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First ever DriveClub direct feed racing footage (GamesCom)


y'all should be ashamed
Ignoring the dash reflections, FMS looks like a cartoon compared to DC don't you think?

It's the awful lighting engine Turn 10 seems to want to never upgrade since Forza 3. It's crazy what a good lighting engine can do to a game's assets. T10 seems fine with having hardly any lighting at all and it shows compared to DC.

But anyways, I digress.

I actually want this to see some of the new updated build gifs on Forza, because it really doesn't look to hot in that comparison.

The new build is Laguna Seca, which has nearly zero trackside detail (the actual track is really sparse too). Probably wouldn't be fair. :p


I'm not really in the know on game development, but let's say they run out of time and they're simply unable to tweak the game enough to run it smoothly at 60fps and lock the game at 30fps. Is that something that can be patched if they continue working on it after the game goes gold and they do end up being able to get it to 60fps? Or is that something that would be so deep in the game code that it wouldn't be doable?
PSY・S;77965865 said:
dat reflection

I said god damn.



That really makes the contrast more stark.

But lighting has never been Forza's strength. In its defense it's 60 fps.

Not in the gif but I saw turn 10 decided to put another obnoxious "sun in your eyes to blind you" moment in the Laguna seca track. I wish they'd stop doing that. Overcompensating.


Rushy posts on another forum, rllmuk and created his own DriveClub thread. From the rllmuk forum, I've lifted a few quotes from a journo called McSpeed who attends quite a number of racing game events.
McSpeed of rllmuk said:
Unfortunately I didn't get to play the latest build at Gamescom yesterday, but seeing the game in action and attending a presentation (featuring Rushy and colleagues), I'm really convinced this will be an amazing racing game.

When I first got my hands on it at E3 this year, it felt like PGR for the PlayStation - and developers said to me how that was one of their favorite games and a major inspiration*. To be honest, that's exactly what I'm looking for in a racing game. There's plenty of both dedicated track and free-roaming racing games out there at the moment. I look forward to something that takes place in amazing environments all around the world on closed roads.

Game-wise, Driveclub is the sole reason for me to want a PS4 on launch day. Especially with the likeliness of having millions of online players within weeks thanks to the PS Plus deals. Can't wait for that to happen
*Specifically bolded for Shaneus and other PGR fans 8)

McSpeed of rllmuk said:
The latter. It's not a Hot Pursuit (2010)-esque drift fest. Depending on your car and driving style, you can either go with the grippy or the drifty approach.

The nice thing is that either can net you (loads of) extra points, depending on the special objectives that get thrown at you during events and change depending on the way you play. So no two people will earn the same amount of points the same way, as it can happen through for example either following the (temporarily visible) racing line through a corner set or doing the best possible drift in another.

The tracks are actually based on real-life locations and roads, taken from DEM data (you can literally find some on Google Maps!), though altered slightly in some bits to make for better racing venues.


hide your water-based mammals
And people doubted that Evolution couldn't get this thing shaped up. These guys made Motorstorm, an impressive as hell launch title which was lacking in content but was an amazing technical showpiece in the early PS3 days.


is the lighting proper seems to you guys or it's just the timing or weather of the track... something about the lighting seems odd to me...
Wow the new footage looks fantastic

Can't believe that for a second I doubted either GG or Evolution.

Totally delivers on that next gen experience.

Will probably pick up the PSN+ upgrade to the full game.


I'd be in the dick
PSY・S;77965865 said:
dat reflection


Couldn't tell what I was looking for. Then I saw it and my head exploded.

Wow the new footage looks fantastic

Can't believe that for a second I doubted either GG or Evolution.

Totally delivers on that next gen experience.

Will probably pick up the PSN+ upgrade to the full game.

Same here. Both teams put in some serious work since the sketchy E3 builds of both games.
No, Youtube ones have to go through Sony first and they haven't uploaded them yet. As Rushy said:

"@AddnanC It's the only way we're allowed to get these videos up quickly."

