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False "saving" with switching to PC

It's worth noting that, depending on your standards, you can game for free quite easily on PC. I often rely on the flash games market during lean times, and my SO's $100 workstation pc runs plenty of DOSboxed adventure games that are new to her.

Consoles are getting better at this via the free to play model, but there's still more games put up on random websites every day then anyone could hope to play, and some of them are quite good.
I would like to see sources on this stuff.

A lot of sales data is really hard to come by, but in general AAA games sell vastly more on consoles than on PC.

For some evidence here's a link to Ubisoft's latest third quarter report, which shows that sales on PC amount to between 9-13% of Ubisofts overall revenue between 2013-2015.


Even more "PC centric" titles like Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 sell more on consoles. CD project Red reported that Witcher 3 sold 1.3 out of 4 million total sales on PC.

Fallout 4 sold 1.2 million on PC day 1, but also had 12 million physical copies shipped to retailers on day 1 to live up to preorders and presumed demand.


That Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo spend billions on their platforms, shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, so I'll just presume I don't need to source that.

And the rest is obviously my own conjecture. I can't see the future, but I don't feel it's too far fetched to indicate that a gaming landscape without the billions spend on games by the Sony and Microsoft and which would have a very hard time selling AAA games for full price on PC, would have some very real consequences on gaming as a whole.



You can also Google anything piracy related regarding Microsoft's Lionhead Studios where they openly discuss the irrelevance of piracy in comparison to the used games market. It's pretty common knowledge at this point.

"Once you create service value for customers, ongoing service value, piracy seems to disappear" - Gabe Newell. All of this is so easily Googled. I'm not presenting a solution to an age old problem in quantum physics - all of this is well known. Piracy has plummeted because of platforms like Steam and GOG presenting value for money, easily assessable services. You go to some countries in Asia and South America and you'll be surprised how many people are buying modified consoles simply because the cost of gaming is incredibly expensive. Sure, even the PS4 has now been jailbroken.

Your link is someone using chartz sales data, trying to gauge the number of pirated downloads by using data from a single torrent site and is limited to 2011 and last gen consoles. There's a lot of caveats here.
It's whole basis also isn't that piracy on PC isn't prevalent, but that it isn't 90% of the PC game marked, which is obviously an absurd statement. Last, but not least, it's only saying piracy on console would be theoretically bigger than on PC, if consoles had the same install base as the PC, which makes no sense, since consoles are primarily dedicated gaming machines, whereas PC's are utility tools.

In regards to the Lionhead Studios, I assume your talking about this quote: "Piracy these days on PC is probably less problematic than second-hand sales on the Xbox" from 2011. Besides that fact that this is just one guy's (who doesn't seem to have hard numbers) conjecture, in the same article he's also quoted as saying: "I've been working on PC games for many years and piracy is always a problem" and that any sales Fable 3 makes on PC "will be a bonus". So yes, to him second-hand games is bigger issue, but that's because they are tapping into their core console marked as opposed to PC sales.

And a Gabe Newell quote isn't exactly hard evidence that piracy is going away. Pirated copies often don't run on Steam, so I doubt he has any real numbers on how much a specific title is pirated.
That being said, I'm sure Steam and especially Steam Sales has been a factor in making piracy less prevalent on the PC. But that's exactly my second and bigger point, which you completely ignored. Many Steam consumers have come to expect sales and as you can see from this very thread, a lot of people buy even brand new games much cheaper than $60. So I think it's fair to assume the general price and revenue on each copy sold of a specific new game on PC is quite a bit lower than its counterpart on console.


Piracy is huge in asia on pc.

I guess thats the reason we got the best year for asian ports on PC since.... ever?

Devs are so dying to bring their games to the pc so they can be pirated.

Makes sense.

On the other subject, I don't understand why everybody asumes that if there are no consoles Sony & Microsoft are going out of business, look at Sega. Also, if a provider goes out of business it does not make the demand dissapear into thin air.


