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Final Fantasy VII Remake shifts to internal dev under Mobius project leader


Leaked footage of nomura working

Best part is how accurate this GIF is.


Nobuo Uematsu will not be involved with the music.I am worried about the Music too.

They could easily fuck up the soundtrack which is a huge part of the original.

The implementation of the music could be below expectations,even if the actual individual tracks will be based on those of the original.


"Nomura-san, the teams need direction - how should we proceed with KH3 and FF7R?"
"Shut up nerd, I'm designing Joker for some fucking reason."



2015-2017 Final Fantasy 7 Remake

The Teaser

Remember how excited we all got ?

The Trailer

It looked like a real game just 6 months later ...

And then nothing for over a year until back in February when we got what 3 screenshots ?


This has me really depressed now. Why get excited about anything ever ?


2015-2017 Final Fantasy 7 Remake

The Teaser

Remember how excited we all got ?

The Trailer

It looked like a real game just 6 months later ...

And then nothing for over a year until back in February when we got what 3 screenshots ?


This has me really depressed now. Why get excited about anything ever ?

Yes, I really don't get how you can have at least a good amount of the assets done like that and even the entire first reactor.......and we have absolutely nothing almost 2 years later.


After a discrete TGS'17 trailer, Square-Enix ensues an official statement: "We would like to announce that Tetsuya Nomura has stepped down as director from Final Fantasy VII in order to focus on new breathtaking and promising projects that will shape the future of our company. Hajime Tabata will now take the lead and deliver the product the fans want to play. Thank you".

Hajime Tabata: "While making Final Fantasy VII Remake we want players to play a cohesive story in one go, so the game is no longer episodic from now on"

*3 months later*

Hajime Tabata: "While making Final Fantasy VII Remake we want players to play a cohesive story in one go, so you will get the full experience... by playing the game"

*the game misses an E3, 5 months later*

Hajime Tabata: "While making Final Fantasy VII Remake we want players to experience a story told in all formats and perspectives. Announcing Final Fantasy VII: MidGuard, which tells the events that kick the main game story in motion."

*the movie releases, it's basically the whole first 10 hours of the original game condensed into 50 minutes. Fans start being angry at Tabata. Meanwhile, Sony has announced during E32019 Final Fantasy Versus XV, directed by Tetsuya Nomura, which is described as an alternative fantasy to FFXV, fans go crazy and wishes that Nomura was both directing Versus XV and VIIR*

Hajime Tabata: "While making Final Fantasy VII Remake, we want players to experience a cohesive story which connects the main game to MidGuard and the Crisis Core 2 episode anime. Players who only want to play the game, however, will still get the full picture and will understand everything"

*3 months later, Nomura has released a """"gameplay"""" trailer for Versus XV and it looks freaking good. What we are seeing from the Tabata VII Remake, however, is underwhelming*

Hajime Tabata: "I don't think players should expect to see things from the original vision by old staff that no longer works on the game, but please, this product is still the same as when it was announced?"

*the game is 2 months from being released. Nomura, being the snake he is, uses a poorly drawn signature in a quick artwork to let the fans know that the company doesn't let him show Versus XV until Tabata releases his game. "It's VIIR's turn... sorry for not showing a new trailer, I actually wanted to...". Fans rage.*

Hajime Tabata: "you know what? please watch the movie before playing the game next month..."

*the game releases. You can't visit Midgar City, the only overworld area is the Junon-Midgar continent, you can tell it was rushed to be released. The story doesn't make sense if you don't watch the movie beforehand... and some parts of it were chopped of! Fans are angry that they have to endure this mess of a game which is not even cohesive while Nomura is prohibited to show more of his project*

Hajime Tabata: "when did I say that we wanted to tell a cohesive story? bitch fill the gaps yourself, like..."

*VII R has gained its fanbase, and thanks to the hype, it has sold extremely well. It has been a while since the last time Versus XV got a trailer. People start wondering what is happening to the project*

Tetsuya Nomura: "News from Final Fantasy Versus XV will come, soon".

