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FURIOSA: A MAD MAX Saga | Review Thread (It's Another Masterpiece)


Gold Member

Fucking please.

Poorly paced, overindulgent, over CGI’ed, unfocused, lacking much of the visceral thrill of the original movies, and trying to be some kind of half arsed post apocalyptic fairytale.

People were smelling George’s farts way too much on this one. All that wasted money could have gone on a really decent series of Mad Max movies.

Also, I hate the way the look of the outback has been completely jettisoned for a big dumb fantasy desert. The setting used to be a character all by itself. Now it’s a big, muddy cgi mess.

A rather embarrassing end to one of Australia’s only great franchises.
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Gold Member
It's still implied the world has become more of a desert wasteland though, which is made further evident in Thunderdome.

Yeah, but the point I was making is that in the old films, it’s real Australian outback, which very much has a character and a vibe all of its own. The reality of the setting sells the story and the action.


Gold Member
Yeah, but the point I was making is that in the old films, it’s real Australian outback, which very much has a character and a vibe all of its own. The reality of the setting sells the story and the action.
I get that view point, just the way you worded it felt like you was bashing it for just becoming a fantasy desert when it's been hinted at that since 2, even if 2 stills feels Australian for you, you can still admit the gap between 1 and 2 visual wise is a big contrast and the series has just gone further and further deeper with 2's styling since.


Huh, this movie was actually really good.

But, I would like to see a proper Mad Max movie again. Furiousa is a interesting character, but sorry, Mad Max is and always will be a much more interesting character.


The theatre by me is still showing Fall Guy, but they have removed Furiosa. I see a lot of potential for a double feature promo in the future, but would they show Furiosa before or after Fury Road?


Gold Member
The theatre by me is still showing Fall Guy, but they have removed Furiosa. I see a lot of potential for a double feature promo in the future, but would they show Furiosa before or after Fury Road?
Before, 100%. In fact, the end credits of furiosa should just go right into fury road as 1 long film.

And Fall Guy is fantastic and is a great accompaniment to Fury Road or Furiosa. It hurts that FG has been slept on.


Gold Member
The theatre by me is still showing Fall Guy, but they have removed Furiosa. I see a lot of potential for a double feature promo in the future, but would they show Furiosa before or after Fury Road?
Oh it needs to be before, we did that the other night and it really works in Furiosas favour, especially if they stop it right before the end credits and go straight into Fury Road it's like one long story.

March Climber

Gold Member

Fucking please.
A rather embarrassing end to one of Australia’s only great franchises.


You came into the preview threads wanting to dislike it. You disliked the news updates. You disliked it in the trailer threads. You disliked the positive reception in the review thread. You probably pressed play on the movie with the intent to dislike it.

…After all of that, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that you came out of the experience disliking the movie 🤷‍♂️

I appreciate you at least giving it a shot.


Gold Member

You came into the preview threads wanting to dislike it. You disliked the news updates. You disliked it in the trailer threads. You disliked the positive reception in the review thread. You probably pressed play on the movie with the intent to dislike it.

…After all of that, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that you came out of the experience disliking the movie 🤷‍♂️

I appreciate you at least giving it a shot.

Projection is a thing.

I give every movie I see a fair crack of the whip. This was not a great one. As I said above, I think people were sniffing George’s farts a bit too much on this one. Fury Road was a masterpiece of pace, action and style. This movie is a poor attempt to recreate that magic, but fails, largely due to its bad pacing. The FX have worsened as well. This was a vanity project that probably should never have been greenlit, which is a shame, because George would have been more than capable of putting out further Mad Max movies on a tighter budget. It's 6/10 to Fury Road's 9/10.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
It doesn’t live up to Fury Road but it’s still a cool movie. Just lacking Max, pacing issues in the first act, doesn’t hit the same high marks while being quite similar. .


Gold Member

Fucking please.

Poorly paced, overindulgent, over CGI’ed, unfocused, lacking much of the visceral thrill of the original movies, and trying to be some kind of half arsed post apocalyptic fairytale.

People were smelling George’s farts way too much on this one. All that wasted money could have gone on a really decent series of Mad Max movies.

Also, I hate the way the look of the outback has been completely jettisoned for a big dumb fantasy desert. The setting used to be a character all by itself. Now it’s a big, muddy cgi mess.

A rather embarrassing end to one of Australia’s only great franchises.

It's just an unnecessary movie. It answers questions nobody asked. We really, really didn't need to see more of the Warboys, more of the Citadel, more of Immortan Joe, how Furiosa lost her arm, why she paints her head half-black, why she decides to help the women escape. Prequels just suck, I guess..

