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FOX News Co-President Bill Shine has been dismissed

Launching a TV network in this day and age seems foolhardy in general - they'd probably have much greater luck with a web-focused media company seeing as more people are getting their content from it with each passing year.

Then again, the baby boomers they'd be trying to appeal to watch way more TV than anyone else, so...who knows.

Yeah, launching and maintaining a network, and aiming it toward the aging audience of Fox News that have shown a fierce loyalty to Fox would not be a easy feat. And then there's the issue of getting advertisers for a bunch of talent who has all the baggage these people will have, too.


Well Jesse Watters is saying he's coming back tonight...but we shall see


I bet he is forced to make an apology. At the very least.


Yeah, launching and maintaining a network, and aiming it toward the aging audience of Fox News that have shown a fierce loyalty to Fox would not be a easy feat. And then there's the issue of getting advertisers for a bunch of talent who has all the baggage these people will have, too.

Yeah. There's a pretty decent number of older conservatives who barely touch the internet.


My guess is that advertisers pulling out of O'reilly's show has them shook, considering that the network is infested with similar people. As much as Fox is a propaganda network, that still comes second to making money.


Yeah, launching and maintaining a network, and aiming it toward the aging audience of Fox News that have shown a fierce loyalty to Fox would not be a easy feat. And then there's the issue of getting advertisers for a bunch of talent who has all the baggage these people will have, too.

This is all starting to sound a bit like people firmly entrenched the coal industry trying to come up with ways to keep feeding industries that are increasingly relying less on coal to begin with. What do you do when the next generation isn't even interested in TV anymore, but your main demographic clings to it with a death grip?

When even Hollywood has been banging the drum of "You can't ignore China, and that's because they have huge amounts of cash," and you're concerned with the bottom line and profitability, then being racist and right wing in a world where that demographic is shrinking due to simply dying of old age is basically admitting you're not interested in a long term future for your company.


Fox is dealing with FIFTEEN race and gender lawsuits with more to come. Defending, and likely settling, all of that is going to be brutal for any organization. Plus it opens them up to charges of permitting a hostile work environment by the EEOC. The Murdochs have to clean house to get ahead of all of this.

Are they? I thought they were same as daddy, but just not as bad.

NPR did a thing about them last week and it seems they are a lot different then their father. They are not hyper nationalist and they have a globalist view that accepts climate science and equality. I guess they are pushing hard for things that their father was completely against. They pushed really hard for Nat Geo.

Does this make them good? Who knows but it does seem that they are more centered on how the world is evolving versus the head in the sand policy of their father and the older demographics.

At the end of the day the net positive of them taking over far outweighs anything else with their dad at the helm.

Edit: Also for Fox to survive they have to change. They have a pretty good internal structure as far as a news organization goes when it comes to being a news agency and with the right changes they could actually dump the batshit crazy and become a decent replacement for what has become the standard in cable news. Fox could actually drop the drama and tell the news that would be glorious.


Does this mean their base actually cares about all this? Otherwise, given their audience, I would assume that hiring a female to replace him would tarnish their image. Seeing as they'd be pandering to the snowflake SJWs and all.

This isnt about their base. Its about advertisers who don't want to get hit with flack on being sexist.
This is all starting to sound a bit like people firmly entrenched the coal industry trying to come up with ways to keep feeding industries that are increasingly relying less on coal to begin with. What do you do when the next generation isn't even interested in TV anymore, but your main demographic clings to it with a death grip?

When even Hollywood has been banging the drum of "You can't ignore China, and that's because they have huge amounts of cash," and you're concerned with the bottom line and profitability, then being racist and right wing in a world where that demographic is shrinking due to simply dying of old age is basically admitting you're not interested in a long term future for your company.

I think right-wingers are showing that they very little long term vision. The only ones are the Christian fascists/dominionists who have been playing the long game for a long time, but even they are jumping into bed with Russian contacts now apparently, which is short-sighted as fuck, so who the hell knows.


Man, if Hannity gets the boot as well I might just have to watch a little of the channel. Just a little. Probably just Shepard Smith.

Shep Smith is on that short of people that I want to see extracted. We got Megyn Kelly out alive. Shep is like a POW over there.


Shep Smith is on that short of people that I want to see extracted. We got Megyn Kelly out alive. Shep is like a POW over there.

Yeah, what makes it worse for him is he is gay. A gay guy on Fox News. He must be getting paid a lot. Don't understand why he sticks around.


I am fucking shocked by this but I LOVE Greta on MSNBC.

They really needed her style over there to diversify. She seems to be doing well and providing her own perspective and I enjoy her interviews. She plays it pretty straight and terse which is kind of refreshing.

Yeah, what makes it worse for him is he is gay. A gay guy on Fox News. He must be getting paid a lot. Don't understand why he sticks around.

I mean it must be a ridiculous amount for him to deal with all of that. I've always appreciated his delivery and wished he worked for basically any other network.

Ran rp

They obviously just assume that Fox's audience will stay with them regardless. What they clearly don't understand is we're already leaving in droves. There are plenty of better outlets for real news and good commentary, starting with The_Donald, so Fox can go fight with CNN and MSNBC to be Fake News champion.



They really needed her style over there to diversify. She seems to be doing well and providing her own perspective and I enjoy her interviews. She plays it pretty straight and terse which is kind of refreshing.

Yeah. Its kinda of like a right leaning version of hardball. I very much enjoy watching them back to back.
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