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François Fillon, french presidential candidate faces inquiry over payments to wife

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Mr. Fillon, who won November’s center-right primary, has been considered a favorite in the race, but now must contend with questions about whether the payments to his wife were inappropriate. According to the satirical weekly The Canard Enchaîné, Mr. Fillon’s wife, Penelope, received about 500,000 euros over eight years, first as his parliamentary assistant and then as assistant to his deputy Marc Joulaud, who took over when Mr. Fillon became a minister in the government in 2002.

It is not illegal in France for members of Parliament to employ family, and around 10 to 15 percent do so, according to French media. But if Mrs. Fillon did nothing, holding a fake job, in effect, in return for the public funds, her husband could be in trouble.

“This could be painful to Fillon, fairly damaging,” Gérard Grunberg, a political scientist at Sciences-Po, the prestigious political science institute, said Wednesday in an interview. He added: “Everything depends on whether it was a bogus job. If it’s proved that it was — and a well-paid one, too — then this is going to be important. She always said she didn’t participate in political life. So she sort of condemned herself in advance.”

But in its investigation, The Canard Enchaîné quoted another of Mr. Joulaud’s assistants as saying: “I never worked with her,” adding, “I knew her only as the minister’s wife.” Mrs. Fillon has always told interviewers that she stayed away from politics and devoted herself to the couple’s five children, and to domestic pursuits. Of Welsh origin, Mrs. Fillon has been known for her interest in horses and has been photographed with her family in and around the couple’s chateau in Western France.

Much more at the link

François Fillon previously stated as part of his campaign that:
- Someone running for Presidency should be irreproachable
-There's a social injustice between people working hard for little pay and people who aren't working and are recipient of public money
-His project bothers the well off, people who deep down are gaming the system

He stated yesterday that if he's being charged in this investigation he will drop his candidacy.
If he has to drop out, does this mean Le Pen has a bigger chance of winning then? Jesus, what a time for this shit to happen


If he has to drop out, does this mean Le Pen has a bigger chance of winning then? Jesus, what a time for this shit to happen

No. She still has the same issues plauging her. Someone like Macron will get past the second round easily if Fillon decided to drop out


If he has to drop out, does this mean Le Pen has a bigger chance of winning then? Jesus, what a time for this shit to happen

Well, if he were to drop out, I imagine most sensible right wingers would rally behind Macron, which would give Le Pen an even lesser chance at winning.

EDIT: Beaten
No. She still has the same issues plauging her. Someone like Macron will get past the second round easily if Fillon decided to drop out

Okay, I don't know a lot about French politics, but I knew that Fillon was pretty much the expected winner so I wasn't sure.


Well, if he were to drop out, I imagine most sensible right wingers would rally behind Macron, which would give Le Pen an even lesser chance at winning.
It also does not help Le Pen that young people support Macron a lot.
If he has to drop out, does this mean Le Page has a bigger chance of winning then? Jesus, what a time for this shit to happen

If he drops out she will have more chance to win since Fillon is the closest and most likely the only candidate able to take votes from her.

There's very little chance that he'll drop out though, I see it as empty threats. This situation may hurt him badly.

I would imagine that this also really helps Macron who's raising in the polls.

So this is the French equivalent of a private email server I guess.

To my French peeps, does this seem legit, or is it another "but his emails!"

Not at all, it's a really issue.


If he drops out she will have more chance to win since Fillon is the closest and most likely the only candidate able to take votes from her.

There's very little chance that he'll drop out though, I see it as empty threats. This situation may hurt him badly though.

I would imagine that this also really helps Macron who's raising in the polls.

Neither Macron or fillon are good for Le Pen. Macron won't be able to appeal to the far right, but he may be able to attract center right voters plus energize millineals to vote for him in the second round which won't end well for Le Pen.
Neither Macron or fillon are good for Le Pen. Macron won't be able to appeal to the far right, but he may be able to attract center right voters plus energize millineals to vote for him in the second round.

Fillon with is christian/traditional values was appealing to at least a segment of the far right in my opinion.


listen to the mad man
A situation where this sticks is quite good for Macron, who otherwise needs to thread the needle with regard to stealing enough SP and LR support to get into the second round.


Fillon with is christian/traditional values was appealing to at least a segment of the far right in my opinion.

