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Free HD Rumble demo for Switch


Gold Member
Just tried it now, doesn't feel any different to usual rumble :/ same with fast rmx. Pretty disappointed tbh, after hearing so much positive stuff from the 1-2 switch threads about hd rumble I expected more than this.

I really didn't notice a difference at all either. I did the marble one on 1 2 switch and really didn't feel like much of anything to me. Maybe it is just because these things are just way too small for my hands.


never left the stone age
Nothing like it. First, it's SO FREAKING noisy on the Switch. It reminds me of someone leaving their phone on a wooden desk, and it getting a text message, except think of it like that cellphone getting SPAMMED with text messages. It's just a stupendously annoying sound, and totally triggers a stress response from me. It's hard to really get over that, first of all.

I don't think the actual rumble is that impressive. It just feels... messy, for lack of a better word. Bear in mind I've only played Puyo/Tetris and Fast Racing RMX really, and the noise is just so freaking annoying. You'll hear it over the TV, over the Switch speakers etc. Much like many things with Nintendo recently, I've no idea how this passed QC.

In terms of comparison to the DS4 or XBOne rumble, their rumbles are of course different, but they're lower in pitch, and much smoother, more... subtle. Switch HD Rumble is in your face, high-pitched, lacking in all subtlety, and I HATE IT.

And yes, that is how I really feel. I'm so glad you can disable it in the Settings of the console.

I know that feel, while sounds like that don't bother me I have some very specific sounds that just make me feel awful, it sucks :(
I really didn't notice a difference at all either. I did the marble one on 1 2 switch and really didn't feel like much of anything to me. Maybe it is just because these things are just way too small for my hands.
The rumble feels like...Rumble to me. I'm surprised to hear you say that about 1 2 switch. That's really disappointing.


I've only experienced HD rumble in Fast Racing RMX so far. Yea... it's not really a big deal. It just feels like more intense rumble to me.

I will try 1-2-Switch at some point. But Zelda is pretty much dominating my time right now.


Nothing HD about Puyo Puyo's rumble in my opinion.

If HD rumble is supposed to feel like the taptic engine in the iPhone 7, Puyo is nothing like that.
Playing puyo puyo again, I kind of get it. It does sort of feel directional, like blocks shooting across to the other person, or falling down. It's not super vivid, but I get it.


I've only experienced HD rumble in Fast Racing RMX so far. Yea... it's not really a big deal. It just feels like more intense rumble to me.

Thanks for the heads up OP, I'm hopeful that the HD rumble can be better implemented, but like Peltz, I've not find it to be very great, only really experienced it in Zelda and Fast RMX.

Tried to play FAST RMX in bed over the weekend (no sound), and the rumble was very noisy, and despite Shin'en saying you could really feel things, it just felt like high frequency rumble, like it didn't feel nuisanced or anything.

For those interested, the way Nintendo's done rumble has always been different compared to Sony/Microsoft. Sony for example has used actual DC motors, and a spinning weight. These are typically more silent, but don't have much control, just speed of the shake. Microsoft went with 2 sizes of weights to give more fine sensations.

Nintendo has always done coils, which on say the WiiU or Wii, I found really weak. But they do give more exact control over the speed/timing of the vibrations.

This obviously, is the first time we've had 3axis rumble though, hopefully game designers (or the OS) automatically fixes the orientation based on using it horizontally vs verfical (dual joycon mode)

I'll download this demo and see how it feels though.


I've only experienced HD rumble in Fast Racing RMX so far. Yea... it's not really a big deal. It just feels like more intense rumble to me.

I will try 1-2-Switch at some point. But Zelda is pretty much dominating my time right now.

Nothing HD about Puyo Puyo's rumble in my opinion.

If HD rumble is supposed to feel like the taptic engine in the iPhone 7, Puyo is nothing like that.

I tried this and couldn't detect anything hd about it :-/

same here.

I agree with these. This is basically generic rumble, except it's a lot louder and kind of squeaky. If this is HD rumble, I don't buy it.


The entire dream and expectations of 'HD rumble' were ridiculous from the get-go.

People were speculating that they'd be able to feel the lightning crackling in your hands when you're casting a spell in Skyrim, or that the HD rumble would be able to make you feel literally any surface you wanted to just by holding the thing.

It's just two linear actuators. It's not magic. It'll be used for bog-standard rumble in 90% of games.


Tried the Puyo Puyo demo and cringed every time the joycons vibrated. Felt like a phone vibrating inside a thin wooden box, noisy as hell too. I thought mine were defected or something. Yuck, is this supposed to be like this?


I just tried Fast Racing RMX again and really really paid attention to the rumble. This time I used the pro controller to play that game for the first time.

Every time my vehicle it something I did feel which direction it came from. It sort of felt like normal rumble but in "stereo" if that makes any sense.


Thanks, was searching for a hd rumble demo. Why doesn't get all shops this demo?

