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GAF Games of the Year 2015 - Voting Thread [LAST DAY FOR VOTING]

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Can the issue of staggered regional releases be put in the FAQ? I thought Captain Toad was ineligible because it was first released in 2014, but the spreadsheet says it's eligible. I've added it to my ballot now.
If it was released in your region in 2015 it eligible for your list.


Hey there. I've been running the GOTY threads in some capacity since 2009's thread. Cheesemeister came on board in 2010.

Also in 2010, I made the decision to invite the board to make comments on their picks so that I could make the ballots and the results more interesting to look through. In 2012 I made it mandatory. Of all the changes I've made since AniHawk's GOTY thread reign of terror, I think the requirement for comments is the best one. The fact that GAF has (sensibly) banned list threads is part of it, but it's also beside the point. The voting threads are a lot more interesting to read now, and they actually serve great discussion and review/retrospective purposes. I think it's brought the community closer together and made for the best mass GOTY format on the internet. I've discovered a lot of games through these threads that I would never have played without people's commentary on them.

If you can't write even a coherent sentence for your favorite games in a year, why even participate? What's the "fun" in just putting up a list of names to add to the pile of a sea of thousands of votes? It's a discussion board. Discuss! Even the one sentence commentaries are more interesting than just a list of titles.

Anyway, those are my thoughts on the matter.

I too think comments should be mandatory, since otherwise it'd be 'lazy'. There has to be a reason you liked the game and if you can write a short sentence or paragraph about that it's worth it, it may even give the member confidence when entering their ballot.


1. Tales From The Borderlands ; Even though I haven't played many 2015 releases, this was definitely my GOTY. Waited until all episodes were available and played them in a week or so. Gonna replay it sometime this year as well.
2. Rocket League ; Did not start playing it until this month basically, but now I play this basically every day. Just a couple of rounds, no skills, but loads of fun!

Man, I've played so few 2015 releases this year. Too busy clearing my backlog, so these are the only ones I enjoyed a lot.
1. Bloodborne ; My favourite game of this generation so far.
2. Kirby And the Rainbow Curse ; Awesome mechanics, fun to play.
3. Captain Toad ; Capitan Todd... I mean Captain Toad is a charming little mofo.
4. Splatoon ; The game is great, but not a big fan of multiplayers.
5. Super Mario Maker ; This game has so much potential but the players don't know how to desing good courses.
6. Yoshi's Woolly World ; The same collectathon as Kirby's Epic Yarn, a bit better in every aspect.


Looking back over the year, I realise that I actually haven't played that much. I'm still playing DriveClub a lot, but I don't think I can include it in this years list.

So anyway, here is my short GOTY list:

1. Bloodborne ; The game I played the most this year. I'm a huge fan of the Dark Souls series and this felt like the best, most fun yet. I loved all the changes they made and I'm actually kind of curious to see how Dark Souls 3 will play after this.
2. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain ; The story was kind of disappointing but the gameplay was the best yet. The open-world was very addicting and you never run out of things to do. The best part was that it ran at 60fps making it a joy to control.
3. Star Wars: Battlefront ; I expected much better going into this, but I still have fun playing a few rounds a night here and there. The core gameplay is very tight and fun.


Well, after an hour of writing, here's my list!


1. Bloodborne ; A game so good that I've put almost 200 hours into it over the course of just over 1 month. There's something about the streamlined, fast paced, evasion focused combat of Bloodborne that got me hooked right from the start providing me with instant gratification! You can tell From Software and Miyazaki have put a ton of effort into the world and lore of this game, the inclusion of lovercraftian elements adds a thematic spice to Bloodborne that none of the other games in the series can claim to have. The way areas are designed and manage to loop in on themselves is genius, something which I'd miss greatly since the original Dark Souls and the bosses are some of the most well designed in the series! I haven't played the expansion yet, but the content in the base game alone should be enough to keep most people coming back for multiple playthroughs for months to come. Dark Souls 3 is literally just around the corner and If Bloodborne is any indication of that games level of quality then I can't fucking wait! Well done Miyazaki and company, you got me back into the series again!