"Paul Rustchynsky ‏@Rushy33 4h
Next two videos will show off different lighting conditions. Sorry about the Facebook compression, we'll get some native vids done soon"

F##k, can you post them on Vimeo or Dailymotion then..?



"Paul Rustchynsky ‏@Rushy33 4h
Next two videos will show off different lighting conditions. Sorry about the Facebook compression, we'll get some native vids done soon"

Wat. More PS4 GIF overloads incoming.
So can someone answer this for me because I'm getting confused, I will preface this by saying a lot of people I know are hardcore Xbox fans.

Now, I've been told that a lot of reports out of E3 said this game looked 'current gen' and obviously from the footage we have now that seems like a completely ridiculous claim to make and just shows that journalists who cannot understand 'pre-alpha' or '30% finished' should not be writing articles that lead those who don't understand those terms to just make wild claims about a game we haven't seen properly.

That being said. What I'm getting from this footage is that technically Driveclub is the more beautiful game, the environments, the reflections, everything is perfectly done. However the textures on the cars for Forza 5 are somewhat more impressive.

Does this mean Forza looks beautiful but there's nothing really new there in terms of what we're seeing, it's just upgraded whereas Driveclub is managing to do all of these things with reflections and scenery that it seems Forza is unable of doing.

Is that a fair assessment?


y'all should be ashamed
So can someone answer this for me because I'm getting confused, I will preface this by saying a lot of people I know are hardcore Xbox fans.

Now, I've been told that a lot of reports out of E3 said this game looked 'current gen' and obviously from the footage we have now that seems like a completely ridiculous claim to make and just shows that journalists who cannot understand 'pre-alpha' or '30% finished' should not be writing articles that lead those who don't understand those terms to just make wild claims about a game we haven't seen properly.

That being said. What I'm getting from this footage is that technically Driveclub is the more beautiful game, the environments, the reflections, everything is perfectly done. However the textures on the cars for Forza 5 are somewhat more impressive.

Does this mean Forza looks beautiful but there's nothing really new there in terms of what we're seeing, it's just upgraded whereas Driveclub is managing to do all of these things with reflections and scenery that it seems Forza is unable of doing.

Is that a fair assessment?
Seems like a perfect assessment to me!


So can someone answer this for me because I'm getting confused, I will preface this by saying a lot of people I know are hardcore Xbox fans.

Now, I've been told that a lot of reports out of E3 said this game looked 'current gen' and obviously from the footage we have now that seems like a completely ridiculous claim to make and just shows that journalists who cannot understand 'pre-alpha' or '30% finished' should not be writing articles that lead those who don't understand those terms to just make wild claims about a game we haven't seen properly.

That being said. What I'm getting from this footage is that technically Driveclub is the more beautiful game, the environments, the reflections, everything is perfectly done. However the textures on the cars for Forza 5 are somewhat more impressive.

Does this mean Forza looks beautiful but there's nothing really new there in terms of what we're seeing, it's just upgraded whereas Driveclub is managing to do all of these things with reflections and scenery that it seems Forza is unable of doing.

Is that a fair assessment?

Sort of yea. F5 graphically is basically like F4 on steroids. It's everything at a higher resolution, with better IQ (AA but unfortunately hardly any AF), much higher poly vehicles and more going on in the track. It has a few other snazzy effects, but nothing new that is exceptionally taxing. The lighting is still pre baked, clamped highlights etc, illusions of good lighting but actually not totally realistic and more artistically implemented. Hence no night to day transitions, some off lighting or shadow changes etc.

DriveClub is pushing the boat a lot further graphically. Full dynamic lighting and shadows, it's also reportedly the first racing game to use dynamic global illumination (can't confirm if true or not). That's why it has full night to day transitions, a sporadically moving sun, and even naturally lit darker segments (which are often lit by nothing more than moon light). It's also pushing far more track side detail and geometry than most racers. Much more complex foliage, more detailed textures, lots of draw distance etc. It also has volumetric clouds instead of sky boxes, and the clouds even cast shadows and are affected by the sun/lighting. It also has better implementation of some of the effects F5 also does, like the volumetric tyre smoke, better implementation of glass reflections etc.