*However, the news never come. Rumors start surfacing that Versus XV is facing development problems and after the game misses E3'21, S-E releases a statement in which they confirm that they are still working on the game and that players will be surprised the next time they see the game. 3 months later, TGS starts and...*

Square-Enix: "We would like to announce that Tetsuya Nomura has stepped down as director from Final Fantasy Versus XV in order to focus on new breathtaking and promising projects that will shape the future of our company. Kyohei Suzuki will now take the lead and deliver the product the fans want to play. Thank you"

*But Tetsuya Nomura sits at his S-E office about to sign his contract as main director for Final Fantasy XVI, a game that is going to be outsourced because everyone in the company is busy right now. However, Nomura insists that he has the perfect vision for the sixteenth FF game and that it should be made right now.
He has schemed the ultimate plan to take Square-Enix as his. He has destroyed the careers of many rivals: Hiroyuki Ito lives his final days cleaning the toilets of the Akihabara TWEWY café, no one has ever seen Tai Yasue since KH3 launched with 3 playable worlds and 3 minutes of convoluted story and now it is Suzuki's turn. While tickling his hair, he wonders: which other S-E figure should be served as the next pawn? Should he mess with Tabata one more time, or is it Naoki Yoshida's the one that will go next? He will decide that later. It's E3'22 now and the company just debuted the first trailer for Final Fantasy XVI, directed by Tetsuya Nomura, at Sony's conference. During a press conference held the week later, all eyes are on the japanese director*

Tetsuya Nomura: "Oh my god? AM I the person directing this game?? And why is it that I'm finding it out just now? Honestly I had NO IDEA that I was directing this game. Also, why did we even announce it last week? I think that we should be catious, since the game has just entered pre-production. Yeah, FFXVI was announced too soon. Look forward to future announcements. Soon!"


A fantasy based on reality
Is it a sign I've crossed some important line that I find this thread more hilarious than painful?

I've got more patience for prolonged hype than most, but this is a bridge too far after waiting so long for XV and its finally releasing in a narratively semi-coherent state.

I'm sure I'll get my ticket eventually, but not until the train is a lot closer to the station.
I wonder which releases first, Death Stranding or FFVIIr

Kojima may have batshit crazy ideas, but he works hard, knows how to articulate his vision to the people working with him, and knows how to ship games on a relatively reasonable schedule. He seems demanding, but he's not an obsessive perfectionist like Nomura.

But I don't see either of those titles shipping until late 2019 or 2020. One will be a complete game though, and one will be a moderately-sized first part of a game.


Kojima may have batshit crazy ideas, but he works hard, knows how to articulate his vision to the people working with him, and knows how to ship games on a relatively reasonable schedule. He seems demanding, but he's not an obsessive perfectionist like Nomura.

But I don't see either of those titles shipping until late 2019 or 2020. One will be a complete game though, and one will be a moderately-sized first part of a game.

Why are we calling Nomura an obsessive perfectionist? That narrative really just started after his games were pushed back over and over.

At the very least Kojima is that too, and his games are crazy impressive every single time. A ton of that is down to him.


Why are we calling Nomura an obsessive perfectionist? That narrative really just started after his games were pushed back over and over.

At the very least Kojima is that too, and his games are crazy impressive every single time. A ton of that is down to him.

If Nomura is anything close to being a perfectionist Kingdom Hearts 3D wouldn't have shipped.
So what were they doing in the two years since this game was announced? I'm calling it right now. This game will come out on PS5. Maybe also PS4 but as a cross gen game. The first episode of this fucking videogame will come out in 2020, not a minute earlier.
The sad thing is, we're all probably going to have to wait about five years for the first episode to come out (which is most likely going to purely revolve around Midgar) before waiting another few years for the next episode.

It's going to be a total George RR Martin situation, I can feel it in my bones.

They're gonna switch engines for part 2 ya know. 🙄
Why are we calling Nomura an obsessive perfectionist? That narrative really just started after his games were pushed back over and over.

At the very least Kojima is that too, and his games are crazy impressive every single time. A ton of that is down to him.

Well, his colleagues said he was during the original FF7 development. Maybe he's changed.

From that Polygon FF7 retrospective:
Nomura-san is crazy. [Laughs] His standards were extremely high. He was always concerned about the characters’ eyes, for example — the shapes and sizes of the eyes, the thicknesses of the eyelids. He’d spend a ton of time just on a little curve of an eye. I don’t think he ever gave me a simple approval.
-- Motonori Sakakibara, Movie director, Square
The good news is that by the time this game finally gets closer to release, humans will have perfected cloning technology and they can just get an army of Yoshi-Ps to put in charge of SE's entire Japanese software output. Good news for FFXVI and FFIXR.


Well, his colleagues said he was during the original FF7 development. Maybe he's changed.

