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Final Fantasy XV |OT2| For Jared!


Chapter 1: I'm only an hour or so into the game, and my current quest is to go to Galdin Quay to get on a boat. This sounds like it'll make me leave the area. Should I do this quest now, or hang around and explore, doing all the hunting quests etc in the zone first? Does it even matter?


No it's ring magic you get in chapter 13. On PS4 it's R1+Triangle.
Oh I see , nice! I'm only at Chapter 10 currently.

Chapter 1: I'm only an hour or so into the game, and my current quest is to go to Galdin Quay to get on a boat. This sounds like it'll make me leave the area. Should I do this quest now, or hang around and explore, doing all the hunting quests etc in the zone first? Does it even matter?
Do the quests. There's no boat.


Chapter 1: I'm only an hour or so into the game, and my current quest is to go to Galdin Quay to get on a boat. This sounds like it'll make me leave the area. Should I do this quest now, or hang around and explore, doing all the hunting quests etc in the zone first? Does it even matter?

Without spoiling anything, you won't be forced to leave at that point.


The airship is such a disappointment. I wanted to see if I can get into that canyon right below lestallum and Noctis just auto-steers away when you get close. Landing is a chore, especially that small landing strip next to the secret dungeon. The loud jet engine is annoying, and the mechanics are just not that fun.
In fact, I never wanna fly around again. Nice job, devs, making me not wanna use a freakin' airship.

It's one of those things where they go with realism over fun. They should've made it so you can stop in midair, and then to land you just press X and lower yourself down. And no invisible walls.

awwww maan :C

I really wanted to go there, too.


The airship is such a disappointment. I wanted to see if I can get into that canyon right below lestallum and Noctis just auto-steers away when you get close. Landing is a chore, especially that small landing strip next to the secret dungeon. The loud jet engine is annoying, and the mechanics are just not that fun.
In fact, I never wanna fly around again. Nice job, devs, making me not wanna use a freakin' airship.

It's one of those things where they go with realism over fun. They should've made it so you can stop in midair, and then to land you just press X and lower yourself down. And no invisible walls.

Yep, then should just autopilot to nearest P spot.

K' Dash

Gold Member
What the fuck happened to this game after chapter 8?

They put you in a linear path until the end? is that it? cause that fucking sucks donkey balls, I can't believe it, feels like Metal Gear V all over again, they didn't know what to do next and rushed the ending with a fucking ass mediocre boring dungeon without friends or powers, not only that, but the longest dungeon of them all, ugh.

I'm starting chapter 14 and seems this is going to get worse, please tell me I will be able to explore the world before the ending.


Junior Member
Said no one ever after they finished it.

I got a little bored of the caves and shit. Not much visual variety to the dungeons. Ch 13 is at least unique. And I explained why it's not so bad. I'm still looking forward to the postgame stuff though.


What the fuck happened to this game after chapter 8?

They put you in a linear path until the end? is that it? cause that fucking sucks donkey balls, I can't believe it, feels like Metal Gear V all over again, they didn't know what to do next and rushed the ending with a fucking ass mediocre boring dungeon without friends or powers, not only that, but the longest dungeon of them all, ugh.

I'm starting chapter 14 and seems this is going to get worse, please tell me I will be able to explore the world before the ending.

You can go back to the open world at any time in a resting spot, but there's no new open world map.


Finished chapter 13, and put me in the hate club. Geez, those first two thirds were so poor paced. Towards the end it got ok tho.


I got a little bored of the caves and shit. Not much visual variety to the dungeons. Ch 13 is at least unique. And I explained why it's not so bad. I'm still looking forward to the postgame stuff though.

Post game is great. Had much more fun with the later dungeons. Shame they locked them away until after you beat the story. I don't understand that logic at all.


Not the prompt, the prompt is only to tell you that a parriable attack is coming, so you can hold block and after blocking you can press attack to parry. What Blink does is cancel absolutely anything into a dodge if you press it as you're about to get hit. Without the prompt.




Thanks for this, I can't look at these now but I'll check later. I don't think I've used Blink at all in that case, maybe it'll help me more whilst battling, goodness knows I need it !


Junior Member
Post game is great. Had much more fun with the later dungeons. Shame they locked them away until after you beat the story. I don't understand that logic at all.

Gives you something to look forward to when you wrap up the story mang. Especially if the level requirements are high.


I don't really go for exp boosts either, I just camp and rest because I like that gameplay loop a lot.

Max amount of days I went on without resting were two, and it felt so wrong.

Yup, this is totally me too. Despite most campgrounds being mere feet away from obnoxious monsters and the fact camping supplies materialize from thin air, I can't help but enjoy the little chill moments where the bros kick back with some Iggy food, cuddle up with their chocobos, and laugh around a campfire. It's a nice, relaxing moment.


Gives you something to look forward to when you wrap up the story mang. Especially if the level requirements are high.

Not gonna spoil, but once you wrap up the main story, you'll wish these dungeons were part of the main story. Loved some of the additional banter in the optional dungeons.


What the fuck happened to this game after chapter 8?