2015. The year of Batman.


When PC gamers on GAF recommend people play games on PC, we're doing it on GAF, a dedicated gaming forum full of people who are dedicated and passionate about gaming. Those are the people we target to recommend switching to PC gaming. The average joe console player to picks up CoD and a few other titles a year we certainly don't recommend switching to PC gaming.


PC gamers don't understand the purchasing habits of the console market. Your typical console every-man is buying <6 titles a year. All at full price. All on day one. From a brick and mortar store. They don't care about shopping around, they don't care about sales, they don't care about indies, and they don't care about PC exclusives. They're not going to build their own PC. They're not going to troubleshoot or mess with settings. They don't care about mods. They're not going to research shit.

For that motherfucker, of which there are millions, there is no cost benefit to moving to PC gaming.

You're all imposing your own habits on the mass market - which is what the OP was talking about - and wondering why everyone doesn't see things the way you do. You are not the mass market.

The hell...? Who is imposing their habits on the mass market? Who gives a shit whether console owners will get a pc or not?


So PC gamers: enjoy what you have, but when you talk down to the "ignorant console peasants", remember that these dudes are the ones that makes a lot of your hobby possible.

First off, who are you accusing of talking down to people who play on console?
I'm sure that if consoles as a gaming platform suddenly disappeared and PC remained, plenty of people would still be making the hobby possible by continuing it on that platform.


Gotta admit, I wasn't expecting much out of this thread upon seeing it. Looks like this thread checks all the boxes.

We got the standard ignorant posts about PC gaming, the shit posts by console users with master race nonsense (I never see PC people mention that here), and the mention of one really bad game (batman AK) like it's supposed to prove something about PC gaming.

What was the point of this thread again?


PC is a discount paradise all year long, it's so easy to save tons of coin by just checking a few bookmarks every other day.
I constantly buy games I rarely play. Happens a lot more on PC than on consoles, mainly because when you have physical discs you can see them there just gathering dust.

I've reduced my purchasing habits because of that.

Joey Ravn

Wow. The outright hatred for PC gamers and PC gaming displayed by some people in this thread is simply unbelievable. Why hasn't this thread been closed? I'm sure that it wouldn't have reached half of the pages it has now if it had been shitting on either of the two major consoles...


Wow. The outright hatred for PC gamers and PC gaming displayed by some people in this thread is simply unbelievable. Why hasn't this thread been closed? I'm sure that it wouldn't have reached half of the pages it has now if it had been shitting on either of the two major consoles...

It must be one of the few industries where people openly defend anti-consumer policies.


aint nothing false about the savings

the issue with battlefront (and bf hardline, and many other 'console' multiplayer games) is the player base is going to be way bigger and last longer on console than on pc.

with bf4/ bf5 being a rare exception.
Battlefield isn't console multiplayer lol
Also fwiw battlefront was much more popular on PC than ps2/Xbox, given you can't even play those online on said systems anymore
2015. The year of Batman.

Devs admitted that is broken, there are some things that can't be fixed, how that can be even an argument

And i was referring more at the last part of the post, where he pictures the PC as the land of tech sims and RTS, wich (sadly for me) is not anymore


A lot of sales data is really hard to come by, but in general AAA games sell vastly more on consoles than on PC.

For some evidence here's a link to Ubisoft's latest third quarter report, which shows that sales on PC amount to between 9-13% of Ubisofts overall revenue between 2013-2015.


Even more "PC centric" titles like Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 sell more on consoles. CD project Red reported that Witcher 3 sold 1.3 out of 4 million total sales on PC.

Fallout 4 sold 1.2 million on PC day 1, but also had 12 million physical copies shipped to retailers on day 1 to live up to preorders and presumed demand.


That Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo spend billions on their platforms, shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, so I'll just presume I don't need to source that.

And the rest is obviously my own conjecture. I can't see the future, but I don't feel it's too far fetched to indicate that a gaming landscape without the billions spend on games by the Sony and Microsoft and which would have a very hard time selling AAA games for full price on PC, would have some very real consequences on gaming as a whole.

I wouldn't take Ubisofts data for much considering they kept showing that fucking u
Play shit down our necks, which didn't even work 90% of the time. It was actually easier for pirates to play or for people to purchase, download and then crack it.