From that Polygon FF7 retrospective:
Nomura-san is crazy. [Laughs] His standards were extremely high. He was always concerned about the characters’ eyes, for example — the shapes and sizes of the eyes, the thicknesses of the eyelids. He’d spend a ton of time just on a little curve of an eye. I don’t think he ever gave me a simple approval.
-- Motonori Sakakibara, Movie director, Square

Yeah, maybe it just doesn't translate well over to game development. I don't think he's reached a standard consistently where we can say he's a perfectionist. Or maybe he's a perfectionist now which makes his games take such a long time that they eventually never release lol.


All of this for just part ONE of a remake of an RPG from 1997. God knows how many more parts they plan of making before reaching the ending.

This whole episodic structure feels like a money sink waiting to happen. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Square Enix finds themselves in financial trouble when all of this is over. Best of luck to them, honestly.


After a discrete TGS'17 trailer, Square-Enix ensues an official statement: "We would like to announce that Tetsuya Nomura has stepped down as director from Final Fantasy VII in order to focus on new breathtaking and promising projects that will shape the future of our company. Hajime Tabata will now take the lead and deliver the product the fans want to play. Thank you".

Hajime Tabata: "While making Final Fantasy VII Remake we want players to play a cohesive story in one go, so the game is no longer episodic from now on"

*3 months later*

Hajime Tabata: "While making Final Fantasy VII Remake we want players to play a cohesive story in one go, so you will get the full experience... by playing the game"

*the game misses an E3, 5 months later*

Hajime Tabata: "While making Final Fantasy VII Remake we want players to experience a story told in all formats and perspectives. Announcing Final Fantasy VII: MidGuard, which tells the events that kick the main game story in motion."

*the movie releases, it's basically the whole first 10 hours of the original game condensed into 50 minutes. Fans start being angry at Tabata. Meanwhile, Sony has announced during E32019 Final Fantasy Versus XV, directed by Tetsuya Nomura, which is described as an alternative fantasy to FFXV, fans go crazy and wishes that Nomura was both directing Versus XV and VIIR*

Hajime Tabata: "While making Final Fantasy VII Remake, we want players to experience a cohesive story which connects the main game to MidGuard and the Crisis Core 2 episode anime. Players who only want to play the game, however, will still get the full picture and will understand everything"

*3 months later, Nomura has released a """"gameplay"""" trailer for Versus XV and it looks freaking good. What we are seeing from the Tabata VII Remake, however, is underwhelming*

Hajime Tabata: "I don't think players should expect to see things from the original vision by old staff that no longer works on the game, but please, this product is still the same as when it was announced?"

*the game is 2 months from being released. Nomura, being the snake he is, uses a poorly drawn signature in a quick artwork to let the fans know that the company doesn't let him show Versus XV until Tabata releases his game. "It's VIIR's turn... sorry for not showing a new trailer, I actually wanted to...". Fans rage.*

Hajime Tabata: "you know what? please watch the movie before playing the game next month..."

*the game releases. You can't visit Midgar City, the only overworld area is the Junon-Midgar continent, you can tell it was rushed to be released. The story doesn't make sense if you don't watch the movie beforehand... and some parts of it were chopped of! Fans are angry that they have to endure this mess of a game which is not even cohesive while Nomura is prohibited to show more of his project*

Hajime Tabata: "when did I say that we wanted to tell a cohesive story? bitch fill the gaps yourself, like..."

*VII R has gained its fanbase, and thanks to the hype, it has sold extremely well. It has been a while since the last time Versus XV got a trailer. People start wondering what is happening to the project*

Tetsuya Nomura: "News from Final Fantasy Versus XV will come, soon".

*However, the news never come. Rumors start surfacing that Versus XV is facing development problems and after the game misses E3'21, S-E releases a statement in which they confirm that they are still working on the game and that players will be surprised the next time they see the game. 3 months later, TGS starts and...*

Square-Enix: "We would like to announce that Tetsuya Nomura has stepped down as director from Final Fantasy Versus XV in order to focus on new breathtaking and promising projects that will shape the future of our company. Kyohei Suzuki will now take the lead and deliver the product the fans want to play. Thank you"

