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Final Fantasy VII Remake shifts to internal dev under Mobius project leader

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
I fully expect Kingdom Hearts 3 will release in 2018, I think they're pretty confident in that release year.

I expect the first part of the FFVII remake project to release around 2020, perhaps a few months before a new generation of consoles or as a cross-gen title (though Lightning Returns wasn't).

Both projects will be worth the wait.
Speculation: what if they shifted to internal development so that the Kingdom Hearts III team could pick up development as they were winding down the development of that game? The reason they assigned CC2 to the game in the first place could have been to avoid having the development start after Kingdom Hearts III was finished. So in a sense, the shift to internal development had always been planned.
If SE is going all in on online and 16 has a major online / co op focus, they could do a lot worse then putting the 14 guys in charge.

7R is already Versus 13-2. I don't expect it until the mid 2020s under a Dev team made up of people who are probably still in school now.


Speculation: what if they shifted to internal development so that the Kingdom Hearts III team could pick up development as they were winding down the development of that game? The reason they assigned CC2 to the game in the first place could have been to avoid having the development start after Kingdom Hearts III was finished. So in a sense, the shift to internal development had always been planned.
They gave FF7 to business division 1 (the Final Fantasy XIII 1-3 people), whereas Kingdom Hearts is business division 3, so that doesn't line up.


They gave FF7 to business division 1 (the Final Fantasy XIII 1-3 people), whereas Kingdom Hearts is business division 3, so that doesn't line up.

The people behind the XIII series is in charge of the remake...?



I have no idea what really goes in within Square enix' walls outside of the heavily storied FFXIV disaster but based on that (as well as that wonderful FF7 post portem at polygon) , interviews with dev teams and trailers /etc over the last 10 years I can perhaps accurately speculate on why Square is such a disaster since the PS3 launched.


That's an impressive summary of events.

Squee never recovered from the TSW debacle.

The people behind the XIII series is in charge of the remake...?


What they've shown so far looks perfect for them lol.


I have a lot of games to play, and I wasn't one of those who asked for FF7RE in the first place, so SE can take all the time they need as far as I'm concerned. I'm glad that they shifted development from CC2 to internal though. CC2 can't make shit, let alone anything in FF7RE's caliber.


That's an impressive summary of events.

Squee never recovered from the TSW debacle.

Keep in mind that the Hawaiian movie studio and The Spirit Within were just symptoms of a spread bad management culture. We, as gamers, could not see that because Square output was pretty impressive back then, but many games went into development hell or suffered from inefficient allocation of resources.


The simple fact of giving to CyberConnect a project of this magnitude should have risen eyebrows from the start. Unbelievable decision...


The people behind the XIII series is in charge of the remake...?


Oh wow that's interesting. I didn't know that.

Wonder what they'll pull off now that they have previous experiences.
Well, I mean, they actually had previous experience. You'll also remember BD1 for FFX and FFX-2.

That said, much like Mobius, I'm very suspicious that Toriyama is also ghost directing FF7 on a day to day basis.
Well, I mean, they actually had previous experience. You'll also remember BD1 for FFX and FFX-2.

That said, much like Möbius, I'm very suspicious that Toriyama is also ghost directing FF7 on a day to day basis.
Oh I'm not upset about this at all! I'm just curious with what they can do now that they have a better understanding of HD stuff and the newer consoles.

Toriyama putting in some work!


2018 to 2021 - Kingdom hearts 3 will finally launch , DQXI will come out world wide , FF7Repisode 1 will make it out the door and we'll see an announcement of FFXVI , it will aim for a 2020 release but probably get delayed to 2022. Eidos' Marvel games will make it out the door and probably fail to meet sales goals. In other words the square enix clock will keep ticking. The only constant is that FFXIV ARR will remain highly profitable and keep the company in the black.

I mean, this company has burned it's bridges , rebuilt them with better materials and then burned them again so I have little faith in them to deliver a big game on time with high quality ever again.

SE is filthy rich now because 1. they get the mobile money rolling in; 2. all their big games meet expectation, except their western ones, which they rectify quickly by selling off IO and shifting the rest to Marvel projects; 3. MMO provide a steady cash flow. They have so much money they even greenlit stuff like Nier Automata and Left Alive. And you also have Tokyo RPG factory and Baba's new studio, things that don't make sense. If you think SE is struggling to survive then you don't know much about how the company works. SE can afford to take their time with FF7RE, as long as it's not in full production, which I doubt it is since SE is still hiring.


