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Forbes - The Xbox One And PS4 Were The Last Console Generation


The console generation, in loose, constantly shifting terms, has dominated the world of video games for my entire life. The early era of home consoles is various and crazy, but for the sake of simplicity we’ll put the codification of the idea on one company alone: Nintendo. The NES, for all intents and purposes, standardized what we come to think of as a game console today, even if plenty other companies did something like it before. So that would make the transition from the NES to the SNES the first real console generation, something that all other manufacturers would begin to adopt as time went on. Eventually the field winnowed down, and generations became much more rigidly defined, eventually coming to a kind of apex with the release of the Xbox One and PS4, released as generational updates to their predecessors within a week of each other. And it’s well that the console generation reached it’s platonic form back in 2013, because that’s all done now.

Microsoft’s recent discussion of its plans with the Xbox Series X wasn’t really news, but it’s striking nonetheless. When the Xbox Series X releases, it won’t have exclusive games. Every Microsoft game that works on the Series X will also work on the Xbox One, and vice versa. Third-party publishers won’t have to abide by that at the beginning, but the economics of install bases dictate that they almost certainly will. While the PS4 and PS5 won’t necessarily abide by the same rules, we’re all assuming that Sony will at least pursue backwards compatability, and I have to also assume that it’s going to have to have some kind of strong cross-gen compatability plans. So while we’re still waiting to hear exactly what’s happening here, Microsoft’s rejection of the old ideas seems to confirm to me that the console generation, as we know it, is over.

This has been a long time coming. Console transitions are hellish on developers, which have to both work extra hard figuring out how to develop for new hardware and then turn around and sell those new games to an install base the fraction of the size of the previous generation. And they’re limiting for manufacturers, too: Apple gets to sell people a new iPhone like every other month, while console manufacturers find themselves waiting years to sell new hardware.

The first sign that Microsoft and Sony were done with generations came with the Xbox One X and PS4 Pro: mid-generation refreshes that functioned like a mini-generation, selling new machines and capabilities without any of the restrictions of previous generations. But with the next machines I expect this idea to be eliminated entirely. That’s what Microsoft’s naming convention is all about: it will release the Xbox Series X, followed by the Xbox Series (something else) and so on and so forth. PlayStation reserves its numbers for traditional generations, but I fully expect Sony to follow suit with the PS5 Lite, the PS5 Pro, or something like that.

The PS5 and Xbox Series X are much bigger deals than those refreshes. But when they launch, it will look a lot more like those refreshes than a traditional generation.

In this new scenario, games work backwards and forwards, playing on older machines with graphical compromises and upgrades on newer machines. Much like in the world of cell phones, older machines will still get phased out, it just won’t happen with the notion of generational sweep that it does now. So 3 years into the lifespan of the Xbox Series X—at which point we expect to have another Microsoft console in the mix—games will start getting released that won’t run on the Xbox One S. A year later, we might see games that don’t work on the Xbox One X. And so on.

Developers are ready for this. As Microsoft has noted, they’ve been doing it for years with PC development: most new games can be souped up to 4K, 60FPS with raytracing or be turned way down to what Gamespot calls “potato mode”. And while most developers don’t really want their games to look quite that bad on any hardware, they should be able to get games to run on a much wider variety of devices than they did in the past. One of the benefits of modern lighting-based graphical improvements like ray-tracing is that they can be turned off.

It’ll be interesting to see how it all works. Console Gamers are still very much invested in the idea of a console generation, which you can see from the degree to which we’re going to hype these new machines. But while the launch of the Xbox Series X and PS5 is going to look a whole lot like the launch of the Xbox One and PS4, in practice it’s going to be nothing like it. I’m mostly curious to see what things look like when the dust settles in 2021.

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RSI Employee of the Year
Why is it shit? This is where the market is heading.

No. The market is heading toward compatibility and fluidity between generations, but there is absolutely no indication that they're heading toward having no generations.

This is just the usual Forbes contributor crap artificially building a case around a catchy headline. It's how their business model works.

It's been a while since I've seen someone unaware of the cesspool that "Forbes contributor" label identifies. It's bad enough that not even Forbes wants to take ownership of it.
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Kagey K

Forbes contributors are literally just blog posts from people with no clue what they're talking about.
That is what? Compared to your posts and you know what you are talking about?
Why aren’t you writing for Forbes?

If it’s just an opinion or a blog why is it less important then yours? or why is yours more important then theirs?

Id really like to see an answer on this,
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It always baffles me with how much credit and influence the gaming press give Microsoft, and is a sign of just how american centric they are.

Xbox is the 'also ran' of console gaming, almost irrelevant outside of a handful of markets and struggling to find a real identity or niche for itself.

