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Final Fantasy 16 rockets up sales charts after State of Play showcase

Yeah I'm preparing for disappointment with it. Hopefully that will lead me to having such a low bar and expectation that I'll actually love it. But if its the same people behind all the Ivalice games, I need to lower that bar even more.
I mean, it's by the director of XIV, which is the best FF story there is, as well as one of the best in gaming.


The nicest person on this forum
For deluxe editions it does kinda make sense as they can and usually do run out for popular games.

On Topic - Not really, Which Deluxe Edition is coming to the west?
In Canada we are getting first one.

On topic: for me pre-ordering is big deal, I usually do my pre-orders on my local EBGames and I don’t need put money down for it.

They game really impressed so far, so I don’t more than fine supporting the game.
So was Forspoken...

Yes, no difference at all between the teams.... None whatsoever. Got it.

Everyone knew Forspoken looked like ass from day one, and was clearly written by leftists writers more worried about inclusion and diversity, and black girl power, over being a great game and story.

The press is attacking FFXVI for putting story and gameplay over diversity and inclusion. Nothing about these games is comparable, especially not the pedigree of their directors and writers.
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Looks epic AF.

Really hoping FF has returned to prominence with this new entry. Everything I've seen makes me even more excited for this than FFVII:R Part 2 (and the O.G. FFVII was one of my favorite games of all time).
VI is mine. I would give anything for a complete, beat for beat 3d remake of FFVI. But it would have to be by a director who was adamant about translating it close to perfectly to the original.
Glad to see that the 'gamepass doesn't cannibalise game sales' narrative has finally died.
I mean, the whole point of GP is not to pay games. It doesn't cannibalize sales on other platforms that don't have Game Pass.

It's weird how some of you are so upset that MS looks at the market differently than Sony? MS wants users on their platform, and the bigger the platform, the better. The data they get is worth billions, and gaming is helping drive their cloud services. Xbox will take single game sales, of course, but it's definitely not their focus. They don't want your 70$, they want your sub. I'm not sure why some are so upset about that.
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Elden Member
I mean, it's by the director of XIV, which is the best FF story there is, as well as one of the best in gaming.
I HATE MMO's, and XIV is the most annoying MMO I've ever tried playing. Would have loved to have experienced its story, sadly its shoved behind that MMO gameplay that I just can't get with. I'm glad to hear that it was good though, gives me a little hope. XII's story is (to me) the worst in all FF, including the worst characters and near worst gameplay. It was a struggle to complete that game and looking back its why I gave up on FF until FF7 Remake reminded me why I love (some) FF games. I would love nothing more than 16 to be amazing, to feel like FF, to give me 6 - 9 vibes, or do something new that is amazing, high quality and sets a new standard for games going forward. But I'm going to remain skeptical of the game to make sure i have no expectations to disappoint.
I HATE MMO's, and XIV is the most annoying MMO I've ever tried playing. Would have loved to have experienced its story, sadly its shoved behind that MMO gameplay that I just can't get with. I'm glad to hear that it was good though, gives me a little hope. XII's story is (to me) the worst in all FF, including the worst characters and near worst gameplay. It was a struggle to complete that game and looking back its why I gave up on FF until FF7 Remake reminded me why I love (some) FF games. I would love nothing more than 16 to be amazing, to feel like FF, to give me 6 - 9 vibes, or do something new that is amazing, high quality and sets a new standard for games going forward. But I'm going to remain skeptical of the game to make sure i have no expectations to disappoint.
I mean, I don't know how anyone could say XII has the worst characters when we have XIII, but to each their own. XII is a far better game than XIII or XV. Especially XIII, Story, characters, all of it. Though the later version is the better version of XII, it's still better than those in its original form. To each their own I guess.

FFXIII is far and away the worst FF game.
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I’ve never pre ordered a game but I don’t see what’s so baffling here. Obviously a lot of people were that impressed by the game’s showcase that they’re willing to show support with their wallets pre launch at full price.
This game’s gonna be huge.


I mean, the whole point of GP is not to pay games. It doesn't cannibalize sales on other platforms that don't have Game Pass.