2. Super Mario Maker ; I have to admit, I was skeptical about Super Mario Maker when I first caught wind of it's existence. Creating your own Mario levels is something that quite a lot of Nintendo fans have probably wanted to do for years, but a game like this could've either lived or died on how extensive it's creative tools are as well as how easy it'd be to get into creating your own content. I have to admit Nintendo have done a stellar job with Super Mario Maker, it's gamepad and stylus focused interface makes grabbing various assets and piecing them all together a total cakewalk, and after a few hours of toying around with all the tools you'll be constructing levels like it's second nature. There's nothing more satisfying than creating your own level, handing the controller to your friends when they come over, and watching and gauging their reactions as they play through it. Something that I'd never felt before as somebody who isn't knowledgable enough to code or design something from scratch. It's something games likes Little Big Planet could never do for me. Outstanding job Nintendo!


3. The Witcher III: Wild Hunt ; As somebody who was never really keen on previous entries , The Witcher III finally got me interested in the story and lore of the Witcher universe. Everything about this game reeks of loving attention to detail and polish. Hell, even the side-quests have more thought and attention put into their story-archs than most developers do with their main quests! In a year full of open world games this game feels like one of the few that got it right! It doesn't feel like a chore exploring the vast expanses of land the game is split up into, and there's always something interesting to come across while riding around. CDProjeckt's continued support of this game, with free DLC, and a couple of fairly priced paid expansions shows that they know how to treat their customers on top of crafting a fine game. Even after completing the main game I still find myself diving back in to finish side-quests and explore some more. Something which not many open world games can do. Totally deserving of the accolades it's been getting as of late.


4. Undertale ; A lot of people I know seem to dismiss Undertale based purely on it's aesthetic, and the rabid fanbase and meme culture the game's gathered in the short amount of time it's been out. Fortunately I managed to stumble across the game a few hours after release not ever having heard much about it outside of it's kickstarter origins and I'm glad I took the gamble and bought this blindly because it's easily the best RPG I've played in years. With a cast of genuinely interesting, amusing, and likable characters, a plot that has it's fair share of funny and heartfelt moments, and two polarising ways to play through the game's story that feel completely different from each other and intriguing in their own way (something which most RPG's that boast gameplay and story variety never manage to accomplish) Toby Fox has done a fantastic job with Undertale, it's easily the best thing to come out of crowdfunding in my opinion. Well worth the meager price he's selling it for!


5. Transformers Devastation ; What a total shift in quality from Legend of Korra. Platinum's second attempt at creating a licensed character action game is a vastly better game than the former! While it's not a long game, it's a hell of a ride while it lasts! Everything that Platinum's spent the last few years building it's reputation on is in this game, an easy to learn, but hard to master combat system, the same heavy focus on set-pieces and rapid fire boss battles that made previous games like Bayonetta a joy to play through, and much like Korra, a loving attention to detail, accurately mimicing the style of the source material the game is based on. For a game that was probably developed in a short time frame and a slim budget, Platinum cranked out a real winner here! Here's hoping the TNMT game they're working on turns out just as good as this! It's going to be interesting to see if Platinum can works it's magic in the RPG market with Scalebound and Nier Automata due out for next year as well.


6. Splatoon ; A lot of people criticised Splatoon at launch for it's meager selection of maps and rightly so, myself being one of those people. But as the months went on and more and more maps and weapons came out for free with each update Splatoon really came into it's own. It's a wonderful twist on the multiplayer shooter genre and the primary focus on the games territory control mechanic of spraying Ink around really appeals to me more than the more kill-orientated gameplay of most other shooters. It's great to see a brand new IP from Nintendo, and this game proves that Nintendo still has that creative spark when it comes to pushing new ideas!.Probably my favourite multiplayer game of the year, it oozes charm, and it's a game you could easily play for just a few minutes, or even hours at a time. Wouldn't hesitate recommending this to anyone looking to buy a Wii U, or to anyone who already owns one.


7. Rock Band 4 ;
Harmonix has gotten a ton of criticism over the last few months over Rock Band 4. A missing practice mode, lack of online play, and customisation options being cut are all valid complaints which I agree with. But their dedication to allowing users to carry over the vast majority of official DLC, use their old Rock Band hardware and even old Guitar Hero hardware is commendable. The last couple of patches which has added a few extra options and other tweaks shows that they're dedicated to improving the game, and the base gameplay is as solid and enjoyable as ever. Whilst the mixed on-disk setlist is often maligned, I absolutely love it, the mix of lesser known hits from bigger artists, and some obscure songs from lesser known indies really clicked with me for the most part. And the DLC variety this year has been fantastic. Looking forward to what this game offers next year as it's updated. So glad traditional rhythm games are still a thing.


8. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D ; I have to admit, the original N64 version of Majora's Mask is one of my favourite games of all time, a bloody amazing game, unique in it's own way and a total shift in style and gameplay from anything else in the Zelda series. After years of having not played it, I went into the 3DS remake worrying that the game may have aged badly and that I may have had a rose-tinted view of the game from all those years ago. I'm happy to say that it still holds up today, the dark and alien atmosphere of the game still feels totally unique, and the games structure, groundhog day-esque gameplay mechanics, dungeon design and side-quests are all still outstanding. Grezzo also did a masterful job porting this game, redesigning a bunch of stuff, making it easier to track your progress during your adventure, and upgrading the game visually. Easily my favourite remaster this year.


9. Yoshi's Woolly World ; Much like Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, Woolly World makes fantastic use of a unqiue visual gimmick and style that makes an otherwise polished platformer even more fun to play through. It's nice to get back to the stylings of Yoshi's Island, and whilst this may not be of the same quality and pedigree of that game it's still great fun and never really got stale for me from start to finish. There's always something new to see and experience in almost every level, plenty of secrets and collectables to satiate 100% completion fanatics, and a whole load of charming references towards previous games! This and Kirby filled a niche for me this year, they're both just so charming and relaxing to play, I can't help but love both of them! This game in particular seems criminally overlooked.


10. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse ; I hold a soft spot in my heart for this series and the DS predecessor was a refreshing reimagining of the core Kirby gameplay, and to this day it still stands as one of my favourite Kirby games in the entire series. I'm glad Nintendo chose to revisit this style of gameplay, the touchpad is a perfect fit for this kind of game, and it's undeniably unique and appealing visual charm and style really looks fantastic on the big screen....when you get a chance to look away from the gamepad screen and look at it that is! It's not a difficult game, but the games control method, using only the stylus and it's lax approach to how you tackle all of the games individual courses and challenges easily earns it a spot on my top 10. Lovely game.

Awesome post.
1. The Room Three ; This excellent puzzle game surpasses its predecessors. The contraptions you run into are clever and ingenius, but never so challenging that you can't solve them.
2. Bloodborne ; A fresh update to the "Souls" series. Removing shields and adding shotguns was enough to force me to take another approach to fighting.
3. Prison Architect ; Earning money while trying to prevent prisoners killing each other is no easy task.
4. Rocket League ; Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars never clicked with me. I don't know they changed but this is awesome.
5. Technobabylon ; Another great adventure game from Wadjet Eye Games.
6. Broken Age ; Double Fine finally made a great game.
7. The Vanishing of Ethan Carter ; Incredible pretty and it would be okay even as a walking sim. The murder mystery story is a great addition.
8. Metal Gear Solid V ; If I had more time it might have ended up higher up on the list. Now I'm stuck doing sidequests in an early chapter.
9. Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch - Tyranid Invasion ; Great tactical combat with one of my favorite skins. Shooting tyranids never gets old.
10. Out There: Ω Edition ; A decent replacement for FTL. Perhaps a bit too random.

I didn’t have time to play Her Story, Life is Strange, Invisible Inc., or Massive Chalice, games that I can imagine might have made my top 10.
Getting more and more interesting to just disqualify the Witcher and Bloodborne.

so..... because both witcher 3 and bloodborne have a lot of followers, they should be disqualified for the goty? wut? unless you meant annoying fanboys, but the posts you quoted weren't drive-by shit posts

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I haven't played (or indeed liked) a huge number of games that came out this year, but the few that I did were on the whole absolutely phenomenal. Here:

1. Bloodborne ; As far as I’m concerned, this is hands down the best of the Souls game by quite a stretch. Bloodborne is a classy, thoughtfully put together piece of work that oozes as much confidence in its thrilling, fast-paced combat and genuinely disturbing world as it does in its mile-thick atmosphere and distinctive art design. Praise the Moon!

2. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain ; Flawed as it may be, this is the Metal Gear I always dreamed of. Kojima’s series swan song saw him take a step back and give the player the room and means to create their own Metal Gear stories through buttery smooth gameplay, robust internal systems, and an insane array of options that would put most ‘All you can eat’ buffets to shame. This will be the Metal Gear that I return to for years to come.

