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Elite: Dangerous Standard Beta (Starting Jul 29th - $75)


After toggling the flight assist?

Oh that might have been it.
Yeah the flight assist off mode is going to be a system that is gonna take me some time, but I like it....gonna learn to fly with FA ON for the time being though lol.

What input are you using?

It could be input conflicts. e.g., using Thrust Forward & Backward Axis will conflict with the Throttle Axis and reset it.

Using a T16000M in right hand, Keyboard in left.
So that could also be it, I am using keyboard to control the throttle, maybe the throttle on my sticks base is interfering? The throttle on the stick is set to 100%

I think what was happening is that I had my throttle set to sweetspot, then used thrusters or boost, but once I had finished firing my thrusters or boost, my throttle would drop to 0%
Eh, will experiment more later.

Buggy Loop

I didnt have much time with premium 2.2, they changed the flight assist off's way of giving back throttle value after turning it back on i believe. I think they automatically set the throttle to the last newtonian's vector speed, and NOT the throttle's position, until you touch it again. I think this is ok with me, if you for example turn your ship 180 degrees in newtonian mode, facing your enemy and flying backwards, if you toggle back the flight assist on (to aim better), you would still go backwards. The old method would have put thrust forward if you didnt immediatly slide the throttle in reverse mode, can lose speed with just a tiny fraction of going from forward to reverse after switching flight assist.

The throttle on your stick is most likely interfering with whatever you input on your keyboard too. Unless you change the commands to exclude the throttle.


I didnt have much time with premium 2.2, they changed the flight assist off's way of giving back throttle value after turning it back on i believe. I think they automatically set the throttle to the last newtonian's vector speed, and NOT the throttle's position, until you touch it again. I think this is ok with me, if you for example turn your ship 180 degrees in newtonian mode, facing your enemy and flying backwards, if you toggle back the flight assist on (to aim better), you would still go backwards. The old method would have put thrust forward if you didnt immediatly slide the throttle in reverse mode, can lose speed with just a tiny fraction of going from forward to reverse after switching flight assist.

The throttle on your stick is most likely interfering with whatever you input on your keyboard too. Unless you change the commands to exclude the throttle.

I actually get his problem too.


You people are going to convince me to go down the expensive road. I really want to get into this, haven't enjoyed a good space sim for a while now, but I fear the price tag of a good setup. I know someone suggested the Thrustmaster Hotas X which is reasonably priced at $62, but how well could I enjoy the game if I use say the PS4 controller?

I also have a super old joystick floating around, so I guess I could try that as well? There isn't a demo at all is there?


Subete no aware
Do they have a plan for what they'll do with the Lifetime expansion pass thing?

I kind of didn't pay attention to this game because of Star Citizen, but since this one is actually coming out, I'm thinking of just going all in.


You people are going to convince me to go down the expensive road. I really want to get into this, haven't enjoyed a good space sim for a while now, but I fear the price tag of a good setup. I know someone suggested the Thrustmaster Hotas X which is reasonably priced at $62, but how well could I enjoy the game if I use say the PS4 controller?

I also have a super old joystick floating around, so I guess I could try that as well? There isn't a demo at all is there?

If you use a gamepad, be prepared to use it in conjunction with a keyboard. My flight stick (saitek x52 pro) has 23 buttons, and 3 axises, and my throttle has 12 buttons, a mouse nub, a left mouse button, and 7 axises, and then I have a rudder 2ith 4 axises, and virtually every input is used.

Realistically, without a HOTAS, you're gonna need a keyboard. That's sort of the point of a HOTAS, to give you all these inputs at once.

Sims be pricey. Between the HOTAS, the game, a cockpit seat, the stand, and my "buttkicker" it looks like I've spent about $600 on this game :X And that's not counting VR headsets or the PC.


Do they have a plan for what they'll do with the Lifetime expansion pass thing?

I kind of didn't pay attention to this game because of Star Citizen, but since this one is actually coming out, I'm thinking of just going all in.

This is what they have planned for the expansions.

