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Energized By Trump's Win, White Nationalists Gather To 'Change The World'

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"The alt-right is here, the alt-right is not going anywhere, the alt-right is going to change the world."
Loyalists of the self-described white nationalist, alt-right movement from around the country gathered in D.C. Saturday afternoon, enthused by the election of Donald Trump and optimistic that their controversial, offensive views such as calling for a white, ethnocentric state were on the rise throughout the country.

"The alt-right is here, the alt-right is not going anywhere, the alt-right is going to change the world," Richard Spencer, head of the white nationalist think tank the National Policy Institute (NPI) promised at a press conference.

About 300 people — split nearly evenly between conference attendees and protesters of the conference outside — were on hand at the downtown D.C. event.

Spencer told journalists that he doesn't believe Trump himself is alt-right, the term he coined that's come to embody white supremacist, anti-Semitic and sexist ideas. But it was clear that his surprise election has given the once fringe movement a jolt, and on Saturday they were eager to take a victory lap. Spencer called Trump's campaign "the first step towards identity politics in the United States."
One of their chief policy proposals they hope to push through is a 50-year immigration freeze, with a preference given to European immigrants coming into the U.S. Spencer told NPR's Kelly McEvers in an interview Thursday that their ultimate goal was "a safe space effectively for Europeans," arguing for a return to the white origins of the country and protecting the white race.
Bannon told the Hollywood Reporter on Friday, "I'm not a white nationalist, I'm a nationalist. I'm an economic nationalist."

Spencer was highly complimentary of Trump's first cabinet picks, particularly choosing Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions to be attorney general. Sessions is well-known for his hard-line immigration stances, and has had his own past controversy over race when he was voted down to be a federal judge in 1986 over remarks he'd made about the NAACP and allegedly called a white civil rights lawyer "a disgrace to his race."

He said that while Sessions was not alt-right necessarily, his views on immigration — and a belief that he may not fully enforce some civil rights protections — were encouraging to Spencer.

"The fact that he is going to be at such a high level is a wonderful thing. What Jeff Sessions is not going to do, in terms of not prosecuting federal diversity and fair housing, I think is just as powerful as what he might do," he said.

You guys should also have a look at what a white nationalist thinks of the election.
Most of the media sees racism as a character defect; white liberal pundits see racism as bad and thus see it as offensive to call people racist. Thus, they think it's insulting, rather than analytically true or false, to say large swaths of Trump voters were motivated by racism. This results in a weird kind of reverse political correctness, where some white pundits dismiss any explanation of the election centering on racism as condescending and insulting. (Writers of color generally aren’t afflicted by these blinders.)

Taylor, by contrast, sees racism as a positive good. So he’s willing to say what a lot of white political analysts won’t: that in this election, white voters were actively attracted to Trump as a result of his racism.
Zack Beauchamp
So if this is the first moderately sympathetic administration you’ve had, how do you approach that? What is your strategy for the age of Trump?

Jared Taylor
To me, the form of activism that Trump has made more likely, even inevitable, is candidacies by people who are very much sympathizers with the racial realists — the dissident movement of which I am part — but who are not, necessarily, publicly part of it, who will profit from this new spirit of white people waking up to the fact that they, too, have collective interests.

I think this election is significant because whites, for the first time, have behaved like everybody else. They have voted for a man in whom they see a reflection of their interests as a group. Now, blacks have been doing this ever since they could vote. Hispanics, Asians — everybody does this. Only whites are not allowed to have collective interests.

And given that, I see a kind of awakening — I think we will see this in local elections. School boards, city councils, mayor, maybe Congress in certain districts. That’s what I expect to happen first.
Zack Beauchamp
So you think this election really does show an emerging white consciousness in America.

Jared Taylor
Yes, it’s inevitable. Trump simply came at the right time to benefit from this, which came to the fore for reasons that have nothing to do with him.

Black Lives Matter is an excellent reason. The continuing influx of nonwhites. The displacement of whites, in one state after another. Every time a nonwhite group demands their share of the Oscar nominations, for example, or their share of Harvard, or racial preferences of some kind — all of those little things send a few more white people our way.

