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The Chocobo and Moogle carnival and how it was implemented (as a dream accessible from any save file) kinda hit me, really hard. I mean, say all you want about the (implied) relationship between Luna and Noctis being shallow and all that, but my headcanon around the whole thing is that regardless of whether Noctis dreamt of the carnival before or after Chapter 9, it's really, really just messed up.

He probably spent the entire journey looking forward to finally arriving in Altissia and meeting Luna again. That getting there meant a solution. That it was a destination in itself. Probably dreamt about it from time to time. Getting to Altissia, Meeting up with Luna, figuring out what to do next, celebrating for a while. Maybe it was a recurring dream. Maybe, every time, Noctis woke up with a smile, and continued on his road trip with the bros.

And then they arrive at Altissia. But all too soon, shit goes south. Luna dies, Ignis goes blind, everything is messed up, they have no choice but to keep trekking towards Gralea. And then shit goes further south. And then he dies.

Possibly somewhere inside his psyche, Noctis still maintained this dream of a perfect Altissia that wasn't worrying about the Empire or the Scourge, or Astrals or the Oracle and King or fates or whatever else, and simply just... celebrating. The whole experience of Altissia left such strong emotional scars that Noctis retreats to his ideal, perfect version of Altissia from time to time as a means of coping with what the world and his lineage demanded of him.

And every time, he wakes up back to reality and it hits him that all that isn't meant to be. And he's stuck either in the immediate aftermath trying to come to terms with what actually happened, or post-timeskip where Altissia is but a distant memory because the world is completely screwed by the Scourge and eternal night.
Thanks for sharing this. Having played a few hours of the carnival myself in-between the post-game "real world" content, I've been feeling much the same way. The lack of his companions adds a lonely feeling which isn't helped by Noct and Carbuncle talking about them so often; combined with the unbridled cheer during the carnival and the fact that it's clearly a dream or illusion, it paints a tragic picture.

The last months of Noct's life saw him lose everything, before losing ten years of his youth to the crystal and returning only to die. It's already so heavy and the carnival being a dream only adds weight to this. But I keep going back to it (and hanging out post-game) to give Noct and myself happy moments. He really was performed so well to make him relatable IMO.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
*Communicating via letters via Umbra.

They have been in contact the entire time.

They did, but never saw each other nor met each other after those long years.

It's like a pen-pal who you met once and falling in love with them.
I am only resting at Camps in Chapter 15 (as I never rested due to x2.0/x3.0 EXP modifier being exclusive to Hotels) and it HIT ME HARD when during that one Camp Custscene where Prompto takes your photos he mentions he will show them to Luna when we arrive in Altissia.

That's... not gonna happen, buddy :'(

The one where Ignis talks about why he loves cooking got me, ruthless


They did, but never saw each other nor met each other after those long years.

It's like a pen-pal who you met once and falling in love with them.

You could apply the same logic to developing friendships online. Do you feel like you need to spend a significant amount of face time with someone before you can call them your friend?

(by SunhiLegend)

Is Carbuncle actually an imaginative friend of Noctis since his father gifted him that little Carbuncle figure when he was sick? He only ever appears in Noctis' dreams, tutorials, in easy mode to revive you and like Gentiana secretly in some of Prompto's snaps. At no point does anyone else ever acknowledge he's actually there.

I think whenever carby appears Noctis is usually sleeping, Like a guardian angel of sorts.


Ahh, after beating the game and now finishing up the carnival, dang. That ending with noctis watching the fireworks with carbuncle made me sad. More so than any point in the main game.



(by SunhiLegend)

Is Carbuncle actually an imaginative friend of Noctis since his father gifted him that little Carbuncle figure when he was sick? He only ever appears in Noctis' dreams, tutorials, in easy mode to revive you and like Gentiana secretly in some of Prompto's snaps. At no point does anyone else ever acknowledge he's actually there.

How is it possible I have missed this!?


On the topic of romance, I got the impression that Noctis wasn't really in love with Luna. His letters to her are devoid of personality or enthusiasm. When other people mention her, he struggles to even muster a shrug. When she's saying her final heartfelt goodbye, all he can say is a cliched "I just wanted to save you!" (which we all know is bullshit since the only things Noctis showed any attachment to for the first 8 chapters of the game are the Regalia and his fishing rod).

