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Far Cry 5 Trailers: Feb 27, full 2 player co-op, custom lead, map editor, more info


Holy shit, a new Far Cry game is... a new Far Cry game? Unbelievable!

Hehe, yeah.
This is the problem with video games, its tougher to change gameplay then it is to just design new backdrops and assets.
I played all the Games in the series and hoped they had understood the response to Primal but the Ubisoft machine is a giant ship that is hard to steer once its going.

I'm just annoyed that they got me with their cool teasers.
Also thought this. Trailer reminds me a lot of the northern half of GTA V which is my favourite part of the map

Yeah the part with the man aiming the rifle at the deer instantly reminded me of the hunting missions in GTA V.

North part of the map was my favorite as well, really well designed and atmospheric.


Might need to stop sniffing glue
People want change in games, especially when said games have stayed the same over many iterations , like Far Cry.

Imagine if the new Zelda played exactly like Zelda 1.

I think certain games are more open to change than others. I tend to think Far Cry in general is gonna be Far Cry. Ubisoft games in general are going to be games with a billion side missions and treasure hunting games until there is a financial reason for them to change the formula.

I think they can certainly improve it, but I expect it to be mostly the same as others in the series. A game like Zelda is completely different. It's an adventuring/RPG game. That formula can be changed up to suit what elements make up various action/rpg. This type of game generally will stay in the style the series is known for. They tried to switch it up with Primal, and it didn't really do all that well (and yes, I know it was a re-skinned Far Cry 4).

Also, it's not always easy to tell what will work when they switch things up. With Assasin's Creed: Black Flag, they used ships/boats and naval combat. Most loved it. Yay, success.. cool! Then with the new game coming out, people saw boats and there was more negative reaction that I read than positive despite Black Flag, though, that remains to be seen how that will play out.


looks incredible. i can't wait to throw moose bait out of a prop plane at cult members and watch them get mangled, as i aim my plane at a church, parachute out, watch the church explode, land on a moving bus, hijack it and run over the leftover culties


I love Pokken!
Its pretty much FarCry: Justified. Still need to see if the gameplay structure got some changes but i'm interested.


How were they squandered? Other than Vaas dying a little too early I though the villains from both those games were very well portrayed. Especially Pagan Min who ended up being somewhat of a tragic figure by the end.
I really like both, but for me there's more that could've been mined, I feel. Min was done better than Vaas, in terms of his characterization, lasting longer and his connection to the player was neat. I dunno, I guess I kinda want more from video game writing overall because the ideas and concepts are there.


You play as one
Maybe the rest are tricked into getting trapped in the sewers or something, but I suspect the police would not be immune from cult infiltration
Yeah, and there is no National Guard there either I guess or full on military, FBI, ATF, etc would sit on their ass.

I dunno, I liked Far Cry 2 (with some modding) and Far Cry 3 well enough. Far Cry 4 seemed more of the same. This one generated 0 interest. Montana is just not a location I can get excited about.


The premise looks good.
That trailer did absolutely nothing for me.
Same, trailer didn't really excite me.

I liked the last 2 games even if 4's secret ending was better than the campaign. I'll still keep an eye on it when we get closer to release.


Before the game comes out

After the game comes out

Even though it's two different groups making these criticisms it's still funny to see.

Ubisoft know exactly the kind of games they want to make. Slight political undertones to get people talking but not enough to really make a statement. They aim for a middle ground which is honestly not a bad thing.
It's kinda weird how we're celebrating games for skirting away from any deeper examinations of society that might potentially make anyone uncomfortable.

But whatevs, at least we got Mafia III.


Gold Member
Also thought this. Trailer reminds me a lot of the northern half of GTA V which is my favourite part of the map

Same here, hate that it's so small in gta.

I didn't think it was possible for Ubi to get me excited about a new Far Cry, but they've gone and done it.

Agreed, last one I played was BD which I loved but haven't had any interest in 4 or Primal, but this looks like it could be fantastic. Will have to wait and see some gameplay though, because its ubisoft and I'm very skeptical with them these days because they make some boring ass games.


Well I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed. I wanted something that would step on some toes. At least some kind of statement. This is nothing of that sort. Who sympathizes with anything with regards to a death cult?


Oh boy... looking around the web the "SJW! Anti-Christian! Muslim lovers!" nonsense is already strong for this game.

This is gonna cause some internet drama, for sure. Now I kinda want it to do great (in terms of sales) just to annoy those people >.>


It's kinda weird how we're celebrating games for skirting away from any deeper examinations of society that might potentially make anyone uncomfortable.

But whatevs, at least we got Mafia III.
Oh boy... looking around the web the "SJW! Anti-Christian! Muslim lovers!" nonsense is already strong for this game.

This is gonna cause some internet drama, for sure. Now I kinda want it to do great (in terms of sales) just to annoy those people >.>
Ha, it's always fun to read the salt.
Looks fun. But I'm, not feeling the game world. Feels so... unbelievable some how? Just weird.