This mixed with shit quality ports which runs like hot garbage on high-end machines tell us they probably done give a single shit about it and as such people stopped paying attention (at least some).
The other side is that new consoles have very few games come out, at least in the beginning of the cycle, which would probably result in people buying the "new hot thing" because there is nothing else to get, or the fact that consoles in general have a 'lack' of games versus the PC, which have decades behind it and not to mention PC specific games in which some tends to have a longer lifespan than a console alone. And lets not forget the F2P market.

Does the sales count in with console bundles?
From Ubisoft the PC seems like a more stable market as well, looking
Q3 2014/15 - Q3 2013/14 - 2014/15 - 2013/14
PC - 9% - 10% - 11%- 13%
PS4 34% - 12% - 34% - 8%
X1&#8482; 23% - 9% - 20% - 5%

If they actually stopped trying to mess it up (they've gotten better) and stop forcing all their content behind their own programs (which most of the time, at least in the past) that created more problems then it ever solved, leaving customer stranded for sometimes days for them to "fix" it.

As for Witcher and Fallout i touched on it above, but also that 12 million shipped don't equal sold.

It should come as no shock that Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft focus on their consoles as they have total control, for the most part.
I think games like BB would do well on PC, but would also make it pointless to pick up the PS4 close to release.


As for the topic at hand, I don't find any "false" saving, either you spend money, or you spend money and save some while doing it.

Do you want the game or not?

Impulse control and purchase might be easier on PC due to lower prices, more sales and deals, as there is actual competition, while on console i cant really say there is. Talking digital here of course.


This mixed with shit quality ports which runs like hot garbage on high-end machines
That's not Ubi's fault some people have no idea how to tweak their games according to their PC. Vast majority of Ubi PC games run as they should considering the tech.


I wouldn't take Ubisofts data for much considering they kept showing that fucking u
Play shit down our necks, which didn't even work 90% of the time. It was actually easier for pirates to play or for people to purchase, download and then crack it.

This mixed with shit quality ports which runs like hot garbage on high-end machines tell us they probably done give a single shit about it and as such people stopped paying attention (at least some).

So your assertion is we shouldn't take investor data at face value because they have a bad client and poor ports?


It must be one of the few industries where people openly defend anti-consumer policies.

It's pretty simple too, when you break it down: open platform=better for consumer. Better pricing on content due to intense competition for consume dollar.

Closed platform=worse for consumer. Fees to use Internet to play games on 2/3 consoles.

This is before you even consider the oodles of other benefits to the PC and just a response to the OPs ramblings on spending money. And I say this as someone who's always (and continues to) own consoles. Yes deals can be found on consoles (in Canada, I tend to order console games during the 1 or 2 times a year there are pre order deals) and occasionally on their digital stores, but they all completely pale in comparison to anything you can find on the open platform. That's all there is to it.

The open platform is better for gamers. Especially enthusiast gamers like us.


So your assertion is we shouldn't take investor data at face value because they have a bad client and poor ports?

I'm simply saying everything mixed together will affect people and turn away customers, give a bad rep (which it does have) and as such result in less sales.

I'm sure if consoles had the same DRM pushed on them with server-verification and whatnot crash on them 24/7 corrupting saves and kicking them out of the game they'd get pissed too, and in the end stop purchasing titles from the publisher cause its more hassle.

That's not Ubi's fault some people have no idea how to tweak their games according to their PC. Vast majority of Ubi PC games run as they should considering the tech.

I agree some tweaking might be required, but i strongly disagree about the last part.
Most of the Ubisoft ports have had horrible optimization.


I'm so glad I built a solid gaming PC for this generation. as others have said, sure the initial costs are higher (at least if you're going for a high end build) but it pays off.

games like the witcher 3 and fallout 4 at 1440p/60FPS are beautiful, especially compared to the alternative of 1080p/sub 30 FPS on consoles.

backwards compatibility is a given, not something you have to hope and pray for. free online. competition among hardware companies. competition among game sellers (steam, origin, gog, gmg, humble bundle, bundlestars, and many more). the ability to use any input option you can imagine (kb/m, ps controller, xbox controller, nintendo controller). mods.