3. Sunless Sea ; If you told me that a Lovecraftian text-adventure tied to a very slow Grand Theft Naval game would eat up hours of my life, I’d have probably choked on my own tongue there and then. For me, Sunless Sea has the most original, iconic and compelling setting since Fallout, propped up as it is by genuinely good writing few other games can boast. At turns blackly comic and genuinely terrifying, Sunless Sea reminds you at every step that death will cost you dearly, all the while insisting that you take more and more risks to carry on.

4. Rainbow Six: Siege ; I never thought a modern fucking UbiSoft game would ever be one of my games of the year. Encounter design that rarely repeats, a level playing field of well-balanced weapons and skills, and gameplay that is rarely less than tense; this was a return to the gameplay focused simplicity and robustness of CounterStrike and its ilk. No running and gunning here; every corridor is a potential death trap, every wall a deadly new entry point. Few modern online multiplayer games can operate without giving the player instant gratification or propping up the longevity with RPG-esque mechanics, fewer still demand actual teamwork and communication; Siege, however, does all of that with aplomb. Hopefully, this will kick start a resurgence in tactical multiplayer games. I can dream, right? Till then, fix the damn servers UbiSoft!

5. Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin ; I have to admit, I was dubious about adding this at all. In such a consistently astounding series DS2 lacks a lot of what made the games so compelling. The DLC areas were certainly a big step in the right direction, but the two areas where DS2: SOTFS truly shines is in its multiplayer systems and build variety. This is the first title in the series to accommodate quick and easy multiplayer options rather than obscuring them behind esoteric systems and, for me, the online is the most stable it has been outside of Bloodborne. Most battles become a case of fighting the opponent rather than the netcode and lag stabs from DS1. The positively obnoxious number of armour, weapon and spell combinations only make the MP all the more interesting, especially in combination with FROM’s consistent balance patches. Few multiplayer games offer the variety of builds and approaches that FROM’s so called "B-Team" brought to the table.

6. Grand Theft Auto V ; Rockstar's latest crime epic sheds the grit and grime of GTAIV (my personal favourite) and ups the glitz and gore, making it closer in tone to the PS2 era whilst managing to retain the more interesting and well rounded character and interactions of the HD period. Coupled with the immense GTA: Online (pitched up as it is with an almost unprecedented amount of post-release support and free expansions), Rockstar has brought us - for my money - the most complete GTA experience to date.
I haven't played (or indeed liked) a huge number of games that came out this year, but the few that I did were absolutely phenomenal. Here:

3. Sunless Sea ; If you told me that a Lovecraftian text-adventure tied to a very slow Grand Theft Naval game would eat up hours of my life, I’d have probably choked on my own tongue there and then. For me, Sunless Sea has the most original, iconic and compelling setting since Fallout, propped up as it is by genuinely good writing few other games can boast. At turns blackly comic and genuinely terrifying, Sunless Sea reminds you at every step that death will cost you dearly, all the while insisting that you take more and more risks to be able to carry on.

This person gets it.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
You do realize that bias will always play a role in voting, it's why exlusives have a pretty big advantages against mulitplatform games and will usually rank higher, especially sony and Nintendo exlusives. So in the end who cares, exlusives have a much better chance of ranking higher. Bb will win goty here, just like almost every year exlusives win here at neogaf, and in my opinion witcher 3 would easily take goty if it was sony exlusive.

I think you are wrong about everything here. Most people on this board are video game enthusiasts rather than braindead one-company fanboys. If Bloodborne wins this, it is because it was the game that entralled the highest amounts of enthusiasts this year - and in that sense the best game this year - not because it is PS4 exclusive. Same with Bayonetta 2 last year.

I also think both Bayonetta 2 and Bloodborne would have won even more decisively if they were multiplat, and that Witcher 3 would have gotten far less votes if it was a Sony exclusive.
You do realize that bias will always play a role in voting, it's why exlusives have a pretty big advantages against mulitplatform games and will usually rank higher, especially sony and Nintendo exlusives. So in the end who cares, exlusives have a much better chance of ranking higher. Bb will win goty here, just like almost every year exlusives win here at neogaf, and in my opinion witcher 3 would easily take goty if it was sony exlusive.
I don't understand the complaint. Bloodborne is one of the most critically successful games released this year and the top rated console exclusive released this year. You don't see The Order 1886 running wild, do you?

Bloodborne is just an incredibly good game. That is why it is winning.

