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Forbes: Does Microsoft Need To Give 'Halo' To Someone Besides 343?


I heard Bungie is staying independent. Contract it back to them ;)

Thats actually what I was talking about with a room mate. If Joe staten got a blank check from Microsoft to build his team/project they way he wants to that could work. And honestly at this stage I feel thats the direction they should go. 343 is not competent on their own, they seem better suited as a support studio like they were for Bungie back in the day.

Honestly going forward if I was Microsoft and Joe had full control, You have to wonder if he sees how disjointed everything is within 343 and see's Bonnie Ross not as great leadership and has lead to the issues they have had over the past projects.
Updates and content make or break these live services. I still feel sad because of what happened to Anthem, the core gameplay and graphics/effects were wonderful. A very small effort would have made it massive if it was run by competent devs.

I don't know what MS should do with Halo but I totally felt this way about Anthem also. Flying & shooting felt sooooooo good, just a shame they didn't support it after launch. I was really looking forward to the reworking that was being talked about.


Yeah right, after 343 made the best Halo game since the 1st one. Keep the crap coming Forbes ...
Wait... did they do Halo 3?

No Way Wow GIF
ID Software should take over the Halo franchise.

And they should also get Obsidian to do a Halo FPS-WRPG. I've been asking for this since forever. Think Mass Effect but set in the Halo universe. The universe lore is expansive and ripe enough for it. The mainline games are so shit at storytelling, more of the lore has been fleshed out by expanded media. A Halo FPS-WRPG would really change that and return the balance to the games driving the canon lore forwards (as it should be).

MS is leaving money on the table by not doing this.

Mass Effect and Skyrim sold gangbusters. TW3 did over 40 million copies. If MGS actually gave a shit and gave us a Halo FPS-WRPG from Obsidian, it would probably be the highest selling WRPG of all time, ever. And if they really wanted they can sell pretty Spartan armour skins in-game to monetize it with MTXs (similar to how Ubisoft does it with its more recent WRPG-lite Assassins Creed games).
ID Software should take over the Halo franchise.

And they should also get Obsidian to do a Halo FPS-WRPG. I've been asking for this since forever. Think Mass Effect but set in the Halo universe. The universe lore is expansive and ripe enough for it. The mainline games are so shit at storytelling, more of the lore has been fleshed out by expanded media. A Halo FPS-WRPG would really change that and return the balance to the games driving the canon lore forwards (as it should be).

MS is leaving money on the table by not doing this.

Mass Effect and Skyrim sold gangbusters. TW3 did over 40 million copies. If MGS actually gave a shit and gave us a Halo FPS-WRPG from Obsidian, it would probably be the highest selling WRPG of all time, ever. And if they really wanted they can sell pretty Spartan armour skins in-game to monetize it with MTXs (similar to how Ubisoft does it with its more recent WRPG-lite Assassins Creed games).

I could get onboard with that. At least it would be something new. 343 are out of ideas and have no identity. Their games have been lacklustre and uninspired. Throwing money at a studio and a franchise doesn't get you innovation or even quality judging by how badly they butchered the completely unimpressive Slipspace engine.
If Fable 4 is good, I'd like to see Playground take a stab at it. Avalanche would bode well to combine gameplay and graphics as they've done with the Just Cause series. I would even contract the Far Cry team over at Ubisoft. Mayyyyybe even Crytek. ID Software is an excellent choice for more closed-in experiences, but I loved Halo's open world and would like the series to continue in that direction.

As far as Bungie is concerned, they were never good at maintaining schedules either, but they were dead-nuts on-point with lore. I'd like to see a more competent studio take it on with Bungie veterans taking on the story elements.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
The game got an 87 on Metacritics, generated tons of buzz! Was nominated countless times for goty!

Why would they give that to another studio after this unmitigated success story? Such an unbelievable comeback?

it's true, it did win GAF's GoTY 2021 as well.

They're doing some things wrong and other things right.