Macron doesn't need the far right to win the second round if he gets there. He just needs to energize the left and take some center right voters to win the second round.
Which is also bad for Le Pen since he was crushing her as bad or worse then Macron and fillon were in polls before he lost the primary for his party.

That's basically why primary sucks. Juppé wasnt popular to the LR militants but more popular toward general opinion.
I didnt knew Macron was popular on GAF. Dunno why though. That guy does seems a bit too much economically liberal and pro-companies/CEO to my tastes.
I didnt knew Macron was popular on GAF. Dunno why though. That guy does seems a bit too much economically liberal and pro-companies/CEO to my tastes.

The traditional French left has basically lost all credibility after five years of Hollande's inept presidency and I guess that everybody has already come to terms with the fact that there's no chance in hell for a leftwing candidate to even reach the second round.

So if your choice is between a conservative catholic right winger (with a bunch of Thatcherist economic policies thrown in for good measure), a xenophobic, nationalist right wing extremist, and a centrist Blairite-type of politician, you go for the Blairite.
Macron doesn't need the far right to win the second round if he gets there. He just needs to energize the left and take some center right voters to win the second round.

Wow I completely misread you post, seems like we're saying the same thing.
The traditional French left has basically lost all credibility after five years of Hollande's inept presidency and I guess that everybody has already come to terms with the fact that there's no chance in hell for a leftwing candidate to even reach the second round.

So if your choice is between a conservative catholic right winger (with a bunch of Thatcherist economic policies thrown in for good measure), a xenophobic, nationalist right wing extremist, and a centrist Blairite-type of politician, you go for the Blairite.

Well, there's still Hamon (lol).
But yeah, I guess that's why. Still mad Juppé lost.
And even more mad at Hollande for screwing the left for a decade at least


I didnt knew Macron was popular on GAF. Dunno why though. That guy does seems a bit too much economically liberal and pro-companies/CEO to my tastes.

Most people on Gaf are americans and the overwhelming majority of americans on Gaf are very pro-big corporate. They are liberal only on social issues.


I don't see anything bad coming out of this.
Worst case he stays there and he's less likely to go past the 1rst round.
Seriously there's only good scenarios out of this.
I hope this push the asshole to resign and have someone else take his place.
I don't see anything bad coming out of this.
Worst case he stays there and he's less likely to go past the 1rst round.
Seriously there's only good scenarios out of this.
I hope this push the asshole to resign and have someone else take his place.

Well, I wouldnt say Fillon's an asshole (lol, the joke is nearly writing itself hahahaha
For non french, Fillon is close to Fion which is a synonym to butthole... Or asshole
. I mean, he doesn't have an history of being a racist and actually brought some good by making possible for a 4th carrier to get a phone band, which brought the prices crazily down. But yeah as for the rest, there's definitelt better candidates than him.


Well, I wouldnt say Fillon's an asshole (lol, the joke is nearly writing itself hahahaha
For non french, Fillon is close to Fion which is a synonym to butthole... Or asshole
. I mean, he doesn't have an history of being a racist and actually brought some good by making possible for a 4th carrier to get a phone band, which brought the prices crazily down. But yeah as for the rest, there's definitelt better candidates than him.

The 4th carrier is more heavy lobbying from Free than anything Sarkozy's government ever did.
they made sure they took their sweet time to have it happen.
That guy want to gut the education and put everything in the hand of private schools.
He wants people working their asses off for next to nothing if you're in the public sector.
He's a horrible candidate, only Sarkozy and Copé were worse.
And you know what they say about Fillon?

Enlève un L et tu as Filon
Enlève l'autre et tu as Fion
Enlève le O et tu as Fin.

</french joke>
The 4th carrier is more heavy lobbying from Free than anything Sarkozy's government ever did.
they made sure they took their sweet time to have it happen.
And you know what they say about Fillon?

Enlève un L et tu as Filon
Enlève l'autre et tu as Fion
Enlève le O et tu as Fin.

</french joke>

Well, I'm taking that from Xavier Niel's words, who claimed back in the days of when they unveiled these crazy prices that Francois Fillon was helpful on the matter.

Also lol at this hahahhahaa.


It's common knowledge that Fillion was in the tank for Iliad and Niel and possible led a large part in France Tel offering the contract at such a cheap rate.


It's common knowledge that Fillion was in the tank for Iliad and Niel and possible led a large part in France Tel offering the contract at such a cheap rate.

Well that's about the only good thing he ever did (well that and all the shit he gave Sarkozy for 5 years).