Part of the reason it has so many systems at once, has been buying up studios left and right, is completely reluctant to let go of current gen and the users it already had and is going all in with game pass and Xcloud, is because they're throwing as much shit at the wall as possible in the desperate hope thay something will stick, because they have absolutely failed at the one aspect of gaming that matters, and that both Sony and Nintendo are masters at: making great games.

Generational leaps in power are important, they affect what new mechanics and graphical improvements can be implemented, and allow developers, both for console and PC gaming, to reset the baseline for what bare minimum they should be aiming for.

Abandoning this regular jump in expectations might make development easier in the short term, but longterm it will create increasingly more hamstrung games, put more barriers infront of innovation and sap sales as people become bored of the same old graphics and experiences.

The end of 7th gen should be a dire warning for Microsoft in regards to how overextending a generation hurts the platform holders and the wider industry.

Sales crater, franchises suffer, and when you half arse the jump in hardware like Nintendo did with going from the Wii to WiiU, customers won't blindly follow you.


Excuse my ignorance in United States pop culture but what has done Forbes to gain credibility?

Because their bullshit uninformed videogames articles clearly are not the reason.
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That is what? Compared to your posts and you know what you are talking about?
Why aren’t you writing for Forbes?

If it’s just an opinion or a blog why is it less important then yours? or why is yours more important then theirs?

Id really like to see an answer on this,

"Why aren't you writing for Forbes?" Have you read some of the shit that comes out of there? Do you know what this place would look like if we spent all of our time discussing the opinions of dumbass Forbes contributors? We might as well all start making threads every time one of our neighbors gives us their opinion.
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
I've been hearing that since the ps360 era, can they just stop with this song?
Well this is the first generation which includes x86 architecture, scalability with console refresh, so people is not only talking about it, but it is sort of happening... And I feel that's a good thing.


That is what? Compared to your posts and you know what you are talking about?
Why aren’t you writing for Forbes?

If it’s just an opinion or a blog why is it less important then yours? or why is yours more important then theirs?

Id really like to see an answer on this,

Well, his opinion, if you missed it, was that forbes' opinion is wrong. In so many words. What makes his opinion any less important?

And besides, that 1st paragraph of yours is pure nonsense.

We are gamers, we play games, we buy consoles, we grow up with th industry. Any one of us has that info in our heads. Most of us prefer to educate (professionally) ourselves in other matters.

Doesn't matter who you write for, that doesnt make you automatically right (esp with regards to opinions).


It’s an opinion, whether you agree with it or not. I don’t see any gaffers writing for Forbes contribution articles.

Because anyone who actually writes about games isn't going to do it for free on the equivalent of a Tumblr.

Either way you don't credit Forbes. It would be like crediting Neogaf with the news that Blu-ray lasers kill people because a fucking idiot on here made a thread saying so.

That is what? Compared to your posts and you know what you are talking about?
Why aren’t you writing for Forbes?

If it’s just an opinion or a blog why is it less important then yours? or why is yours more important then theirs?

Id really like to see an answer on this,

Considering the author didn't even do the most basic fact checking, yea, this shit is worthless.

You guys seem to think contributing to Forbes requires anything more than writing an article and submitting it. It doesn't.
Yes, this is why Sony made a point at CES about their next platform being Playstation 5....

Article’s argument is not literal, but speaking conceptually. Consoles are about to undergo a change that will bring them in line with the PC market, leaving behind many of the staple identifiers that distinguished consoles from their PC brethren in the past.

That said, it may all well turn out to be true, but gaming-dedicated devices are not going away. Consoles may be diversifying, but the market for playing games is expanding and devices that cater to that activity are poised to succeed.


Gold Member
"PS4 and X1 were the last console generation"

Proceeds to parrot Microsoft's PR on the topic while PS4 is basically unmentioned.

Yeah... when people complained in the 360 era about how Microsoft moves into a market and shotgun-blasts the media, this is what they're referring to.
You ever notice it's only pro-Xbox honks always declaring the end of something. It gets proven wrong, only for them to change the goalposts to something else. This dumb narrative that because Microsoft is doing it, therefore it's a brilliant future plan is fuckin stupid. Especially when there's evidence to the contrary.


This thread is people in full denial mode of the reality of diminishing returns, just to hold onto their petty console wars. Will be glad when newer generations dominate conversation, that weren't raised by tech companies telling them they're cool big boys for playing on their system.


Neo Member
No. The PS4/Xbox One aren't the last generation.

What happened this gen is simple. The market adopted one platform (PlayStation) and rejected another (Xbox). Just because Xbox failed does not mean generations are over.

Console generations will stop being a 'thing' once cloud gaming becomes the standard and not the alternative. That's not going to happen anytime soon.


At least for Nintendo and Sony, no, the traditional model has been working very well. Too bad Microsoft went in a different direction now that it was more likely to repeat the x360 generation.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Please. Look at the clamor around a more powerful Switch. Look at the hype around seeing the new subwoofer Xbox and the PS5 logo reveal.