Matt Frost

1. Destiny The Taken King ; Best shooter ever

2. Bloodborne ; this game has it all for playing alone, one of the best games I ever played: style and substance

3. FallOut 4 ; gameplay over graphics, substance over style

4. Dying Light ; I played this game for almost 72 straight hours. Night is scary

5. Witcher 3 ; is like Oblivion but different

6. Star Wars Battlefront ; casual but a lot of fun

7. Until Dawn ; best story of the year

8. Blown Away Secret of the Wind ; best auto runner in years

9. BADLAND 2 ; what sequels should be, also can go left

10. Tetrobot & CO ; Best box puzzler in years
People just voting a single game aren't trying to steer the rankings? Same people who only rate 10s and 1s on metacritic/imdb imo.

Not a slight against either game.
What about people who only have time/money for a few games? What about people who genuinely feel only those few games are worthy of a nomination? You can't make people have more than a few games. That defeats the subjective nature of the voting.


This thread is a list thread. There is barely any discussion because the games that are chosen are highly subjective to these individuals. I did not read every post in this thread, but there are only very few posts that complain about people voting for certain games, and these posts don´t serve any kind of purpose or discussion besides the complaint. Having an arbitrary comment for a rule which many, many are are one liners don´t serve any kind of purpose or discussion besides not getting their votes disqualified. People should not be forced to justify their picks, as you are not forced to justify voting in an award show, or in a political process at the voting booth.
A discussion is not needed per se, but for what it's worth I love reading the more elaborate comments, especially the people who try to add a bit more insight or a personal touch as to why they chose a certain game, and not just a description with a number of superlatives added. The lists I just skip.


Destiny: The Taken King - Best shooter ever
Bloodborne - this game has it all for playing alone, one of the best games I ever played: style and substance.
FallOut 4 - gameplay over graphics, substance over style
Witcher 3 - is like Oblivion but different
Until Dawn - best story of the year
Lara Croft GO - best mobile adaptation of a franchise, ever.
Blown Away: Secret of the Wind - best auto runner in years
Badland 2 - go left AND right on a runner? What?

You formatted your post incorrectly, see the OP or your votes won't be counted.

What about people who only have time/money for a few games? What about people who genuinely feel only those few games are worthy of a nomination? You can't make people have more than a few games. That defeats the subjective nature of the voting.

I don't entirely agree with you, but I feel like the voting might be more interesting if there was a minimum number of games you must have on your list, like 3 or 5. That's how the album of the year thread was done.


Destiny: The Taken King - Best shooter ever
Bloodborne - this game has it all for playing alone, one of the best games I ever played: style and substance.
FallOut 4 - gameplay over graphics, substance over style
Witcher 3 - is like Oblivion but different
Until Dawn - best story of the year
Lara Croft GO - best mobile adaptation of a franchise, ever.
Blown Away: Secret of the Wind - best auto runner in years
Badland 2 - go left AND right on a runner? What?

Replace - with ;
You do realize that bias will always play a role in voting, it's why exlusives have a pretty big advantages against mulitplatform games and will usually rank higher, especially sony and Nintendo exlusives. So in the end who cares, exlusives have a much better chance of ranking higher. Bb will win goty here, just like almost every year exlusives win here at neogaf, and in my opinion witcher 3 would easily take goty if it was sony exlusive.

Last year, if the voting closed earlier, the turd game Dragon age would have won over Bayonetta. Now that is the power of multiplatform over exclusivity in a popularity contest. Think about it for a moment.


What about people who only have time/money for a few games? What about people who genuinely feel only those few games are worthy of a nomination? You can't make people have more than a few games. That defeats the subjective nature of the voting.
Yes I just voiced my disgruntlement, no need to turn this into a lengthy discussion. I'll stop arguing here. I almost never fill out the complete list myself because while I usually play more than ten games, I don't think all are worthy of recognition. However, if there's only one game worthy of recognition you either didn't play enough to have an interesting opinion, or you're just straight dicking up the thread. And I'm at least slightly paranoid over some clone activity. This is my opinion. Feel free to disagree. I'll leave it here.


Last year, if the voting closed earlier, the turd game Dragon age would have won over Bayonetta. Now that is the power of multiplatform over exclusivity in a popularity contest. Think about it for a moment.

I don't think that really matters in a ballot with a very specific deadline already set. Some people will just wait to vote later even if their choices are already set in.

And oh no, not another fantastic game winning over a different fantastic game. The horror that would have brought.


Thanks, already corrected it. I tend to use - more than ;

Lets hope Bloodborne wins this, truly deserves it. Best game of this generation in my opinion and the reason why I bought my PS4

Your posts have to be numbered as well, like 1. , or they won't be counted either.


