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Expect less talk, more games again from Sony E3

I'd be cool with a different style of music if they were sticking with the same format.

I loved the Orchestra but I'd be happy if they changed it up with something like the DOOM bit from the VGAs or even full on electronica.


That's great. Last year the conference was less than 90 minutes which is good and bad to me. It's bad because I enjoy 2 hour conferences but its good that it is short as I am watching it at 2am.


That's great. Last year the conference was less than 90 minutes which is good and bad to me. It's bad because I enjoy 2 hour conferences but its good that it is short as I am watching it at 2am.
On the other hand, 2 hour conferences tend to have filler like Powers and Wonderbook, so this is the better way overall.


Might need to stop sniffing glue
No PS5 in 2018 confirmed. LOL. Y'know, for those who would have thought it was going to happen.

I'm happy games take center stage. Keep it that way. Talk when necessary.

I know I'm in the very minority here but I'd like a PRESS CONFERENCE to have some talk about the game you're presenting... Y'know, like an actual PRESS CONFERENCE.

As I've said before, If I wanted to just watch trailers I'd just create a youtube playlist and let it play itself.

Sadly, Sony is embracing the hype culture so I don't see this stopping anytime soon.
I don't understand.

Whatever they say on stage is just filler.
"This is the most immersive game we've ever created"
"Our team is very passionate about this project"

You can get far more information from blog posts and interviews after the show. A guy or gal on stage for a few moments isn't going to say anything worth your time.


Good, I loved last year conference. Imo by far one of the best (if not the best) I've seen from them.
And trailers on itself are not marketing bs?

It is marketing, but adding an extra segment to explain everything as if we cannot possibly understand it ourselves is extra and redundant. Trailers are the minimum we need to be informed about a game, no need to waste time with more than that.


And trailers on itself are not marketing bs?
Yes they are? As a consumer, I am just there for the reveals and trailers and I don't need them showing me people out there holding controllers and awkwardly presenting their games. If you need details, you get them after the conference from your various media outlets with their hands on impressions.


I love Pokken!


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Yes. More like last year, please.


Microsoft's press is broadcasted on TV if I'm correct which explains the different format, that probably plays better on TV than let's play trailers back to back with no context.
Screw you guys lol.

Not hating on the guy, and he has done well at other conferences in the past, but man, he was on poor form at PSX. Go back and watch if you don't remember, he was constantly stumbling over his words, avoiding the teleprompter at all times and at one point he had a
really awkward coughing fit.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Sounds good, last years was perfect.

Take note EA.


I expected no less after last year's and PSX. Save the hardware and sales talk for the investors meeting.

This is gonna be the Year of Dreams 3. Buckle up.


Yes Sony.

This is just the way to win E3. Sit back and let your powerhouse 1st party developers do the conference.

I am so darn hyped that they are going to come through like this again.

2015 and 2016 were amazing.


2015 was actually pretty bad but we like to forget it because of the trio infernale. 2016 is so damn rewatchable.



2015 had The Last Guardian (first) gameplay demo, Horizon (first) gameplay demo, Uncharted 4 (best) gameplay demo, FFVII Remake reveal, Shenmue 3 reveal


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I feel like companies say this each year .. Sony usually has good game-to-talk ratio. If they can improve on it, show more trailers, make new announcements, that would be that much better.
Im sure we'll get the typical boring third party games taking up significant time, but Im sure they'll have like 3 big hits showcased/revealed




Besides, Sony is notorious for announcing stuff that arrives some day. They even teased people with that FF VII render trailer back in the PS3 days, I don't get why people still get excited over something like this.

Seriously, tell me one good reason why they shouldn't announce it. You know the games will come eventually. This is not SE who try to announce stuff to early with nothing to show or MS who has the habit of cancelling announced game.
Seriously, tell me one good reason why they shouldn't announce it. You know the games will come eventually. This is not SE who try to announce stuff to early with nothing to show or MS who has the habit of cancelling announced game.

Bosman had a good video about gumdrops and the big three regarding how they announce games. It was good.

I don't know the exact video.
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