The entire setting, story and character arcs were perfectly wrapped in Fury Road. There is not a single person out there who watched Fury Road and thought "damn I wish I knew how Furiosa got here" or "gee I wonder why Furiosa is helping those ladies escape". She does it because it's the right thing to do. You don't need a 2.5 hour prequel movie for that. That's the beauty of Fury Road, it is perfectly balanced in terms of character arcs. It's amazingly well done in its minimalism.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I think the Slash Film cast guys nailed it on their review. I found it OK, but it has some pacing issues. I just hope Anya Taylor-Joy's career isn't harmed by this because she is a good actress.


Gold Member
It's just an unnecessary movie. It answers questions nobody asked. We really, really didn't need to see more of the Warboys, more of the Citadel, more of Immortan Joe, how Furiosa lost her arm, why she paints her head half-black, why she decides to help the women escape. Prequels just suck, I guess..

The entire setting, story and character arcs were perfectly wrapped in Fury Road. There is not a single person out there who watched Fury Road and thought "damn I wish I knew how Furiosa got here" or "gee I wonder why Furiosa is helping those ladies escape". She does it because it's the right thing to do. You don't need a 2.5 hour prequel movie for that. That's the beauty of Fury Road, it is perfectly balanced in terms of character arcs. It's amazingly well done in its minimalism.

Unfortunately, it's clear George fell in love with all the world building he did in Fury Road, and forgot what the Mad Max films are meant to be about - and why they were popular in the first place. They're spaghetti westerns, set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Max is a wanderer who stumbles across situations, helps resolve them, then moves on.

Sergio Leone never made a prequel about a side character. And George shouldn't have either.


Gold Member
I think the Slash Film cast guys nailed it on their review. I found it OK, but it has some pacing issues. I just hope Anya Taylor-Joy's career isn't harmed by this because she is a good actress.

She'll be fine. She's very good in this film. It's the concept that fails, not her. She's got Dune 3 coming up, and both her look and acting style are pretty timeless, so she's not going to be hurt by this one flop.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
She'll be fine. She's very good in this film. It's the concept that fails, not her. She's got Dune 3 coming up, and both her look and acting style are pretty timeless, so she's not going to be hurt by this one flop.

I hope you're right. Hollywood can be unforgiving. But I will watch whatever she's in. Her work in The Northman was great, and she was the only good thing about New Mutants.

March Climber

Gold Member
Projection is a thing.
Stop it lol, you know it’s not projection. Other than the ‘probably pressed play with the intent to dislike it’ you literally have posts here as evidence to everything else I said. The sad thing is that you’re not the only one here who has went down this exact roadmap.
I give every movie I see a fair crack of the whip. This was not a great one.
If you truly did give it a fair chance, then again as I’ve said before I appreciate you giving it a shot. I just worry sometimes that some here are self-sabotaging their experiences by convincing themselves a movie is going to be bad from the minute it’s announced all the way until they finally watch it, as sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy. That’s why I wasn’t upset when you came out of the experience not liking it as there was a high percent chance you wouldn’t based on your post history.

This is observation and prediction, not projection.


This is a great film, exhilarating, highly entertaining but the story has no stakes. Whoever watches this before Fury Road might have a very different experience. As it stands, it feels kinda...pointless.

I wasn't a fan of the casting, Anya is way too fragile, Chris is a boring dude. Some of the composites are very (very) ugly and the ost was underwhelming (especially compared with fury road) but it's still a fine ass film, and the best big budgeted movie I saw in a while.

It's gonna be really sad if george miller resurgence doesn't end with a full-blown Mad Max film, a balls to the wall badassery.
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Gold Member
I think the Slash Film cast guys nailed it on their review. I found it OK, but it has some pacing issues. I just hope Anya Taylor-Joy's career isn't harmed by this because she is a good actress.
She doesn't really have a high powered career to lose. She's a step above a TV actress as it is. I like her and she still has the power play of nudity in her back pocket, but I imagine she is gonna stay a cult darling for some time rather than suddenly land leading lady romcom and drama roles.


Gold Member
Chris is a boring dude.

I would like to know why they took the choice to go with the 'larrikin' character for Dementus. He sounded and acted like the kind of dickhead you'd get outside a bottle shop on a Saturday evening, rather than a post apocalyptic warlord. Hemsworth doesn't have the acting chops to carry off crazy, but he could have done a good properly evil bastard, if they'd toned down the comedy routine.
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Gold Member
I wonder how things would be if this came out around 2017 like Miller wanted it to and then he got to spend the rest of the past few years working on wasteland.

It was Warners fuck up that kept Miller fighting in courts until 2020 over royalties and rights over the franchise. It feels like Furiosa and Wasteland have been mainly outlined plot wise since Fury Road was finished.
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