I could get onboard with that. At least it would be something new. 343 are out of ideas and have no identity. Their games have been lacklustre and uninspired. Throwing money at a studio and a franchise doesn't get you innovation or even quality judging by how badly they butchered the completely unimpressive Slipspace engine.
I thought the use of the grapple shot was a new innovation that allowed more freedom of movement without changing the core identity of Halo. Anyone can be annoyed that new content is coming out too slowly for the multi-player mode but let's not act like the gameplay wasn't excellent. The games' biggest issue is content and management of that content.


aka IMurRIVAL69
Fire Stinkles bald ass along with the rest of upper management and bring in people who will light a fire under them. These guys are the most unproductive AAA devs in the industry along with Rocksteady.
So the fact that the game came in pieces and still isn't complete 6 months later is best halo game since Combat Evolved?

Please go back to trolling xbox forums, and let the actual people who want to discuss the topics at hand
It seems to me you're the one who's doing the trolling. Halo Infinite features the best single player camigan since the 1 game.


It seems to me you're the one who's doing the trolling. Halo Infinite features the best single player camigan since the 1 game.

In your opinion. And lets say that it is? It does not invalidate the issues the game has, and the fact it came in pieces which no other Halo game has done. It also lacks a lot of staple modes like co-op campaign. So maybe in terms of gameplay I think most of the internet would agree with you. But story, characters, location, and overal just features in general were lacking. If unanimously this was the second coming, then it would not hold a 87 on meta. It would be much higher if it was perceived like you say.

So no not trolling, your just not able to have a discussion analytically about the state of Halo and 343.

To ignore list you go.


I personally thought infinite has the best gameplay and campaign.

I love the multiplayer too, just wish it had more maps and a better progression system.

My complaints are not even gameplay related.

I think with more time and added features like forge, people's opinions will change (except the losers that hate everything 343 do, as they are not bungie)


I personally thought infinite has the best gameplay and campaign.

I love the multiplayer too, just wish it had more maps and a better progression system.

My complaints are not even gameplay related.

I think with more time and added features like forge, people's opinions will change (except the losers that hate everything 343 do, as they are not bungie)

Why should we accept games that come in pieces, and I love the MP. But I could not use custom lists, and play Ball, or just some standard big team battles. And even when we got it set, we had issues with pre-made teams being brought in and having the system keep us on the correct teams.


Halo 4 was actually a good first attempt, was a stunner in graphics with a "bomb" ending. hehe

343 is just not that talented. And giving Halo franchise to somebody else at this point would be a major waste of money.
I respect them to be committed to their initial strategy of painfully slow Gaas.
In your opinion. And lets say that it is? It does not invalidate the issues the game has, and the fact it came in pieces which no other Halo game has done. It also lacks a lot of staple modes like co-op campaign. So maybe in terms of gameplay I think most of the internet would agree with you. But story, characters, location, and overal just features in general were lacking. If unanimously this was the second coming, then it would not hold a 87 on meta. It would be much higher if it was perceived like you say.

So no not trolling, your just not able to have a discussion analytically about the state of Halo and 343.

To ignore list you go.
Co-Op LOL that old load of crap. Halo 5 came with 4 player co-op and huge multiplayer, does that make it the best Halo game for you?

And please, spare me the nonsense over metacritic. Its pathetic to see people only praise games that do well on Meta.


The game got an 87 on Metacritics, generated tons of buzz! Was nominated countless times for goty!

Why would they give that to another studio after this unmitigated success story? Such an unbelievable comeback?
It's crazy how overrated it was with all the hype at the time. Seems like it was all hype generated by people wanting MS to finally have good exclusive, lots of xbox and gamepass fanboys. Not only was it missing multiple core features that make Halo Halo (coop, forge, maps, modes) this was AFTER getting delayed for a year. How does a long standing franchise cut so many core features and people act like its a good thing? MS could give 343 another year and it still wouldn't be done, they just had to get something out so they could bring in some microtransaction $.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Yes, ID soft Halo would be godlike. I can feel it.

I really can't be assed to even finish the game. I did like Halo 5. Dozens of us.


Yes, ID soft Halo would be godlike. I can feel it.

