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GAF Votes: Top 50 Nintendo titles of all Time


the piano man

Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean was published by Namco, 3rd party game on all accounts. Origins on the other hand was published by nintendo, making it a 2nd party game, kind of...

what counts?


Neo Member
1 - Super Mario World - Easily my favorite of the series.
2 - Link to the Past - Best Zelda game ever.
3 - Mike Tysons Punch Out - Still good 15 years later.
4 - Wii Sports - My wife will play this with me. Really fun in big groups.
5 - Mario 64 - Ummm yeah
6 - Super Mario 3 - Best nes Mario by far.
7 - Super Metroid - Easily the best 2d Metroid
8 - Super Punch Out - Worthy follow up to the first.
9- Pilotwings 64 - Such an underrated game.
10 - Sim City - Spent as much time wit hthis game as any other.

I'm sure I'm missing some obvious ones but narrowing it down to ten is tough.



Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean was published by Namco, 3rd party game on all accounts. Origins on the other hand was published by nintendo, making it a 2nd party game, kind of...

what counts?
It's a Namco game, published by Nintendo. So that one doesn't count ;)

@rfjs: Castlevania, Resident Evil and Actraiser are third party games so they're out :p

Eric C

This was a really difficult list to make, really difficult. I'm not sure if I'll agree with this exact order in the future, but for now this is it.

1. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii)

2. Super Metroid (SNES)

3. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

4. Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)

5. Zelda: A Link To The Past (SNES)

6. Yoshi's Island (SNES)

7. Super Mario World (SNES)

8. Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)

9. New Super Mario Bros Wii (Wii)

10. Super Mario 3D Land (3DS)

Looks at my list, god a lot of Mario platformers made my top 10, but they're just SO good.


1.) Yoshi's Island; Best game ever made. Beautiful, brilliant, and above all else fun!
2.) Super Mario Galaxy 2; The greatest of the 3D Mario games and one of the only games I can think of where I literally couldn't stop myself from playing.
3.) New Super Mario Bros Wii; The best 2D Mario by a wide margin, with ingenious little twists in pretty much each and every level, and a surprising amount of challenge to it. The addition of multiplayer is just a fantastic little cherry on top.
4.) Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask; Probably the most imaginative of the Zelda games, and a game that still oozes style despite its age. Masks make for a fun change of pace as well as providing the best reward for sidequests yet in the series. Skyward Sword is surprisingly creeping up on this one as I play through it, but I still have a decent bit of that game left to beat.
5.) Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons; Most likely my oddest choice, but this one always stuck with me. A neat little gimmick, a lot to do, a ton of polish, some nice throwbacks, and the best items in the series made this game a great experience. I still need to go back to this sometime as its been a while since I've last played it, so perhaps I'll find that LA is the better game.
6.) Pokemon Black/White; These games are the ones that finally took the series and injected a fresh feel, making for the most polished and fun Pokemon games yet. A full new set of Pokemon, as well as the removal of antique concepts such as limited TMs and large use of HMs, helped remove a lot of potential tedium from the experience and made for something fantastic.
7.) Picross DS; Only discovered the picross series recently, so this one caught me off guard. Easily the most fun I've ever had with a puzzle game. It just gets in your head and won't leave you alone, till you realize that you've somehow just lost several consecutive hours to the call of "one more puzzle."
8.) Mario and Luigi: Bowsers Inside Story; Wacky, fun, and funny. By focusing on Fawful and Bowser, who have been fan favorites in past games, Nintendo gave us a lighthearted yet hilarious experience.
9.) Super Smash Bros. Melee; Brawl may be the "better" game, and it certainly is my go to game for parties nowadays, but Melee will always hold a special place for me. Countless hours of fun poured into this game.
10.) Advance Wars: Dual Strike; Sure, double CO powers may have been incredibly broken, and the units offered got a little crazy, but it was so much fun that those "issues" are easy to forget.


1. Majora's Mask
2. Ocarina of Time
3. Super Smash Bros Melee
4. Super Mario 64
5. Pokemon RBY
6. Banjo Kazooie (does this count?)
7. Pokemon GSC
8. Super Mario World
9. Super Mario Galaxy 2
10. Wind Waker
Here is my highly subjective list. I felt like having only one entry per franchise (though I naturally failed with Metroid).

1. Super Metroid; Level design, controls, art direction…it’s pretty much all perfect. Waiting all those years for a sequel was torture.

2. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island; Simply a feat of imagination. There is often more innovation on display in one level here than what whole games fail to muster in their entirety. The graphics haven’t aged a bit either. When will we get a true sequel?

3. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess; Choosing the best in the series wasn’t easy. I’ve played Ocarina of Time so many times that I’m really fed up with it now, while Skyward Sword is a bit too recent to be fully put into perspective. Twilight Princess is a good choice though. After the bitterly disappointing Wind Waker, it was return to form, with the best dungeons in the series, a great helper character and an art style that could communicate the full spectrum of the The Legend of Zelda experience: from goofy comedy to whimsical adventure to the dark, foreboding and creepy.

4. Metroid: Zero Mission; A beautiful evolution of the 2D Metroid series. Samus is here one of the most agile and lethal characters in gaming, accomplishing what only few games can hope to achieve: a game where just moving around is a pleasure in itself. Good use of the GBA hardware meant that it has aged beautifully as well.

5. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn; I’m probably the only one here who has this on their list, which makes me sad. :( My favourite game in one of my favourite franchises. A great challenge, charming characters and a suitably epic conclusion to the story that was begun in Path of Radiance.

6. Super Smash Bros. Melee: Sure, Brawl has much more stuff in it, but Melee is just a faster, more visceral experience. There is a lot of content in Melee, no fat. No useless online mode and no snooze worthy Subspace Emissary. Everything it does, it does well.

7. F-Zero GX; Sega really outdid themselves here. They took F-Zero X, improved the graphics to amazing levels and included just about everything one could have imagined from an F-Zero game. It’s one and only flaw is that it was perhaps too good. How do you make a worthy sequel to this?

8. Pikmin 2; This took the ‘proof of concept’ –like original, and made a full game around it. Pikmin 2 is easily the best game EAD made for the Gamecube, and signaled the end of a period of rushed and half-assed games. Much like Yoshi’s Island, just brimming with charm and imagination. Can't wait for Pikmin 3.

9. Sin & Punishment; The sequel is better in many ways, but I prefer the more heavy feel of this game. Crazy bosses, inventive mechanics and a mind numbing barrage of bullets like only Treasure can deliver.

10. Donkey Kong Country 2; It came out the same year as Yoshi’s Island, yet wasn’t completely overshadowed by EAD’s masterpiece. Perhaps the best game Rare ever made, and a great distillation of what made their games good: great audiovisual presentation, a good challenge and polished to shine. One of the best soundtracks on the SNES too.

Azure J

1. Super Mario Bros. 3
2. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to The Past
3. Super Metroid
4. Donkey Kong Country Returns
5. Super Mario Galaxy 2
6. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
7. Super Smash Bros. Melee
8. StarFox 64
9. Sin & Punishment: Star Successor
10. Pokemon (Heart)Gold & (Soul)Silver

Some notes about my list:

- Holy fuck there are tons of others that I feel like mentioning. I didn't want to have redundant entries from the big five games (Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Metroid & Donkey Kong) even though those series have multiple entries that could have gotten a nomination, most specifically, Mario platformers (SMB3, Galaxy 1 & Galaxy 2), Wind Waker, Pokemon Black & White, & Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat. Metroid was a painful choice for me personally, because while Super is serious GOAT tier, Prime 2: Echoes is the best game I've played in the series to date and also a wonderful showing of an unhindered Retro going all in with a franchise they were comfortable with.

- I couldn't find a place for a Kirby game, but Super Star Ultra or Canvas Curse would be right under the #10 spot.

- Smash Bros, while deserving a spot in this no matter what, is a really strange beast to rank. I like all three entries for totally different reasons and have very strong opinions on them. Picking one from the 3 though for a list like this is the hardest thing to do because it means that I'm acknowledging one with all of its flaws and strengths. I wanted to pick Brawl because of the roster and fantastic amount of Nintendo history and legacy it packed into itself, but then I remember the washed out elements of single player, missed opportunities with regards to online and an even larger and more varied roster and recant on that. Melee I have a bit of an issue with still, but I'll admit that I never really got too deep in its gameplay to see the "OMG wow" kinda shit that I did watching videos of it in like '08 or so. Smash 64, while totally my favorite "pop in and play forever" game, is also the most "limited" of the series. Still great fun, but in the end, if we have to pick one to place in a "best game ever" list, Melee gets it just because of how much it continues to evolve and entertain both from player and spectator POVs.

- My Pokemon entry was a tough fight between Gen 1 Red/Blue, Gen 5 Black/White and my pick in Gen 2 Gold/Silver. I don't think it's nostalgia speaking here, but there's still something about the game all these years later with the subtle buildup from Red/Blue, immense amount of content and the introduction of many new series staples that made Gold/Silver my personal picks. Their remakes also solved the issue that would have made Black & White take it over them, namely in modernizing the experience from its GB/GBC base.

- Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door is still my favorite IntSys game and one of the funniest damn things ever in writing. It also combines the best of JRPG conventions with a stunningly and criminally underused Audience mechanic to great use. Nothing's as satisfying as going all in on one of the tougher bosses with no items, being stylish as all fuck, then hitting a roulette wheel that fully restores you and raises your audience capacity exponentially for you to take more chances and get rewarded for it. That tension between fighting the actual battles and paying attention to what the people want is a balancing act that took it to the top of my personal favorite RPG experiences ever.

- Mario Kart doesn't have an entry because 10 spot limit, but Mario Kart 64 or 7 would take top billing from that franchise easily.

- Shoutouts to StarTropics, the only old Nintendo game that still has potential now even if it's quite dated. The use of charming themes and relationships (the main character as just an athletic high school junior and his archaeologist uncle forming a Indiana Jones-lite kinda dynamic, ), a pretty unique environment (an overtone of "America" crossed with the Southern Seas/Pacific and hints of the supernatural/extraterrestrial) and the campy 90s cartoon humor (Cross dressing to infiltrate an isle of warrior women?) set up for the NES equivalent of Zelda II + Uncharted between the calmer over world traveling and faster paced dungeon crawling/puzzle platforming and combat.