They put you in a linear path until the end? is that it? cause that fucking sucks donkey balls, I can't believe it, feels like Metal Gear V all over again, they didn't know what to do next and rushed the ending with a fucking ass mediocre boring dungeon without friends or powers, not only that, but the longest dungeon of them all, ugh.

I'm starting chapter 14 and seems this is going to get worse, please tell me I will be able to explore the world before the ending.

You could have explored it any time you found a bed to rest on.


Yup, this is totally me too. Despite most campgrounds being mere feet from obnoxious monsters and the fact camping supplies materialize from thin air, I can't help but enjoy the little chill moments where the bros kick back with some Iggy food, cuddle up with their chocobos, and laugh around a campfire. It's a nice, relaxing moment.

The game definitely nails the roadtrip aspect. Despite having so many different gameplay systems and mechanics, it somehow manages to not feel bloated, because almost every single one of those systems is there to further enhance that core experience of "a trip with your closest friends".

I was wondering how do I feed my chocobo at first, then I went camping and when that showed up it was so great. Camping scenes are the best. And when you get one of the miniquests in the morning it feels like a great reward for exploring and camping at different locations.
Crown city falls: it's cool guys,
Jared falls: oh shit, it's on!

Also, I just finished the sewer dungeon, and with level 90 team and airdance, that boss was a lot of fun. But why is there no break damage limit ability for Noct?


Un Rama
Just got Adamantoise to half health after an hour and a bit. Goddamn this is a grind. Just got a podcast in the background to stave off the boredom.
Thread title is hilarious. I haven't finished the game and I'm sure it will get explained :) but at the end of chapter 5 I most definitely said: "Who the fuck is Jared?"
I can't wait to play through this again, but only after a few patches if they follow through. Mainly the Pro's lite mode patch and making chapter 13 less of a pain in the ass.

I doubt the additional chapters will be of any substance. As someone who purchased the Season Pass I've already prepared my self to be underwhelmed by the DLC. Oh well, I would be pleasantly surprised if it's any good.

Jared DLC would be nice tho.


I can't wait to play through this again, but only after a few patches if they follow through. Mainly the Pro's lite mode patch and making chapter 13 less of a pain in the ass.

I doubt the additional chapters will be of any substance. As someone who purchased the Season Pass I've already prepared my self to be underwhelmed by the DLC. Oh well, I would be pleasantly surprised if it's any good.

Jared DLC would be nice tho.

I would happily replay witht he upcoming NG+ after all the patches and also once I have a 4K TV and a Pro. I would probably take my time some more with certain parts of the game.


What is this resetting trick? So when I kill the bandersnatch once it'll be gone forever by default?

Calling it a trick may be a bit much. Basically the random treasures in each region have chance of being any in a pool of items. What you need to do is just find one in the Cleigne region, save in front of it, then pick it up and if it's not a rare coin then just keep reloading till you get one. It's largely tedious due to how long loading can take. I just listened to podcasts while I did it.


This is a map where a lot of them are grouped. The red dots are random treasures. It can be a bit tricky to find some but I largely didn't have any trouble.

Nope, it respawns. If you kill it too fast with spells, then just go out of the canyon, save and reload and he shows back up. I believe it also resets if you go to other regions.
I would happily replay witht he upcoming NG+ after all the patches and also once I have a 4K TV and a Pro. I would probably take my time some more with certain parts of the game.

Hopefully this NG+ mode is worth it. RE4 had the greatest NG+ mode that let you carry everything over. Tales also does a pretty good job with the Grade Shop. Hopefully FFXV's NG+ will be something positive.

Personally I want to see more of the World of Ruin.

The game tells you too much about whats happening and never shows you. DLC about World of Ruin Iris and Arenea. Also DLC regarding Cor. Eventually I want to be able to toggle through a 5th party member between the three post game. Come on Square you know you want my money.
I'm trying to hunt a Molokutaja for the Devils Cry Curses quest but I just can't get it to spawn on the Mencemoor. The quest log says it can appear at any time of day but I've been circling the area for 20 minutes and can't find it. Any tips?


I'm trying to hunt a Molokutaja for the Devils Cry Curses quest but I just can't get it to spawn on the Mencemoor. The quest log says it can appear at any time of day but I've been circling the area for 20 minutes and can't find it. Any tips?

Save and load your game. It's a bug and this will fix it.


Just clocked over 100 hours lol.

Haven't logged that many hours in such a short amount of time since the Witcher 3.

Mikey Jr.

Man, I gotta say, that "cup of noodles" quest was so fucking pathetic.

If this was any other game, I would have stopped playing there.


Man, I gotta say, that "cup of noodles" quest was so fucking pathetic.

If this was any other game, I would have stopped playing there.

If Noct would have turned to the camera at the end and given a thumbs up and a wink it would have been worth it.
Man, I gotta say, that "cup of noodles" quest was so fucking pathetic.

If this was any other game, I would have stopped playing there.

It was pretty stupid, but I made my buy a bunch of Ramen, so mission accomplished. It was the only advertisement that I really noticed. I'm not familiar with Coleman because I use other camping gear. Though maybe I should get some... for some reason...



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