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Fire Emblem: Seima no Kouseki (GBA) Official Site

john tv


EDIT: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/n08/ae7j/sinsaku2/index.html (whoops!)

Can't wait for this baby. NOA better bring this and Fuuin no Tsurugi to America ASAP!

I want this game BADLY! Fire Emblem Rekka no Ken was the finest SRPG I have played in years and wonderfully localized compared to others. I only worry that with 3 Fire Emblems to realeaseover the next year, we will only get one (GC I would assume) or two.

I would be willing to give up Fuuin no Tsurugi, except that the story to Rekka no Ken leads into it and it would be like not releasing Golden Sun: The Lost Age.

I want this game because of the new gameplay systems.

I want the GC Fire Emblem because it is GC Fire Emblem, even if it seems to have weak map graphics, I would be happy to see the series on a home console over here.

Fire Emblem was the most intense play I have had on my GBA and I would also love to play the older games, if they are released in any sort of anthology.


IntSys is probably the busiest that they've been in a very long time, if ever. Paper Mario, Fire Emblem 8, and Fire Emblem 9. Each of them could be out [in Japan, at least] within the next eight months.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Totally addicted to Fire Emblem right now, in fact I got a question....

Currently in 16x and completely loony in my desire NOT to lose a single soldier(which has been going fine thus far), that is until this damned arena came along and has been wreaking havoc on my sanity.

I have these two class upgrade crests ready to go, but I assume I should hit level 20 first to reap max benefit from them...so Arena came along with perfect timing. BUT FUCK THAT PLACE! I'm sick of taking the risk with my lv 15/16 soldiers so close to the gold, and then losing them due to a cheap critical or something in these risky duels of luck.

Am I just being real paranoid and premature trying to deal with the arena for leveling? I want to upgrade these guys and get those new classes, but this is giving me a headache.
I am quite fond of the new artwork on the site. It is a far cry from the art I first saw form the series, which came with an old Son-May CD I bought before I knew they were pirated. It was a sticker with the cover art to The first SFC Fire Emblem, Secret of the Emblem. I was extremely amused when I first saw the Famicom Fire Emblem's art and the shorts that Marth once wore.


Brandon F said:
Totally addicted to Fire Emblem right now, in fact I got a question....

Currently in 16x and completely loony in my desire NOT to lose a single soldier(which has been going fine thus far), that is until this damned arena came along and has been wreaking havoc on my sanity.

I have these two class upgrade crests ready to go, but I assume I should hit level 20 first to reap max benefit from them...so Arena came along with perfect timing. BUT FUCK THAT PLACE! I'm sick of taking the risk with my lv 15/16 soldiers so close to the gold, and then losing them due to a cheap critical or something in these risky duels of luck.

Am I just being real paranoid and premature trying to deal with the arena for leveling? I want to upgrade these guys and get those new classes, but this is giving me a headache.
BAH! I feel your pain, only I decided to start leveling up at the arena after the one you're at. I kept dying and restarting, never by a critical, though - just by me not paying attention and not hitting B until it was too late. I'm also following the "nobody left behind" policy. Finally got everyone on that map to around level 17 or 18 and stopped there. :p
If you are playing through normal difficulty (as you would be on a first play)on Eliwood's game, you don't really need to worry about leveling to 20 before promotion. You won't need to have more than a few strong characters to win (actually, all I needed was Hector with a little support). Just make sure you have a few very strong units leading your army. The rest can be promoted when you want.

Arenas are not necessary yet unless you relied on Marcus too much or are short on cash.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Ah ok, I shoulda figured given how breezy the game has been thus far, but I am being paranoid and just want to be prepared for the worst if it comes...

I haven't been using Marcus much in battle given how l33t he already is(only seems to suck potential XP away from more needy allies) thus he sits on the sidelines for everyone else to play catchup. I should be in good shape...

Awesome game, hope the others make it over sometime.


In anticipation of it's release, I have now updated my avatar with a pic of one of the new lords. Thumbs up.

john tv

I've spent about eight or so hours on the arena over the past week. I built up maybe... five guys to level 20 in the arena on chapter 16x, and now I'm working on another five or six on the arena on chapter 20. Twice I lost almost three hours of leveling because of accidentally miscalculating and not hitting B in time in an arena fight. But I refuse to allow anyone to die, so whenever it happens, I immediately start over.

It's not like you need to do all this leveling up... I just like it cause it's fun. The game is horribly addictive. :)


Still Tagged Accordingly
June 14, 2004 - Nintendo has officially unveiled the next entry in its Fire Emblem series. Already scheduled for Japanese GameCube debut later this year, the series will also see a third entry on the Game Boy Advance through an original title, Fire Emblem: Seima no Kouseki. Intelligent Systems is once again serving as developer.