Toriyama worked in ff7, event planner and cutscenes i think.

I dont mind If toriyama worked on this remake. I'm worried with Nomura, he directed Advent Children.

I know there's a War between Nomura x Tabata fans, but i think Tabata was more suited for this remake in paper at least, since he directed crisis core and before crisis.

But lets see If Nomura does a good job.
Its good to hear the development is going to be handled more internally, the delays are not good though but I had to expect that this game was going to set the standard for the mother of all delays, hopefully its worth it in the end.
Toriyama worked in ff7, event planner and cutscenes i think.

I dont mind If toriyama worked on this remake. I'm worried with Nomura, he directed Advent Children.

I know there's a War between Nomura x Tabata fans, but i think Tabata was more suited for this remake in paper at least, since he directed crisis core and before crisis.

But lets see If Nomura does a good job.
There's a war????

I don't care who makes the game/remake, I just want it to be good.
Toriyama worked in ff7, event planner and cutscenes i think.

I dont mind If toriyama worked on this remake. I'm worried with Nomura, he directed Advent Children.

I know there's a War between Nomura x Tabata fans, but i think Tabata was more suited for this remake in paper at least, since he directed crisis core and before crisis.

But lets see If Nomura does a good job.

Sakaguchi and Nomura were the first two people credited at the end of FF7.


Toriyama was a key event planner on the original FF7.He's also one of the most experienced in the company when it comes to heading HD development.

I'd be very surprised if he wasn't involved in the remake :p
Honestly I wouldn't mind if Toriyama put a little Lightning cameo somewhere. He loves the character and it shows. It could be like a keychain of her or a car charm or even a signed photograph of her in Cloud's room or something.


Toriyama after XIII team's development issues with trying to do everything in-house for the first XIII game.

“We are also thinking that we will not do large-scale internal development any longer,” Toriyama said. “We have a lot of great creators in Square Enix, but for larger-scale development we will be doing more distributed and outsourced development to reach our targets on time.”

VII-R's new development lead.

“The information is already available online, but I’ve taken charge on the development side for Final Fantasy VII Remake,” Hamaguchi said. “As for the whole story, (it’s a sensitive topic, but) until now, development was moving forward with external cooperation, but the company has decided to shift to an internal setup, including mass production and quality, because we want to control everything, including quality, on a stable schedule. (I won’t be leaving Mobius Final Fantasy.)”

the XIII games are silly nonsense for sure
but they were all audiovisual feasts -- i want this VII remake to be bombastic as fuck, so the fact that those teams are on this doesn't worry me too much, its more the dangers of well-meaning meddling on SE's part to try and squeeze more value into each release while turning the game's lore into absurd fanfic (beyond its general pervasive garishness).

i wonder now if they intend for a traditional retelling or if they plan on trying to flesh out a lot of side character backstories like the turks, other resistance guys, shinra bigwigs, etc. They might be able to get away with the first game just being Midgar if they expand more on the city and give each district it's own distinct visual identity, so it feels more like you're exploring and progressing in a diverse world throughout the game, but they'd have to deliver on a lot of quality content for sure in that case, and a careful rebalancing of stat progression (though I'm sure this is in the cards anyway due to the episodic nature of the project), and when the world opens up in part 2, kids playing it for the first time would have their minds fucking blown for sure, which would also give their environmental artists a shitload of time to generate the necessary content for all of that. Square just has to be careful not to take advice from random turk-shipper subreddits or whatever and get too meandering with extra subplots.

another thing that bugs me about remakes is the weird Canonization of certain characters or scenes, attributing more importance to things that were just a normal thing in the original. like FF7 was angst-ridden and mostly irreverent if you think about it, if all of a sudden everything is "iconic" and takes itself so seriously in the remake then i'll feel like i'm being pandered to, just tell the story the way you want to tell it, dang it. i just hope that the game's sense of humor is still present, along with the slight nods here and there that wink at you and remind you you're playing a videogame.
Honestly I wouldn't mind if Toriyama put a little Lightning cameo somewhere. He loves the character and it shows. It could be like a keychain of her or a car charm or even a signed photograph of her in Cloud's room or something.