I really can't be assed to even finish the game. I did like Halo 5. Dozens of us.
After Doom Eternal I'd much rather see what ID can do creatively on their own. However an M rated Halo game from ID would be amazing.


I don't know what MS should do with Halo but I totally felt this way about Anthem also. Flying & shooting felt sooooooo good, just a shame they didn't support it after launch. I was really looking forward to the reworking that was being talked about.

Man, just go to youtube again to remember how good it felt. The graphics in Destiny 2 with the new updates are really good, but Anthem is just leagues ahead in that regard, especially in lighting. From time to time I open youtube to listen to the main menu theme, it's just so epic.

Anthem only needed a small effort and it would've been great, but they probably lost faith quickly especially if they were crunching for too long already.

It was already so good with just one planet, imagine what would it been after expanding to other planets. Same goes to Mass Effect: Andromeda, despite it's bugs I've enjoyed every minute in that game.
Updates and content make or break these live services. I still feel sad because of what happened to Anthem, the core gameplay and graphics/effects were wonderful. A very small effort would have made it massive if it was run by competent devs.
Anthem was a real gut punch since like you said it was visually and technically sound, but it was pretty obvious the devs either didn't care about post-launch support or just didn't know what they were doing.
Man, just go to youtube again to remember how good it felt. The graphics in Destiny 2 with the new updates are really good, but Anthem is just leagues ahead in that regard, especially in lighting. From time to time I open youtube to listen to the main menu theme, it's just so epic.

Anthem only needed a small effort and it would've been great, but they probably lost faith quickly especially if they were crunching for too long already.

It was already so good with just one planet, imagine what would it been after expanding to other planets. Same goes to Mass Effect: Andromeda, despite it's bugs I've enjoyed every minute in that game.

Playing this and Outriders with my bud was so fun. They a similar space in my head of games that had amazing gameplay but I was okay just beating it and putting it down. Not every game that has ambition like that should be a "forever game" like Destiny. And that's okay.


They should keep them as the MP devs only, and get another team to do SP.

Doesnt one of the the OG multiplayer developers want to get back to making Halo? He should lead the team for MP, while one of the other 1st person shooter teams (Bathesda/Activision) makes a new epic campaign for Halo
I love Halo but also think it would be great if someone other than 343 had a go with it. If the stories of Infinites development are true and the studio was distracted by other Halo projects like the TV show, then I don't want them working on the games.

And they need someone else to write the narratives of the single player campaigns. I constantly feel like I am missing a detail or accidentally skipped a cutscene. In Halo 4 when the Didact first appears and everyone just knows who he is, I felt so completely lost from the story. I was thinking "who the fuck is this guy" and the chief and Cortana were just like oh, it's the Didact. What? And in Halo 5 when Cortana shows up again, nobody was surprised. Did I miss something? She was obliterated in 4 and now just hanging out in 5 and nobody was surprised.

Infinite was amazing, but it also had its problems with pacing and the story. Every time the big bad brute gave a speech, I completely tuned out. Nobody talks like that guy. And his monologues lasted fucking forever. Oh my god, I just wanted it to end. Oh and now there's even another species that have something to do with the Halo rings? Ok fine. Whatever.
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When you compare mutliplayer features how does the Halo Infinite launch stack up against the Halo 3 beta that came with Crackdown? It's not good lol
343 has proven they don't deserve to carry the Halo franchise anymore, considering the past ten years. If I were in charge of MS's gaming division, I would have relegated 343 to a support studio and given the reigns to Certain Affinity or someone else.


Give it to me! I'll make the best halo game ever made.

If not, give it to someone who can deliver. At this point, 343 has proben that they can't. And that is a shame. With one year delay and one year after release and the game is not ready yet.

Naked Lunch

To everyone saying id should make the next Halo, have you played the new Doom's godawful multiplayer?
The Doom multi feels like a cheap bargain bin 360 game.
Halo4, 5, and Infinite's mp run circles around that junk.