I assume that the other shops will get the demo once the game is released. I think it is only out in Japan right now and comes out in April (or something) for other regions


I wonder if there'll be a U.S. demo. I'll probably try this in the meantime, anyway, just to see how well the left face buttons work as a d-pad for something like this.


HD Rumble is about the next most overhyped thing after rumble triggers. You can notice changes in intensity which can invoke a slight sensation buy unless you're paying attention (and really even when you're paying attention) you won't notice much.

I do love having rumble on a handheld game system though. It's great.


Thanks for the heads up! I downloaded this and played against my younger brother for a while.

I knew all those years of Tetris on the Gameboy weren't a waste. I wiped the floor with him every time. lol
Unrelated to HD rumble (I think?) but whilst you're on the Japanese eshop, you can download the demo for Dragon Quest Heroes 1+2 too. Same as with Puyo Puyo Tetris, select the second rectangle down on the DQH page.

Hmm, turns it it doesn't let you take screenshots of eshop. Here it is:

It's really not, Puyo Puyo Tetris is a bad example of it. Anyone who has played 1 2 Switch will tell you, it's kinda incredible.


I remember reading MGS4 previews when Sony has finally brought back rumble, they called the prototype DS3 controller surround sound rumble or something where you can feel the vibration depending on where the enemy is located. Surprise they didn't bring it back for DS4. Must be too expensive or something.


HD Rumble is about the next most overhyped thing after rumble triggers. You can notice changes in intensity which can invoke a slight sensation buy unless you're paying attention (and really even when you're paying attention) you won't notice much.

I do love having rumble on a handheld game system though. It's great.

Kororinpa HD Rumble.

HD rumble is a mistake unless they make that game. You'll be able to feel the grip of the ball on the different surfaces and the speed it's traveling at and over bumps and knocking into different things (and local splitscreen multiplayer).

It HAS to happen. Please happen.


The rumble is noisy on mine, sounds like my phone vibrating and I had this same issue on Wii U. Anyone else or just mine?

Mine is super noisy. Was playing bomberman in the evening and on the boss levels I die a lot and it was distractingly loud. Also pretty uncomfortable- a really strong buzzing. Almost turned it off it was so distracting.

I downloaded puyo puyo Tetris but don't remember the rumble. Will try it out.


Nothing like it. First, it's SO FREAKING noisy on the Switch. It reminds me of someone leaving their phone on a wooden desk, and it getting a text message, except think of it like that cellphone getting SPAMMED with text messages. It's just a stupendously annoying sound, and totally triggers a stress response from me. It's hard to really get over that, first of all.

I don't think the actual rumble is that impressive. It just feels... messy, for lack of a better word. Bear in mind I've only played Puyo/Tetris and Fast Racing RMX really, and the noise is just so freaking annoying. You'll hear it over the TV, over the Switch speakers etc. Much like many things with Nintendo recently, I've no idea how this passed QC.

In terms of comparison to the DS4 or XBOne rumble, their rumbles are of course different, but they're lower in pitch, and much smoother, more... subtle. Switch HD Rumble is in your face, high-pitched, lacking in all subtlety, and I HATE IT.

And yes, that is how I really feel. I'm so glad you can disable it in the Settings of the console.

Oh dear, this is how it feels for me. Could I have defective rumble? Or hopefully it's just devs not using it properly. But it is really distracting. I wish Nintendo would put out a demo of the 1-2 switch balls game so I could see what it's supposed to feel like.


Quick question for the Japanese readers amongst us, what are the four greyed out modes on the main selection menu? I gather one of them is some sort of time attack, is there a story mode?
Guys, I think HD rumble might just be regular ass rumble.

For what I can tell with the joycons is that it's like a tiny hammer that can hit left or right, swinging both ways to produce a shake effect, I could be wrong but the joycons are so small its hard to tell. Playing FAST RMX at night in portable mode you can hear the motors over the game really clearly like its a little engine wrurring up


What actually disappointed me more was that DQH's demo didn't use it, or if it did it was sparingly. I swear that was a game where they talked about feeling the difference between slashing a Slime and a Golem, yet those give no feedback whatsoever. You just get rumble with special attacks and stuff, not ordinary slashes.


The regular rumble they use in Zelda is awful. Any word of them patching in HD rumble?

Also, the Tetris demo doesn't​ seem like HD rumble, I've played 1,2 Switch and this is quite different.


Blaster Master has some good HD rumble. When you jump in and out of water there's a little rubbery like bounce rumble in your hands. It feels really weird.


The regular rumble they use in Zelda is awful. Any word of them patching in HD rumble?

Also, the Tetris demo doesn't​ seem like HD rumble, I've played 1,2 Switch and this is quite different.

Yeah I agree
Puyo puyo rumble isn't a good example of any kind of rumble really, suspect they didn't implement HD rumble specifics
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