The traditional French left has basically lost all credibility after five years of Hollande's inept presidency and I guess that everybody has already come to terms with the fact that there's no chance in hell for a leftwing candidate to even reach the second round.

So if your choice is between a conservative catholic right winger (with a bunch of Thatcherist economic policies thrown in for good measure), a xenophobic, nationalist right wing extremist, and a centrist Blairite-type of politician, you go for the Blairite.

Pining for the Blarites that can win, given the alternatives.
French parliamentaries have been showing their asses for two days over this. They're circling the wagons and their basic line of defense boils down to:
- everyone does it.
- comparisons to private businesses (i.e. "where do you think the mom comes from in mom and pop store?"), showing the depth of their understanding and appreciation of the ethics involved in a public office.
- it's not illegal.
Regardless of the legality of it all, it's a really bad look. A former Prime Minister trying to play the anti-establishment part was already absurd, but now it's farcical.

Funnily enough, Le Pen didn't jump to her default "crooked!!!" reaction. That might be because her party is being investigated by the EU for doing exactly that.

This will definitely help Macron, and I'd much rather see him in the run-off, but with three months left, I'm expecting money related stories to eventually hit him too.

(About that fourth carrier, I have a first hand account of Martin Bouygues calling Fillon "enculé")
French parliamentaries have been showing their asses for two days over this. They're circling the wagons and their basic line of defense boils down to:
- everyone does it.
- comparisons to private businesses (i.e. "where do you think the mom comes from in mom and pop store?"), showing the depth of their understanding and appreciation of the ethics involved in a public office.
- it's not illegal.
Regardless of the legality of it all, it's a really bad look. A former Prime Minister trying to play the anti-establishment part was already absurd, but now it's farcical.

Funnily enough, Le Pen didn't jump to her default "crooked!!!" reaction. That might be because her party is being investigated by the EU for doing exactly that.

This will definitely help Macron, and I'd much rather see him in the run-off, but with three months left, I'm expecting money related stories to eventually hit him too.

I found it insane that 112 close family member of deputy are being employed in the Assembly.


Yeah I suppose most of the politicians won't comment much on that, since none of them is innocent of such things (probably).
I wonder if the investigation may be fast enough to reach conclusions before 3 months. Probably not. In that case Fillon may just shrug it off, counting on the silence of other candidates.
I wouldn't mind Juppé going back in the race instead of him of course, but I think it's now too late for that.
Still wondering if Bayrou will enter the race if Hamon passes the primaries, it could add a new twist to the story. If there's one guy dumb/honest enough to be free of such crimes and allowed to blame others, it may be him. :p


Most people on Gaf are americans and the overwhelming majority of americans on Gaf are very pro-big corporate. They are liberal only on social issues.
That's not true at all. Almost unanimously, liberals in America support higher taxes on the rich, less election control by corporations, more and better social programs, universal healthcare, more regulations for companies, and more. The big difference is the right has a bigger stranglehold in America than it does in Europe (though that is changing), and thus Democrats have to compromise.

It's totally possible to be pro free market and economically liberal. I find the idea that you have to support a socialist (or socially democratic) state to be on the left rediculous.


I didnt knew Macron was popular on GAF. Dunno why though. That guy does seems a bit too much economically liberal and pro-companies/CEO to my tastes.
Overtly pro-EU and pro-multiculturalism is quite rare in French politics nowadays, even Mélenchon avoids talking about Islam/migrants.

Also Juppé stated he wouldn't step in should Fillon abandon the race. According to the rules of the primary, there would be a second vote (Sarko again ? Good luck with that, les républicains)


Why are current french politicians so small?

Sarkozy was 1,65m
Hollande is 1,70m
Hamon I couldn't find data on but every report about him mentions his small size
Fillon is 1,75m
Macron is 1,73m
Valls is 1,74m
Melenchon is 1,74m

Not shitposting or anything but it's really noticeable and it used to be a "running joke" that Sarkozy had the little box to stand on.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Why are current french politicians so small?

Sarkozy was 1,65m
Hollande is 1,70m
Hamon I couldn't find data on but every report about him mentions his small size
Fillon is 1,75m
Macron is 1,73m

Not shitposting or anything but it's really noticeable and it used to be a "running joke" that Sarkozy had the little box to stand on.
Majority of those (aside from 1,65) are average human male height.
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