Noctis was never in love with Luna as a person; instead, Noctis was in love with Luna as an idea. With a single news headline, all of Noctis life was blown away. His duties as a prince and the promise of kinghood are gone, and he's left to find his own path. Chasing Luna is chasing the last scrap of his old life, the last hope that he might be able to enter into a duty-bound arranged marriage, rebuild his kingdom, fend off his enemies, and sit on his throne as he believes he's supposed to. If anyone can help him do those things, it's Luna. And when Luna dies, the dream dies with her. His promised life has been destroyed and there's no one in the world who can make it better; that's Noctis' reality.

Also, this fits my headcanon that Noctis and the rest of the bros engaged in copious amounts of gay sex. Four young, virile, tightly-clothed men camping together for months? You can't tell me that nothing happened.
Carbuncle rarely showed up in any photos during my playthrough. Maybe twice. Gentiana was everywhere in comparison though lol.

Is there a comment like when Gentiana shows up? If not then I probably missed it even if it did happen.

(Or maybe I didnt get any because I never played the Platinum Demo to name Carbuncle lol)


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Is there a comment like when Gentiana shows up? If not then I probably missed it even if it did happen.

(Or maybe I didnt get any because I never played the Platinum Demo to name Carbuncle lol)

Na, he/she's just there. Sometimes hard to see.


Just finished the game...

Was the post credit campfire scene supposed to take place before you made it to the Citidel? Or are they implying that you and your friends are dead and its the afterlife? I am inclined to think that its pre-citidel and just a nice scene between friends...

Also, was anyone upset we didnt see the world come back to life? I mean I know they showed it after the credits, but I would've loved to have seen how characters I met through the story were reacting to the light returning to the world....


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Just finished the game...

Was the post credit campfire scene supposed to take place before you made it to the Citidel? Or are they implying that you and your friends are dead and its the afterlife? I am inclined to think that its pre-citidel and just a nice scene between friends...

I'm pretty sure it was the camping that was done right before entering The Citadel.
On the topic of romance, I got the impression that Noctis wasn't really in love with Luna. His letters to her are devoid of personality or enthusiasm. When other people mention her, he struggles to even muster a shrug. When she's saying her final heartfelt goodbye, all he can say is a cliched "I just wanted to save you!" (which we all know is bullshit since the only things Noctis showed any attachment to for the first 8 chapters of the game are the Regalia and his fishing rod).

Noctis was never in love with Luna as a person; instead, Noctis was in love with Luna as an idea. With a single news headline, all of Noctis life was blown away. His duties as a prince and the promise of kinghood are gone, and he's left to find his own path. Chasing Luna is chasing the last scrap of his old life, the last hope that he might be able to enter into a duty-bound arranged marriage, rebuild his kingdom, fend off his enemies, and sit on his throne as he believes he's supposed to. If anyone can help him do those things, it's Luna. And when Luna dies, the dream dies with her. His promised life has been destroyed and there's no one in the world who can make it better; that's Noctis' reality.

Also, this fits my headcanon that Noctis and the rest of the bros engaged in copious amounts of gay sex. Four young, virile, tightly-clothed men camping together for months? You can't tell me that nothing happened.

Nope, he loved the hell out of Luna lol. He was just, you know, not "anime main character" about it where it's overly exaggerated.

When it went down and he went into full-on murder mode on both Leviathan and (what he thought was) Ardyn, that's a pretty clear indicator. Not to mention the ending where he straight up kisses her.


Just finished the game today. I absolutely loved it. The end was so emotional. This games soundtrack is really something else. This will probably go down as one of my favorite FF's. Great game and it makes me sad to see others not enjoy it as much.


Didn't they say Noctis saw Luna more as a childhood friend and he wasn't so set on having to marry her? He's also a bit restrained and irritated during the very first cutscene with Cindy calling him groom-to-be


Didn't they say Noctis saw Luna more as a childhood friend and he wasn't so set on having to marry her? He's also a bit restrained and irritated during the very first cutscene with Cindy calling him groom-to-be

No, he doesn't have the confidence to express his feelings. Which lines up with his entire character, really. This was from Game Informer.


Ahh but there was no kiss, note. They just gave a very intimate stare and then closed their eyes. It was the perfect analogue to their relationship irl for me -- a neither-here-nor-there that got cut short and was never given the chance to go anywhere; they were never to really know if they loved each other as friends or lovers which is the tragedy, but because of their entwined destiny there was definitely a love of some kind within them that transcended the rational.

I really love the idea of that as you can see, if that were the case in particular. Just, man, what I'd give to see it better-executed in the game. Ch. 9 and on was going from the top of the hill to the dung heap and then back up in the last half hour lol.


