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Favorite Anime Character

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Crewnh said:

Probably as of recently, Izaya Orihara from Durarara!!!. Super troll extraordinaire.

Shizuo > Izaya

For me there are just too many to pin down just one. The first that comes to mind is probably Spike though. Kaneda, Mugen, Shizuo, and Kenji Murasame also rank up there.



Kuroyanagi Ryou from Yakitate!! Japan



Takamura Mamoru from Hajime no Ippo

I like Pierrot from Yakitate Japan and Kamina from Gurren Lagaan a lot too.


Attackthebase said:
I have a few favorites, my number one constantly switches around, so I'll post my three favs:


A true demon


The counter-balance to my prior favorite Everyone should watch Monster.


Pity the author will NEVER finish the manga. :-(

Add Kenshin and Nakajima Youko and you've got mine.


Sub_Level said:
The only bearable Shounen lead:


Yusuke Urameshi. Doesn't take crap from anybody, isn't goofy around girls, and uses strategy in his fights other than "hurr plot powerup".

Also, need to give it up for my favorite female lead.


"Darkness beyond twilight
Crimson beyond blood that flows
Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows
In thy great name, I pledge myself to conquer
All the foes who stand
Before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hands.
Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I posses: Dragon Slave!"

-Lina Inverse. Styling on these fools.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
BTMash said:
Some excellent choices in here. I'll mention one that's not been mentioned yet.


Captain Tsubasa

He's a character?

I loved the show as a kid, but hes a hollow shell. Nothing there.



+1 Guts

A normal guy trying to fight monsters and gods and not giving a single shit about his assumed inferiority. He just keeps on fighting no matter how desperate the situation. And despite all the violence, he´s one of the most likeable manga/anime characters I know, too.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Michiko from Michiko and Hatchin

zoukka said:

He just wants to get warm...
Excellent character. The Groke is a she btw, and lulz at the url.


Junior Member
Way too many characters to choose from so I'll just pick one that hasn't been mentioned yet and probably never will be unless I act:

Makie from BotI.


Unquestionably the most dangerous character in the entire manga (male or female), but also the most unfortunate. It's rare when a chick is allowed to defeat the main protagonist outright (who is an immortal by the way) and not ever get beaten in a rematch.


I guess for me it's not as much about character as it is who voices them, and I love me some Rie Kugimiya tsunderes. All of them.
bangai-o said:
the Bible Black girls

can they really be called "girls"?

also, this thread has made me think long and hard about the anime I've seen and how all the characters blend together completely. especially anything with a tough male lead.

but one character stands out--




Onizuka from GTO.

can you ballsacs at least list the char name and anime they're from? i'd like to check some of the animes out.


Maturity, bitches.
bangai-o said:
the Bible Black girls
I was almost tempted to put down Reika Kitami as my favourite. Or maybe I should have gone with Hana from Seikon no Qwaser and Kazuharu Fukuyama from Girls Bravo. I like the shows for their plot.


I haven't watched anime in over a decade.

That said, finally an anime thread I can contribute to, being an old school fan!


Seeing him on Mtv in the early 90s made me an anime fan. We were watching a bootleg copy of the English dub of NS and suddenly I was like "holy shit, this is the movie that was on Liquid Television that one time".


I always related to this badass. In high school I had Tetsuo fantasies.


Laugh, but this is one of the more real characters in anime. She really reminds me of my little sister and my sister's daughter.


I loved Asuka.

qcf x2

Aizen Sousuke - He's smarter, faster, stronger and better looking than you.


Michiko Malandro (Michiko e Hatchin)
Kurama (YYH)
Ulquiorra (Bleach)
Kamina (TTGL)
Onizuka (GTO)
Nono (Diebuster)
Griffith (Berserk) :(


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
Momo said:
First person to say "Kintaro Oe" knows whats up.

Fuck yeah. That show is so damn amazing.

Also Guts. But the cartoon can't hold a candle to the manga. -Berserk

Killy was pretty fucking awesome too. -Blame!

It's hard to pick just one, and I don't know if I can say that I have just one favorite (despite how partial I am to CLAMP's Sakura)...

...so I'll have to go with my very first favorite character from quite some time ago, just as I started getting into anime.


Orochimaru is perhaps the only interesting villain that Naruto has had, IMO. He was evil, calculating, and always had an aura of mysterious intelligence to him. He also had some of the best themes in the series, and an amazing voice actress. While I have little love for the series, and hated how he kept getting treated like shit by the creator, I have faith that he will "be" the final villain in the series.


Anime only

Spike and Ein (Bebop)
Chihiro (Spirited Away)

Anime based on manga but I only read/like the manga and don't like/seldom/never seen the anime OR just manga in general:
Keitaro Urashima (Love Hina)
Luffy/Nami (One Piece)
Allen Walker/Yuu Kanda (D Gray Man)
Eikichi Onizuka (GTO)
Kanji Sasahara (Genshiken)
Eiji Niizuma/Hiramaru (Bakuman)
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