People have left 343 left and right during Infinite's dev time - the project lead, narrative lead, mp lead, being some of them (been fired or quit who knows?).
Maybe Joe Staten, who just joined last year, will turn it around.
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Only people who will say yes to this are people who don't like Halo as a franchise, I honestly think. 343 are the perfect studio for Halo and they have done an amazing job with it.

Nothing is wrong with giving spinoffs to other studios, but they would be dumb to ever take the main franchise from 343 after all the success they've had with it. They know what they're doing.

Even with a better progression system, many more maps and modes, Halo Infinite's population STILL drops as much as it has down to the most hardcore of the hardcore because people desire those battle Royale games that they and their friends are playing, that the streamers are playing. They desire to jump around and play different things every now and then.

A massive number of Xbox gamers moved on to Elden Ring. A game I doubted before release, but as it turns out really, really is something special. A traditionalist MP Halo has no chance against that and against all the other games available on Xbox right now. Just before Elden Ring dropped Halo Infinite had

The Halo audience is older than it use to be. The existing Halo MP formula, regardless of content (which does need to be better), isn't as attractive to as many people as it use to be. Even for many older players they've moved on. I haven't been affected by this dilemma because I was never a big Halo MP guy to begin with. I didn't become a Halo fan till right before Halo 3's release when I read Halo: The Fall of Reach and Halo: Ghosts of Onyx. Those two books are what made the Halo Universe interesting enough for me to seriously give the videogames a chance. And it took some getting use to to find my appreciation for Halo as a videogame franchise. I'm all about Halo Campaign because of how much I enjoy the lore.

The Halo many remember had far less competition in the shooter space. Not just that, there was less competition on the Xbox platform itself. There are now many games that are more than worthy enough to dominate people's attention over everybody just playing Halo simply because there isn't much else better on the platform and a lot of games skip the platform. Knowledge of what is available is also on a whole other level now in the Youtube/Twitch content creator era. The accessibility to all those games, especially backwards compatible ones, is also all the easier with Game Pass.

Outriders is a good game getting crazy content, yet it's not in the top 49 games on Xbox and it's on Game Pass. Sea of Thieves, which is insanely popular, is #28 on on Xbox eco-system.

Master Chief Collection is #44 on Xbox.

Halo Infinite is in the top 15 on Xbox.

Looking at steam you would think Halo Infinite and MCC trade blows with one another. Not the case if you look at Microsoft's storefront.

But the reality is that the market has changed. It isn't 343 that's somehow doing all this stuff wrong. Should content for MP come quicker? Yes, that would be nice, but I don't believe for a second it makes a massive difference in the current number of people playing the game on places like steam and even on Xbox and on Microsoft's store.

And also, considering Game Pass is the most exciting thing going at Xbox right now, and it's a huge success (15 million new subscribers since 2020, now sitting at over 25 million) it's important to see what those subscribers are playing most. And would you look at that... Halo Infinite is the #2 most played game among Game Pass subscribers. So you mean to tell me the 2nd most played thing on the subscription that has Microsoft throwing all this money at gaming is the same Halo Infinite. Sea of Thieves is #6. As to why you don't see MLB The Show on the game pass list, it means many more people on Xbox are playing a version of MLB The Show 22 they bought rather than playing the Game Pass version.


And for those who might think it isn't fair to only look at Game Pass subscribers, I say why the hell not? Game Pass is the main reason Microsoft is dropping all this money on acquisitions and why they're so all in on gmaing. And their previous big buy before Activision, Bethesda, accounts for 3 of the top 10 most played in Game Pass.
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Gold Member
I'd say branch off Halo into more genres. Never played Halo Wars since I dont like RTS but I think it got decent reviews.

I'm sure they can figure out how to make a Halo game an adventure/RPG like a Mass Effect game, than purely just a shooter.


Gold Member
Only people who will say yes to this are people who don't like Halo as a franchise, I honestly think. 343 are the perfect studio for Halo and they have done an amazing job with it.

Nothing is wrong with giving spinoffs to other studios, but they would be dumb to ever take the main franchise from 343 after all the success they've had with it. They know what they're doing.