Landing/ driving / prospecting on airless rocky planets, moons & asteroids
Walking around interiors and combative boarding of other ships
Combat and other interactions with other players and AIs in the internal areas of star ports
Accessing richly detailed planetary surfaces
Availability of giant ‘executive control’ ships to players


If you use a gamepad, be prepared to use it in conjunction with a keyboard. My flight stick (saitek x52 pro) has 23 buttons, and 3 axises, and my throttle has 12 buttons, a mouse nub, a left mouse button, and 7 axises, and then I have a rudder 2ith 4 axises, and virtually every input is used.

Realistically, without a HOTAS, you're gonna need a keyboard. That's sort of the point of a HOTAS, to give you all these inputs at once.

Sims be pricey. Between the HOTAS, the game, a cockpit seat, the stand, and my "buttkicker" it looks like I've spent about $600 on this game :X And that's not counting VR headsets or the PC.

And the PC upgrades required to beast this game in VR.


Ooh nice to what specs? :p

Same video card as before - a Radeon HD 7970, but I changed everything else up. I'm waiting for the 880 to drop before going back to nvidia.

Mobo: Gigabyte H97N dual-wifi mITX
CPU: i7 4790
Ram: Corsair Vengence 16 GB DDR3 1600
case: Antec ISK 600

If nothing else, it made Wii and Gamecube emulation in VR amazing. I've been paying attention to the framerates I get in games, and in Assetto Corsa, with everything maxed, at 1080p, I'm getting like 150 fps which pleases me.

Can't say enough at how sexy the case is:


The thing is the same width and length as an Xbox One, essentially (albeit in portrait orientation instead of landscape) but maybe 2.5 times taller.

Admit it. You wouldn't have upgraded your PC if you didn't need to to beast it for VR. :p

This is true, it was an upgrade specifically for the DK2 content. I'll upgrade the video card next year, hopefully in time for CV1. I'm really eyeing an 880 now. That 8 gb GDDR5...


If you use a gamepad, be prepared to use it in conjunction with a keyboard. My flight stick (saitek x52 pro) has 23 buttons, and 3 axises, and my throttle has 12 buttons, a mouse nub, a left mouse button, and 7 axises, and then I have a rudder 2ith 4 axises, and virtually every input is used.

Realistically, without a HOTAS, you're gonna need a keyboard. That's sort of the point of a HOTAS, to give you all these inputs at once.

Sims be pricey. Between the HOTAS, the game, a cockpit seat, the stand, and my "buttkicker" it looks like I've spent about $600 on this game :X And that's not counting VR headsets or the PC.

Yeah I don't think I'll go the full sim route, as I just don't have the money to drop (yay games journalist pay!), but I might just go the HOTAS route. It is only $62, and I can probably find it useful for Space Engineers and No Man's Sky. I actually have OR1, and my system is pretty beefy as is with a new 770, though I do need to upgrade my RAM.


Yeah I don't think I'll go the full sim route, as I just don't have the money to drop (yay games journalist pay!), but I might just go the HOTAS route. It is only $62, and I can probably find it useful for Space Engineers and No Man's Sky. I actually have OR1, and my system is pretty beefy as is with a new 770, though I do need to upgrade my RAM.

That's how I justify my spending. It's not just for Elite, it's also for NMS, and Star Citizen, and Eve Valkyrie. and the cockpit can also be used in Project CARS and Assetto Corsa and iRacing.

Plus, it's not like I bought everything in bulk. Most of my stuff I got a little bit at a time. I got the HOTAS like a year ago, for example.


I really am happy with investing in Premium Beta, but man, is that combat tough. At least I've found a sweet spot on M/KB. 360 controller was just not working for me. When those enemies begin evading, it's just impossible to keep steady aim on 'em...

Still love it though!


I really am happy with investing in Premium Beta, but man, is that combat tough. At least I've found a sweet spot on M/KB. 360 controller was just not working for me. When those enemies begin evading, it's just impossible to keep steady aim on 'em...

Still love it though!

In tight combat I still have a problem with sharp turns. My best tactic is to speed far away as possible, then begin my bank and, midway through, accelerate backwards as fast as possible while I turn to sort of pivot in place. I'm sure there is a smarter way to do this but I haven't thought one up yet.
I need to stop being poor so I can order the DK2 before it takes 20 years to come like last time. Suppose the first one will do until then. I forget, are there any shipping costs for the US?