Trayvon Martin. Michael Brown. Those people sent thousands of white people our way. And, of course, the way the media covered all of those phenomena.


Zack Beauchamp
So you think this election really does show an emerging white consciousness in America.

Jared Taylor
Yes, it’s inevitable. Trump simply came at the right time to benefit from this, which came to the fore for reasons that have nothing to do with him.

Black Lives Matter is an excellent reason. The continuing influx of nonwhites. The displacement of whites, in one state after another. Every time a nonwhite group demands their share of the Oscar nominations, for example, or their share of Harvard, or racial preferences of some kind — all of those little things send a few more white people our way.

Trayvon Martin. Michael Brown. Those people sent thousands of white people our way. And, of course, the way the media covered all of those phenomena.

Eh.... despite the recent election, I have my doubts. Don't forget, Trump won with less votes than Romney lost with.

I predict that White Nationalism will only shrink as time goes on. I hope this election was a momentary set-back for our country. I think the Alt-right movement is simply the same racism that this country has always had, but just more organized on the internet.
Every time a nonwhite group demands their share of the Oscar nominations, for example, or their share of Harvard, or racial preferences of some kind — all of those little things send a few more white people our way.

What is this?

Are white people that sensitive that requests for equal treatment and representation pushes them to extremist right wing parties?
I'm going to be interested to see what happens to the alt right after Trump's predictably disastrous presidency.

What happens to the alt right as it turns out that person they pinned their hopes on was nothing but fluff.

Sure the conspiracy sites will spread their bs, but truthfully, we're likely looking a future with an even more fucked poor rural America who won't see a wall, a limited response to illegal immigration and no Muslim ban in sight.



Isn't climate change enough for these fucks?

I'm going to be interested to see what happens to the alt right after Trump's predictably disastrous presidency.

What happens to the alt right as it turns out that person they pinned their hopes on was nothing but fluff.

Sure the conspiracy sites will spread their bs, but truthfully, we're likely looking a future with an even more fucked poor rural America who won't see a wall, a limited response to illegal immigration and no Muslim ban in sight.


Given the history of nationalsocialism, you don't want an answer to that question.


What is this?

Are white people that sensitive that requests for equal treatment and representation pushes them to extremist right wing parties?

Yes, I've met white people that felt the oscar controversy was unfair because black people won oscars before. Some people think that everything is a personal attack. But no, (most) white people aren't that sensitive.

Maybe those who were already prone to bigoted perspectives... buts its ludicrous when you put some actual thought into it.

I mean, taking his Harvard example...when you don't get acceptance does the admin at Harvard say its because your spot was given to a minority?


Looking for meaning in GAF
What is this?

Are white people that sensitive that requests for equal treatment and representation pushes them to extremist right wing parties?
Remember that the alt-right includes people who blame women for all of their problems because they couldn't summon the guts to ask out that one girl they liked in high school. Either that, or they did and were rejected, and their reaction is to hate women forever.

These are the kind of oversensitive, pathetic little shits that we're dealing with.


What is this?

Are white people that sensitive that requests for equal treatment and representation pushes them to extremist right wing parties?
Yup. Don't forget that smug liberals hurting people's feelings by calling out discrimination is the reason Trump won. If only we were nicer!
I just listened to a podcast today that talked about the KKK in Oregon, the way they acted and held themselves is eerily similar to today's alt-right.
"About 300 people — split nearly evenly between conference attendees and protesters of the conference outside — were on hand at the downtown D.C. event."

So they scraped together 150 yahoos. Is that even the size of your average Klan rally?


Maybe those who were already prone to bigoted perspectives... buts its ludicrous when you put some actual thought into it.

I mean, taking his Harvard example...when you don't get acceptance does the admin at Harvard say its because your spot was given to a minority?
They don't need the admin at Harvard to say it, rather than seeking truth or believing they might not have been good enough, white people assume that it was because of affirmative action.

Fisher v. University of Texas is a Supreme Court case that just happened three years ago.
Plaintiffs Abigail Noel Fisher and Rachel Multer Michalewicz applied to the University of Texas at Austin in 2008 and were denied admission. The two women, both white, filed suit, alleging that the University had discriminated against them on the basis of their race in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
"About 300 people — split nearly evenly between conference attendees and protesters of the conference outside — were on hand at the downtown D.C. event."