I like not having to worry what's going to happen to my game purchases. I bought a number of digital titles on PS3, for example. and where are they now? still locked to that system. meanwhile when I logged into my steam account i had 8+ year old purchases ready to download and install on my new PC.

and of course, the savings on software are unreal. humble bundles, steam sales every holiday that all the other sellers compete with means savings are everywhere. I've amassed a solid collection of PC games while spending a fraction of what I would have if they were console titles.


The mental gymnastics demonstrated in this thread regarding "false savings" in PC gaming are making my head hurt. And I have PC, PS3, PS4, 3DS, Vita and just got a Wii U.

You go where the games are and you buy what you need and can afford. You can save quite a lot if you are just a PC gamer. I was that way for a quite some time till I got the point where supporting a gaming hobby is not a big deal.

Especially if someone is new to PC gaming, the amount of amazing title that can be had for next to nothing and can provide literally years of gaming is mind boggling.


100% this. Why am I going to pay to go online? I already pay for broadband internet. I can use that $100 to buy 2-3 AAA titles.
Somewhere someone needs to pay for the servers and i, personally, don't have any issues with paying 30 bucks a year for XBL Gold to have comfort of having (nearly) pain free multiplayer experiences.

Everyone uses the same party chat application, i can jump right into the running game of a friend with a single button push on my gamepad and i can talk to strangers in my game lobby. No fiddling with TS servers or discussions if we use Teamspeak, Skype, Hangout or something else to communicate, no manual squad selection and team changes in BF4 to play with the people i like to play just a single button push.


it's time to upgrade my computer and i'm not very interested in spending money to be honest so count me out

Same. It's time to build a new rig but there's no way PC gaming is cheaper here in Canada. PC parts are insanely priced here right now. So console, don't buy games "day 1" or trade in once played and/or resell on Kijiji or eBay is probably the cheapest option.


I agree some tweaking might be required, but i strongly disagree about the last part.
Most of the Ubisoft ports have had horrible optimization.

Well it is impossible for me to absolutely prove it, as we are unaware of the precise hardware demands of the technology on display. What I can say is that from my perspective the Ubisoft PC versions I'm playing have a very good visuals to performance ratio and I have never been surprised at how demanding they were, it did not take me much thinking before coming to the conclusion that they would tax my system at lot.

I mean Unity and Syndicate look absolutely fantastic, I was positively surprised by how well they ran on my PC (980, 4770k, 16gb of ram).


Yeah, but most likely from gray market key sites. Which is exactly what the OP is referring to.

Not making a judgement either way, but he is right in that if you want to buy "legit" copies of AAA titles close to release, you are paying at or near full price just like on consoles.

There is also a lot of extra spending on the PC side that doesn't get mentioned all of the time. You'll see how you can build a "console-killer" PC for $400, but that doesn't include a display device, input devices (mouse/kb and controller), or a genuine copy of Windows.

The majority of PC gamers on a site like GAF are also spending on upgrades here and there over time. A new SSD here, new mechanical keyboard here, upgrade the GPU after a few years, etc. Direct price comparison to a console doesn't really mean that much on the surface at initial build.

PC gaming is definitely more expensive, and I'm a PC gamer at the core. I also own an Xbone and PS4, and I appreciate what each platform has to offer. I grew up a PC gamer and have built several sytems over the years (now in my 30s). I can definitively say that, even with being able to grab some games off gray market sites for cheap (which I only recently started doing the last few years), PC gaming is definitely the more expensive platform.