I can understand in Farcry 3 Vaas taking a mostly empty tropical island, or Farcry 4 Pagan Min's army taking over parts of a small developing country like Nepal...

But a group of cult fanatics managing to take over a whole US state or town? Ehhh....
US military would be all over that.


Might need to stop sniffing glue
Looks fun. But I'm, not feeling the game world. Feels so... unbelievable some how? Just weird.

I can understand in Farcry 3 Vaas taking a mostly empty tropical island, or Farcry 4 Pagan Min's army taking over parts of a small developing country like Nepal...

But a group of cult fanatics managing to take over a whole US state or town? Ehhh....
US military would be all over that.

After Trump, A republican in Montana body slamming a reporter, and half the stuff I read on a daily basis which seems extremely far fetched actually happening, ... meh. I'll go with it.


It looks like it will be more of the same honestly. It's really not even controversial. I was hoping they were going to change up the formula a lot more with those initial teases. As for now... I just am left feeling Meh.
Sweet, the melee from Primal felt too good to waste on just one game, glad it's back in this. Flying vehicles are also going to be sweet.

Map Editor is good news, but it seems like the MP pop always drops quickly for their games so I dunno if I'll use it much at all.


Please don't waste the villain in this. Far Cry 3 and 4's had great personalities but they were squandered.

Don't do this again, Ubisoft.
They did it twice so I'm honestly expecting
a 2nd villain to be pulling the strings of that area like 3 and 4

I think it's a cool setting to do small town America but I will miss the actual wild life nature of the game in this one. Rhinos, lions, tigers and shit won't be just chilling in Montana like that.

Idk gameplay wise I'm expecting less


I wonder what the map editor is for since so far they've only announced full two player co-op.

I'm assuming there's some unrevealed additional multiplayer modes.

Also, very good call on letting you do everything in co-op instead of just random things. Very important feature for co-op gamers.


After Trump, A republican in Montana body slamming a reporter, and half the stuff I read on a daily basis which seems extremely far fetched actually happening, ... meh. I'll go with it.
Republican, Democrat, whatever. Nobody will allow that shit to happen since it's basically secession. US had a Civil War around that. US military and all the security agencies would be on that like no tomorrow, especially with all the anti-terrorist efforts.

I guess it's just too unbelievable for me to take in a game since it's set in current time unlike say Fallout or Deus Ex. Mafia games are far more believable as a concept and GTA doesn't strive for a political statement.


This looks awesome. Custom lead, interesting setting, interesting villains, can play the full game in co-op? Yes day fucking one. Great job UbiSoft!


Might need to stop sniffing glue
Republican, Democrat, whatever. Nobody will allow that shit to happen since it's basically secession. US had a Civil War around that. US military and all the security agencies would be on that like no tomorrow, especially with all the anti-terrorist efforts.

I guess it's just too unbelievable for me to take in a game since it's set in current time unlike say Fallout or Deus Ex. Mafia games are far more believable as a concept and GTA doesn't strive for a political statement.

Fair enough. I'm not honestly saying it's believable. I'm just saying, I'll go with it. For me, I can have super powers of suspension-of-disbelief when it comes to video games. I just treat it as pure fantasy instead of trying to poke holes in it.

Obviously, that's not for everyone, and I can certainly see it being a complete turn-off for a number of people. For example, I don't buy that a priest will take up a shotgun over prayer to combat what is happening there. I'll let it go though, because, that's just me.


I like how some are saying announcing the game 9 months before release was actually too soon. Most games are announced a year+ in advance. This is totally fine.

Game looks awesome, loved all of those trailers. The mocap looks stellar.


Hurm, I was expecting something more than a religious cult.

Shame, but I should have known better.

Still looks fun with a creepy vibe.


Republican, Democrat, whatever. Nobody will allow that shit to happen since it's basically secession. US had a Civil War around that. US military and all the security agencies would be on that like no tomorrow, especially with all the anti-terrorist efforts.

I guess it's just too unbelievable for me to take in a game since it's set in current time unlike say Fallout or Deus Ex. Mafia games are far more believable as a concept and GTA doesn't strive for a political statement.

alright but it's obviously silly. it's like being critical of a b movie for historical inaccuracy


They were both supposed to be announced by now, but it looks like Ubisoft is either waiting for next week, or pushed it all the way to E3.

I feel like they want to focus E3 almost entirely on Assassin's Creed since that will probably be coming this year.


Are they even going to attempt to make the story/setting plausible in any way? Or just cramping the FC3/4 style of gameplay into it and trying to fit the story around it?

Cause if this happened you would have the ATF/Military at your doorstep.

It will feel a bit weird to play as a sheriff and go "Rambo" and one man army against them when it's supposed to be set in modern day.

I mean if you just recruit other hillbillies to fight them when you would (logically) be able to call up and get legit ATF/Military backup that kind of takes away from the setting and time period if they just ignore that.
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