It's weird how some of you are so upset that MS looks at the market differently than Sony? MS wants users on their platform, and the bigger the platform, the better. The data they get is worth billions, and gaming is helping drive their cloud services. Xbox will take single game sales, of course, but it's definitely not their focus. They don't want your 70$, they want your sub. I'm not sure why some are so upset about that.
I'm not upset about gamepass at all.. In fact I don't give a shit about it as long as it doesn't lead to MS keep taking software/publishers away from other platforms to continuously feed it. I was referring to the fact that over the last few years we've heard many times (insanely) that it doesn't affect game sales on Xbox. I'm just relieved that (since it was confirmed) we can now openly say it does.
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If I've never played a FF game, but I have FFXV and FF7R . . . which one do you think is more like FFXVI?
I'm not into turn based combat which is why I never played the older titles.
I know people hate on the FFXV boy band look or whatever, but I don't think that would bother me.


I only pre-order special/collectors editions, and only because they usually run out. FFXVI deluxe was one of them :messenger_beaming:
Digital ones I pre-order on launch day-1, just for the eventual bonuses which I'll do with SF6, otherwise whats the point?


If I've never played a FF game, but I have FFXV and FF7R . . . which one do you think is more like FFXVI?
I'm not into turn based combat which is why I never played the older titles.
I know people hate on the FFXV boy band look or whatever, but I don't think that would bother me.
than FFVIIR.

I guess XV because the environments will be bigger than FF7R and the combat will be real-time action. However this still look very different and much more fun to play.


I preorder this month's ago when you could. Yoshi P and FF. I have no doubts in that man and his team. But I got the peasant base game.

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
People like to waste their money with preorders 😒.

They never learn, do they.
I do way more collecting now and tend to leave my physical collection sealed so I play as much of my stuff in digital as I can.

Pre-ordering is the only way to snag contemporary special editions before they get ludicrously expensive on the second hand market.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake 1st class edition (I believe it retailed at $299 or $349)
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FFXVI looks great so I'm not surprised people are pre-ordering the crap out of it.

I'm not really sure why I'm seeing such resistance to the combat by some fans. God forbid people have fun when fighting enemies. As much as I love classic turn based FF, it's pretty telling when they add features in those games that allow you to disable random battles. With FF7R I actually wanted to fight people, and I imagine XVI will take that even further.

In terms of visuals I think the game looks incredible. I find the art direction to be more appealing than the shot we got of Rebirth but it's still very early on with Rebirth.



i don't know what it is but Rebirth still looks very cross-gen to me whereas XVI gives me actual PS5 vibes. It's not really a fair comparison though because we only got one shot of Rebirth and it's earlier footage.
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Already got the Deluxe Edition pre-ordered.
But in reply to the Headline.... really?


World’s Biggest Weeb
I’ve bought just about every FF game since VII at launch and never regretted it.

That said, I am going to put the $100 in an interest bearing account until launch day. All you stupid preordering sheep are going to feel so foolish when you see me with my 0.0725 cents worth of compound interest.


Elden Member
I mean, I don't know how anyone could say XII has the worst characters when we have XIII, but to each their own. XII is a far better game than XIII or XV. Especially XIII, Story, characters, all of it. Though the later version is the better version of XII, it's still better than those in its original form. To each their own I guess.

FFXIII is far and away the worst FF game.
Never played either of those due to how bad 12 was. It’s what I mean by it ruining me on the series for awhile.
People like to waste their money with preorders 😒.

They never learn, do they.
No offense or any disrespect, but why does it matter to you what people do with their money?

People who want to play FF16 will play it regardless of reviews or anything else. It's a single player game without any micro transactions as I am aware or anything like that. So there is no bait and switch here as far corporate greed goes. Every showing this game had has been quite positive.

I don't understand how money is being "wasted" when the customer knows what they're getting based off previews. People who pre ordered God of War Ragnarok or TLOU 2 also wasted money? Lol. Very silly.
No offense or any disrespect, but why does it matter to you what people do with their money?

People who want to play FF16 will play it regardless of reviews or anything else. It's a single player game without any micro transactions as I am aware or anything like that. So there is no bait and switch here as far corporate greed goes. Every showing this game had has been quite positive.

I don't understand how money is being "wasted" when the customer knows what they're getting based off previews. People who pre ordered God of War Ragnarok or TLOU 2 also wasted money? Lol. Very silly.
Most of the people who say what you are responding to just play your average aaa title that goes down in value almost immediately, like Far Cry and CoD etc. and they don't collect or play niche Japanese games or buy collector's editions.