I've tried but this is impossible. 20 games should be the minimum! My 10 spots are gone with just Super Mario, Super Metroid, Metroid Prime and some Zelda.


1. Super Mario Kart
2. Super Mario World
3. Super Mario Bros 3
4. Zelda: Spirit Tracks
5. Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
6. Zelda: Wind Waker
7. Yoshi's Island
8. Super Metroid
9. Super Mario Galaxy 2
10. Pokemon Blue
1. Mother 3; "strange, funny, and heartrending" describes it better than I ever could. It's a clever and quirky adventure with an emotional twist. Simple but fun game play. I don't know. I feel like I'm underselling it, here. But it does everything it does masterfully. I can't explain it, but yes, it's better than all those wonderful Nintendo classics below it.

2. Super Mario Bros 3; quite simply the most fun platformer I've ever played. Perfect difficulty balance. Physics and controls are a joy.

3. Super Mario World; a easier than SMB3, but still very good. Lots of fun secrets to discover and lovely graphics allow it to just nearly match SMB3.

4. Super Mario Galaxy; a bit too easy, but it's just so fun to play. The creativity found in every level is stunning, and the beautiful graphics and music never disappoint.

5. Super Mario Galaxy 2; it's like more SMG. I put it slightly lower because, although the difficulty is better, the music and art design aren't quite as good.

6. The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages; I consider OoA and OoS together, so I'll just make one description for them. But yeah, they're my favorite Zelda games. Maybe they are the least creative and most cliche of all Zelda games... but the game play came together so fantastically. My favorite dungeons and items of any Zelda game, and a good difficulty level.

7. The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons

8. Drill Dozer; A quirky platformer by my dear friends at Gamefreak. I love Pokemon, but this game tops their efforts on those games for sure. Unique and fun game play, cute characters, and some good challenges at points.

9. Golden Sun The Lost Age; It's better if you played the original Golden Sun first, and transferred your characters! But this is the far superior game of the two. The high amount of characters and customization, as well as the speed of battles, makes it one of the most enjoyable RPG battle systems I've ever played. Story was kind of lame, but... that battle system! And that grand feeling of exploration!

10. The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword; I'm not even done with it yet, but I can already tell it's easily the best 3D Zelda, which makes it good enough to hit this list. It's not quite as impressive artistically as Wind Waker (the graphics, story, and music aren't as good), but Wind Waker's game play never got close to SS. I love the density of the field areas in SS, and the creativity of the dungeons.

And there's my list. Kinda sad I had to vote for very similar games, like SMG/SMG2 and OoA/OoS, but it's only fair. Runner's up list would have included Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Metroid.
1. Super Mario Bros. 3
2. Tetris (GB)
3. Metroid Prime
4. Super Metroid
5. Super Mario 64
6. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
7. Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
8. Super Mario Galaxy
9. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
10. Donkey Kong (GB)


8. Drill Dozer; A quirky platformer by my dear friends at Gamefreak. I love Pokemon, but this game tops their efforts on those games for sure. Unique and fun game play, cute characters, and some good challenges at points.

I really feel the need to call you out on this. I played Drill Dozer, and it was fun and all, but to go on and say that compared to pokemon it is "unique and fun game play, cute characters, and some good challenges at points." To me all of that describes pokemon to a T. At the time of its release, and since, it's a game that has yet to meet a worthy copycat.

unique and fun gameply = Taking the RPG formula and throwing in exponential team builds with hundreds of unique characters to play with, each with their own abilities, powers, advantages, weaknesses, etc.

cute characters = Suggesting that pokemon are not cute is akin to denying a universal truth.

some good challenges at points = This is at the core of pokemon. Through your journey to become pokemon master there are certain challenges to overcome. Gym leaders, Team Rocket, and of course, the Elite 4 themselves.

GameFreak's 2 franchises both have all those qualities, and to suggest that Drill Dozer outdoes Pokemon is a straight up lie.
1. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
2. Super Mario Bros. 3
3. Pokemon Red/Blue
4. Super Smash Bros. Melee
5. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
6. Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door
7. Yoshi's Island
8. Pokemon Gold/Silver
9. Mother 3
10. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

That was really hard.
Even in my childhood Genesis fanboy days, I had to admit Yoshi's Island was brilliant.


1. Metroid Prime ; This, to me, is the single best video game world I've played, bar none, and one of the only ones I can navigate entirely without using the map because I know it so well and every room and area is distinct and unique.
2. Super Mario Galaxy 2 ;
3. Super Mario Galaxy ;
4. Earthbound ; Games, it turns out, can have good writing.
5. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker ; The Ocean theme is wired directly to the pleasure centres of my brain and I don't care who knows it.
6. Advance Wars: Dual Strike ; I've spent basically an infinite amount of time playing the Advance Wars games, the best designed strategy games anywhere this side of Starcraft, and DS is the one with the most content.
7. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past ; This and Metroid Prime and Wind Waker have what Nintendo games have been starting to lack this ten - cohesive worlds that are connected together. Prime 3 and Skyward Sword don't feel like you're exploring a world, they feel like you're exploring three different ones, and that's poopy.
8. Super Mario World ;
9. Yoshi's Island ;
10. Super Mario Brother 3 ;


Why do you guy's do this to me, making me think about all the Nintendo games over the year's and to be honest there are numerous games that I missed out on. In fact some of the games that could be considered the best of all time I might not have even played. For example I have never gotten around to playing Super Metroid, even though I had a SNES, and have lots of games that i loved, and yet to this day I just never got around to playing it. I'm just going to post the games that emotionally resonated with me the most, although they might not be "the best 10 nintendo games ever.

