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Erdogan orders teams to remove ‘arena’ from stadium names

Bizarre. Who the hell other than Erdogan is disturbed by thoughts of bloody gladiatorial combats of the long dead Roman Empire when they visit modern day arenas?
So you think that refugees in Europe are well-treated because people want to go there ? Do you think that US border police offer a good treatment to Mexicans immigrants since they all want to go there to ? It's really a dumb argument. Europe is systematically condemned by Amnesty International and others humans rights organizations for their treatment of migrant. The UN recognized that Turkey managed the syrian refugees crisis in a decent way.
Yes, Sweden en Germany have done a terrible job providing free housing, food, education, healthcare and more to refugees. We should all look to Erdogan on how to run a country and treat your minority groups. /s

It's just strange reading someone defending Erdogan of all people, when we all know the dude is scum and causing trouble for everyone.


What a waste of time and energy.

On the other hand, it may keep him busy.
So... Dear Great Leader Of The Glorious Turkish Sultanate: please, by all means, spend the rest of your life renaming sports buildings. By the way, Turkey is a delicious, fat bird. You should probably do something about that English name of your country. While we are at it: The Germans call it Türkei. Türk-Ei. Turk-egg. Or possibly Tür-kei, Door-kei. Sure sounds like "Dorky" to me. You should totally get Merkel on the phone for this humiliation. I'm sure it would be a worthwhile undertaking to check all the different names Turkey has been labeled with in other countries. This should be your top priority.


The Birthday Skeleton
The Germans call it Türkei. Türk-Ei. Turk-egg. Or possibly Tür-kei, Door-kei. Sure sounds like "Dorky" to me. You should totally get Merkel on the phone for this humiliation.

Not to mention that it's one of the few feminine countries. That's a direct attack on the manhood of the glorious ottomans.
Good post tbf. I don't like Erdogan but a lot of outsiders who only know of Turkey from geopolitics and news articles seem to think it's some North Korean/Saddam Iraq dystopian level or something.

It's not good the direction Erdogan is taking the country. But Secular Turks still freely live, go out, drink, chill, have sex, criticise Erdogan openly etc. Just name all the lifestyle things you want and Secular Turks still live all that without hassle. I always enjoy my time there and strangely I worry more about Turkey when here in UK than when I'm there and everything appears normal in day to day life.

Again I'm not supporting Erdogan. This thread's subject is prime Erdogan tier of fuckery. But we need to be objective and not make Turkey look more dystopian than it is. It's a country full of First World problems and amenities, it's not a 3rd World shithole by any means.

If things were truly as fucked as some people think then the exodus of Secular/Opposition Turks would be far stronger, they'd even be desperate to get out and even try illegal immigration. But things aren't on that level. Hopefully they never will be. Perhaps sooner rather than later, as there are core AKP members who have had enough of his shit from what I've heard.

Reminds me Trump's USA.


Good post tbf. I don't like Erdogan but a lot of outsiders who only know of Turkey from geopolitics and news articles seem to think it's some North Korean/Saddam Iraq dystopian level or something.

It's not good the direction Erdogan is taking the country. But Secular Turks still freely live, go out, drink, chill, have sex, criticise Erdogan openly etc. Just name all the lifestyle things you want and Secular Turks still live all that without hassle. I always enjoy my time there and strangely I worry more about Turkey when here in UK than when I'm there and everything appears normal in day to day life.

Again I'm not supporting Erdogan. This thread's subject is prime Erdogan tier of fuckery. But we need to be objective and not make Turkey look more dystopian than it is. It's a country full of First World problems and amenities, it's not a 3rd World shithole by any means.

If things were truly as fucked as some people think then the exodus of Secular/Opposition Turks would be far stronger, they'd even be desperate to get out and even try illegal immigration. But things aren't on that level. Hopefully they never will be. Perhaps sooner rather than later, as there are core AKP members who have had enough of his shit from what I've heard.

What are you even talking about? A day ago a gay couple got beaten because they were kissing in Macka Park. The other day heterosexual couple got harrased by a dude in the street.m just because they were holding hands. And these are the shit that we know because of exposure from left wing news agencies.

I am afraid to drink water outside because of Ramazan. And you think secular Turks live like kings? I don't want to live in a oppressive Islamic country like this. Yeah I guess what's the big deal about "a bit of harassment!", right? They are not cutting our throats just because I kissed my girlfriend in the street! Yet.


