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For Vita remote-play to be a proper feature, Sony needs to implement button mapping.


Having proper button mapping would dramatically improve this feature on a scale of magnitudes for many games.

Currently you have 3 presets to choose from. The first makes good sense. It maps the L2/R2 and L3/R3 buttons to the back touch pad. This is a solid baseline, it's the bare minimum that they needed. The other options are really half-baked. The second has you doing button combos with the select button to trigger what should be simple button presses. The third option I believe just doesn't map those missing buttons at all.

So while the baseline can work well for slow paced, less frantic titles, such as rpgs. It is really annoying to play reflex intensive games with your hands desperately trying to retain their grip on the vita, without bumping the back panel and still maintaining the ability to properly use the physical controls.

Free-form button mapping should have been offered at the hardware or OS level on next-gen consoles. Though most games are designed with the best controls for the controllers they use. The vita isn't meant for any of those console games, and thus players need the option to map the controls to best suit their grip and comfort as well as meet the games demands. Because the game doesn't change what it demands of the players.

It doesn't even let you map them to the front touch panel!!!

I would actually be able to maintain a grip and play the GoW HD collection on my vita if the baseline could be applied to the front panel. With all PS4 titles being capable of remote play on PS4 even more control issues are going to be showing up. Unless Sony offers us a "trigger pad pro" for the vita, we will constantly be fighting with these detrimental control schemes.

Sony needs to allow us to map our own buttons to the touch panels where they would best suite us. I would say go even further and have it all be completely customizable. Because right now remote play is a feature that should be exciting and worth while. Instead it is comes across as a gimmicky ill implemented experience. I don't expect it to be on par with a DS3 or DS4. But in it's current state, it is a mess and is unbecoming of Sony's intentions.
I agree. But honestly, I feel like they've offered so much already!!

I do expect things to improve as time goes by and judging by how Sony has been recently, I'm pretty sure it will.
I strongly agree with this sentiment. The Vita has too specific a button and input layout to allow for easy porting between the DS4 and Vita control schemes. I'd love to use it more, but as it stands, I often don't like the layout on Vita. (Vita specific games are great for the Vita input, but not necessarily for PS4.)


Neo Member
For me it's not just the ps4 remote control... regular vita games have bad mapping too. Wipeout is the prime example in my opinion.


I love playing Resogun on my vita, but I frequently mess up hitting the top left/right portions of the trackpad for throwing & Bombs.

Button mapping could only be a good thing.
AC4 is the only game that maps to my liking.

L3/R3 - Bottom left and right corners of the touch screen.
L2/R2 - Left and Right halves of the back touch.
Touchpad - Upper center of the touch screen.

I wish this was the default honestly. Or I just wish devs were putting in more effort.


Also, a larger text option would be nice. I know the Vita is only displaying a video (using the same tech as the streaming stuff), so it'll likely have to be an option built into the game by the developers.
Need for Speed is nice because it automatically recognizes you are playing via Remote Play and remaps for you.

This is the only remote play game I've tried thus far.


mapping L2/R2 on the back touchpad is terrible, you cant hold it comfortably without accidental touches
L3/L3 is is better only because not as many games depend on it
I was excited about the feature, but it's just a novelty to me at this point. None of the games I have tried it with (Battlefield 4, Warframe, Resogun) have been particularly enjoyable for me to play, mainly because of the control mapping. In several games, things like small text and UI elements are very hard to see. Also, using the tiny sticks with shooters not optimized for them is a challenge. It's still a nice feature and I am sure more games that are better suited to it will come along, but as a Wii U owner I am not terribly impressed by it so far.

Edit: I do get better range out of it than the Wii U gamepad, so that's nice.
It doesn't even let you map them to the front touch panel!!!

Could be better if they had front button mapping for L3/R3 and leave the back pad for L2/R2. PS1 and PSP games do this and makes playing em much better and faster to play on.

Also this made me think of this neat vita grip concept a vita redditor made:
I have a better solution. Release an accessory to plug in to the Vita that adds extra buttons.