This latest entry in the series takes place in the continent of Magi Varl. Demons once populated the continent, but mankind gained piece by sealing the evil forces with five magic stones. Time passed, and the stones became the heirlooms of royal families whose kingdoms divide the present-day continent.

The story of Seima no Kouseki begins as the most powerful of these kingdoms, the Grad Empire, begins to invade the remainder of Magi Varl. The Lunes Kingdom, a neighboring kingdom to the Grad Empire, incurs a sudden attack against which it cannot defend, and begins loosing its territory. The Grad Empire army reaches the Lunes Kingdom royal city and the Lunes Kingdom falls.

But the royal family of the Lunes Kingdom is not all lost. At the time of the invasion, Prince Ephraim happens to be away from Lunes, and manages to survive. Meanwhile, Princess Eirik, Ephriam's twin sister, is ordered away from the castle by King Faado, who remains in the castle till the end. Following her father's commands, Princess Eirik heads off with a supporting army to the friendly Kingdom of Fleria. Prince Ephriam and Princess Eirik are the main characters of this latest Fire Emblem.

Fewer details have been revealed about the latest gameplay additions to this title. It's known that battles will feature submaps which you'll be able to enter and leave at will. Also revealed by Nintendo is a new class change system that allows players to select from two upper level classes when the time comes to upgrade.

With a 2004 Winter Japanese release, we expect more details (and, maybe, some screenshots) to appear shortly.
Fire Emblem has nothing on Front Mission, but I could always use more of both, so....

Getting past the arena is a helluva lot easier if you use that handy powerup trick. Ninian boost, fight, then get somebody to carry the unit, release next turn, have ninian restore the unit turn...

Aaagh! I clearly used it too much if I still remember the exact pattern.

JohnTV: my god, what have you done? I started DQV and can't stop!


It's amazing how Nintendo of Japan knows how to coordinate its GC and GBA releases. NOA sort of does to, with Metroid Prime and Metroid Fusion. Donkey Konga and Super Donkey Kong is an example. Donkey Konga 2 and Super Donkey Kong 2 is another. I predict it'll happen again in Japan with Donkey Kong: King of Swing and Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat, Mario Party Advance and Mario Party 6 and on topic, with Fire Emblem GC and GBA3. Releasing these 2 Fire Emblem games on the same day with great connectivity perks would be great.

john tv

Crazymoogle said:
Getting past the arena is a helluva lot easier if you use that handy powerup trick. Ninian boost, fight, then get somebody to carry the unit, release next turn, have ninian restore the unit turn...
Can you expand on this? I don't quite follow what it is you're trying to do here.
john tv said:
Can you expand on this? I don't quite follow what it is you're trying to do here.

The idea is that if you need to level up characters at the arena without losing anybody, the game has a workaround that makes it very, very difficult to lose anybody. It really helps to have two pegasus units when you do this (since they can land on normally unusable tiles)

1. Use Ninians attack boost ring on the unit who needs to level up (or if its later in the game, use a defense boost)
2. Have that unit fight in the arena. If their HP is full it will be hard for them to lose, except in rare mismatch cases.
3. Have a Pegasus on hand to pick up and hold the unit who just fought. While the unit is being held, the attack boost is still in effect - no matter how many turns you hold the unit.
4. Release the unit near the Arena and Ninian. Use Ninian to restore the unit's turn. The unit still has attack boost, so send it back to the arena.

Rinse and repeat with steps 2-4. The boost will never run out, and you use arena supplied weapons so you will never run out of those either. The only thing you lose is 1 charge on the boost ring per character you need to level up.

(*goes back to dragon quest v)

EDIT: Sometimes your fighting unit becomes hurt enough that its too risky to keep fighting. In those situations, I would usually have the first Pegasus move out of the way, the medic move in and heal, and then have the second pegasus run the retrieval process.

The whole loop may seem kind of long, but its actually pretty simple and monotonous. I find it fastest to have the fighting unit directly in front of the arena, with pegasus units to the left and right and ninian to the bottom.
Another tip is that many of the weakest, lowest level units become much stronger than pre-promoted units, but in this game, Pent, Hawkeye, and Karel are all perfectly capable of holding their own against powerful foes, even if it is possible to get Ninian, Dart, and Guy to be stronger in each respective class.

Support conversations, which I mostly missed out on, are also very useful for making your characters stronger.

john tv

Awesome. Thanks for the advice, guys!

This game is so good I may play through it again on Hard and try to do everything the second time around (all gaiden chapters, all support conversations, etc. etc.).

If they keep pumping out one FE a year, and NOA actually decides to translate them, I think I'll be pretty much set for life. :)

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Can anyone expand on support conversations? I'm on 18x(Dragon gate?) and throughout the entire game so far, I've only had the option of a single one!(Hector/Eliwood). At this point there just HAS to be something I'm missing or not understanding with this system...