*But Tetsuya Nomura sits at his S-E office about to sign his contract as main director for Final Fantasy XVI, a game that is going to be outsourced because everyone in the company is busy right now. However, Nomura insists that he has the perfect vision for the sixteenth FF game and that it should be made right now.
He has schemed the ultimate plan to take Square-Enix as his. He has destroyed the careers of many rivals: Hiroyuki Ito lives his final days cleaning the toilets of the Akihabara TWEWY café, no one has ever seen Tai Yasue since KH3 launched with 3 playable worlds and 3 minutes of convoluted story and now it is Suzuki's turn. While tickling his hair, he wonders: which other S-E figure should be served as the next pawn? Should he mess with Tabata one more time, or is it Naoki Yoshida's the one that will go next? He will decide that later. It's E3'22 now and the company just debuted the first trailer for Final Fantasy XVI, directed by Tetsuya Nomura, at Sony's conference. During a press conference held the week later, all eyes are on the japanese director*

Tetsuya Nomura: "Oh my god? AM I the person directing this game?? And why is it that I'm finding it out just now? Honestly I had NO IDEA that I was directing this game. Also, why did we even announce it last week? I think that we should be catious, since the game has just entered pre-production. Yeah, FFXVI was announced too soon. Look forward to future announcements. Soon!"


Nomura taking it a step further and remaking the FF VsXIII hype cycle. So meta, the guy is truly a visionary. Hopefully Naoki Hamaguchi can bring his trailers to life when he steps in as director.


Is it a sign I've crossed some important line that I find this thread more hilarious than painful?

I've got more patience for prolonged hype than most, but this is a bridge too far after waiting so long for XV and its finally releasing in a narratively semi-coherent state.

I'm sure I'll get my ticket eventually, but not until the train is a lot closer to the station.
I'm now there with you. I'm just waiting for the next brilliant gif to pop up.

Side note, I wonder who pre-ordered this game. Must be awkward for them.
I can't believe the Square Enix/Nomura white knights are still insisting that this is all "hyperbole".

Final Fantasy XII, XIII, XIV, XV, and Kingdom Hearts 3 have ALL been massive clusterfucks with multi-year delays, engine changes, platform changes, director changes, etc. XIV was so terrible they had to apolgize and take it offline while they rebuilt it from scratch.

So forgive us for not giving S-E the benefit of the doubt this time around.

Actually the problem in my opinion is this insistence of lumping Nomura and S-E into the same pile. Like you said, I have no problem with calling out S-E on this track record, but to throw it all on Nomura when, of those games (and one you left out, the incredible graphical downgrade of Lightning Returns compared to the previous two in order to be able to pump it out before last gen ended), the only ones he had lead roles in were Versus and KH3, like many do, I do have some issue with.

If anything, the fact that every single team regardless of director (including Tabata, see both the design-by-committee sounding tidbits from ATRs of FFXV and where Tabata and his writer still even now has no clue what to do with the story that he's running polls and was rumored to be still re-writing the story 4 months from launch and Type-0 going from phone game to portable game and a long ass dev cycle for a portable) has run into this is further proof that the Nomura haters just love their hate for him.

I do agree with the assessment that he clearly gets bogged down on certain parts during development.


Well, his colleagues said he was during the original FF7 development. Maybe he's changed.

From that Polygon FF7 retrospective:
Nomura-san is crazy. [Laughs] His standards were extremely high. He was always concerned about the characters’ eyes, for example — the shapes and sizes of the eyes, the thicknesses of the eyelids. He’d spend a ton of time just on a little curve of an eye. I don’t think he ever gave me a simple approval.
-- Motonori Sakakibara, Movie director, Square

I wont reveal sources but I can assure you that not only Nomura is like that at SE. They have some of the highest art standard ever in the industry.

The Lamp

Just embarrassing. This company doesn't deserve to develop. Just publish and fuck off, S-E.

Get Nomura away from game direction. He is a drawing artist and he's pitiful at everything else since 2006


It amazes me that Nomura still has so much clout at Square Enix. I figured the guy would be on thin ice given he can't seem to produce a game in less than 5 years.


Actually the problem in my opinion is this insistence of lumping Nomura and S-E into the same pile. I have no problem with calling out S-E on this track record, but to throw it all on Nomura when, of those games (and one you left out, the incredible graphical downgrade of Lightning Returns compared to the previous two in order to be able to pump it out before last gen ended), the only ones he had lead roles in were Versus and KH3, like many do, I do have some issue with.