1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/ 3D version - The original is the one that absolutely blew me away, and this is one of the only games over the years that I actually go back to repeatedly. I still remember the amazement of being inside of Jabu Jabu's belly, and speaking to the Goron leader, all the way to pulling out the master sword and becoming an adult version of link. It probably helps that I was around 12 or 13 years old and the fact that the game had the whimsical light spirited feel of being young link, and then transforming into what feels like a dark story with real weight as adult link probably made it resonant with me a little more. Either way I have beaten this game easily 5 + times throughout the years and never get tired of it. Every time I walk into that open field is like coming home after years of being away. I can honestly say at 13 years old I teared up as I watched the characters go through the ending sequence because I knew I had just experienced greatness.

2. Super Mario Brothers 3 - This is the game that made me a gamer. I can almost say that without hesitation. When I was a wee young lad our landlord at the time brought over his NES and with it he brought Super Mario Brothers 3. Together we played that game for 3 straight nights. Every level, every enemy was like watching a cartoon at the time, and the fact that I was playing this magical game blew my mind. In what would be the first of many times I ignored sleep, and food to finish this game, and from then on I was addicted to this thing we called gaming.

3. Super Mario 64 - Whats funny is I never actually bought/owned this game until years later when I would own it for the DS, but I remember numerous things about this game. The hype surrounding it, the amazement at seeing it running for the first time with my own eyes at a Toy's R Us kiosk. The day the 64 launched my buddy had this as his only game, and once again I spent the night at his house and just watched him playing it. I was that impressed with the graphics and thought "how can developers improve on these graphics?" and that's not to mention the pure gaming bliss that is the gameplay. While other games might have had a bigger impact on gaming; this is the game that in my opinion ushered in 3d gaming.

4. Metroid Prime - I remember IGN hyping up this game, and being like "yes metroid is finally back, but can this studio handle it'. Of course I had never played any metroids before but understood that they were bringing back a franchise that numerous people loved and that was a big deal. It's funny because I don't really remember whole "videogames" I just remember small chunks and feelings that are kind of trapped in my mind. What I remember of this one was Phenandra Drifts and the amount of atmosphere that oozed out of them. The feeling of being alone, and pure beauty the first time I laid eyes on them was amazing.

5. Goldeneye 007 - I was the king at remote mines, in the facility. Almost everyone can lay claim to a certain level if you grew up in that time period. I don't know of anyone who didn't play this game when we were growing up. It was at every party for 2 + years which I think is a testament to just how good of a multiplayer game this was. Was probably the first game that I can remember that did FPS for consoles right.

6. Mario Kart DS - Without going into a whole lot of history, I was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 19, and spent almost 43 straight days in the hospital. While I was there, I didn't have much to do. At 19 years old being stuck in a room for that long contemplating life could've been extremely scary. Every time i felt myself slipping down that line of thinking I would pop Mario Kart DS on and escape from the thoughts and feelings that I had and just race. While I went through plenty of games at the time (including the Mario RPG at the time, and Advance wars) this is the one that I will remember keeping me sane for that time, and for that I can't exclude it from this list because for me it was a game that I connected with on an emotional level.

7. Super Punch out - Considering I spent almost every afternoon after school beating this game at least once I feel it earns a place on my list. I don't know why but I've always had a thing for boxing games, from punch out to Fight night I just get kind of addicted to them or something. At one point I was something ridiculous like 1770 - 0 or something on one of my fighters. I kind of treated it like an arcade game in that I was always trying to one up my time, and by the time i put it away I probably had every character in the game under 1 minute, and most in the seconds category.

8. Super Mario Galaxy 2 - As a fan of platformers I honestly wonder if there will ever be one that will top this. I don't really remember any particular world sticking out, but I do know that I was obsessed with getting every single star in this game, and actually borrowed a wii to play this game. In my opinion the wii would be almost un-remarkable as a system if it wasn't for the 2 Mario galaxy games. Not to say that it doesn't have good games, its just the galaxy games were the only ones that actually made me dust off the wii and use it.

9. Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Could be one of the greatest looking games of all time, which is kind of astounding considering its age. Ignoring the graphics though I honestly had a ton of fun with this game. I thought i would hate it because of the ocean theme and all that, but instead it made it that much more enjoyable. One of the few games where i really "got" the sense of exploration. The last time I got truly engrossed in a zelda game. I can't even get up energy to try out Skyward sword after the abomination/pure boredom that Twilight Princess put on display.

