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Game Developers Choice Awards 2014 Thread: Watch Live March 19, 2014

So does that mean Bioshock has more wins than TLOU at this point I think?

All dwarfed by your INDIE OVERLORDS though :p

Nevermind forgot TLOU won design and narrative


BS:I got sound and now visual art... I don't really agree :/ Tearaway and Ni no Kuni deserved it imo, I would mention TLoU too but it doesn't need to be mentioned really.


Not surprised to see the backlash against Anita when I saw her in the OP. Some of her initial videos weren't that great, but I thought her later installments were better executed and thought out.

perhaps but still feels like she deserves the award about as much as President Obama did the Nobel Peace Prize


I don't have issue with discussing the topic. I have problem with trying to make a political/activist point with an award, specially when you put a figurehead in a pedestal.

Fair enough. I get that viewpoint. They are playing with fire doing that. It's not her fault she got the recognition though.
I'll just say this. She got an award for an ambassador. They don't usually do this and obviously only make this award for special cases. They wanted her there and the speech was appropriate. Any attack on her made about her speech at the GDC makes you either stupid or sexist and I doubt you guys are idiots. Stop pretending.

so if someone disagrees with sarkeesian they are stupid or sexist?


on second thought, maybe there's a better avenue for discusssion than this. let's just agree to disagree!

rdrr gnr

I'll just say this. She got an award for an ambassador. They don't usually do this and obviously only make this award for special cases. They wanted her there and the speech was appropriate. Any attack on her made about her speech at the GDC makes you either stupid or sexist and I doubt you guys are idiots. Stop pretending.
The great thing about false dichotomies is that you can use them whenever you want. Either you accept Anita is a fatuous, inept, unremarkable z-list internet celeb unworthy of any acknowledgment by someone capable of producing anything of merit and whose presence at an award show is an effrontery or you're stupid. I doubt you're stupid. Stop pretending.
That jacket and shirt combo
Glasses, Jacket, Shirt man.
Kutaragi about to drop the secret cell in the PS4 that enables PS3 BC and 3x the powaar


Good job ken you did good work for so long
430M PlayStation units sold I think? Probably includes PSP and PSV

155M PS2, 104M PS1, 80M PS3, 80M PSP, 6 million PS4

I get like 425M units total? Is vita at 5 million maybe?
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