatoon 1 and
Kerbal Space Program be justifed being above A Link to the Past. Those, even though great games in their own, are not in the same league as THE legendary Zelda classic.

What was #1 before though, Dark Souls???


I like BotW a lot but I disagree. Hell that PUBG game might get game of the year

If the game didn't get so repetitive and had more dungeons then I'd be closer to agreeing.

Shit, Metroid Prime is better than BotW. Prime 4 and Odyssey could surpass. PUBG is looking like a competitor for top game of the year as well
Great list. No prob with BotW at #1. Easily well deserved by a mile.

Also, super happy to see the From games, Dark Souls 1, Bloodborne and Demon's Souls all well positioned in the top 25.

One thing that I find odd is how can games like Splatoon 1 and
Kerbal Space Program be justifed being above A Link to the Past. Those, even though great games in their own, are not in the same league as THE legendary Zelda classic.

What was #1 before though, Dark Souls???

The only issue with Splatoon 1 being on that list is Splatoon 2 is better.


They should make a "most infuential games" list, those are way more interesting than these opinionated ones.


FF7 has not aged well. And while FF9 is a classic and a great game compared to tge modern era of all gaming, it is not a glaring ommission by any stretch. Have FF10 but never played.

IX I had issues with back in the day, so I'm not sure about it's worthiness. The first half of the game was excellent though.

X. I mean boot up the remastered editions on whatever platform you have. The age really shows. I completely forgot that the lip syncing and general voice over direction was pretty iffy. I mean I like it but I'd no way say to anyone "start here" as an FF game.


97. Final Fantasy XII
83. BioShock
77. Xenoblade Chronicles
72. Metroid Prime
70. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
62: Persona 4 Golden
46. Dead Space
35. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
16. Super Mario World
14. Super Mario 64
9. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
2. Dark Souls

If I was going to make a top 100 list these are the only ones that would feature and not in that order. Not that I would have ever expected there to be much overlap between me and Edge

I find it odd that anyone could think Resogun is one of the greatest games ever made but everyone's entitled to their opinion


If I was going to make a top 100 list these are the only ones that would feature and not in that order. Not that I would have ever expected there to be much overlap between me and Edge

I find it odd that anyone could think Resogun is one of the greatest games ever made but everyone's entitled to their opinion

Mario 64 should b in the top 5 which it was last time they made this feature.....also as someone which gave up on bloodborne because of its stupid dificulty i cant understand why its in the 2nd soptand ahead of a much more even game like the last of us for example.


BotW isn't my favourite game of all time, but I can see why it could be someone else's. It really is a matter of perspective and what you prioritise and cherish most in games. It's a fantastic game nonetheless and my current GotY.


Happy to see Monster Hunter and Tetris make it in. Seeing Puyo Puyo is awesome even though Puyo Puyo 2 holds up a lot better.

The Puyo Puyo entry is for the series as a while, though the essay makes specific mention of Puyo Puyo Fever.


Pretty boring list and the recency bias is off the charts. Feels like a list written by early 20 somethings.
Lot of really great games on that list, though I have some grievances with the ordering. Metroid Prime at #72 is way too low and GTA V at #3 is way too high, for example. And there's a definite recency bias with a lot of the games ranked near the top, though the Top 10 mostly consists of games I think are fantastic so I can't bitch & moan too much.

Breath of the Wild...I get it. At some point around 50 hours, I believed it would certainly overtake OoT as my favorite Zelda and favorite game overall. But it's flaws became more and more apparent the longer I played it, and depending on the order you do things in, the content gets worse and worse as you go (i.e. the first Divine Beast quest I did was incredible, but it was far-and-away better than the others). It's a game that will still rank high on my personal list because I do think it's an incredible achievement, but there are too many things that it doesn't do as well as it should.

