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First Advertiser Pulls Ads From Sean Hannity’s Fox News Show


so basically the place was always a dumpster full of trash soaked in gasoline and it was just a matter of time before someone threw a cigarette butt into it

It all started when the accusations against Ailes came out, they came flooding out Cosby style and Fox had to do something about it.

And then it came out that Ailes was the one keeping back all the accusations against O'Reilly. And it just escalated from there.
It all started when the accusations against Ailes came out, they came flooding out Cosby style and Fox had to do something about it.

And then it came out that Ailes was the one keeping back all the accusations against O'Reilly. And it just escalated from there.

what's keeping the skeletons in hannity's closet from coming out?

wait nevermind.

i don't think he actually wants sex with other humans but with his handgun and a plate of biscuits and gravy.
so basically the place was always a dumpster full of trash soaked in gasoline and it was just a matter of time before someone threw a cigarette butt into it

More or less. Roger Ailes was pretty much the gatekeeper for a lot of stuff. He was the one keeping O'Reilly's sexual assault cases quiet (though not that quiet, because we did know about them, just not that there was so many apparently), keeping things hush about all the suits that were being filed, and helped to keep everything from being too obvious with dog whistles and innuendo

When he got kicked out, there really was no one else to guard all of that, at least no one who had the resources and connections to do it properly. And yeah, after that it was pretty much a matter of time.


I think Hannity is basically damaged goods at this point. I don't think anything short of a full-fledged on-air apology to the Rich family and stating outright that the conspiracy theory is false will help his case. Besides, he's shown how low he is willing to go in order to avoid talking about Trump and Russia, who's to say he won't do it again in the future?

Advertisers will have to decide if that's a gamble they're willing to take.


Even if they fire him, like Maher, there's no shortage of POS replacements for him. Still, witnessing his self-destruction is enjoyable enough.
Even if they fire him, like Maher, there's no shortage of POS replacements for him. Still, witnessing his self-destruction is enjoyable enough.

Uh...I really hope you're not comparing Bill Maher to Sean Hannity. I mean, I have issues with Maher, but goddamn dude.
Oh the times they are a changing.

Turns out the backseat drivers can't drive, let alone navigate. Supporting Donald Trump and winning has turned so many into Gob Bluth. I hope this continues.
Surprised we haven't heard about more in the last hour or so, but USAA pulling out is already pretty big in and of itself. Any advertisers list going around. I'd be willing to send out some e-mails/tweets to some that affect me and tell them they'll lose my business if they keep putting ads on his show. Seems like a very doable thing to get rolling if enough people do it at this point.


lol this is the same thing that happened to O'Reilly! Was just on vacation then poof, gone! Hopefully this is the same result.

To be fair he's claiming it's for memorial day weekend. So technically he's taking 4 days off. It could go either way.


Guys, you don't understand. Hannity's acting the way he is because there is no more noble death for a member of FOX and their friends than to be sacrificed for the greater profit margin. To die at the hands of the free market is to surely have his place in Valhalla.

You can bray and shriek all you like, but to stand against the unwashed hordes and proclaim, "Go on without me--I'll hold them off and accept culpability to maintain our standing with advertisers!" is a glorious end for a true believer.

This is the actual truth here, IMO.

Beck, Tomi, O'Reilly and Hannity all simply needed the ability to point back at someone else's bias as the reason.

Think about it- If you were a Hannity fan before, you will be after this, too. But now he's still got your ear AND created one more reason for you believe his rants about evil media and liberal snowflakes corrupting the news you hear. It's a self fulfilling prophecy. This will only serve to encourage people to retreat further into their echo chambers... Well, those and the new one Hannity will almost certainly create (or partner with) to score even more money from his easily misled supporters.

I'm not celebrating his release, if it happens. It'll only be used as fuel for conspiracy buffs, and they don't need more outlandish things to believe...


Literally the free market in action so of course conservatives are upset.

They only like the free market when it goes their way.


Literally the free market in action so of course conservatives are upset.

They only like the free market when it goes their way.

Ever notice that when conservatives threaten these boycotts nothing ever happens? They can't even boycott properly.


Well it's almost Memorial day weekend???

Let the door hit you on the way out.

I tuned into the end of his show to see if he was talking about the Montana bodyslam and he signed off saying he'll be gone for Memorial Day weekend, so maybe it was planned.

It caused me to do a double take at my calendar wondering what day it was though. lol


He usually does take extended vacations so I wouldn't expect anything yet. However if more advertisers pull out between now and Monday things could accelerate a lot


When you make a pact with a demon, the benefits usually only last a set number of years. When the hellhounds came to drag Roger Ailes to hell the deal was up.
Allies must have found a way to extend the pact beyond the normal 10 years.


Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
This is the actual truth here, IMO.

Beck, Tomi, O'Reilly and Hannity all simply needed the ability to point back at someone else's bias as the reason.

Think about it- If you were a Hannity fan before, you will be after this, too. But now he's still got your ear AND created one more reason for you believe his rants about evil media and liberal snowflakes corrupting the news you hear. It's a self fulfilling prophecy. This will only serve to encourage people to retreat further into their echo chambers... Well, those and the new one Hannity will almost certainly create (or partner with) to score even more money from his easily misled supporters.

I'm not celebrating his release, if it happens. It'll only be used as fuel for conspiracy buffs, and they don't need more outlandish things to believe...
True but he won't have a major TV network to spew his filth. It's back to the media backwaters of talk radio and YouTube (if YouTube doesn't consider his hate speech). Maybe he'll start a podcast and a patreon and justify it as being worth it..... but he'll alway know he got demoted to the minors.


formerly sane
When you make a pact with a demon, the benefits usually only last a set number of years. When the hellhounds came to drag Roger Ailes to hell the deal was up.

Very rarely do fictional metaphors work so well but god damn that sums up what is about to happen to fox and most of the GOP as time passes the next decade.


Sidhe / PikPok
I used to hate watch Fox News every now and again, and Hannity is the only personality I couldn't stomach watching for more than a couple of minutes. He was just too much.

Gretchen Carlson also made my stomach twist in knots but luckily her input was only occasional and brief.

If this is his downfall, then good riddance. TV as a medium is better off.


Gold Member
It really is amazing.

In a matter of 6 months Megyn Kelly (left voluntarily), Bill O'Reily, and Sean Hannity (potentially) will have all left....

That used to be the meat of the Fox Line up...now...nothing but a relic.



Oh my goodness, he is done?

Bill OReily used this excuse when he got the boot.

I don't think he's done yet. Fox News has come out since the vacation was announced and said he is coming back after Memorial Day and they just published an opinion piece by him on the Russia investigation today on their web site. I think more advertisers are going to have to leave or threaten to leave first.
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