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Failed military coup in Turkey; Erdogan promising swift reprisal

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dont know if its posted, but amnesty claims people have been tortured:


Not looking good this.

That's been pretty obvious.


I'm sure demented Akin Ozturk just keeps on walking into walls and doors.


Junior Member
Telling immigrants or those descended from immigrants to "go back where you came from" is scummy behaviour. However, the people carrying out these acts of violence seriously need to consider whether they want to be a part of these societies, if they are compelled to do so on the instruction of thugs from a foreign political party (if you can call them that).
Thus Erdogoons and not immigrants. Our Austrian foreign minister already called in on the Turkish ambassador because of large pro Erdogan protest. There are reportedly very strong hints those have been instigated from Turkey.
"If you want to engage in inner Turkish politics, do so in Turkey."

I am so ready to take in political refugees from Turkey, that should seriously help balancing the local strong islamist conservatives that weigh down on the larger moderate minority.


That's been pretty obvious.


I'm sure demented Akin Ozturk just keeps on walking into walls and doors.

Yep it's not like the guy felt down or anything, they are not even hiding that he's been brutally tortured. Heck even Russia knows how to patch people up so they don't look tortured nor humiliated.


I see. But don't you think the reason right wing is gaining ground is due to the lax immigration policies to begin with?

>.< it's not bad enough back home, we must go on a global scale witch hunt for these Ghoulenists. After all they know magic.

Yeah, that's exactly why people are supporting the right wing. However, the grounds for which they are doing so are very often based on lies; i.e. when politicians link immigration directly to issues such as criminality, when instead they are missing the critical step of a social disconnect (the feeling of 'not belonging') between immigrants and the 'national' culture, which they, by propagating this xenophobic stance, are feeding. It's a vicious cycle that is hard to break out of when people think of issues like this in binary terms, but that's the easier way to think about it so that's what they choose to understand it as.

That social isolation is the exact thing that organizations like ISIS want to support, because that makes the mind fertile for radicalization among people, especially young and malleable people. So, ironically, the far right movement is both capitalizing off of these politics of fear and helping them spread. It's really damaging. Radicalization is quite an extreme step of course, but intermediate positions such as supporting a strong national personality who is willing to defend your values is a by-product of this as well (see Erdogan and Putin supporters among immigrants in other European countries).
Yep it's not like the guy felt down or anything, they are not even hiding that he's been brutally tortured. Heck even Russia knows how to patch people up so they don't look tortured nor humiliated.

This is what strikes me as so odd. Usually any country has the good sense not to show the tortured person all beat up. Heck, even terrorists like ISIS have the sense to mostly only show them when they don't have obvious marks of physical abuse (right before they gruesomely kill them, anyway).

And yet here is the turkish government, showing confessions by people that clearly got the shit beat out of them. That signifies a level of insularity that is completely alien to me.
That won't go down well with our friends in East Germany :p
You mean the guys that are afraid that someone might actually live in all those empty homes and houses that are falling apart (in some communities up to 50% of the real estate)? The guys living in regions where a massive 1<% of the population are made up of minorities?


Junior Member
From all democratic parties, the CSU was the last party who I expected for such a move
Pro Western Turks who are against Erdogan are a good addition to the current community. They are also super legit for the 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants as in "real Turks".

I always propose getting good moderates into communities to combat extremist elements.


Pro Western Turks who are against Erdogan are a good addition to the current community. They are also super legit for the 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants as in "real Turks".

I always propose getting good moderates into communities to combat extremist elements.

Well the super cool ones are now being hunted by those bent on enforcing their vision of how things should be on them. Sadly the EU can't do shit and it's almost election time. Got to protect that future position in Brussels or at the big banks. Who cares what Erdogan gets up to ? lol

1043 private schools
1229 charities and foundations
19 trade unions
15 universities
35 medical institutions

all closed by presidential decree due to "Gulenist links".
so how are they intending to replace these institutions and people to prevent everything from going to shit economically and socially? That's a lot of people unemployed, out of education and public services shut down. This isn't going to work.

And this is in addition to reduced foreign investments and partnerships.

El Topo

Why are people surprised about the events? What did you think would happen? This is reminiscent of what happened after the 1980 coup, which was successful.
Quite a few here seem utterly baffled at the general political and social situation of Turkey, (not just) regarding these recent events.
I'm not really seeing that. And unless you have a crystal ball, I don't think anyone really expected the speed and the scale of this political "purge".

I'd describe the reactions as appalled and stunned rather than "baffled", which seems appropriate.
I'm not really seeing that. And unless you have a crystal ball, I don't think anyone really expected the speed and the scale of this political "purge".

I describe the reactions as appalled and stunned rather than "baffled", which seems appropriate.

I completely expected him to move with urgency. This insane Turkish madman have shown that he craved power years ago and the coup was the perfect excuse to carry out his plans. The country is fast moving to radical Islam and with Erdogan at the head it's going to be near impossible to reverse course.
I completely expected him to move with urgency. This insane Turkish madman have shown that he craved power years ago and the coup was the perfect excuse to carry out his plans. The country is fast moving to radical Islam and with Erdogan at the head it's going to be near impossible to reverse course.
I did see the path Turkey was going down before (who didn't) but I really didn't expect that this would be the endgame for Erdogan. Maybe I'm too naive


That's... a lot of freshly unemployed citizens.

Surely Erdogan must be cognizant of the social unrest he's sowing?

He is still in power thanks to a large number of citizens rallying for him, an event which has probably put his ego into overdrive and vastly accelerated his ambitions.
That's... a lot of freshly unemployed citizens.

Surely Erdogan must be cognizant of the social unrest he's sowing?

It's actually beneficial for Erdogan. Without sowing future trouble, he'd probably be kicked out at the next election.

This social unrest will generate a number of extremists in the coming years, which will later become convenient scapegoats to justify additional purges. That way, he can keep the opposition scared and disorganised while he turn the country into the islamic state of his dreams.


Here's a (facebook) video of AKP politicians talking about how much they hate educated people and how much they love illiterate people. No joke. The subs are 100% accurate. It's as comical in Turkish as it sounds in translation.

Makes sense. There is no greater fear for that party than an electorate that has the same level of general education as a Western European nation. Sure, you could still have a right wing party, easily, but it would limit the amount of BS any party could pull.
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