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GAF mówi po polsku, przynajmniej tutaj... (Polish language thread)

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Ciekawe przy ile 'posts' oni nas przenosa to 'community'.

Dzisiaj razem z Bogusiem obchodzę urodziny.


Szacunek dla nas kurwa w dupę zapierdolona wasza jebana mać!

Gelukkige verjaardag, KURWA.


Gold Member
Zawsze polakom tłumaczę, że Niderlandy to jebnięty kraj. Rano witają cię "chujem w mordę", a po południu walą "chujem w dach".


Gold Member
Google mi powiedziało, że to coś o ciągnięciu druta.

Hmm... Mój penis mówi: "TAK!", ale mózg :"To pułapka, ci kurwa mówię!"

Nope, google raczej robi cię w chuja, bo to po holendersku "przejmujemy ten temat".


Gold Member
Google znowu mnie robi w chuja? Znowu?

Chyba mnie FBJaj inwigiluje jednak. Chcą moje hasło na allegro cwele pierdolone.

Raczej na szołapa.tiwi by twoje żetony przepierdzielić na jakieś pasztety. Srsly, mi ostatnio się włamali, poinstalowali trojany i już tylko pornuchy oglądali :(

Może przejdźmy na temat muzyki, jakiej słuchacie?

A wszystkiego po trochu. Teraz to głównie D&B, electro i dark ambience, ale zdarza się, że zarzucę klasyczny metal (nie przekraczam granicy '89), muzę z filmów i new wave.


To prawda że z mlekiem smakuje to jak Monte?

Też o tym słyszałem, ale idea picia wódki z mlekiem mnie przeraża.

No ale coś w tym może być biorąc pod uwage jak bardzo to smakuje jak ta ciemna część Monte.


Junior Member
Też o tym słyszałem, ale idea picia wódki z mlekiem mnie przeraża.

No ale coś w tym może być biorąc pod uwage jak bardzo to smakuje jak ta ciemna część Monte.

Nie jadłem Monte daaaaaaaaawno więc przyjmę na słowo.


Gold Member
Dobrze schłodzona bez mleka smakuje jak Nussbeiser (czy jakoś tak). Sama słodycz!


Właśnie widziałem fotke gdzie dwu głowa laska/ki robi loda. Real.

Nie wiem co o tym myśleć.


Znowu za coś w Pics that make you laugh? Widzę tylko, że jeden z jego ostatnich postów miał coś NSFW.


So although of Polish descent (great-grandparents immigrated from the Warsaw area) I wasn't fortunate enough to have learned any of the language, except a few words and phrases from my grandparents (who we DID refer to as "babcia i dziadek", atleast).

However, said grandparents did keep some of the traditions alive, and grandma in particular did cook a lot of Polish food, which is quite simply, amazing.

As an added bonus, recently found a legit Polish restaurant very close to where I live (in Upstate NY) that makes their own kielbasa, pierogis, etc. Great stuff.

...not really related to the language I know, but seemed a good place to give a nod to the excellent food.

Na zdraví!


So although of Polish descent (great-grandparents immigrated from the Warsaw area) I wasn't fortunate enough to have learned any of the language, except a few words and phrases from my grandparents (who we DID refer to as "babcia i dziadek", atleast).

However, said grandparents did keep some of the traditions alive, and grandma in particular did cook a lot of Polish food, which is quite simply, amazing.

As an added bonus, recently found a legit Polish restaurant very close to where I live (in Upstate NY) that makes their own kielbasa, pierogis, etc. Great stuff.

...not really related to the language I know, but seemed a good place to give a nod to the excellent food.

Na zdraví!

Enjoy the food, and it's great that You try to remember about Your roots.

Btw. It's 'na zdrowie'.


Ugh i saw "polish thread" i thought it will be about polish language looks like it is now all about 5year old kids throwing meat at eachother.

So if someone want to learn something about Polish swearing (already this thread is "focused" on that) then watch this.

PIERDOLIĆ - to fuck. And be in awe how one word can change most of common words so much that based on that one word you can speak with each other without problems.

for example:

Ja pierdole ! Szefowi całkowicie odpierdoliło. Zapierdalałem cały dzień i wypierdolił mnie potem. Pierdolony dziad, najpierw pierdoli że wszystko jest ok, a potem przypierdolił się do mnie, że coś spierdoliłem na produkcji.

Which translate to something like this:

Fuck ! My boss gone totaly crazy. I was doing my job and he later threw me out. Fucking old shit (disrespectful old man). First he talk "Everything is ok" and later he came to me furious that i fucked up something on prod. line.

Also it is very important to know which "pierdole" is ok to say in group of unknown people and which are very offensive.

Ja pierdole - Oh Fuck !, Fuck ! is rather non offensive and can be used normally without problems in groups of unknown people
Other non offensive "pierdole" words:
- Nie pierdol (don't lie/are you serious ?)
- Wpierdalam (to eat)
- Napierdalam ( w gre, w drzwi etc) ( to play game, to knock loudly to door/hit door with hand)

Przypierdole ci - I will beat you up/ I will break your fucking face (not ideal translation) is very offensive and if you say it in group everybody will look at you.
Other offensive/very offensive
Wypierdalaj/spierdalaj - Go away adressed to some unknown person is very offensive, spierdalaj adressed to someone you know very well with proper intonation is accetable and often fun for example "Spierdalaj, nie pije !" - Go away ! I don't want to drink

AAAAnnnndddd that is only one word "Pierdole" and there are other words like kurwa and jabać where most of the time you can use almost same as Pierdole but you must watch for special meanings that are not often clear to non-native people.

For example:

Wykurwiaj stąd

are basically same thing when used to unknown person but "wykurwiaj stąd, wypierdalaj" are only words that can be disrespectful to someone you know. "spierdalaj" can also be offensive to someone you know but it really depends on in what situation you use it.
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