Well, I have only played two games this year. So....

1) Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - This was a remarkable last entry for Kojima to go out on. It has some of the most fantastic gameplay that I have come across in a long time, and even though this is a controversial stance, I found the story to be decent.

2) Xenoblade Chronicles X - What a fun game to play. Really enjoy how deep and rich the gameplay is and how open, vast, and mysterious this brand new world is. I bought a Wii U just for this game.
I don't think that really matters in a ballot with a very specific deadline already set. Some people will just wait to vote later even if their choices are already set in.

And oh no, not another fantastic game winning over a different fantastic game. The horror that would have brought.

Not many people read the OP, see this thread for evidence. The first month of voting usually bring out the most people, thread being on the first page, so drive-by voters see the thread on the first page. If the voting lasted a month, the results would have been different, there is a reason why GAF goty is the last goty award on the internet.

Bayonetta winning goty last year...
That is why Gaf goty is the best goty:).
Not many people read the OP, see this thread for evidence. The first month of voting usually bring out the most people, thread being on the first page, so drive-by voters see the thread on the first page. If the voting lasted a month, the results would have been different, there is a reason why GAF goty is the last goty award on the internet.

Bayonetta winning goty last year...
That is why Gaf goty is the best goty:).

Word. GAF knows whats up.

T.M. MacReady

1. The Witcher 3 ; Here's a comment so my ballot counts. I played the Witcher 3 for over 100 hours. It's pretty good.
2. Rocket League ;
3. Destiny: The Taken King ;
4. Metal Gear Solid V ;
5. MLB 15: The Show ;
6. Star Wars Battlefront ;
7. Batman: Arkham Knight ;


People just voting a single game aren't trying to steer the rankings? Same people who only rate 10s and 1s on metacritic/imdb imo.

Not a slight against either game.

Steer the rankings? Not everyone can afford the time or money it takes to play a ton of new releases.

Calling out people because they enjoy two incredible games is so weird.


The people shitting on The Witcher 3 and Bloodborne being number one on people's list are insufferable.

I don't remember last year having any of this kind of criticism towards people's own personal preferences... I just remember the kind words people said about the individuals who clearly spent a lot of time on their post.


1. Bloodborne ; I don't replay games these days. Ever. I replayed this one... several times.
2. Splatoon ;
3. Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward ;
4. Bloodborne: The Old Hunters DLC ;
5. Xenoblade Chronicles X ;
6. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate ;
7. Until Dawn ;
8. Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide ;
9. Ori and the Blind Forest ;
10. Helldivers ;


I still remember the Bayonetta 2 vs Dragon Age posts, b. One dude got banned for being an argumentative asshole for no reason.
Oh yeah Dragon Age lol.

Where's your list at anyway? I gotta make fun of Transformers being number one on your list.


The people shitting on The Witcher 3 and Bloodborne being number one on people's list are insufferable.

I don't remember last year having any of this kind of criticism towards people's own personal preferences... I just remember the kind words people said about the individuals who clearly spent a lot of time on their post.

Agreed. It's annoying as hell. This is a thread about what GAF users think is the best game of 2015. Am I supposed to exclude my favorite because it's other people's favorite as well?
Last year, if the voting closed earlier, the turd game Dragon age would have won over Bayonetta. Now that is the power of multiplatform over exclusivity in a popularity contest. Think about it for a moment.

almost every year on neogaf a exclusive wins, so i doubt the power of exclusives, some of those exclusives were also turds imo. i have been neogaf for a long time, and noticed exclusives have way more hype, and get more love. why wouldn't it fans of a console push for there exclusive to win, since for a lot of people here multiplatform games don't count as a reason to own a console.


The removal of "reserved" posts in this year's thread is the best new rule in years. It always seemed selfish and rude to me. It clogs up the thread during the most exciting period.

Then you also have those who reserved and never returned to edit...

Good move! I so enjoy reading these threads.


almost every year on neogaf a exclusive wins, so i doubt the power of exclusives, some of those exclusives were also turds imo. i have been neogaf for a long time, and noticed exclusives have way more hype, and get more love. why wouldn't it fans of a console push for there exclusive to win, anyway since for a lot of people here multiplatform games don't count.

Yeah, also exclusives usually have the biggest meltdowns over not-so-great reviews, Uncharted 3 or inFamous SS for example.
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