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Elden ring update 1.09 is out


As expected. If you want to see some tech incompetence fromsoftware will never disappoint.
And based on that it shouldn't get a good score. What is the point of an amazing game if it run like shit ?

Maybe when they don't get high scores they will start actually do more effort .

But..I do blame all these people and reviewers that ignore these issues and then cry later once devs got their money


The Amiga Brotherhood
Can you guess which has RT on and which doesnt?



Theres a difference but you'd be surpised to see which one uses RT. Well maybe not you, cuz you're a PC gamer but most would be wrong.

There's a person at DF that will find that difference 😉
Please tell me they also implemented DLSS/FSR alongside this... And fixed stuttering a bit...

I mean I know the answer since it's From soft, but couldn't they hire some competent devs focused on optimization... (also on Bamco of course). Game made a killing.
Don't people ever get tired of the whole "Fromsoft are bad developers" shtick? I just sort of find it exhausting. I think their track record as a word-class developer speaks for itself. They made in Elden Ring, one of the greatest games ever, but... they're bad developers and they're incompetent? C'mon. Like, at what point does that just sound straight-up foolish
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Gold Member
I finished this game many months back on PS5 with a sword build on my older LED tv.......since updating to a Bravia OLED ive been thinking of playing again with a magic build. Is the graphical difference gameplay style worth it to go through it again?


At this point, I can wager that FS is just blatantly fucking with us with regards to their game's performance.

Actually, scratch that, I think they consider it a feature.

Elden Ring, experience these great next-gen features
  • Open world
  • Crushing difficulty
  • 3D sound
  • Dynamic framerates
  • Ray tracing
Shadows look noticeably better at practically all times of day now. Before, when the sun was out was basically when the game looked its best and so the visuals could go from looking like top-end PS4 graphics to PS3-era as soon as some clouds started to set in. This is no longer the case with RTX enabled, if you have the performance to squeeze it out. I'm not gonna defend performance cost or lack of DLSS, but haters are pretty quick to jump on the bandwagon to bash anything RTX related without due diligence.

If you don't want to use my wonky hack to get JuxtaposeJS embedded on this site, here are raw links:
  • Altus Plateau (sunny, clear skies) - notice the much better self-shadowing on the fur coat, shield, blades of grass, and trees: JuxtaposeJS | Imgsli
  • Limgrave (rainy, cloudy) - notice the distinct lack of shadows without RTX now that basically all sunlight is blotted out: JuxtaposeJS | Imgsli

Here's a shot I took from the Altus Plateau with a slider to show the effect of toggling RTX. Notice the much better self-shadowing on the fur coat, shield, blades of grass, and trees.

Here's a shot from Limgrave with a ton of rain + clouds. Notice the distinct lack of shadows without RTX now that basically all sunlight is blotted out.
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Gold Member
Don't people ever get tired of the whole "Fromsoft are bad developers" shtick? I just sort of find it exhausting. I think their track record as a word-class developer speaks for itself. They made in Elden Ring, one of the greatest games ever, but... they're bad developers and they're incompetent? C'mon. Like, at what point does that just sound straight-up foolish

They are amazing game designers and make very good gameplay. But when it comes to technology of their games they suck ass: poor framerates, bad frame pacing, dated graphics etc.


A much needed and really nice improvement. Biggest visual issue with the game was how flat everything felt. The ray tracing update fixes that.


Neo Member
In some places the shadows maps are large blocks of pixels, like the trees shadows on the outside wall of the capital.
I think RT shadows will fix it.
They are amazing game designers and make very good gameplay. But when it comes to technology of their games they suck ass: poor framerates, bad frame pacing, dated graphics etc.
The market would seem to indicate that very few people care about those three things. 🤷‍♂️ Gameplay above all else seems to be good enough for the vast majority, so as long as they continue that I think they'll continue to be among the very best developers in the world.

When I was playing Elden Ring for 80 hours in Feb 2022 on my Series X I definitely was not thinking "gosh this frame pacing could really use some work".
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Gold Member
It's so odd how an otherwise competent and talented FS can still be so incompetent and obtuse. I suspect there might be a few hierarchy issues in the company..
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It's so odd how an otherwise competent and talented FS can still be so incompetent and obtuse. I saw the video from inside the FS internal meeting and I suspect there might a few hierarchy issues in the company..
i think it's the engine. isn't this the same engine that they've been using since Dark Souls 1 or even Demons Souls?

i love the games but in terms of visuals and performance they aren't good at all. the engine is limited to framerate and there is a lot of stuttering issues across all the games going back as far as DS1. Bloodborne is bad for frame pacing. Elden Ring has issues in some areas too.

They need to ditch whatever the fuck they are using.


Gold Member
Such a waste for this game/engine. Would have liked them to focus on performance optimizations on the current-gen boxes.


In motion, it's actually quite noticeable, particularly the self-shadowing on the player character. A run through Stormveil Castle is much more compelling. What's also more visible in motion is the performance hit, which is considerable.

game was struggling to run 60fps stable on console, with RT on, i would expect the fps fluctuation will be even worse.

RT on locks the graphical mode to 'Quality'. On the upside, I think they might have done some optimizations under the hook to make RT viable. The PS5 performance mode felt better than I remembered it. This could just be the contrast of jumping from quality to performance though, so don't @ me.
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I'll go against the tide and praise this patch.
They addressed one of the biggest problem areas in the game (for pure melee players, anyway).
They increased the speed of attacks on a lot of weapons. That was a major issue. The long wind-up rendered many weapons nearly useless.
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i think it's the engine. isn't this the same engine that they've been using since Dark Souls 1 or even Demons Souls?

i love the games but in terms of visuals and performance they aren't good at all. the engine is limited to framerate and there is a lot of stuttering issues across all the games going back as far as DS1. Bloodborne is bad for frame pacing. Elden Ring has issues in some areas too.

They need to ditch whatever the fuck they are using.
I definitely remember Demon's Souls was done with the Havok engine. Not sure about the following ones.

Scratch that.
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Can someone check if RT makes any difference where it should matter the most? Some scene with dynamic light, indoor area, where the original game sometimes is even missing the most basic shadows. Like this:


There's no point in expecting changes for outdoor areas where even in real life shadows and light would look flat.
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