Is there some kind of storyguide for the game? I've looked in the thread, but couldn't find a reference to something like it, Google isn't helping either.


Ahh but there was no kiss, note. They just gave a very intimate stare and then closed their eyes. It was the perfect analogue to their relationship irl for me -- a neither-here-nor-there that got cut short and was never given the chance to go anywhere; they were never to really know if they loved each other as friends or lovers which is the tragedy, but because of their entwined destiny there was definitely a love of some kind within them that transcended the rational.

I really love the idea of that as you can see, if that were the case in particular. Just, man, what I'd give to see it better-executed in the game. Ch. 9 and on was going from the top of the hill to the dung heap and then back up in the last half hour lol.
You could definitely make the case that Luna loved the idea of Noct rather than the man himself.


Listening to Too Much is Never Enough and I will never be over the salt. Playing this over the ending could have redeemed the entire game for me. Not including it is almost (almost) a bigger fuck-up than Luna. Like, what the fuck, Tabata? Not only is it GLORIOUS, it fits Noctis' character arc SO PERFECTLY and I'm SO BITTER ARGH


Listening to Too Much is Never Enough and I will never be over the salt. Playing this over the ending could have redeemed the entire game for me. Not including it is almost (almost) a bigger fuck-up than Luna. Like, what the fuck, Tabata? Not only is it GLORIOUS, it fits Noctis' character arc SO PERFECTLY and I'm SO BITTER ARGH

While I agree that Too Much is Never Enough should have been integrated better, Stand by Me is still the main theme of the game so it needed to play when it did. I believe that the interlude between the campfire scene and the 'world revival' was not long enough to incorporate the song, hence why they chose to use Apocalysis Noctis.

Ironically, Too Much is Never Enough is a credit song though since it plays when you select Credits on the new title menu after beating the game.

The exclusion of 'I will Be' is a much bigger oversight because it is arguably a stronger thematic piece.


While I agree that Too Much is Never Enough should have been integrated better, Stand by Me is still the main theme of the game so it needed to play when it did. I believe that the interlude between the campfire scene and the 'world revival' was not long enough to incorporate the song, hence why they chose to use Apocalysis Noctis.

Ironically, Too Much is Never Enough is a credit song though since it plays when you select Credits on the new title menu after beating the game.

The exclusion of 'I will Be' is a much bigger oversight because it is arguably a much strong thematic piece.

But imagine TMiNE playing as Noctis sacrifices himself. "Oh grant that I could stay the night or one more day inside this life" like... ughghghghg. Such an amazing song utterly wasted.


Just finished it. All I can say is that I really wish they had more moments like the final campsite (After credits scene 1). That was powerful stuff. Not to say the rest of the game wasn't great some of it felt rushed and undertold, particularly the transition between chapters, where it felt like much of the story was told on the loading screens.

I was SO tempted to choose a photo of Ardyn for the finale, but I went with this instead:



But imagine TMiNE playing as Noctis sacrifices himself. "Oh grant that I could stay the night or one more day inside this life" like... ughghghghg. Such an amazing song utterly wasted.

Oh yes, I could see the song there but that scene is less than two minutes long. I actually thought 'Dawn' was more appropriate there though.

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Neo Member
The one where Ignis talks about why he loves cooking got me, ruthless

Me too, poor innocent Iggy. ;_; What's frustrating is that the bonding moments are really easy to miss because if you wanted more experience points you'd just stay at hotels/motels/RVs. I really wish they developed the main party's backstory more instead of including a hundred repetitive hunts.


Gold Member
Type-0 spoilers

Just thinking about where this game ends and it's connection, originally, to Type-0 (all being part of the same "thread" I'm going to call it), I kind of feel like the ending is really similar in a lot of ways where the "big bad" can only be ended by sacrifice. Is that the running theme of Fabula Nova Crystallis? I didn't finish XIII or play Agito, but based on Type-0 and this, I kind of feel like the overall themes of companionship and sacrifice are the real over arching plot points. I don't know, just popped into my head there, probably doesn't even make sense. I'm just thinking it seems like it's maybe held over from whatever Verses was supposed to be.

Damnit, that final image in Type-0 still gets me... I really got attached to some of those guys, especially Sice and Queen...
Just finished it. All I can say is that I really wish they had more moments like the final campsite (After credits scene 1). That was powerful stuff. Not to say the rest of the game wasn't great some of it felt rushed and undertold, particularly the transition between chapters, where it felt like much of the story was told on the loading screens.