So whilst both games are really quite gorgeous, it could indeed be argued that DriveClub is doing a hell of a lot more graphically speaking.
The whole dashboard is accurately reflected in the windshield and changes in intensity based off of lighting angle and intensity.
lol. Good thing that I asked xD Just got it now, but yeah that is seriously impressive. Especially since there is a ton of other stuff going on at the same time.


I definitely want the digital version so I can play it ALL THE TIME without having to swap disks. Looks great!
Sort of yea. F5 graphically is basically like F4 on steroids. It's everything at a higher resolution, with better IQ (AA but unfortunately hardly any AF), much higher poly vehicles and more going on in the track. It has a few other snazzy effects, but nothing new that is exceptionally taxing. The lighting is still pre baked, clamped highlights etc, illusions of good lighting but actually not totally realistic and more artistically implemented. Hence no night to day transitions, some off lighting or shadow changes etc.

DriveClub is pushing the boat a lot further graphically. Full dynamic lighting and shadows, it's also reportedly the first racing game to use dynamic global illumination (can't confirm if true or not). That's why it has full night to day transitions, a more sporadically moving sun, and even naturally lit darker segments (which are often lit by nothing more than moon light). It's also pushing far more track side detail and geometry than most racers. Much more complex foliage, more detailed textures, lots of draw distance etc. It also has volumetric clouds instead of sky boxes, and the clouds even cast shadows and are affected by the lighting. It also has better implementation of some of the effects F5 also does, like the volumetric tyre smoke, better implementation of glass reflections etc.

So whilst both games are really quite gorgeous, it could indeed be argued that DriveClub is doing a hell of a lot more graphically speaking.
Thank you for giving me more information. I think DriveClub is a very exciting game especially as someone who has been playing (and loving) Forza for several years now and it's really the only racing game sans Motor Storm (which I realise Evolution made) that I've liked.

This game just seems very different and unique and when I see Forza 5 I love it because of how beautiful it looks but at the same time compared to DriveClub it just seems very 'dead' if you get my meaning? The lighting, reflections and foliage in the DriveClub videos we have seen from Gamescon have blown me away and in my opinion look like no other console racer have seen. When you play Forza it's just that, a track but DriveClub feels like there's a world beyond your tracks and more importantly it makes the wold that you're driving in seem alive.

Perhaps I am idealising the game but that's what it looks like to me.
So can someone answer this for me because I'm getting confused, I will preface this by saying a lot of people I know are hardcore Xbox fans.

Now, I've been told that a lot of reports out of E3 said this game looked 'current gen' and obviously from the footage we have now that seems like a completely ridiculous claim to make and just shows that journalists who cannot understand 'pre-alpha' or '30% finished' should not be writing articles that lead those who don't understand those terms to just make wild claims about a game we haven't seen properly.

That being said. What I'm getting from this footage is that technically Driveclub is the more beautiful game, the environments, the reflections, everything is perfectly done. However the textures on the cars for Forza 5 are somewhat more impressive.

Does this mean Forza looks beautiful but there's nothing really new there in terms of what we're seeing, it's just upgraded whereas Driveclub is managing to do all of these things with reflections and scenery that it seems Forza is unable of doing.

Is that a fair assessment?
To be fair it is Evolution and a new console launch that we are talking about. Normally devs target certain graphics and once the alpha is done they don't improve that much, often the opposite happens. So journalists and gamers are used to judge graphics based of alpha footage. The thing is, Evolution works in a rather special way, which makes it harder for them to get playable builds out for some reason. So they often bring very old builds to conferences with features missing. Their games especially improve a lot before release. But then we have the new console launch as well. Killzone improved too, because Sony makes constant changes to the devkits and updates the tools. They are not finished at all and final devkits just rolled out, so especially before a new console launch drastic improvements to graphics are not unknown. Think of it as big driver updates on PC.
So this here is Dirt 3 on PC maxed out at 60FPS.