I actually agree with this. While I don't necessarily think it's a "better idea," a controller add-on that had the same handholds and shoulder buttons as a DS4 would be amazing. I would definitely pay for that. (It would make the Vita a much more feasible second player controller too.)

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
How is the idea that is going to cost the consumer more money a "better idea"?

It's the only way the controls for remote play are ever going to improve in a meaningful way. No amount of button mapping is ever going to make up for the fact the Vita is missing 4 buttons compared to a DS4. The best way to remedy this is to release an accessory. I'd gladly pay for it.


mapping L2/R2 on the back touchpad is terrible, you cant hold it comfortably without accidental touches
L3/L3 is is better only because not as many games depend on it

A vita grip solves this to some extent. Worth a purchase if you plan to use remote play a lot.


hide your water-based mammals
I'm so satisfied with how it works now that whatever improvements they make are icing on the cake for me.
Well they already have button-mapping for PSP games on Vita, so I guess it's only a matter of time before they implement it for remote play as well.
No thanks I like the vita resolution.

I guess, what he means is rendering in the Vita resolution so that more frames can be rendered per second and transferred to the Vita.

The ideal solution would be the option to make the Vita the exclusive output and then having an optional downgrade in resolution from the PS4 to transmit faster to the Vita. But that would require more work from the dev to support this.


Could be better if they had front button mapping for L3/R3 and leave the back pad for L2/R2. PS1 and PSP games do this and makes playing em much better and faster to play on.

Also this made me think of this neat vita grip concept a vita redditor made:

Isn't that how games are doing if? The games I've played so far have mostly put L1 across both left back panels and R1 across both right panels. L3 and R3 on the front panel bottom corners.

Are there games seriously doing the 4 button split on the back?


Isn't that how games are doing if? The games I've played so far have mostly put L1 across both left back panels and R1 across both right panels. L3 and R3 on the front panel bottom corners.

Are there games seriously doing the 4 button split on the back?

Killzone, Resogun, and Warframe all have that approach - I find it incredible uncomfortable, even if the streaming tech is ultra-cool.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
That and allow devs to go for 60FPS. Even if it means dropping resolution.
Problem is not really resolution. As they are already chopping down the data. The problem is that 60fps ups your bitrate. They could allow for a toggle sure.

I just tried this from my office to my apartment though. It worked perfectly. Could not detect any button lag. very impressed.
Agreed. FIFA is basically unplayable since R2 is sprint. The touchpad is way too unreliable and lacking in feedback to be used for a function that is dominant in a game. It's really a shame as I was hoping to use the feature pretty extensively.

So far I've been less impressed with remote play than off-TV play on the Wii U gamepad.


They should release an expansion that you can connect on your vita and it'll have L2 and R2. Like the gamepad pro for 3DS


It would be super cool if they could make a variation of the Vita that had clickable sticks.. Kinda surprised the new revision does not, tbh.


Killzone, Resogun, and Warframe all have that approach - I find it incredible uncomfortable, even if the streaming tech is ultra-cool.

Oh, then wtf. They really need to give us the mapping options though. I agree with the OP. Some Vita systems also have back panel sensitivity issues where the sweet spot to actually get your touch recognized is very small, resulting in no way to press the buttons.

What I don't understand is why they can't make it happen. The PS1 games on Vita allow you to map buttons to wherever you want for the L and R variations.
AC4 is the only game that maps to my liking.

L3/R3 - Bottom left and right corners of the touch screen.
L2/R2 - Left and Right halves of the back touch.
Touchpad - Upper center of the touch screen.

I wish this was the default honestly. Or I just wish devs were putting in more effort.
Actually in AC4 L2 and R2 are on the Vita's shoulder buttons. L1 and R1 are on the back touch pad, which works very well.


It's up to the devs to map them so they're comfortable. AC4 devs actually took time and tested it out, they mapped L3/R3 to the touchscreen and L2/R2 to the shoulder buttons on Vita.

Obviously being able to map them yourself would also be nice.


How does it even work thus far? I wouldn't mind playing some manager mode of FIFA on the couch since the PS4 is in the other room.


That's something I can agree.

They should make the inputs possible on each corner of the screen too. And to disable the backtouch.
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