So they scraped together 150 yahoos. Is that even the size of your average Klan rally?

Depends on the time period. Historically it's pretty pathetic. In comparison to today's Ku Klux Klan? Still pretty pathetic.


I'm going to be interested to see what happens to the alt right after Trump's predictably disastrous presidency.

What happens to the alt right as it turns out that person they pinned their hopes on was nothing but fluff.

Sure the conspiracy sites will spread their bs, but truthfully, we're likely looking a future with an even more fucked poor rural America who won't see a wall, a limited response to illegal immigration and no Muslim ban in sight.

The problem is if the bubble gets to burst in the 4 years or not. If it doesn't then we're completely fucked


Trayvon Martin. Michael Brown. Those people sent thousands of white people our way. And, of course, the way the media covered all of those phenomena.

Ugh... so he's basically saying the ability to kill black people and get away with it was a real boost to the white supremacist movement.


Ugh... so he's basically saying the ability to kill black people and get away with it was a real boost to the white supremacist movement.

They see it more as white people doing the right thing and wrongly being labeled racist and persecuted for it. In their eyes, the shooters were totally in the right.

EDIT: Saw you edited, but yeah they're using the rightly placed outrage from minorities as a way of convincing white people that now is the time to fight back lest their way of life be taken away.
"He's got to act very tough, very quickly to reverse the demographic decline of European-Americans very swiftly. The coalition that brought him to the White House, he's got to keep that going and strengthen it, otherwise he will be a one-term president," Thomas said.

That is an extremely unlikely thing to happen without doing even more racist policies that America employed in the past in a large scale.

I never understood on how exactly racist people think any of their goals will be achieved.


That's a fascinating analysis. I never thought about white supremacists wanting minority movements to fuel white bitterness for them to harvest. I guess all the more reason to keep up appearances.

But I don't think there's enough for them to run on. Much like the stock market, you can only get so high on hope, eventually you have to have objective grounding and white supremacy has none of it.
Trayvon Martin. Michael Brown. Those people sent thousands of white people our way. And, of course, the way the media covered all of those phenomena.
If these sent you in the arms of neonazis, you were pretty shit in the first place. If you need to be walked through the steps of why it's wrong to kill a kid and find the explanation unconvincing, you're pretty fucking low on the list of people who deserve a conversation.
*sigh* I am so glad people werent excited about Hillary at the top of the ticket to risk this shit.

Everyday has been another kick to the nads. And that is the nicest way I can say it.


My aunt is one of these people who believes that giving rights to non-white, non-christians is equivalent to oppressing white christians. It's fucking revolting.


If these wankers are anything like /pol/ their "movement" will never get off the ground because they'll spend countless hours bickering about who is actually white.
3 topics about the neo-nazis on the first page. I'm not even angry at these fucks as much as I am the people who won't take them seriously until they consider it necessary. This shit is dangerous.
3 topics about the neo-nazis on the first page. I'm not even angry at these fucks as much as I am the people who won't take them seriously until they consider it necessary. This shit is dangerous.

Isn't it fucking astonishing we are seeing a legitimate Nazi movement being acknowledged and supported by the media in 2016, this is literally jarring.

All they had to do was basic marketing and here we are, watching it happen.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I wish these people were hanging out on a Fukushima beach right now.


This shit is getting too real, and the media are fucking cowards about it


Well we can't start to mend bridges if you don't understand the subtle context, and instantly assume nefarious reasoning behind white supremacy.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and deserves a grown up discussion on exchanges of different mindsets. Some want a white only world, with no jews or minorities. Some dont.

Maybe next election liberals will understand this.


Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Well we can't start to mend bridges if you don't understand the subtle context, and instantly assume nefarious reasoning behind white supremacy.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and deserves a grown up discussion on exchanges of different mindsets. Some want a white only world, with no jews or minorities. Some dont.

Maybe next election liberals will understand this.
Poe's law if fucking real, seriously we need /s for posts like this because they're WAY to close to real.
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