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Eurogamer: Firesprite shedding talent over toxic work conditions, alarming number of people left after Sony retention bonus


aka IMurRIVAL69

Job cuts at Firesprite were announced earlier this week as part of mass layoffs across Sony Interactive Entertainment. Around 900 SIE employees (equating to eight percent) will lose their jobs, though it's unclear how many at Firesprite are impacted. Bloomberg reported that the studio's live service Twisted Metal project was cancelled as a result of the job losses. Eurogamer understands the studio was also separately working on another high profile game in a Sony franchise.

Ahead of these layoffs, sources say an "alarming" number of employees had left the studio in recent months following a retention bonus payout in October, designed to reward staff for remaining on at the developer after the Sony acquisition for a further period of time.

Sony-acquired studio Firesprite has recently suffered high profile exits amid accusations of a toxic workplace culture, Eurogamer has been told, as part of an investigation into the studio begun ahead of the layoffs announced by Sony this week.

The Liverpool-based developer released PlayStation VR2 launch title Horizon Call of the Mountain last year, after being acquired by Sony in 2021. But the impact of crunch for that game's release and changes in the company's senior leadership have subsequently led to discontent within the studio, staff have told Eurogamer - something one source described as "death by a thousand cuts".

I bet the same thing will happen at Bungie and Activision studios when those retention bonuses dry up.
"But the impact of crunch for that game's release and changes in the company's senior leadership have subsequently led to discontent within the studio"
Oprah Winfrey Smirk GIF


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Ahead of these layoffs, sources say an "alarming" number of employees had left the studio in recent months following a retention bonus payout in October, designed to reward staff for remaining on at the developer after the Sony acquisition for a further period of time.

People were abandoning ship even before the lay-offs. Yikes.

Mr Hyde

Gold Member
Also the director of Returnal leaving Housemarque was a huge blow to the one Sony studio I currently give a shit about

Forgot about that. Returnal was dope af so definitely a huge blow. And then you have ND which seems too have lost their way too. How SIE has gotten themselves into this clusterfuck of a mess is anybody's guess.

Wonder how development on Fairgame$ is going

Probably feeling a lot of pressure now. Both to deliver a smash hit and to avoid closure. First impressions of Fairgames wasn't exactly good. Sony seems cutthroat right now.
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Gold Member
Probably the complainers left and were part of layoffs. This studio hasn’t delivered much and Sony seems to recognize VR isn’t going to take-off like hoped. Firesprite need to ship something excellent in the next year or two to warrant existing.

Also, do these exposé stories seem to often come out when PlayStation has a big exclusive launching?
But some people on this forum told me that having higher crunch, less benefits, and less pay will make sure these lazy devs work and give us better games? What do you mean they can just look for other work? Sounds vaguely commie to me.

Probably weren't crunched hard enough. You have to drain them enough to the point where they don't have the energy to look for other work


It's funny how we turned against devs now lol

We used to be empathetic to crunch, now we think they're lazy. Likely because they take too long to make games and they're of , supposed, lower quality/creativity


Gold Member
It's funny how we turned against devs now lol

We used to be empathetic to crunch, now we think they're lazy. Likely because they take too long to make games and they're of , supposed, lower quality/creativity
Or because the said article is full of one-sided crying without some context or even an attempt to give the mic (maybe not oficially) to the other side of the story. Critical thinking is not that hard.

We've seen articles like this before and a lot of said stuff is usually overblown.
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ChatGPT, write me a generic story about toxic culture at a game studio that will win me points with the purple hairs.
Yeeees masta:

Title: Shadows of the Studio: Unveiling Toxic Culture
In the heart of the bustling city, nestled among towering skyscrapers, lies the renowned game development studio, Infinity Forge. At first glance, it appears to be a beacon of creativity and innovation, but behind its glossy exterior lurks a toxic culture that poisons the very essence of its passionate developers.
Meet Alex, a talented game designer who once dreamed of revolutionizing the industry with their groundbreaking ideas. Excited to join Infinity Forge, Alex eagerly dove into their work, fueled by the promise of bringing fantastical worlds to life. However, it wasn't long before they realized that the studio harbored dark secrets beneath its surface.
From the top down, Infinity Forge was plagued by a culture of fear and intimidation. Management, driven by profit margins and deadlines, demanded constant overtime from their employees, sacrificing work-life balance for the sake of productivity. Despite promises of recognition and reward, Alex watched as their colleagues burned out, their passion extinguished by the relentless grind.
To make matters worse, the studio fostered a competitive atmosphere where backstabbing and sabotage were commonplace. Team members, desperate to climb the corporate ladder, would steal ideas and undermine one another in pursuit of personal gain. Creativity became stifled, innovation crushed beneath the weight of office politics and egos.
Amidst the chaos, Alex found solace in a small group of like-minded developers who shared their disillusionment with the studio's toxic culture. Together, they dared to speak out against the injustices they witnessed, challenging the status quo and advocating for change. But their voices were met with resistance, labeled as troublemakers and troublemakers, by those in power who sought to maintain their grip on control.
Despite the uphill battle, Alex and their allies refused to be silenced. They organized protests, circulated petitions, and rallied support both within and outside the studio. Slowly but surely, their efforts began to bear fruit as the truth about Infinity Forge's toxic culture started to spread.
With the spotlight shining on them, the studio's management could no longer ignore the growing outcry for reform. Under pressure from both the public and their own employees, they were forced to acknowledge the deep-rooted issues within their ranks. Policies were revised, leadership underwent training on fostering a healthier work environment, and initiatives were launched to promote diversity and inclusion.
As the clouds of toxicity began to dissipate, a newfound sense of hope blossomed within Infinity Forge. With their passion reignited and their voices heard, Alex and their fellow developers set out to reshape the studio into a place where creativity could thrive once more. Together, they embarked on a journey to redefine what it meant to make games, leaving behind the shadows of the past and embracing a brighter, more inclusive future.
In the end, their story served as a powerful reminder that no matter how entrenched toxic culture may seem, it is never too late to stand up and demand change. And as they forged ahead, they paved the way for a new generation of game developers to build a better, more compassionate industry for all.


Tough for me to read these kinds of articles and take them very seriously these days. I hope that's true for people in the industry as well. From the outside, it certainly looks like the pubs are moving back to a more traditional work culture. That does not bode well for people who think they are victims of overtime, or victims by being forced to drive to work, etc., etc.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
"But the impact of crunch for that game's release and changes in the company's senior leadership have subsequently led to discontent within the studio"
Oprah Winfrey Smirk GIF

And yet people want to bring back chronic crunch. Sad.

Toxic has become a red herring for "entitled brats want a 9-17 job".

a reality check is coming.

Or it was just a bad work environment.

It's funny how we turned against devs now lol

We used to be empathetic to crunch, now we think they're lazy. Likely because they take too long to make games and they're of , supposed, lower quality/creativity

It's because some have turned it into politics and hate people that have a heart for the LGBTQ community.

It's because a lot of them are probably ugly crybabies with colorful hair and pronouns.

See tmlDan tmlDan this is what I'm talking about. Lots of gamers hate the LGBTQ community with a passion. You'll start seeing the words diversity, woke, and ESG next.


And yet people want to bring back chronic crunch. Sad.

Or it was just a bad work environment.

It's because some have turned it into politics and hate people that have a heart for the LGBTQ community.

See tmlDan tmlDan this is what I'm talking about. Lots of gamers hate the LGBTQ community with a passion. You'll start seeing the words diversity, woke, and ESG next.
oh jeeze, idk why people care about that.

I just care if the end product is good. I just don't buy it if it's bad, i don't blame their hair colour or sexual preferences
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Or because the said article is full of one-sided crying without some context or even an attempt to give the mic (maybe not oficially) to the other side of the story. Critical thinking is not that hard.

We've seen articles like this before and a lot of said stuff is usually overblown.

So it's overblown.................but they've been bleeding talent for months. Explain Sway.


Gold Member
Tough for me to read these kinds of articles and take them very seriously these days. I hope that's true for people in the industry as well. From the outside, it certainly looks like the pubs are moving back to a more traditional work culture. That does not bode well for people who think they are victims of overtime, or victims by being forced to drive to work, etc., etc.
yep. the agonies of 'adulting'...


What's with Sony and their UK-based studios? Outside Media Molecule (who I believe is living a charmed life) and Xdev they have always had issues over there.

  • Firesprite
  • Guerilla Cambridge(closed)
  • evolution(closed)
  • manchester studio(closed)
  • studio Liverpool(closed)
  • Big big studios(closed)
They seem to have closed more studios in the UK than any other region. This can't be a coincidence.


Maybe we should fuck it and find another hobby. Everything is closing down or getting fired.

Then they release a shit ass game full of woke and micro-transactions and when no one buys it they cry again and continue the circle of firing.

Please do till you shut down. Either release the games we want or fuck off. You are not gonna shove your crappy games to us by force. Let's see who will pay your home mortgage
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