What are you even talking about? A day ago a gay couple got beaten because they were kissing in Macka Park. The other day heterosexual couple got harrased by a dude in the street.m just because they were holding hands. And these are the shit that we know because of exposure from left wing news agencies.

I am afraid to drink water outside because of Ramazan. And you think secular Turks live like kings? I don't want to live in a oppressive Islamic country like this. Yeah I guess what's the big deal about "a bit of harassment!", right? They are not cutting our throats just because I kissed my girlfriend in the street! Yet.

Fake news.

Anecdotes by Stereogatari and Golden_Pigeon are real news.
What are you even talking about? A day ago a gay couple got beaten because they were kissing in Macka Park. The other day heterosexual couple got harrased by a dude in the street.m just because they were holding hands. And these are the shit that we know because of exposure from left wing news agencies.

I am afraid to drink water outside because of Ramazan. And you think secular Turks live like kings? I don't want to live in a oppressive Islamic country like this. Yeah I guess what's the big deal about "a bit of harassment!", right? They are not cutting our throats just because I kissed my girlfriend in the street! Yet.

Fake news.

Anecdotes by Stereogatari and Golden_Pigeon are real news.

Why are we arguing? I agree with you. I just don't want Turkey to be made to look like a country that is 100% not nice and got nothing going for it. Why does everything have to revolve around Erdogan. Turkey is more than Erdogan and the opposition demographic still live free lives and have fun. Is it so wrong for me to point that out?


Good post tbf. I don't like Erdogan but a lot of outsiders who only know of Turkey from geopolitics and news articles seem to think it's some North Korean/Saddam Iraq dystopian level or something.

It's not good the direction Erdogan is taking the country. But Secular Turks still freely live, go out, drink, chill, have sex, criticise Erdogan openly etc. Just name all the lifestyle things you want and Secular Turks still live all that without hassle. I always enjoy my time there and strangely I worry more about Turkey when here in UK than when I'm there and everything appears normal in day to day life.
What about that time where erdogan was suing tons of people over insults?



Why are we arguing? I agree with you. I just don't want Turkey to be made to look like a country that is 100% not nice and got nothing going for it. Why does everything have to revolve around Erdogan. Turkey is more than Erdogan and the opposition demographic still live free lives and have fun. Is it so wrong for me to point that out?

Yes since it's a lie.
Why are we arguing? I agree with you. I just don't want Turkey to be made to look like a country that is 100% not nice and got nothing going for it. Why does everything have to revolve around Erdogan. Turkey is more than Erdogan and the opposition demographic still live free lives and have fun. Is it so wrong for me to point that out?
Live free and have fun eh. Tell me, how many judges were removed? How many school teachers? Why are you ignoring the examples of people being beat up that the other poster just mentioned? How is that having fun?


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Uh, so he went with "stadium" instead?

Both Latin words.
I came to post the same. Though arena was indeed more of a battleground - a place of contest/struggle/duel.
Yes, Sweden en Germany have done a terrible job providing free housing, food, education, healthcare and more to refugees. We should all look to Erdogan on how to run a country and treat your minority groups. /s

It's just strange reading someone defending Erdogan of all people, when we all know the dude is scum and causing trouble for everyone.

Sweden and Germany are the exception in the European Union. But keep trying. Let's talk about Italy, Spain, France, the UK, Hungary, Austria, Swiss etc... which policy are killing hundreds of people every month.

Turkey have make an admirable job toward syrian refugee and the AKP is under heavy fire from the "left" for accepting this quantity of people and even thinking about giving them turkish nationality.
What are you even talking about? A day ago a gay couple got beaten because they were kissing in Macka Park. The other day heterosexual couple got harrased by a dude in the street.m just because they were holding hands. And these are the shit that we know because of exposure from left wing news agencies.

I am afraid to drink water outside because of Ramazan. And you think secular Turks live like kings? I don't want to live in a oppressive Islamic country like this. Yeah I guess what's the big deal about "a bit of harassment!", right? They are not cutting our throats just because I kissed my girlfriend in the street! Yet.

Most of people in Istanbul are openly not fasting Ramadan so i don't know what you're talking about.
You'll be the weird one fasting in a lot of districts actually. So it's in your head that something will happen to you if you drink in public. Except maybe in Fatih district but even there they are used to see secular/atheist people.

Two people were brutally attacked last week in France, stalked on gay meeting website. This is Macron fault ? You can go in the center of Istanbul and see a LGBT flag on one of the bar in the taxim area. Not really you're usual "oppressive islamic country".
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