If anything, the fact that every single team regardless of director (including Tabata, see both the design-by-committee ATRs of FFXV and where Tabata and his writer still even now has no clue what to do with the story that he's running polls and was rumored to be still re-writing the story 4 months from launch and Type-0 going from phone game to portable game and a long ass dev cycle for a portable) has run into this is further proof that the Nomura haters just love their hate for him.

I do agree with the assessment that he clearly gets bogged down on certain parts during development.
At least Tabata listened to the feedback from the fans, showed a bunch of footage during the production, made a lot of special presentations (the ATR), made two demos and released the freaking game

In all this years of KH III and FF VIIR Nomura just keep saying "please wait" and let everyone in the dark without knowing if they at least already has everything planned or if they don't created nothing beyond the bombing mission


Yes, I really don't get how you can have at least a good amount of the assets done like that and even the entire first reactor.......and we have absolutely nothing almost 2 years later.

Ah the good old vertical slice, aka the "let's polish up what's supposed to be a quick and dirty prototype and pass it off as part of a real game" school of game promotion.
At least Tabata listened to the feedback from the fans, showed a bunch of footage during the production, made a lot of special presentations (the ATR), made two demos and released the freaking game

In all this years of KH III and FF VIIR Nomura just keep saying "please wait" and let everyone in the dark without knowing if they at least already has everything planned or if they don't created nothing beyond the bombing mission

Do you forget everyone that said "Tabata get back to work and stop listening to feedback" or better yet "wasting time on demo updates"
After a discrete TGS'17 trailer, Square-Enix ensues an official statement: "We would like to announce that Tetsuya Nomura has stepped down as director from Final Fantasy VII in order to focus on new breathtaking and promising projects that will shape the future of our company. Hajime Tabata will now take the lead and deliver the product the fans want to play. Thank you".

Hajime Tabata: "While making Final Fantasy VII Remake we want players to play a cohesive story in one go, so the game is no longer episodic from now on"

*3 months later*

Hajime Tabata: "While making Final Fantasy VII Remake we want players to play a cohesive story in one go, so you will get the full experience... by playing the game"

*the game misses an E3, 5 months later*

Hajime Tabata: "While making Final Fantasy VII Remake we want players to experience a story told in all formats and perspectives. Announcing Final Fantasy VII: MidGuard, which tells the events that kick the main game story in motion."

*the movie releases, it's basically the whole first 10 hours of the original game condensed into 50 minutes. Fans start being angry at Tabata. Meanwhile, Sony has announced during E32019 Final Fantasy Versus XV, directed by Tetsuya Nomura, which is described as an alternative fantasy to FFXV, fans go crazy and wishes that Nomura was both directing Versus XV and VIIR*

Hajime Tabata: "While making Final Fantasy VII Remake, we want players to experience a cohesive story which connects the main game to MidGuard and the Crisis Core 2 episode anime. Players who only want to play the game, however, will still get the full picture and will understand everything"

*3 months later, Nomura has released a """"gameplay"""" trailer for Versus XV and it looks freaking good. What we are seeing from the Tabata VII Remake, however, is underwhelming*

Hajime Tabata: "I don't think players should expect to see things from the original vision by old staff that no longer works on the game, but please, this product is still the same as when it was announced?"

*the game is 2 months from being released. Nomura, being the snake he is, uses a poorly drawn signature in a quick artwork to let the fans know that the company doesn't let him show Versus XV until Tabata releases his game. "It's VIIR's turn... sorry for not showing a new trailer, I actually wanted to...". Fans rage.*

Hajime Tabata: "you know what? please watch the movie before playing the game next month..."

*the game releases. You can't visit Midgar City, the only overworld area is the Junon-Midgar continent, you can tell it was rushed to be released. The story doesn't make sense if you don't watch the movie beforehand... and some parts of it were chopped of! Fans are angry that they have to endure this mess of a game which is not even cohesive while Nomura is prohibited to show more of his project*

Hajime Tabata: "when did I say that we wanted to tell a cohesive story? bitch fill the gaps yourself, like..."

*VII R has gained its fanbase, and thanks to the hype, it has sold extremely well. It has been a while since the last time Versus XV got a trailer. People start wondering what is happening to the project*

Tetsuya Nomura: "News from Final Fantasy Versus XV will come, soon".