If you are counting the display device in so should you do the same with consoles. Both can just use the living room tv anyways.
I will give you the kb&m plus windows costs even tho everyone has both by now but think again, you are probably going for the 1080p60fps experience. If the initial costs are getting too high you can aim for the console experience to accomodate these

The upgrades come from three places
a- enthusiasts
b- 1: old gen builds or 2: people trying to ascend from 30fps to the glorious 60fps
c- screwing up with the initial build

a: doesn't matter
b: its the same as 1: going from ps360 to ps4/xbone or 2: from xbone to ps4
c: its like going from the wii u to anything else

I don't know much about the international gaming market tho
Where I live console AAA games costs 2x as much as the pc version (Steam) ones. Just a few games in and you will be getting your money back


you could not absolutely say "PC gaming saves you more money."

You're right. This is not an absolute, either way. It will depend solely on the individual case.

Some people will undoubtedly save on outgoings on games (not specific titles but "games" in general) by moving to pc. Maybe they are incredibly frugal and ONLY purchase already desired titles that are on sale / from key sellers, and maybe they won't be tempted by sales on titles they're not already 100% sold on.

Your question however seems to have ended up as "don't you end up buying more stuff you don't need just because it's on sale?"

For me the answer is that I definitely have a good bunch of games (I'd estimate at least 20-30+) in my steam library that I will likely never even play. I would never have bought these particular games. HOWEVER, the majority of those games were part of a bundle which - lets say realistically has a day 1 individual game value of $150-200 - and which I got for around $12. I'm normally buying the bundle for one or two specific games, still getting them ridiculously cheap, and getting some others too.

I also have a few Steam games (probably 10 or less) where I was vaguely aware of their presence and had heard some buzz, seen them on a 75%+ off sale and bought them. You're right here - I likely wouldn't have bought them without the sales, but they probably amount to less than £25 a year.

I still believe in the long run, even with additional titles-on-sale or being tempted by bundles, I personally spend way less on pc gaming than I do per year when I own a current console.

You know where else people can end up spending more money than they planned? Consoles. I can fire up steam-based games without really looking at Steam, nevermind the steam store.

On consoles you are marketed to from the second you boot up. Consoles have sales too, and although they tend to be worse offers I've definitely been tempted into downloadable titles on console in the past solely because they were reduced.

Also, points. By spending money on points cards for an account rather than paying for the individual purchase, many people (myself included) get into a situation where spare points are "burning a hole in their pocket" and end up purchasing DLC or a downloadable title just because they were bored and the points were available. There are marketing influences in place on console too.

In closing I'd personally say you can easily consistently "save" more over time by purchasing cross-platform titles on pc, and that marketing influences console users as much as pc (if not more - you're just more likely to end up with even more games for your money because of bundles on pc)

Also, a properly maintained pc can be potentially be kept working with minimal upgrades, over the lifetime of multiple console generations. Add to the fact many people already require a pc at home for work or hobby related purposes, and the thought of spending the money you would've spent on a console to upgrade a "home office" pc to a "gaming" pc makes a lot of sense for some people.


So reading the OP and his added quote, my summation of that is...

Consoles are for dumb people who aren't frugal with their money.

Pcs are for people who know how google work and that games aren't always full price.



Same. It's time to build a new rig but there's no way PC gaming is cheaper here in Canada. PC parts are insanely priced here right now. So console, don't buy games "day 1" or trade in once played and/or resell on Kijiji or eBay is probably the cheapest option.

As someone who lives in Canada, yes PC gaming is still cheaper. Initial computer build cost is still higher no matter what country you live in, but the savings come the second you start purchasing software. And saving money for your online fee every year.


I guess thats the reason we got the best year for asian ports on PC since.... ever?

Devs are so dying to bring their games to the pc so they can be pirated.

Makes sense.

On the other subject, I don't understand why everybody asumes that if there are no consoles Sony & Microsoft are going out of business, look at Sega. Also, if a provider goes out of business it does not make the demand dissapear into thin air.

Did you even read the list I am replying to and understanding the context?

That guy said piracy is less on pc and more on console on Asian countries,
I was just pointing out that piracy is still huge here

Where am I implying that due to piracy , developers are not releasing there game? They are releasing games and they should.


These thread always end up shit. Look the bottom line is this PC gaming can "Save" you more depending on your buying habits and your PC upgrade habits. I did 2 full PC upgrades in the last 5 years at $1200 a pop. I would be much much cheaper for me to go console as I don't buy a ton of games, maybe 6-10 a year.

