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First look at Final Fantasy XVs avatar creation system, will be used in multiplayer

Ray Down

I think this would be amazing and no one would really have the right to be mad at it because it has happened before in the past. Haters would still be mad though.

I don't see them doing that, it's fine with the main but different if it's the whole party.

DQ9 is a huge step back in this regard compared to the older games in the franchise, mainly 4-8.
FFXV had the most unappealing design of NPCs that I've ever seen. I have 0% confidence that this character creator will yield anything besides more generic looking pseudo-realistic weirdos.


FFXV had the most unappealing design of NPCs that I've ever seen. I have 0% confidence that this character creator will yield anything besides more generic looking pseudo-realistic weirdos.

I was going to argue that Fallout 4's NPCs were worse but...yeah, as much as I loved FFXV, their NPCs were kinda garbage.

Except for that Lost guy, he was almost hilariously weird
"Salt": I think these are bad features and this is why.

"Not Salt": too negative! leave the thread and never come back!!11

What's the harm in adding free content to the game that doesn't change the base game in any way? It's the equivalent of the moogle-chocobo festival dlc.


Eh, not expecting too much judging from other NPCs in game.

That SC at the bottom of the shot interests me more.
What's the harm in adding free content to the game that doesn't change the base game in any way? It's the equivalent of the moogle-chocobo festival dlc.
He/She doesn't like me. It's fine though. He/She's entitled to his/her opinion.

I'm just a bit tired of seeing what I think is salt cause it's being used over and over again with little agreement. So I stand by what I said.
"Not Salt": too negative! leave the thread and never come back!!11

Anyways on topic: I never realized that the idea of having a custom character as the main protagonist for FFXVI would sound actually really cool! I'm all for that as long as it's immersive in some way.


The multiplayer was announced ages ago.

Also why are people so... enraged? Bewildered? Sad? Some of the reactions on here to the most innocent stuff are fuckin weird.

'Cause it's FF and people like to make driveby posts about how bad the series is now.

I'll never understand this sentiment. You really think they should have delayed the game for a year so they could add multiplayer and a character creator?

I mean I would have preferred a complete game yes.


Junior Member
It kinda puzzles me to be completely honest. They have people dedicated to updates, others to work on DLC, and others to do some experiments for future content. With the exception of the DLC laid out in the Season Pass, everything is free.

But apparently a development team wanting to better their game and make it more enjoyable for fans is a bad thing. It's egregiously funny when most of the people who are "angry" are the ones who keep saying the game is unfinished.

You know why.

Because the base game needs a lot of work.

If you're going to add updates to the game:

1. Fix the horrendous camera
2. Fix the horrendous lock-on
3. Add some more party techniques
4. Remove things that are implemented solely to waste your time, such as only being able to accept one hunt at a time
5. Try to improve the atrocious load times
6. Try to focus on adding content (gameplay and story-wise) to the completely embarrassing and barebones main story. And I know they're doing this, but I don't have confidence that they'll ever come close to how much they have to add in here. Especially since they're wasting resources on stupid shit like all the DLC and this multiplayer that's going to have a lifespan of 3 minutes. And an avatar character that's going to be shoehorned into the single player that literally no one asked for.

I could go on and on, really. This development team never ceases to absolutely boggle my mind. But I shouldn't expect anything better from a team directed by the guy who directed Type-0.

It's very easy to plug your ears and go "la la la" but it's also easy to see why people are annoyed with this. The multiplayer is not going to last at all and this is a waste of resources. Especially if they integrate it into single player, where it has absolutely no place. Don't use resources on stupid shit if the base game is an incomplete mess.

inb4 "lol hyperbole," what every defender of this game spouts.

And yes, I know they're working on some of that stuff, but it should be the focus. Not this dumb shit.


Since it's still early in development, is there any way we can get in there now and make sure Square includes ethnic hair options?


Please be: spoiler
A sandbox of the world of ruin with multiple teams of 4 running around... monsters, monsters everywhere... And Demon Hunters Cor & Iris. Do it!
Please be: spoiler
A sandbox of the world of ruin with multiple teams of 4 running around... monsters, monsters everywhere... And Demon Hunters Cor & Iris. Do it!
Someone else in the thread mentioned this as well, but adding a multiplayer component there seems leagues more effort than simply
reintegrating the unfinished singleplayer content that was rumored to be slashed at the 11th hour, replacing what seemed like a hastily constructed 10 second cutscene at Hammerhead fort.

But gawd, if they're going to work on one part of the finished game that had the most potential, I would kill for it to be that.
Only square could manage to somehow fuck up a successful launch with something.

They just can't help themselves.

Put these people to work on KH3 and FFVII. So we can play them before 2020. For fucks sake.
Let's take this one at a time:

Because the base game needs a lot of work.

If you're going to add updates to the game:

1. Fix the horrendous camera
2. Fix the horrendous lock-on
3. Add some more party techniques
4. Remove things that are implemented solely to waste your time, such as only being able to accept one hunt at a time
5. Try to improve the atrocious load times

Beyond the hyperbolic language used here, I am sure the team tasked with making improvements are working on many things including some of the stuff above. Though some people like their camera close and others like it far away. There are already options to mess with camera settings to make it ideal to your play style.

They can do both at the same time, as they are providing regular updates.