10. Wave Race: Blue Storm - One of the few racing games I actually fell in love with. It might be the weather effects or the fact that I had just moved and cherished my new system. Whatever the case I really think this is one of the most overlooked games in Nintendo's library, and the fact that they never came back to the wave race series disappoints me to no end. In fact barring a new Mario game, I can't think of another sequel that would interest me more than a new Wave race on the Wii U

I would just like to add 11/10a and put Pikmin in there, I absolutely loved those little guys, and felt sorry for them every time they would get eaten by a monster. It oozed charm and absolutely needs to make a comeback on the 3ds/wii u..... sometimes I just don't understand Nintendo. All these great franchises that could recapture my heart and almost force me to buy a wii u, or games that i would snap up INSTANTLY on my 3ds that just get ignored


1. Super Metroid
2. Metroid: Zero Mission
3. The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past
4. Super Mario 64
5. Star Tropics
6. Super Mario World
7. Super Mario Bros. 3
8. Advance Wars
9. The Legend of Zelda
10. Super Mario Bros.


1. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - The quintessential Zelda game. Ocarina comes close, but this is better. From the multi-level dungeons, overhead perspective, the very well done 2D graphics, down to Link's pink hair, this is the perfect action-adventure game.

2. Super Metroid - One of the best action-adventure games ever made. Period. Buy it, play it, bow to it.

3. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - This game has an awesome story, the pacing is perfect, but it's the gameplay and character designs that makes this one shine. Ike and his band of heroes make this adventure a fun ride, along with the addictive, chess-like battlefield. One of the best in the series. Intelligent systems, you make Nintendo proud.

4. Super Mario World - Platforming heaven really. The power-ups are fun, even though Super Mario Bros. 3 was a great game, this one is perfect in what it sets out to do. Also Mario wears a cape. Who doesn't like capes?

5. Xenoblade Chronicles - It was directed by the guy that made Xenogears, how can you go wrong? Well Monolithsoft did not go wrong, and go on to make a perfect RPG instead. New and fresh, but most of all, it is a well designed game, with an amazing and unique world/characters and a fun battle system. This definitely belongs in the top 10 of Nintendo games ever made.

6. Metroid Prime - The jump from 2D to 3D was an amazing one. Retro Studios established themselves as a "prime" developer. What makes it so great is the desolate world, and great first person perspective and controls. The game makes you feel all alone, in a distant planet, and it's up to you to save the world and does it extremely well.

7. Pokemon Red/Blue - Ask anyone in the whole world what Pokemon is, and they will describe it to you in detail. That's all that needs to be said. Pika!

8. Punch-Out!! - You get a chance to KO Iron Mike, this is the best boxing game ever, Nintendo produced memorable characters with different fighting styles, and you have to find a way to beat them all one by one.

9. Kirby's Dream Land - What a great game, the level designs are simple, yet unique and challenging enough for the young and the old. The character/music designs are memorable, especially the lovable Kirby. A classic game. Play it and you'll understand.

10. Tetris - The greatest puzzle game of all time no doubt about that. Everyone knows what Tetris is.


1. The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past
2. Super Mario World
3. Donkey Kong Country
4. Wave Race 64
5. Super Metroid
6. F-Zero
7. Super Mario Bros.
8. Super Mario 64
9. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
10. Ice Climber


1. Super Mario Galaxy 2
2. Metroid Prime
3. The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask
4. Super Smash Bros. Melee
5. Pikmin 2
6. New Super Mario Bros. Wii
7. Xenoblade Chronicles
8. F-Zero GX
9. Maro Kart Wii
10. The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past
I really feel the need to call you out on this. I played Drill Dozer, and it was fun and all, but to go on and say that compared to pokemon it is "unique and fun game play, cute characters, and some good challenges at points." To me all of that describes pokemon to a T. At the time of its release, and since, it's a game that has yet to meet a worthy copycat.

unique and fun gameply = Taking the RPG formula and throwing in exponential team builds with hundreds of unique characters to play with, each with their own abilities, powers, advantages, weaknesses, etc.

cute characters = Suggesting that pokemon are not cute is akin to denying a universal truth.

some good challenges at points = This is at the core of pokemon. Through your journey to become pokemon master there are certain challenges to overcome. Gym leaders, Team Rocket, and of course, the Elite 4 themselves.

GameFreak's 2 franchises both have all those qualities, and to suggest that Drill Dozer outdoes Pokemon is a straight up lie.

You make good points, for sure. But I happen to like the platforming genre generally more than the RPG genre (Mother 3 hits the top in my list, but that's only because it's kind of exceptional), which is probably the reason why I thought Drill Dozer's fun outclassed Pokemon's.

And while Pokemon is certainly unique, quirky, and cute, honestly, I've just played so much Pokemon that its impact dulled on me. I just don't get excited about it anymore. Drill Dozer really sticks out in my mind as something new and different, whereas Pokemon just seems same old, same old to me.

Yes, I'll agree with you that Gamefreak did I much more impressive job with Pokemon than with Drill Dozer. And, generally speaking, Pokemon is certainly the better game. But in terms of what I remember and what really excites me, that's Drill Dozer.

Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean was published by Namco, 3rd party game on all accounts. Origins on the other hand was published by nintendo, making it a 2nd party game, kind of...

what counts?
Already answered (oops, I really need to stop leaving things open...) but if you want to go further Baten Kaitos was published by Nintendo in Europe (NOE might have even done the translation, can't remember). It doesn't count due to Nintendo not owning the IP or the developers at the time of development (its why Rareware count, Nintendo practically owned them and had the James bond license).