Just purchased my first ship, the hauler. Love the engine sounds on this thing and when you power up for a jump the hud lights dim like it can't power everything at once or it wasn't meant for hyperspace travel. Love little details like that. When proper customization comes through it would be a neat smuggling ship.


Holy fucking hell guys, I am so on this space train. I played the old game insanely much.

The combat in Elite: Dangerous looks stellar. Derp.


Would this burn an old HD5870 to crisp?

5870 user here, maxed out at 1080p. Never below 35FPS w/ AF forced through CCC, i have played 7 mission of the single player build.
Don't know how it works in the "free roam" mode, July 29 here i come, but from what i've read there is no difference between single player and multiplayer, in terms of performance.

Buggy Loop

5870 user here, maxed out at 1080p. Never below 35FPS w/ AF forced through CCC, i have played 7 mission of the single player build.
Don't know how it works in the "free roam" mode, July 29 here i come, but from what i've read there is no difference between single player and multiplayer, in terms of performance.

It should. A bit lower performances but generally the free roam mode is very smooth. There's a problem with the rings of the gas giants, but i believe its loading/memory related and pretty much everyone, whatever the machine, has the problem.

Its one fine engine, procedural is kind of amazing for that.


Anyone know if I can upgrade the bulkheads for my hauler (the 52k one) and where? Looking to get anything to increase my chances of survival/escape.


The amount of people in silent running mode trying to kill my hauler is staggering. Having to employ some silent running shenanigans of my own to enter and exit systems. This is the stuff I signed up for but damn is it stressful.


The amount of people in silent running mode trying to kill my hauler is staggering. Having to employ some silent running shenanigans of my own to enter and exit systems. This is the stuff I signed up for but damn is it stressful.

If you're playing today, I can maybe help a bit in acting as a bodyguard for you.

Edit: what resolution are people playing at? Currently playing at 1440p and its gorgeous and kinda feeling sad I'll have to drop to 1080p for DK2. Lol

Buggy Loop

The amount of people in silent running mode trying to kill my hauler is staggering. Having to employ some silent running shenanigans of my own to enter and exit systems. This is the stuff I signed up for but damn is it stressful.

In the final game, when there'll be bigger haulers than in the beta now, you'll probably need to hire a bodyguard, im not kidding. It makes sense though. Pirates in space is a given for any sci-fi.


If you're playing today, I can maybe help a bit in acting as a bodyguard for you.

Really appreciate the offer but I'd hate to waste someone's time like that. Would be a completely different story with group functionality and player trading though.

In the final game, when there'll be bigger haulers than in the beta now, you'll probably need to hire a bodyguard, im not kidding. It makes sense though. Pirates in space is a given for any sci-fi.

Absolutely. Definitely part of the fun as a trader. If there's no risk & reward it's no fun.


If you're playing today, I can maybe help a bit in acting as a bodyguard for you.

Edit: what resolution are people playing at? Currently playing at 1440p and its gorgeous and kinda feeling sad I'll have to drop to 1080p for DK2. Lol

If I'm not playing in VR, I'm playing on my TV because my PC is connected to it, so 1080p. It's still pretty at 1080p, but obviously not to the same degree as 1440p. Nothing beats the spectacle of VR, though. The only reason I'm not in VR 24/7 is because, even though the game is one of the more readable games in VR (as the devs seem to be designing the UI with VR in mind) the low resolution still makes text hard to read.

Really appreciate the offer but I'd hate to waste someone's time like that. Would be a completely different story with group functionality and player trading though.

That's definitely where it's all heading and it's going to be a blast. I can't wait to make my living off being a trading body guard.

I read all the crazy stories that emerge out of Eve Online and hope Elite has a similar player base.


Honestly, guys, even with the other thread, I had no idea what this game is or was about. I think the OT needs to show us some images and give a simple breakdown of what the game is about and what you can do.

After watching the videos, I was amazed this wasn't on my radar. It looks fantastic, but I know next to nothing about it and "Elite: Dangerous" is such a weird...almost bad...name. Two adjectives wut

The lack of images is an homage to the original kickstarter page :p
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