Thanks for posting that.
I really can't believe people are so wowed over the new Drive Club footage.

Do people really think it looks like a generational leap over that Dirt 3 video?

I mean the first reveal footage of it looked to be on that level, but NOTHING they have shown in their actual playable gameplay footage, so far, has come close to that.

Even their so called "impressive massive draw distance" has been just a few seconds of footage from of non-gameplay angles.
I really hope they can pull off a miracle in 2 months time.


Thanks for posting that.
I really can't believe people are so wowed over the new Drive Club footage.

Do people really think it looks like a generational leap over that Dirt 3 video?

I mean the first reveal footage of it looked to be on that level, but NOTHING they have shown in their actual playable gameplay footage, so far, has come close to that.

Even their so called "impressive massive draw distance" has been just a few seconds of footage from of non-gameplay angles.
I really hope they can pull off a miracle in 2 months time.

That video was the maxed out PC version. That already is next gen. So why would a launch PS4 title look like a generational leap over a maxed out PC title that is already running on high end graphics?

There is no generational leap over PC versions of games happening here. The generational leap is that there is no racer on 360 or PS3 that looks this good. That is the generations we discuss when talking about consoles.

Using a video from a maxed out PC version and claiming that as some sort of evidence that Driveclub is not next gen is not realistic.

And if you are primarily a PC gamer with a powerful gaming rig, it's unrealistic for you to expect either of these consoles to knock your socks off. You've already been gaming in next gen. Console gamers are just arriving at the level you're already at.
Thanks for posting that.
I really can't believe people are so wowed over the new Drive Club footage.

Do people really think it looks like a generational leap over that Dirt 3 video?

I mean the first reveal footage of it looked to be on that level, but NOTHING they have shown in their actual playable gameplay footage, so far, has come close to that.

Even their so called "impressive massive draw distance" has been just a few seconds of footage from of non-gameplay angles.
I really hope they can pull off a miracle in 2 months time.

I still don't see how anyone posting with the words "PC maxed out at 60FPS" can be surprised that something looks good. The PS4 is a $400 box, and these are launch titles. PC elitists need to stop being dicks for like 5 seconds so us console warriors can enjoy effects that are new to us.
And people doubted that Evolution couldn't get this thing shaped up. These guys made Motorstorm, an impressive as hell launch title which was lacking in content but was an amazing technical showpiece in the early PS3 days.

People ALWAYS judge Sony exclusives prematurely. Their studios hit a crunch time period roughly anywhere from six months until launch (or less) and they're titles increase graphically substantially. This was the case with games like God of War 3 and Uncharted 2 as well.
People ALWAYS judge Sony exclusives prematurely. Their studios hit a crunch time period roughly anywhere from six months until launch (or less) and they're titles increase graphically substantially. This was the case with games like God of War 3 and Uncharted 2 as well.

Sony always serves up a beautiful batch of crow :p


Thanks for posting that.
I really can't believe people are so wowed over the new Drive Club footage.

Do people really think it looks like a generational leap over that Dirt 3 video?

I mean the first reveal footage of it looked to be on that level, but NOTHING they have shown in their actual playable gameplay footage, so far, has come close to that.

Even their so called "impressive massive draw distance" has been just a few seconds of footage from of non-gameplay angles.
I really hope they can pull off a miracle in 2 months time.

We get it, you're not that impressed. Thanks for the input.


Sony always serves up a beautiful batch of crow :p


The amount of graphical details that are going into Killzone and Drive Club is ridiculous. The bullet casings in KZ and the windshield reflections in DC. Just awesome.

Oh and The Order apparently is going to have dynamic destruction. Can't wait.
The density of the trackside tree foliage is ah pretty dense! Looks great.

If I had a complaint then it will be those slight pauses we see during the race. And as others have mentioned the shadows need to be softer on the car/dashboard, they stick out too much.
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