It's not a bad pick for #1; you could certainly do a lot worse than what will probably be 2017's best game. But I feel like there's so much room for improvement in a hypothetical BotW 2 that in five year's time or so, people will see it more for what it is, which is a great first step in a new direction for the series. Much in the same way LttP is remembered more fondly than the original Zelda.
I guess my entry for "Where the hell is ___________?!?" is Yoshi's Island.

Where the hell is Yoshi's Island?!?

Edit: Actually there is just a deficit of 2D platformers overall. This is odd since they mention one of their criteria was that the game had to hold up today and 2D platforms hold up against the test of time extremely well.


FF7 has not aged well. And while FF9 is a classic and a great game compared to tge modern era of all gaming, it is not a glaring ommission by any stretch. Have FF10 but never played.

What about FF7 don't you think has aged well? Graphics I absolutely agree don't look great nowadays, but they're serviceable. But the gameplay itself is still good and the materia system is well thought out. The audio is excellent, as with every Final Fantasy. The story and characters hold up, more so than most other games. The atmosphere, from all of Midgar to Cosmo Canyon is spot-on. FF7 stands the test of time, and I don't think minor issues like graphics and a clunky translation at times should take away from what is a masterpiece.

Everything I said about FF7 also applies to FF9, except that the latter has a better translation and better graphics and is just better in everything else aside from some questionable character designs and slower battles.


So many remasters, and re-releases. This list should've been 2017 new games.

Edit just noticed it's a greatest of all time list, including 2017 titles.

In that case RE4 should be number 1. :p


Why do these silly lists exist? It's all subjective and simply pointless. Many of us will sit here asking where's so and so? How is this game not on the list? Blasphemy!



I think I'm largely okay with this list. I would rather Baldur's Gate 2 was on there (I'd even take Pillars of Eternity), but the rest all seems pretty much as I expected.

I always find the Edge lists to be so intriguing as they seem to take a fantastic look at games with a sort of cold detachment as if to say "if you wanted someone to play games and showcase what they are capable of, this is it".


Interesting list, but I can't believe that they are treating all Final Fantasy games as "straight-up sequels" and to not consider FFVI (or even if they wanted FFIV) just "another straight-up sequel in line with XII. I'm glad XII made the list, but it is a completely different game than the 2D turn-based (and even if you wanted the VII to X games) to lump all together instead of per "type" rather.

Those Final Fantasy games could be considered the same way as the 3D Mario games, they are all stand-alone games and they just happen to follow a naming convention.

Also no one can't say that a game such as FFVI or Chrono Trigger don't stand up today.


The lack of important cRPGs, P&C adventures, real-time strategy games etc. shows that this list is cleary centered around (modern) console games.


I dont think this is necessarily a bad list but it is definitely a weird one to basically take a huge amount of weight towards modern game mechanics.

My list would look a lot different from this even with their factors in mind.


Destiny above Witcher

GTAV above Red Dead

GTAV at number 3

What the fuck even is this list
It's a pretty good list and Witcher is right where it should be maybe even higher than it should but Destiny is in a good place as is GTAV and Red Dead.


Normally i don't give any fucks about lists but this one has so many things wrong it's kinda stunning.

- No Final Fantasy except XII: Come on... VI, VII or IX say hello.
- Metroid Prime not even in the top 50. What were they smoking?
- The only Metal Gear game in there is V? God...this is ridiculous.
- Not a single Pokemon game. Hahahaha.

Last of us and bloodborne in top 5? Umm.....

RDR should be higher than gta5. And Witcher 3 is too low

Whats wrong with Bloodborne being there? Totally deserved.
It's just way, way, way, wayyyyyyyyyy too soon to rank a new release like BotW on a list of this kind. A large basis for all-time rankings should be "staying power" and how well something ages.

Other than that, it's hard for me to argue with the rest -- except for the omission of the best RPG of all-time, Chrono Trigger.


This is very much a "if you were starting to get into gaming right now, what 100 games you should play" list. Not a top 100 of all time list.

Also, how they handle sequels is really word. I understand why, but it's weird.
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