During turns where my units are bunched up, I often dick around with the movement and try to see if anyone can initiate a conversation, but nada...(5 or 6 battles later and even Hector/Eliwood haven't felt the urge to support again)

The manual is worthless.

Oh and thanks for the arena tip. I may try that out at the next opportunity, I'm assuming Ninian does rejoin my party in the next chapter or two then?
Brandon F said:
Can anyone expand on support conversations? I'm on 18x(Dragon gate?) and throughout the entire game so far, I've only had the option of a single one!(Hector/Eliwood). At this point there just HAS to be something I'm missing or not understanding with this system...

Basically, every character in the game has from 3-5 support possibilities. They're all based on story elements, so Hector/Eliwood, Eliwood/Lyn, and Eliwood/Ninian are three obvious ones.

Basically, if you have two characters that you think could support each other, have them stand beside each other. They can wait or attack or whatever, but they both have to end their turn directly adjacent. Every time this happens, a hidden internal score goes up a few points. When the score "levels up", you'll find a support option on the action menu alongside fight and whatnot.

There are two tricks to it:

1. You can "level up" the internal score as much as you want, but Unit A and Unit B can only use the support conversation with each other ONCE per battle. (So even if you've had them standing for a thousand turns, they can only go C->B, not C->A. You'll have to wait for the next battle to go further). You can support as many different units as you can, though - there is no limit against Eliwood establishing five supports in one mission - so long as its with five different units.

2. There is a limit to support! Each character gets five support points, total. That means if you get an "A" with one unit, you've only got two points left! (either for a "B" with another or two "C"s.)

Support is great for two reasons: if support units are within 3 squares of each other, they both gain stat bonuses, and strong support adds character endings (marriages, for example: want to doom somebody to a life with Sera forever? Beef up their support!). With some units it takes a LONG time to earn it, though. Try bunching together units for 70-150 turns.

Those hidden "scores" for determining support are constantly cumulative, so you can have a guy surrounded by possible supports to earn on all of them simultaneously, and it keeps track of it at the next mission and so on.

When a returning character joins the party as a fortune teller late in the game, he can also look into relationships, and shows you who is compatible with who, as well as how many points they have left (characters you don't have appear greyed out). Insanely enough, the game actually keeps track of your supports as a percentage - so to max out that percentage you have to continually beat the game with different supports (you can't cancel or back out of a support during a playthrough, so watch out who you go with!).
Of course, support points increase so slowly that, unless you factor support strongly into your battle plan, you may never see any. Hector and Eliwood happen almost automatically, and Florina and Lyn are very close to one as Eliwood's game begins, but I never saw any others. I plan to let my characters sit and gain support at the end of any missions without a turn limit next time (Hector's game).


It would be really cool if Fire Emblem II, III, IV, V, VI, VIII, and IX could all make it over to the US somehow. Especially IV, since I've heard it's the best in the series.
Fire Emblem: Geneology of Holy War (part IV) has some awesome gameplay elements not found in any of the recent games that I would love to see in one of the new games. You get a castle fo your own to protect in each level and characters have individual skills (such as always hit twice) that make characters more unique. These skills are then passed on to the characters' children when you reach the second generation and are combined with any skills that a given character's spouse has.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Man the support system is total bogus it seems. One of the very few lacking aspects of this game, this sort of thing should be brought to the forefront a bit more rather than stuffed SO FAR back into faq obscurity. It's a really cool concept, but damn wasting time after clearing out enemies JUST to get these people to finally talk to each other is just STUPID and so uneventful.

What a waste of a great idea.


Brandon F said:
Man the support system is total bogus it seems. One of the very few lacking aspects of this game, this sort of thing should be brought to the forefront a bit more rather than stuffed SO FAR back into faq obscurity. It's a really cool concept, but damn wasting time after clearing out enemies JUST to get these people to finally talk to each other is just STUPID and so uneventful.

What a waste of a great idea.

Well another thing is to always move them in pairs. It actually works out really well.
IE: Wil/Rebbeca, Hector/Lyn, Eliwood/Ninian, Florina/Fiora, Matthew/Serra and so forth.

Final note: Nino is quite possibly one of the most powerful chars you'll have. She's a complete monster as a sage XD


AniHawk said:
It would be really cool if Fire Emblem II, III, IV, V, VI, VIII, and IX could all make it over to the US somehow. Especially IV, since I've heard it's the best in the series.

Know how bassackwards Nintendo could be when it comes to the Famicom Mini lineup (see Mario Bros. and why it was put in even though it was in 5 Mario games) I'd bet good money the first FE will be put on GBA in a future Famicom Mini game.
kiryogi said:
Nino is quite possibly one of the most powerful chars you'll have. She's a complete monster as a sage XD

And if you max out her support with you-know-who, she is basically unstoppable. Too bad levels don't carry over on subsequent playthroughs. ;-)
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