6. Try to focus on adding content (gameplay and story-wise) to the completely embarrassing and barebones main story. And I know they're doing this, but I don't have confidence that they'll ever come close to how much they have to add in here. Especially since they're wasting resources on stupid shit like all the DLC and this multiplayer that's going to have a lifespan of 3 minutes.

Wasting resources? This is promised content from the Season Pass. This is not a "waste of resources", so much as it is delivering promised paid content in a timely manner. As a season pass holder, I would hope they are working on the DLC.

And an avatar character that's going to be shoehorned into the single player that literally no one asked for.

You should use a different word, because that is not what literally means. It may not be something you asked for, but as you can see earlier in the thread, some have, in fact, asked for it.

I could go on and on, really. This development team never ceases to absolutely boggle my mind. But I shouldn't expect anything better from a team directed by the guy who directed Type-0.

This statement is unnecessary. It seems to be an insult of the dev team that put a lot of hard work into the game. And still are. If you don't like the game that's fine, but don't lower the conversation to insulting the devs. It doesn't bolster your argument.

It's very easy to plug your ears and go "la la la" but it's also easy to see why people are annoyed with this.

You're right. It is easy to do that. Which is why that is the opposite of what the devs are doing and addressing the concerns people have. Now if only some can not plug there ears and see the additional labor the dev team is putting in to give players free content and updates would be nice.

I don't recall people bemoaning Bioware, Bethesda, or CDPR when they had to update their own games. If I recall correctly, Skyrim was unplayable on PS3 and it took them a year to make it more playable, and TW3 having a bunch of problems at launch that needed to be patched. And yet, those games get a pass. Weird, right?

The multiplayer is not going to last at all and this is a waste of resources. Especially if they integrate it into single player, where it has absolutely no place. Don't use resources on stupid shit if the base game is an incomplete mess.

Again, this was promised content before the game launched. Are they to abandon all their DLC plans after many people have already paid for it?

And I didn't know that you were aware of how the multiplayer is supposed to work and how good it is or isn't.

inb4 "lol hyperbole," what every defender of this game spouts.

You have valid points. You just use hyperbolic language, which diminishes your arguments. I know using that type of language gets more attention and responses, but is not conducive to a productive discussion.

And yes, I know they're working on some of that stuff, but it should be the focus. Not this dumb shit.

You can focus on more than one thing. Update team has their focus and the DLC team has theirs.


[...] To be more specific, while we were having dinner, Sakaguchi-san asked me ”What are you going to do after Final Fantasy XV?" and I told him that I'd like to create a new IP. That's when I got in trouble, as Sakaguchi-san got angry (laughs). He said ”You don't want to do another Final Fantasy? What's wrong with you?" I still haven't made amends for that conversation yet, but hopefully it'll be soon.

Sakaguchi-san also said ”Give back the meat you're eating! I gave you life as the father of Final Fantasy and now you're going to quit on it? Give it back to me!" (laughs)​


We've known about this for a long time. Don't know why people are acting shocked.

It's a MP component that extends the life of the game and it quite frankly might be popular as hell.


This basically sums up FFXV's development

Create-a-character does not belong in single-player FF's, I will never stop bitching if they do this.

The camera can't even keep track of Noctis half the time, how in the fuck do you think co-op would make the game better?

If it works for countless Western RPGs and for Dragon's Dogma (and a host of other JRPGs), Why are you hell bent against CC coming to FF?


Please be: spoiler
A sandbox of the world of ruin with multiple teams of 4 running around... monsters, monsters everywhere... And Demon Hunters Cor & Iris. Do it!

Yup. This will probably be the main focus of the MP and I say bring it on. It's not hindering anything.


[...] To be more specific, while we were having dinner, Sakaguchi-san asked me ”What are you going to do after Final Fantasy XV?" and I told him that I'd like to create a new IP. That's when I got in trouble, as Sakaguchi-san got angry (laughs). He said ”You don't want to do another Final Fantasy? What's wrong with you?" I still haven't made amends for that conversation yet, but hopefully it'll be soon.

Sakaguchi-san also said ”Give back the meat you're eating! I gave you life as the father of Final Fantasy and now you're going to quit on it? Give it back to me!" (laughs)​

Sakaguchi really likes Tabby.
[...] To be more specific, while we were having dinner, Sakaguchi-san asked me “What are you going to do after Final Fantasy XV?” and I told him that I’d like to create a new IP. That’s when I got in trouble, as Sakaguchi-san got angry (laughs). He said “You don’t want to do another Final Fantasy? What’s wrong with you?” I still haven’t made amends for that conversation yet, but hopefully it’ll be soon.

Sakaguchi-san also said “Give back the meat you’re eating! I gave you life as the father of Final Fantasy and now you’re going to quit on it? Give it back to me!” (laughs)​

Seems like the Father of Final Fantasy wants Tabby to keep making the mainline entries. I guess he really did pass the torch to Tabata and has given him his resounding endorsement.

Must've really liked XV. Heh.


This game could not be any more inconsistent if they tried. fucking hell. I don't think Tabata is a good director.

Delivering a game's content in segments seems to be the new wave for Square Enix Japan. If this is any indication of how future Final Fantasy games will be experienced, I'm not a fan at all.
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