"One day, not so far in the future, I will be out there again, in a world of strife." - Lightning from the Telegraph interview.

Anyway this TGS has been pretty shit as usual. Episode One will probably come out for PS5.


Not like that's better. This is like if they remade Stacraft 1 and sold each campaign separately.

So no, not actually like StarCraft.

You mean the shit ones? Yeah, that's a great idea.

From the directors of Ff7, kitase IS the best no doubt, but since he's retired from direction, If we compare Nomura and Tabata ff7.
Tabata is superior even with the trash genesis and loveless shit.

About StarCraft i agree partialy, they Said already they Will increment the story, so its not only the old story, but i agree that its not a Full story on its own in each chapter like sc2.
Not like that's better. This is like if they remade Stacraft 1 and sold each campaign separately.

So no, not actually like StarCraft.

That's not a good comparison. StarCraft is a relatively simple game. A remake would play mostly the same; it'd just have some quality-of-life features. It would keep the same units and same maps. Only the graphics would change. Maybe some new writing and voice acting, but these two elements are decoupled enough from the gameplay of the game that they wouldn't demand a complete overhaul of the gameplay. Unless, of course, Blizzard wants to completely overhaul the gameplay and mission design, and raise the number of missions from 10 to 30 per campaign, like it is in Star Craft 2. Then, they would be justified in charging full price per campaign. But I doubt that's what fans would want.

FFVII, on the other hand, is a story-driven RPG that heavily features exploration. If you want to recapture the impact and magic the game originally had on players twenty years ago, you can't just slap some HD textures on there. You have to completely rework the game from the ground up. Everything. Character design, battle design, level design, scenario. The latter three elements alone demand a significant overhaul of the original game. Kitase has said such and he (correctly) posited that if you want to remake that game with today's technology and standards, and meet twenty years of fan nostalgia and remake expectations, they cannot make a single game. It's just too ambitious. Remaking FFVII in a single 50-hour-ish game today would not meet expectations. Not only that, but it would have to cut some of the content of the original game. And that would be a fatal sin.

I don't know how many games it would take, but it's more than one. So at least two.


here's an example. Remember when you got to the Market in search of Tifa? Remember how that place felt huge and alive and impressive back in 1997? "It looks like a real place! I want to visit that myself!" you might have told yourself.

Now take that market design exactly like it is, and imagine it in a 2017 game. Picture it. Picture walking your character in that space like you would control Geralt in Novigrad. Does it feel rather small and... lame? It sure does to me. Now try this exercise with the entire game. And keep in mind the gameplay is real-time like in Kingdom Hearts. And that they want to heavily expand on the story (Kitase said he wants Midgard to be more explorable than it was in the original game).

That's why they can't make a single game. It just wouldn't be enough to contain everything the remake deserves.


From the directors of Ff7, kitase IS the best no doubt, but since he's retired from direction, If we compare Nomura and Tabata ff7.
Tabata is superior even with the trash genesis and loveless shit.

About StarCraft i agree partialy, they Said already they Will increment the story, so its not only the old story, but i agree that its not a Full story on its own in each chapter like sc2.

Imo Tabata should stay away from the remake, that guy is full of lies and medicore games.
"One day, not so far in the future, I will be out there again, in a world of strife." - Lightning from the Telegraph interview.

Anyway this TGS has been pretty shit as usual. Episode One will probably come out for PS5.
Don't give them ideas Dragmire!

Actually that would be pretty cool!
Imo Tabata should stay away from the remake, that guy is full of lies and medicore games.
I guess there is a war then.


As the game's development continues to slowly limp on, I wonder if they'll eventually abandon the plan to make the game episodic. That's probably wishful thinking on my part, though.


As the game's development continues to slowly limp on, I wonder if they'll eventually abandon the plan to make the game episodic. That's probably wishful thinking on my part, though.

I would hate an episodic game myself, but it seems like the answer to cut development time down and pace themselves.


Gold Member
She's Jenova.

I don't think we'll be seeing this game until 2019 at the earliest, but I hope to be wrong. And even though I despise Lightning I'd be totally alright with the cross dressing part making a call back to her, in fact I think it'd be charming. I mean Cloud and her are pretty damn similar.
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