1 - Super Mario Bros 3
2 - Donkey Kong Contry
3 - Yoshi Sland
4 - Super mario World
5 - Mario Kart 7
6 - F-Zero X
7 - Smash Bros Melee
8 - Golden eye 64
9 - Super Mario Galaxy
X - Mario & Luigi 1

Its really hard to make a list like that. So many wonderful games that i need to let out that make me notice how much I like this company.

Nintendo is the best.


My own two scents :)

01: The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (N64/3DS)

My favourite game of all time. I was twelve years old when I first saw Hyrule Field for the first time. After seeing that, I actually had goose bumps. The first time I encountered Ganondorf was amazing and exciting as well. And when I lifted the Master Sword from its pedestal, oh wow! I’ve never been so blown away from a game. Also, freaking Water Temple. Greatest game I’ve ever played.

02: Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii)

Yoshi was my favourite platform hero on a Nintendo console, but that changed in 2010. Galaxy made me forget about Sunshine and showed me that Nintendo has an insane amount of talent running around at EAD Tokyo. But Galaxy 2 was more refined, more challenging and more important: a lot of fun. The best 3D platformer I’ve ever played.

03: Metroid Prime (GC)

I played Super Metroid a few times when I was a kid. I thought it was cool, but it wasn’t until Metroid Prime I finally understood why many Nintendo fans went bogus when Nintendo announced that a 3D Metroid was in the works. Playing Prime for the first time made my jaw drop. When you arrive on Tallon IV and the rain drops fall on your helmet: pure magic. Everything else worked like a charm. Scanning environments and enemies made the game feel more alive and the guys at Retro really know a thing or two about art direction. Magnificent.

04: The Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening (GB)

The game that got me into gaming. I think it took me a year to complete it but man it was a glorious year. As a kid I was pissed and happy while playing my very first Zelda adventure. This tiny cartridge had an amazing adventure with some fantastic dungeons. Bird Tower anyone?

05: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island (SNES)

Maybe the greatest 2D platformer of all time. Every time I play it I feel like a little kid again. The crayon-like graphics make me smile and the level design is superb. Didn’t own a SNES, but when I was at a friends house I’d play the game every time I visited. Some time later I played the GBA port and to me surprise, I still loved it. Fantastic game.

06: Super Smash Bros. Melee (GC)

The best balanced fighting and party game ever created. I love the N64 version, but the Cube game raised the bar by a lot. I do love Brawl, but something about Melee is more magical.

07: Pokémon Gold/Silver (GB)

The best Pokémon game. Red/Blue were fantastic, but Silver/Gold really completed the package. A night and day system, breeding, evolution through happiness and a hundred new creatures to catch. I put hours into the game and travelling around Johto and Kanto was extremely satisfying.

08: Fire Emblem Path of Radiance (GC)

My first Fire Emblem and man, I never thought I would love this series this much. Completed the game several times and hehe, I had to start over several times because one of my units died during a mission. As much as I hated that happening, I just couldn’t stop playing. I’m really hoping Nintendo will continue to release entries in the franchise here in the west. Bringing these titles to the west was one of the most awesome decisions ever.

09: Eternal Darkness Sanity’s Requiem (GC)

I love creepy games. So, I’ll give Silicon Knights a nod for creating Eternal Darkness. Heavily influenced by Lovecraft, this game is one of the first big Cube titles which wanted to show that even Nintendo can offer “mature” content. Didn’t work as planned, but ED in my book is one of the best horror titles ever developed. I mean, what game made you believe that the copy you received was a demo disc? Or your savefiles got deleted? A lot of nasty trickery spanning over twelve chapters. Kudos.

10: Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii)

A modern classic. A true testament of that some Japanese devs still can make a modern JRPG without forgetting it’s roots. And the beautiful world you’ll explore! Oh wow, now that’s something you don’t see every day. It might be a bit early to put it in a top 10 right away, but everything about Xenoblade just screams insta classic. Reyn-time indeed.

Honourable mentions:
Super Mario World, The Legend of Zelda the Windwaker, Warioware Inc. Micro Minigames, Super Mario Land 2 Six Golden Coins, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, Mario Party, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Kirby’s Power Paint Brush, Paper Mario, Sin & Punishment 2.


For me it could be 10 Mario titles... anyway, let's go!

1.- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
2.- Super Mario 64
3.- Donkey Kong Country
4.- Super Smash Bros Melee
5.- Super Mario Galaxy
6.- F-Zero GX
7.- Perfect Dark
8.- Metroid Prime
9.- Super Mario World
10.- Conker's Bad Fur Day

Does Perfect Dark count? I haven't seen it in your list :|

PD: Thanks for the answer Sadist! ;D


Perfect Dark counts :)

I am not trying to troll here

but I couldn't name 50 Nintendo games off the top of my head and I am a fan too
Check the second post of this thread

So does Tetris count?
Yes :)

How come one of the Banjo games is included in the Famitsu list but not in yours? What's the proper stance on those games and Conker?
Oh they count. Banjo, Perfect Dark, Conker, Goldeneye. RARE was a second party back then.


1. Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising; First games that consumed me into their fandom. Slightly prefer it to the original.
2. Pokemon Crystal; Even if I'd rather play others now, so much of my childhood was spent playing this it deserves to be high. GSC >>> RBY definitely.
3. New Super Mario Bros. Wii; Most played game this year, so much fun with friends.
4. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess; Never understood the hate for this game, the dungeons were amazing, and Midna makes up for Zant losing his early awesomeness.
5. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker; Such a beautiful game. Not to mention that ending, can't believe they made Ganon sympathetic
6. Advance Wars; See no. 1
7. Super Mario Galaxy; Causes way too much smiling. Managed to get all the stars with Mario. Haven't played No. 2 yet.
8. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island; Played on the GBA, one of the few games I 100%'d
9. Metroid Fusion; People may not think this fits the Metroid formula, but who cares, it did what it did amazingly, and the SA-X haunts my nightmares to this day.
10. Metroid Prime; Love the storytelling through scans thing from this game, and Tallon IV is great to explore.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
1. Super Mario Bros. 3 - One of the best games ever. Simply amazing.
2. Super Mario Bros. - The OG shit, keepin' it real
3. Super Mario Galaxy - What I've played of it was great.
4. Super Mario Bros. 2 - Weird game, since it wasn't originally a Mario game, but still great
5. Donkey Kong Country - Great game, except for that fucking minecart level, bah.
6. Wave Race 64 - Looked great, played great. Pure fun.
7. Punch-Out! - Never managed to beat it, but it was a blast.

That's about it, I guess. Never cared much for Nintendo's first party games since they generally don't interest me.


1. Super Mario Bros. 3 - The essential Mario game. Killer platforming, great powerups, cool minigames, this is THE Mario game.
2. Super Mario World - This is THE OTHER Mario game. Almost 100 functional levels, the debut of Yoshi, the game that launched a thousand Kaizos and Kaizo wannabes, etc... If you play this on PC, the community of ROMhacks is nearly unlimited. And justified, because its legacy speaks for itself.
3. Super Mario 64 - Another classic title. Not just a classic Mario game, a classic game. It helped define the blueprints of 3D platforming. Many unforgettable sights and sounds on this title.
4. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
5. Metroid Prime
6. Donkey Kong Country
7. Kirby Super Star
8. Wario Land 3
9. F-Zero X
10. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn


1. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
3. Metroid
4. Super Metroid
5. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
6. Super Mario Galaxy 2
7. Xenoblade Chronicles
8. Kirby's Dream Land
9. Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3
10. Elite Beat Agents


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Limiting myself to games I've completed and can recall vividly, I'd say:

1. Super Metroid
2. Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
3. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
4. Super Mario World
5. Super Mario Bros. 3
6. Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!
7. Donkey Kong Country
8. Mario Kart 64
9. Super Mario Galaxy
10. New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Yes, I love DKC. No, I've never finished a Zelda game.

Edit: Actually, I think I may have completed Ocarina of Time back in the day, but since I can't be certain, I won't include it.


1. The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask
2. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
3. The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages
4. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
5. Mario and Luigi: Partner's in Time
6. Super Mario World
7. Metroid Prime
8. Super Mario 64
9. Mario Party 3
10. Super Metroid

Holy shit was this hard, this took me about 3 hours to settle on a list I felt roughly correct, changes so much though. Majora's Mask and Yoshi's Island are the only ones that didn't change position.


1. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker ; [Gamecube] This game is so mesmerizing. The artistic style, the music, and the overall vibe this game gives is just a joy to experience. I never wanted this game to be over, I could sail for days.
2. Super Mario World ; [SNES] I grew up with SMB. I loved them all. When Mario made the leap to 16bit graphics I thought my head would explode. This game is so rich. From the cape to Yoshi, and everything in between this was my all time favorite Mario title.
3. Pokémon Red/Blue ; [Gameboy] I am not a Pokémaniac, in fact I haven't played anything past Silver/Gold. But this game had me hooked. It absolutely blew my mind how much fun I was having with this unknown (at the time) little gem. I still eagerly await the day it makes the leap to consoles (legitimately).
4. EarthBound ; [SNES] This was the first role playing game I ever enjoyed. This game is 100% charm not from concentrate.
5. Super Mario Galaxy ; [Wii] A 3D Mario that does everything right and just feels so true to the franchise. Nostalgia may play a part in other games being higher on my list because this game is possibly perfect.
6. Metroid Fusion ; [GBA] 2D Metroid is the only Metroid for me and this one really does an amazing amazing job. I really love them all and its hard to choose favorites, but this one holds a slight edge for me.
7. Punch-Out!! ; [NES] The best boxing game ever hands down and it's not even really a boxing game to be honest. So many hours of my childhood were spent trying to make it to the Dream Bout. I would like to give a special nod to the Wii-make which really does an amazingly excellent job bringing this to the current generation.
8. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX ; [GBC] 2D Zelda's are among my favorite games of all time. Picking just one is hard and leaving LTTP off this list is even harder but at the end of the day I think Link's Awakening holds a slight advantage although I can not pinpoint where.
9. Picross 3D ; [DS] This is one of my all time favorite puzzle games and if you haven't had the chance I suggest you play it. I imported it from Japan and 100% completed it, and then it released in America and I did it again. Awesome game.
10. Mario Kart Wii ; [Wii] I have enjoyed nearly every Mario Kart title and when the DS introduced connectivity with players all over the world it rocketed to the top of my list. The Wii release took the spot, moving forward from that awesome format and introducing some great additions like bikes and not having snakers.