People clearly still care about increasing power and the hype of something new. So generations will continue.


Gold Member
Microsoft fanboys and media shills doing incredible mental gymnastics in preparation for the 2020 Summer Tokyo Olympics:

Hardware and software sales no longer matter! Instead, MS will focus on these incredible, success-defining metrics for their brand:
  • # of Xbox brand mentions in Forbes articles
  • # of editorials that discuss how "forwarding thinking Game Pass" is
  • # of Game Pass subscriptions, including those using 14 day free trials
  • # of Xbox Live and Game Pass subscribers, including those using 14 day free trials for both
  • # of times Halo Infinite is played by Game Pass subscribers, including those using 14 day free trials
  • # of monthly Xbox sponsored Mixer streams (not concurrent) featuring "Xbox family" games
All this, PLUS whatever PC gaming metrics they can use to razzle and dazzle us all.


You ever notice it's only pro-Xbox honks always declaring the end of something. It gets proven wrong, only for them to change the goalposts to something else. This dumb narrative that because Microsoft is doing it, therefore it's a brilliant future plan is fuckin stupid. Especially when there's evidence to the contrary.

This will be fun to read in 2-3 years. ☺️


You ever notice it's only pro-Xbox honks always declaring the end of something. It gets proven wrong, only for them to change the goalposts to something else. This dumb narrative that because Microsoft is doing it, therefore it's a brilliant future plan is fuckin stupid. Especially when there's evidence to the contrary.
Thing is, to some, everything Microsoft does is a game changer, even if said thing is going to alienate people even more from their eco-system....... I guess said fans have decided to fight to the death...


are in a big trouble
As a gamer that is lucky enough to own and collect over 20 plus consoles I really fail to see the positive side to this I honestly do. I hope I'm wrong but there's no point in buying the series X day one which many love to do.


Suffers from extreme PDS
For Microsoft, yes they're dead as they can't build a base big enough to sustain and iterate over multiple generations. For Sony and Nintendo, generations are alive and well!


That is what? Compared to your posts and you know what you are talking about?
Why aren’t you writing for Forbes?

If it’s just an opinion or a blog why is it less important then yours? or why is yours more important then theirs?

Id really like to see an answer on this,

Because is factually wrong?
Ps4 is not the last console generation from sony
Hardware and software sales no longer matter! Instead, MS will focus on these incredible, success-defining metrics for their brand:
  • # of Xbox brand mentions in Forbes articles
  • # of editorials that discuss how "forwarding thinking Game Pass" is
  • # of Game Pass subscriptions, including those using 14 day free trials
  • # of Xbox Live and Game Pass subscribers, including those using 14 day free trials for both
  • # of times Halo Infinite is played by Game Pass subscribers, including those using 14 day free trials
  • # of monthly Xbox sponsored Mixer streams (not concurrent) featuring "Xbox family" games
All this, PLUS whatever PC gaming metrics they can use to razzle and dazzle us all.
They've lost their confidence permanently. I don't think Phil Spencer is making the calls anymore.


ps3 was the last console with specifically engineered hardware. Now, they are just picking already existing stuff, putting it together into a SoC and call that the 'next generation'.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
ps3 was the last console with specifically engineered hardware. Now, they are just picking already existing stuff, putting it together into a SoC and call that the 'next generation'.
Yeah. But I think it might a little more conceptual. We know that Microsoft is taking the PC approach, but we haven't seen yet what Sony will do. They may take hardware parts off the "shelf", but it's all about execution of ideas. Early in the Xbox One days, MS was gonna make it online only, among other things.

There's a lot more that can be done, simply in terms of the platform itself. A lot can be created if you integrate hardware with the software technology, as well as the implementations.

They have been saying this stuff, about consoles being over since the early days of the NES.
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The thread was clearly labelled yet still people moan about Forbes. Size of audience does not mean an opinion is invalid or carries no weight. The internet gives a platform for all voices and those published works are free to be scrutinised and torn down.
Forbes contributors are literally just blog posts from people with no clue what they're talking about.
This x100.

I just don't get it. Forbes articles being given the light of day on Gaf. If there is any way to devalue the forum, posting Forbes articles is the way to do it.

That is what? Compared to your posts and you know what you are talking about?
Why aren’t you writing for Forbes?

If it’s just an opinion or a blog why is it less important then yours? or why is yours more important then theirs?

Id really like to see an answer on this,
I love how people come in here guns blazing not knowing the standard of articles Forbes contributors put out when it comes to gaming. We live in a day and age where a google search can answer a lot of questions yet people refuse to use this tool.

Why is it always bloody american websites go on about this?
America is a toilet led by a president that looks and acts like one.

I'm sure most American's can agree with me.
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