For instance: take the recent release of Trails to Azure. It was only out maybe two weeks after release that scalpers started to snatch up the remaining copies from an already low print run. The people who don't pre-order those types of games will end up having to pay twice the retail price, or more.


Yes, no difference at all between the teams.... None whatsoever. Got it.

Everyone knew Forspoken looked like ass from day one, and was clearly written by leftists writers more worried about inclusion and diversity, and black girl power, over being a great game and story.

The press is attacking FFXVI for putting story and gameplay over diversity and inclusion. Nothing about these games is comparable, especially not the pedigree of their directors and writers.

I don't think you have played Forspoken? It has many issues, but inclusion isn't one of them. I was in the same boat as you when I saw the reveal and the writers, but her race is never being discussed in the game ever and women are actually the targets you need to slay. She just happens to be black, and she's an orphan, but thats all there is to it. She could be anything, even a young white boy, and not much of the plot would change.

FFXVI however, does look tons better, more varied, better world building, interaction etc. Just an infinitely more interesting game to play.
Most of the people who say what you are responding to just play your average aaa title that goes down in value almost immediately, like Far Cry and CoD etc. and they don't collect or play niche Japanese games or buy collector's editions.

For instance: take the recent release of Trails to Azure. It was only out maybe two weeks after release that scalpers started to snatch up the remaining copies from an already low print run. The people who don't pre-order those types of games will end up having to pay twice the retail price, or more.

Did you also know that when you buy a brand new Mercedes E Coupe 2023 for 90-110K and as soon as you take it out of the dealer's parking lot the value of the car instantly tanks on that very same day, hour, minute and second? Or any other vehicle for that matter? Welcome to economics.

What you are saying is irrelevant. Also, if someone is that worried about money then they can go buy the game on steam if they wish, play it for less than 2 hours and get a refund. Majority of these sales are digital anyways, physical is slowly fading out. Or just go get Game Pass and play whatever you want to your hearts content.
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Did you also know that when you buy a brand new Mercedes E Coupe 2023 for 90-110K and as soon as you take it out of the dealer's parking lot the value of the car instantly tanks on that very same day, hour, minute and second? Or any other vehicle for that matter? Welcome to economics.

What you are saying is irrelevant. Also, if someone is that worried about money then they can go buy the game on steam if they wish, play it for less than 2 hours and get a refund. Majority of these sales are digital anyways, physical is slowly fading out. Or just go get Game Pass and play whatever you want to your hearts content.
I was saying that those who buy games that don't hold value don't tend to buy the games that hold their value, like niche Japanese titles, so they don't have to think about pre-orders to secure a physical copy of a low print run game.


FFXVI looks great so I'm not surprised people are pre-ordering the crap out of it.

I'm not really sure why I'm seeing such resistance to the combat by some fans. God forbid people have fun when fighting enemies. As much as I love classic turn based FF, it's pretty telling when they add features in those games that allow you to disable random battles. With FF7R I actually wanted to fight people, and I imagine XVI will take that even further.

In terms of visuals I think the game looks incredible. I find the art direction to be more appealing than the shot we got of Rebirth but it's still very early on with Rebirth.



i don't know what it is but Rebirth still looks very cross-gen to me whereas XVI gives me actual PS5 vibes. It's not really a fair comparison though because we only got one shot of Rebirth and it's earlier footage.

My guess is visually FF7Rebirth will kinda look like a PS4.5 game in terms of graphical quality, but with good resolution and 60fps modes. So similar to Intergrade but a bit better. This is because I think it's going to ship on UE4. Then part 3 will likely ship on UE5. I may be wrong, but just think they would have announced it like they did for DQ12 and KH4 being UE5 games.


But this shows they don't need E3 for them pre orders. Just a good and focused presentation thats widely available.


The nicest person on this forum
E3 used to be the Superbowl of videogames. We miss all of it.
We just go gameplay trailer and release date for Armored Core VI, to me it doesn’t make any difference if this was revealed at E3 or at YouTube still pretty exciting. I’m here for the games not for the show.


We just go gameplay trailer and release date for Armored Core VI, to me it doesn’t make any difference if this was revealed at E3 or at YouTube still pretty exciting. I’m here for the games not for the show.

I'm here for both. Were you a member of GAF 10 years ago?
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