I realize that there's no more room on my list and that seriously frustrates me. So bad. Nintendo has made/published so, so many awesome games. It's really hard to ask me for a top 10 and if you asked me again in a week my list would probably completely fall apart from anything after number 3, and be in a totally different order/have totally different games on it. I could re-write this list 100 times and never be satisfied. So, I will list a few honorable mentions just because I feel bad they were not included. In no particular order: Excitebike, Duck Hunt, Wrecking Crew, Balloon Fight, Kid Icarus, Dr. Mario, Star Tropics, Pilotwings, F-Zero, Donkey Kong Country, Luigi's Mansion, Animal Crossing, Pikmin, Eternal Darkness, Chibi-Robo, Wii Sports Resort, Smash Bros, Wario Land Shake Dimension, Tetris, WarioWare, Drill Dozer, New Super Mario Bros, Super Metroid, and a whole lot more! Holy shit I forgot Mario Paint… and Advance Wars!


1.Majora's Mask.

2.Donkey Kong Country 2.

3.Donkey Kong Country Returns.

4.Wind Waker.

5.Donkey Kong Country.

6.Super Mario World 2:Yoshi's Island.

7. Pokemon Black/White.

8.Banjo Tooie

9.Wario Land 2

1. Super Mario Bros 3
2. Zelda: A Link To The Past
3. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
4. Super Mario World
5. Zelda: Ocarina of Time
6. Donkey Kong Country 2
7. Super Mario 64 A revolutionary and breathtaking 3D platforming experience that proved how Mario could enter the 3D world with style. The 3D worlds felt alive and massive encouraging you to explore all of it. The mission structure was an interesting new mechanic and incentive to replay the levels.
8. Super Smash Brothers Melee Improving upon the first game in every aspect and giving you tons of modes to play with making it one of the best and most enjoyable Nintendo party game with endless of replay value
9. Fire Emblem 7 Going from the Advance Wars series and getting to play the first Fire Emblem on western shores was an amazing experience. With even deeper strategic mechanics, with rpg elements. Along with its memorable and likeable casts, unique support system, permadeath, great music/presentation and class upgrade. The game also has great replay value and its addictive gameplay makes you want to replay it time to time.
10. Mario Kart DS This game might not have the best tracks of the series, but has one of the best and most creative tracks. Warios Pinball and Flying Fortress are some examples. However the biggest addition was the mission mode with the fun boss battles and challenges.

Not all of these games are playable for me today, but I tried to pick those with the biggest impact at the time. I will try to make a comment on every game later.
01. Mother 3 (Japan Only)
02. EarthBound
03. The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past
04. Super Mario Galaxy 2
05. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
06. Advance Wars
07. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
08. Super Mario Bros. 3
09. Super Mario Galaxy
10. Super Metroid

Will add write-ups later.


1. Zelda: Majoras Mask - Quality over quantity. Getting the masks is such a great reward, following the NPCs which have their own schedule, their own cutscenes and there are so many secrets, so many sidequests, I simply love that game. Skyward Sword actually gets pretty close for the characters and the sidequests, but the rewards aren't that rewarding for me.
2. Banjo-Tooie - The best 3D-platformer ever made. Huge levels with a lot of content in it, great humor and wonderful difficulty, plus many great gameplay changes.
3. Super Mario Bros 3 - And this is the best 2D platformer. Sure, YI and SMW surely did some things better, but SMB3 is pure platforming bliss.
4. Pikmin 2
5. Zelda: Oracle Of Ages
6. Metroid Prime 2
7. F-Zero GX
8. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
9. Star Fox 64
10.Zelda:Twilight Princess
Considering all the great games Nintendo's made throughout the years, this is a tough one. I was gonna factor in "influence", but I decided to just rank them based on how much I love them.

1. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past: This game is perfect. There's nothing for me to really say about this one. This is one of four Nintendo games that are mandatory for any real gamer to play.

2. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: No clue why this game gets any hate. It is amazing how even in 2012, few games approach the brilliance of this game. The dungeons were sublime.

3. Super Smash Bros. Melee: Used to play this competitively. This is one of the deepest games I've ever played. Logged almost 1800 hours into it.

4. Fire Emblem 7: The music, the difficulty, the graphics, the characters... this one had the perfect blend, that hasn't been matched since in the FE series.

5. Super Mario 64: The second most important game of all time (behind the original super mario bros). This blew my mind when it first released, as it did everyone's, and it's pretty amazing how fun this game still is.

6. The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time: The third most important game of all time. It hasn't aged well, but this is one of the few games where the quality of the game far, far exceeded the hype.

7. Super Metroid: I wish the difficulty was a bit harder, but this game is 2D perfection on so many levels.

8. Super Mario Bros. 3: Were you there when it first released? This is still fun to this day.

9. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Proof that motion controls work and are here to stay. Proof that motion controls should not ever leave us. Only gripe is the lack of a big overworld

10. Mario Kart Wii: I almost picked the DS one, but the steering wheel aspect really make this.

Once again, I tried to factor in "influence" at first, but I decided to just pick my actual favorites
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