Man, finished the game and I have to say: That final campsite scene was done exceptionally. Everything from the voice acting to the facial animations was perfect and got me very emotional. It was like a punch in the stomach and it broke me just like it did Noctis. Up until that moment I thought the story was decent (flawed but had some great moments) but that final scene elevates the whole game. Didn't realize how attached I had gotten to these four characters.

Thank you Square-Enix for making me love Final Fantasy again.


its amazing that Tabata paid attention to the loudest voices making insignificant complaints about chapter 13, now imagine if fans complained something that was actually a bigger problem, which is how easy Ardyn was. No strategy needed in the final boss battle, or varying techniques and strategies from Ardyn's part is a sin. Don't even need a second or final form for Ardyn that's lame, just a gradual shifting of strategy that progressively kept you on your toes. Gamers have shit priorities. they'd rather their attention deficit be pandered to rather than upping the challenge.
Type-0 spoilers

Just thinking about where this game ends and it's connection, originally, to Type-0 (all being part of the same "thread" I'm going to call it), I kind of feel like the ending is really similar in a lot of ways where the "big bad" can only be ended by sacrifice. Is that the running theme of Fabula Nova Crystallis? I didn't finish XIII or play Agito, but based on Type-0 and this, I kind of feel like the overall themes of companionship and sacrifice are the real over arching plot points. I don't know, just popped into my head there, probably doesn't even make sense. I'm just thinking it seems like it's maybe held over from whatever Verses was supposed to be.

Interesting points. I think the main theme of Fabula Nova Crystallis is man's free will over God. I'd say secondary to that theme, would be sacrifice
(Fang/Vanille, Yuel/Serah).


Sorry to barge in but I don't know where else to post. Does someone know why the Moogle shirt and the Chocobo hat equipment is not in my inventory?

I already got the mariachi one thanks to my season pass and I wouldn't like to miss anything from the carnival :(


Sorry to barge in but I don't know where else to post. Does someone know why the Moogle shirt and the Chocobo hat equipment is not in my inventory?

I already got the mariachi one thanks to my season pass and I wouldn't like to miss anything from the carnival :(
You have to download the free holiday pass separately


Good lord, what the hell happened to this game?

The first half was truly amazing material but once they put you on the linear path the game just started to show its weaknesses, both in gameplay and story.

When Luna died I had no emotion whatsoever, I was fully expecting this to happen at the start of the game. I didn't know her, I didn't feel attached to her. It felt like they were just going for an Aerith thing and totally flubbed for me.

The game made it a point that the Royal Arms were the key for Noctis to gain the powers he needed but then Ardyn was able to block it for Chapter 13 and all of a sudden this fucking ring that didn't get talked about at all in the game (yes, I saw Kingsglaive) and it has shitty spells and the worst gameplay mechanics. I'm playing Final Fantasy, not broke ass Metal Gear Solid. The fact that the chapter was one of the longer ones was infuriating.

Then Ardyn's entire schtick is that he wanted Noctis to kill him because he couldn't die any other way? Okay, sure. But Noctis has to die too? Alright.

All the characters were wasted at the end.
When Luna died I had no emotion whatsoever, I was fully expecting this to happen at the start of the game. I didn't know her, I didn't feel attached to her. It felt like they were just going for an Aerith thing and totally flubbed for me.

The game made it a point that the Royal Arms were the key for Noctis to gain the powers he needed but then Ardyn was able to block it for Chapter 13 and all of a sudden this fucking ring that didn't get talked about at all in the game (yes, I saw Kingsglaive) and it has shitty spells and the worst gameplay mechanics. I'm playing Final Fantasy, not broke ass Metal Gear Solid. The fact that the chapter was one of the longer ones was infuriating.

Then Ardyn's entire schtick is that he wanted Noctis to kill him because he couldn't die any other way? Okay, sure. But Noctis has to die too? Alright.

You're not wrong. The first time she died I was whatever about it. But I did a second playthrough and I almost cried when Noctis was having that dream after the big fight with Leviathan. It hit me much harder the second time around.

I think the game mentioned that Noctis needed both the ring and the royal arms to achieve the full power he needed to defeat the empire pretty early on. But yeah the empire developed tech to take down some of the magic of the Lucii with Ardyn's assistance since he has access to the same powers Noctis has. It makes sense so I'm not too sure what your complaint is about your powers being blocked. Also the ring was talked about and brought up several times, although it's never really explained what it does beyond giving you a lot of power prior to putting it on which is lame but fair since like 3 people in the whole game would really know what it does. 2 of which die.

