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Frank Miller On Why Superhero Movies Are Better Than Ever


Frank Miller is at Comic-Con this week to promote DC’s imminent release of a hardcover collector’s edition of his The Dark Knight III: The Master Race, and stoke anticipation for the 2018 release of his 300 prequel Xerxes: The Fall Of The House of Darius And The Rise Of Alexander. The iconic comic book creator, graphic novel author and film director took time out for a Deadline chat on everything from the state of superhero movies to his ever-evolving career. The man can wear a hat, and looks very much like a grizzled character out of his Sin City precinct. But he’s instantly disarming. And considering how much his work has informed the dark tortured superhero mythologies of everyone from Batman to Wolverine, Miller is downright optimistic about his work right now.

A quote:
DEADLINE: Swinging back to the superhero movies we’re all obsessed with. We’ve seen low ebbs, but Logan, Wonder Woman, Spider-Man: Homecoming. Where are we in terms of quality superhero movies?

MILLER: This has been the best period for superhero movies we ever had. I mean there was that wonderful sunburst of the first Christopher Reeves Superman movie. That was just a ray of sunshine. We’ve had ups and downs over the years. Now look at what we’ve got. Wonder Woman is the crown jewel.


MILLER: Without question. She is perfect.

DEADLINE: I wouldn’t have predicted that; she had cheesy origins. The red, white and blue costume, the gold wrist bands seemed corny.

MILLER: If I may, I think that was because of the old Lynda Carter TV show. That was a clunky old show, cute for its time and fun. But this movie managed to do everything right. The Israeli actress Gal Gadot, not only is she spectacularly beautiful but she’s heroic and she gets away with that costume. Having Chris Pine, the guy who used to be Captain Kirk, play Steve Trevor…he was impeccable in that role. Evil Nazis always work. I just thought they managed to have a real good rock ’em, sock ’em adventure movie with a genuine sense of mythology to it. The parts in Amazonia were breathtaking. Her mother, played by Connie Nielsen, she was just wonderful.
It was kinda weird reading this guy seem lucid and actually normal for once after he seemed to go off the deep end with the terrorist books and sexist shit he was pushing for a while.
Despite how much people hate Miller today, and despite how much mediocre stuff he writes today

he is still a top 5 comic book writer of all time, arguably with just his body of work in the 80s


The Israeli actress Gal Gadot, not only is she spectacularly beautiful but she’s heroic and she gets away with that costume. Having Chris Pine, the guy who used to be Captain Kirk, play Steve Trevor…he was impeccable in that role. Evil Nazis always work

[Record scratch]

He knows the movie was set during World War 1, right?


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Miller loves Gadot because of his Islamophobia.


this doesn't make sense....are you implying that muslims are inherently opposed to Jews, so him liking a Jew must be because of his islamophobia?


yes, everyone knows that jews are super effective against muslims, muslims are super effective against christians, and christians are super effective against jews

thats the rock paper scissors system of religious competition
yes, everyone knows that jews are super effective against muslims, muslims are super effective against christians, and christians are super effective against jews

thats the rock paper scissors system of religious competition

it's just the way TAJ phrased that comment is weird


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
this doesn't make sense....are you implying that muslims are inherently opposed to Jews, so him liking a Jew must be because of his islamophobia?


Wat, indeed.
No, I was referring to this.

Posted during a time when Israel was firing indiscriminately into neighborhoods.
Nazi comment aside, it's weird to see Miller make some sense in 2017. And honestly, I kinda like how he handled WW and Supes in Dark Knight 3, even though Azzarello probably helped on that front. But I'm glad Miller is doing better despite some of the questionable stuff he's done / said over the years. I still adore his 80s work.
Wat, indeed.
No, I was referring to this.

ummm Hamas is a bunch of cowards, they are a terrorist orginization

they use this book as one of their references in their charter to justify alot of what they do


they are an anti-semetic orginization, I don't see how that's anti-islam


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
ummm Hamas is a bunch of cowards, they are a terrorist orginization

they use this book as one of their references in their charter to justify alot of what they do


they are an anti-semetic orginization, I don't see how that's anti-islam

I have no idea where you're going with this.

What does Hamas have to do with lobbing tank shells designed to cause the widest possible casualty range into civilian centers?


WWI bit aside, this is surprisingly lucid coming from Frank Miller. Of course, this thread is gonna just turn into another argument about Gal Gadot's shitty politics, but what are you gonna do.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I don't understand why you think opposing Hamas is the same as being "Islamophobic"

Oh, you're just trying to put words in my mouth. Ignored.
Oh, you're just trying to put words in my mouth. Ignored.

You said that Miller likes Gadot because of his islamophobia

you then linked your "evidence", where Gadot said she was opposing Hamas

you must of been implying that Gadot was Islamophobic or you wouldn't have made the comment about Miller liking her for that reason


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
WWI bit aside, this is surprisingly lucid coming from Frank Miller. Of course, this thread is gonna just turn into another argument about Gal Gadot's shitty politics, but what are you gonna do.

You think it's a coincidence that he mentioned she's Israeli? Maybe you're right. But you're probably wrong.


Wat, indeed.
No, I was referring to this.

Posted during a time when Israel was firing indiscriminately into neighborhoods.

For fuck sake, can we not do this again.

It literally has nothing to do with this thread. It has little to do in any thread but is brought up constantly to, seemingly, derail threads.
For fuck sake, can we not do this again.

It literally has nothing to do with this thread. It has little to do in any thread but is brought up constantly to, seemingly, derail threads.

why is it being used in the first place

is opposing Hamas bad now or something, Hamas that uses a Russian forged hoax book to justify their hatred for Israel and Jews around the world?


why is it being used in the first place

is opposing Hamas bad now or something, Hamas that uses a Russian forged hoax book to justify their hatred for Israel and Jews around the world?

It's used because every God damn time someone praises Wonder Woman the trolls come out posting shit from 2014 and going "lol, Gal is the worst."
It's used because every God damn time someone praises Wonder Woman the trolls come out posting shit from 2014 and going "lol, Gal is the worst."

One can equally oppose the policies of Israel and the existence of Hamas

to this day I have never heard one person successfully justify Hamas use of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion as a legitimate text

college students, professors, none of them have made the attempt

and trust me I have seen many people try to defend Hamas as a "revolutionary force against Western Imperalism"

when you use the Protocols as part of your charter, do not tell me that Hamas is simply an "Anti-Israel" force and not anti-semetic, I am not a fool
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