Console gaming now isn't as black with $60 games and prices there never drop. We have best buy gamers club with 20% off new games + reward zone coupons, consoles have always had trade ins, amazon gift credit, PS+ sales (Not a good as steam sales but pretty good), and etc. If your going to talk about all these keysites/steam/whatever for PC you need to include all the discount shit consoles get as well right?

None of this shit is black and white and its by time we all accept that.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
I'm not a "PC Gamer" per say...yet.

From my own personal experience I think it totally dependens on a person's buying habits! For example I'm a digital only gamer for my PS Vita (not applicable to my Consoles) and I buy everything off the PSN Store but unless it's a "must have title" (which only happens once or twice a year) I usually buy my PS Vita games when there's a sale on the PSN Store.

Because of this I have bought so many more games this year on PS Vita because either the price point lets me give some off my radar games a chance or because I'm a compulsive spender that must buy the game now in order to "future proof myself" since I don't know when's the next time that specific game will go on sale.So these sales are not saving money and they are merely compelling me to buy more games that I can humanely go through.

By contrast I only bought 5 PS4 games this year and that is Fallout 4 $60,Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward Expansion $40, The Order 1886 $15,Diablo III $30 and Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag $11.

So I have to wander what my PS Vita Collection would look like now if I have bought physical games instead because right now I own more PS Vita games than I do on PS3 and PS4 and I wonder how big my Steam Library would be right now if I had stuck with PC gaming.


These thread always end up shit. Look the bottom line is this PC gaming can "Save" you more depending on your buying habits and your PC upgrade habits. I did 2 full PC upgrades in the last 5 years at $1200 a pop. I would be much much cheaper for me to go console as I don't buy a ton of games, maybe 6-10 a year.

Console gaming now isn't as black with $60 games and prices there never drop. We have best buy gamers club with 20% off new games + reward zone coupons, consoles have always had trade ins, amazon gift credit, PS+ sales (Not a good as steam sales but pretty good), and etc. If your going to talk about all these keysites/steam/whatever for PC you need to include all the discount shit consoles get as well right?

None of this shit is black and white and its by time we all accept that.

Can you fly me to the US and provide me with citizenship so i can also jump through hoops to get deals at Best Buy and it's time-limited coupons?
These thread always end up shit. Look the bottom line is this PC gaming can "Save" you more depending on your buying habits and your PC upgrade habits. I did 2 full PC upgrades in the last 5 years at $1200 a pop. I would be much much cheaper for me to go console as I don't buy a ton of games, maybe 6-10 a year.

Console gaming now isn't as black with $60 games and prices there never drop. We have best buy gamers club with 20% off new games + reward zone coupons, consoles have always had trade ins, amazon gift credit, PS+ sales (Not a good as steam sales but pretty good), and etc. If your going to talk about all these keysites/steam/whatever for PC you need to include all the discount shit consoles get as well right?

None of this shit is black and white and its by time we all accept that.

Can you fly me to the US and provide me with citizenship so i can also jump through hoops to get deals at Best Buy and it's time-limited coupons?

Put me on the list if there is space for one more on the plane, I want those Best Buy deals too.


no best buy in chile, so yeah, physical copies for ps4 games cost like 70-80 usd, then you have steam who added clp and a nice conversion rate (except for bethesda but for like 3 usd)


Can you fly me to the US and provide me with citizenship so i can also jump through hoops to get deals at Best Buy and it's time-limited coupons?

its funny that he lumps steam in with other things when it is essentially the walmart of PC gaming.
I wouldn't take Ubisofts data for much considering they kept showing that fucking u
Play shit down our necks, which didn't even work 90% of the time. It was actually easier for pirates to play or for people to purchase, download and then crack it.