Also you misinterpreted Ardyn's motive. His ultimate goal was to either get revenge on the Lucis bloodline by killing the chosen king and ending the line of kings, or to be finally freed of his accursed immortality. He wanted Noctis to be fully powered so either he defeats the chosen king at his maximum power so his revenge feels sweeter or Noctis defeats him and frees him. So regardless of the outcome of the battle Ardyn gets what he wanted.

Actually his PshycoNinja's explanation of his motives are better. Listen to those.

As Ardyn explains, he wants to end the royal line, destroy the Gods, throw the world into darkness, wanted to be granted into the afterlife and end the Crystals existence. It was basically a revenge tour. In order to throw the world into chaos there must be many daemons and no one to slow it down (Noctis and Luna). To destroy the Crystal and end the royal line, Noctis must fulfill his destiny and absorb all of the Crystal's Light and die to end Ardyn. Through the empire and Noctis, he orchestrates the destruction of the Gods (Astrals) physical forms. And to fully die is to be eliminated in the way that he was.
While I agree that Too Much is Never Enough should have been integrated better, Stand by Me is still the main theme of the game so it needed to play when it did. I believe that the interlude between the campfire scene and the 'world revival' was not long enough to incorporate the song, hence why they chose to use Apocalysis Noctis.

Ironically, Too Much is Never Enough is a credit song though since it plays when you select Credits on the new title menu after beating the game.

The exclusion of 'I will Be' is a much bigger oversight because it is arguably a stronger thematic piece.

I would've, personally, preferred the full credits being played in between the two after credits scenes. Just sayin'.

Oh yes, I could see the song there but that scene is less than two minutes long. I actually thought 'Dawn' was more appropriate there though.

Agreed. TMiNE wouldn't have worked in that scene. I feel they're too tonally different. Dawn was the perfect track choice for that scene.

Good lord, what the hell happened to this game?

The first half was truly amazing material but once they put you on the linear path the game just started to show its weaknesses, both in gameplay and story.

When Luna died I had no emotion whatsoever, I was fully expecting this to happen at the start of the game. I didn't know her, I didn't feel attached to her. It felt like they were just going for an Aerith thing and totally flubbed for me.

The game made it a point that the Royal Arms were the key for Noctis to gain the powers he needed but then Ardyn was able to block it for Chapter 13 and all of a sudden this fucking ring that didn't get talked about at all in the game (yes, I saw Kingsglaive) and it has shitty spells and the worst gameplay mechanics. I'm playing Final Fantasy, not broke ass Metal Gear Solid. The fact that the chapter was one of the longer ones was infuriating.

Then Ardyn's entire schtick is that he wanted Noctis to kill him because he couldn't die any other way? Okay, sure. But Noctis has to die too? Alright.

All the characters were wasted at the end.

I mean... he still needed the Royal Arms. If he didn't have them he couldn't have defeated Ardyn in the end.

As for the ring, they do talk about it quite a bit in the game. They talk about it for a good few minutes while on the boat to Altissa, as well as various other points in the game. The Holy and Alternia spells are wicked powerful.

As Ardyn explains, he wants to end the royal line, destroy the Gods, throw the world into darkness, wanted to be granted into the afterlife and end the Crystals existence. It was basically a revenge tour. In order to throw the world into chaos there must be many daemons and no one to slow it down (Noctis and Luna). To destroy the Crystal and end the royal line, Noctis must fulfill his destiny and absorb all of the Crystal's Light and die to end Ardyn. Through the empire and Noctis, he orchestrates the destruction of the Gods (Astrals) physical forms. And to fully die is to be eliminated in the way that he was.

And in the end, while Noctis and crew "won", Ardyn accomplished exactly what he wanted.


You know, how do the characters(like Cor, Aranea, Iris) do all the superhuman stuff they do without being tethered to someone like Regis or Noctis?

Cor just "got there with experience."
Aranea seems to be a technology hero. She's equipped with gear that lets her take impacts and such.
Iris doesn't really do anything that impressive? Also apparently her entire family is combat trained as defenders of the royal family.
Cor just "got there with experience."
Aranea seems to be a technology hero. She's equipped with gear that lets her take impacts and such.
Iris doesn't really do anything that impressive? Also apparently her entire family is combat trained as defenders of the royal family.

Yeah Iris is just strong like Gladio I would imagine.
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