Even with a better progression system, many more maps and modes, Halo Infinite's population STILL drops as much as it has down to the most hardcore of the hardcore because people desire those battle Royale games that they and their friends are playing, that the streamers are playing. They desire to jump around and play different things every now and then.

A massive number of Xbox gamers moved on to Elden Ring. A game I doubted before release, but as it turns out really, really is something special. A traditionalist MP Halo has no chance against that and against all the other games available on Xbox right now. Just before Elden Ring dropped Halo Infinite had

The Halo audience is older than it use to be. The existing Halo MP formula, regardless of content (which does need to be better), isn't as attractive to as many people as it use to be. Even for many older players they've moved on. I haven't been affected by this dilemma because I was never a big Halo MP guy to begin with. I didn't become a Halo fan till right before Halo 3's release when I read Halo: The Fall of Reach and Halo: Ghosts of Onyx. Those two books are what made the Halo Universe interesting enough for me to seriously give the videogames a chance. And it took some getting use to to find my appreciation for Halo as a videogame franchise. I'm all about Halo Campaign because of how much I enjoy the lore.

The Halo many remember had far less competition in the shooter space. Not just that, there was less competition on the Xbox platform itself. There are now many games that are more than worthy enough to dominate people's attention over everybody just playing Halo simply because there isn't much else better on the platform and a lot of games skip the platform. Knowledge of what is available is also on a whole other level now in the Youtube/Twitch content creator era. The accessibility to all those games, especially backwards compatible ones, is also all the easier with Game Pass.

Outriders is a good game getting crazy content, yet it's not in the top 49 games on Xbox and it's on Game Pass. Sea of Thieves, which is insanely popular, is #28 on on Xbox eco-system.

Master Chief Collection is #44 on Xbox.

Halo Infinite is in the top 15 on Xbox.

Looking at steam you would think Halo Infinite and MCC trade blows with one another. Not the case if you look at Microsoft's storefront.

But the reality is that the market has changed. It isn't 343 that's somehow doing all this stuff wrong. Should content for MP come quicker? Yes, that would be nice, but I don't believe for a second it makes a massive difference in the current number of people playing the game on places like steam and even on Xbox and on Microsoft's store.

And also, considering Game Pass is the most exciting thing going at Xbox right now, and it's a huge success (15 million new subscribers since 2020, now sitting at over 25 million) it's important to see what those subscribers are playing most. And would you look at that... Halo Infinite is the #2 most played game among Game Pass subscribers. So you mean to tell me the 2nd most played thing on the subscription that has Microsoft throwing all this money at gaming is the same Halo Infinite. Sea of Thieves is #6. As to why you don't see MLB The Show on the game pass list, it means many more people on Xbox are playing a version of MLB The Show 22 they bought rather than playing the Game Pass version.


And for those who might think it isn't fair to only look at Game Pass subscribers, I say why the hell not? Game Pass is the main reason Microsoft is dropping all this money on acquisitions and why they're so all in on gmaing. And their previous big buy before Activision, Bethesda, accounts for 3 of the top 10 most played in Game Pass.
im not reading all that
but im happy for you
or sorry that happened


Not for me, Infinite is awsome imo, both the campaign and MP.
What 343 DO need though is a kick up the backside, and for Phil to do it himself. 343 are so damn slow with everything they do.

Naked Lunch

I'd say branch off Halo into more genres. Never played Halo Wars since I dont like RTS but I think it got decent reviews.

I'm sure they can figure out how to make a Halo game an adventure/RPG like a Mass Effect game, than purely just a shooter.
Yep - I never understood why they never attempted a lore/text heavy RPG with all the materials and timelines from the novels. It doesnt even have to be super high budget - do it in a Baulders Gate or New Shadowrun 3/4 view style. They have plenty of western rpg devs to choose from now. Only a tiny fraction of the Halo storyline is covered in the mainline games and the 5 year wait in between those games is painful.

Even a twin stick top down co-op shooter would work. Or a Star Control-like strategy ship building/combat type game. The Halo universe can carry several genres.
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