This mixed with shit quality ports which runs like hot garbage on high-end machines tell us they probably done give a single shit about it and as such people stopped paying attention (at least some).
The other side is that new consoles have very few games come out, at least in the beginning of the cycle, which would probably result in people buying the "new hot thing" because there is nothing else to get, or the fact that consoles in general have a 'lack' of games versus the PC, which have decades behind it and not to mention PC specific games in which some tends to have a longer lifespan than a console alone. And lets not forget the F2P market.

Does the sales count in with console bundles?
From Ubisoft the PC seems like a more stable market as well, looking
Q3 2014/15 - Q3 2013/14 - 2014/15 - 2013/14
PC - 9% - 10% - 11%- 13%
PS4 34% - 12% - 34% - 8%
X1™ 23% - 9% - 20% - 5%

If they actually stopped trying to mess it up (they've gotten better) and stop forcing all their content behind their own programs (which most of the time, at least in the past) that created more problems then it ever solved, leaving customer stranded for sometimes days for them to "fix" it.

As for Witcher and Fallout i touched on it above, but also that 12 million shipped don't equal sold.

It should come as no shock that Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft focus on their consoles as they have total control, for the most part.
I think games like BB would do well on PC, but would also make it pointless to pick up the PS4 close to release.


As for the topic at hand, I don't find any "false" saving, either you spend money, or you spend money and save some while doing it.

Do you want the game or not?

Impulse control and purchase might be easier on PC due to lower prices, more sales and deals, as there is actual competition, while on console i cant really say there is. Talking digital here of course.

So you're saying Ubisofts public invester data aren't trust worthy because of Uplay?? What are you even talking about?

And of course the procentage of PS4/Xbox One sales will be lower in 2013, the year they came out, compared to later years, when the install base is much bigger. What did you expect?

First off, who are you accusing of talking down to people who play on console?
I'm sure that if consoles as a gaming platform suddenly disappeared and PC remained, plenty of people would still be making the hobby possible by continuing it on that platform.

I was being a little facetious with that line, but it's just the general attitude you see in the OP and other places, both on GAF and elsewhere. And I agree that gaming wouldn't go away, big games would still be big and sell well, but I think the smaller AAA titles would have a hard time in that enviroment. AAA games is already a risky proposition because of the huge investment to the publisher and lower overall return and each title sold would make it even more so.
And while Nintendo probably has a strong enough first party that they would still continue as a third party developer, I doubt Sony and Microsoft would see that as a feasible investment overall and would probably just pull out and sell their studios. And that would be a blow as well, I can't see a game like Until Dawn ever happening without a platform holder pouring money into it, to make their platform more desirable.
With more and more PC games coming from tablet you're actually seeing a slight premium on the PC release. What is 2.99 on iOS, perhaps even discounted to a buck is launching at 7.99 for Steam and rarely going as low as a dollar.


as for the Ubisoft data above .... PC is now more profitable than XO from more recent data
no idea why use the old one??? ...just to push the antiPC agenda???



as for the Ubisoft data above .... PC is now more profitable than XO from more recent data
no idea why use the old one??? ...just to push the antiPC agenda???


It's ironic that even a company like Ubisoft that is so console focused would see PC revenue that rivals the top console consistently.

Keep in mind this is the company that frequently ports late to PC, uses terrible, pointless DRM, and is often accused for poor ports.

Ubisoft is one of the most anti-consumer AAA publishers and they still manage to squeeze out a large portion of their income from PC.
Yeah, thanks consoles for making games like Kerbal Space Progam, Cities Skylines, Star Citizen, The Long Dark, Pillars of Eternity, Minecraft, and so on, wouldn't exist without consoles.

Never said it didn't go both ways. I don't think having a console only gaming environment would be great either.
And I agree that gaming wouldn't go away, big games would still be big and sell well, but I think the smaller AAA titles would have a hard time in that enviroment. AAA games is already a risky proposition because of the huge investment to the publisher and lower overall return and each title sold would make it even more so.

What? AA games thrive on the PC, see things like Wasteland 2, Divinity Original Sin, Age of Decadence, Assetto Corsa, Space Engineers, Pillars of Eternity.

The console market and the major publishers were the ones that killed small non-AAA games with their "go big or go home" approach.
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