*However, the news never come. Rumors start surfacing that Versus XV is facing development problems and after the game misses E3'21, S-E releases a statement in which they confirm that they are still working on the game and that players will be surprised the next time they see the game. 3 months later, TGS starts and...*

Square-Enix: "We would like to announce that Tetsuya Nomura has stepped down as director from Final Fantasy Versus XV in order to focus on new breathtaking and promising projects that will shape the future of our company. Kyohei Suzuki will now take the lead and deliver the product the fans want to play. Thank you"

*But Tetsuya Nomura sits at his S-E office about to sign his contract as main director for Final Fantasy XVI, a game that is going to be outsourced because everyone in the company is busy right now. However, Nomura insists that he has the perfect vision for the sixteenth FF game and that it should be made right now.
He has schemed the ultimate plan to take Square-Enix as his. He has destroyed the careers of many rivals: Hiroyuki Ito lives his final days cleaning the toilets of the Akihabara TWEWY café, no one has ever seen Tai Yasue since KH3 launched with 3 playable worlds and 3 minutes of convoluted story and now it is Suzuki's turn. While tickling his hair, he wonders: which other S-E figure should be served as the next pawn? Should he mess with Tabata one more time, or is it Naoki Yoshida's the one that will go next? He will decide that later. It's E3'22 now and the company just debuted the first trailer for Final Fantasy XVI, directed by Tetsuya Nomura, at Sony's conference. During a press conference held the week later, all eyes are on the japanese director*

Tetsuya Nomura: "Oh my god? AM I the person directing this game?? And why is it that I'm finding it out just now? Honestly I had NO IDEA that I was directing this game. Also, why did we even announce it last week? I think that we should be catious, since the game has just entered pre-production. Yeah, FFXVI was announced too soon. Look forward to future announcements. Soon!"


HQ post right here. So true it hurts
Do you forget everyone that said "Tabata get back to work and stop listening to feedback" or better yet "wasting time on demo updates"
Did you forget the people that said "stop wasting time on updating the game and just leave it to die"? Or the "Tabata should be fired immediately for killing my waifu Stella and lying about the Uncovered release date"?

Pepperidge Farm Remembers.
I think everyone baffled at them giving FF7R to CC2 is drastically overestimating how high SE rates this game in priority. Everyone calling this SE's most important game or their biggest release is in a fantasy land; DQXI, KH3, and FF15 are all more important projects for them.

Holy shit that's a lot of acronyms in one post.
Yes, I really don't get how you can have at least a good amount of the assets done like that and even the entire first reactor.......and we have absolutely nothing almost 2 years later.

S-E PR. That hardly means that more doesn't exist. See Dragon Quest XI. They barely showed the main character running around an empty (but pretty!) environment.


Purple Drazi
I've been legitimately worried about FF7-R getting the diced-up FF15 treatment ever since it was announced, and now Delaney has gone and written an entire horror script out of that potentiality. This thread has delivered, and I must scream.

DQXI, KH3, and FF15 are all more important projects for them.

I think this is their most important gig right now, and they know it. FF15 was a bigger deal, because it needed to succeed commercially, and it has. Now it's all on 7-R. Square is seeing more and more international importance, and Final Fantasy is their biggest international brand. What's more, Final Fantasy 7 lit the media on fire. It's their biggest, most recognizable title in their biggest worldwide brand.


Purple Drazi
I hate to burst your bubble but this just isn't true. FFX and FFXIV are all bigger in terms of sales and popularity.

There's no bubble to burst. I love 7, but I don't have a stake here -- I enjoy being corrected on stuff. My passion is for the truth. I'm pretty sure 7 is still ahead of 10 in both those fields, though, although they're both very successful. And 14 being an MMO, it's kind of a different metric. But if I were to grab ten people off the streets and ask them whether pictures of FF7 or FF14 were more recognizable, I'd be surprised if two of them chose the latter.
There's no bubble to burst. I love 7, but I don't have a stake here -- I enjoy being corrected on stuff. My passion is for the truth. I'm pretty sure 7 is still ahead of 10 in both those fields, though, although they're both very successful. And 14 being an MMO, it's kind of a different metric. But if I were to grab ten people off the streets and ask them whether pictures of FF7 or FF14 were more recognizable, I'd be surprised if two of them chose the latter.

According to vgsales (Take it or leave it)

FFVII: 10 million

FFX: 14 million
I hate to burst your bubble but this just isn't true. FFX and FFXIV are all bigger in terms of sales and popularity. Probably FFXIII too when you add all three games together.

You're wrong. I don't even know how could anyone think that XIV is bigger in sales and popularity than VII.
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