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gamesindustry: Critics agree that Sony's PS5 transcends on-paper comparisons to Xbox




If they had any type of criticism Sony fans would eat them alive lol


The plot twist that I think most people weren't expecting was just how big of a differentiator the controller would be. Yes, we knew that the calls from GiantBomb and Co. of wanting the DualShock 4 to be the PS5 controller were dumb as shit, and yes we knew that tethering the new Xbox to 10 year old controller tech was a terrible idea. But I don't think anyone could have guessed that the DualSense -- and not the I/O SSD architecture -- would immediately make the Series X|S consoles look outdated.

Everybody who follows gaming knew the controller would become a huge factor once it was known that the console would not be as powerful as Xbox. Same with the SSD. Once we knew Sony would have the advantage SSDs become much more important to gamers.

It is a cosequence of having such a huge market share.


You haven't read very much. I'm pretty sure all launch games use with haptics, adaptive triggers, or both. Ethomaz posted a lengthy list somewhere. Off the top of my head, all first parties will use both. NBA2k21 uses both. Godfall uses haptics, maybe triggers too. I think haptic feedback is pretty much baseline, as implementation is as easy as rumble. Exclusives will obviously lead the way with how extensively they use the features, but it's nice to see some multiplats like NBA2k21 making good use of the triggers, for example.

Yeah but we have Miles Morales reviews already, where no one says that the DualSense makes the experience oh so much better than the PS4 version, that people who want to play this game should definitely wait and get the PS5 for it firstly, what reviewers are talking about is the updated graphics/RT effects and the 60FPS mode, but not the new controller addition, so what are the odds this won't be the case for other games out there as well?

I'm sure the controller and its features will gain more traction with some of the upcoming 1st party titles, most noticeably the adaptive triggers in GT7 which I'm more than confident will work phenomenally for this type of game, but hey, the DS4 touchpad or DS3 sixaxis were also initially used by first part games/exclusives, but other than a few examples here and there those remained mostly unused throughout the generations, especially in 3rd party titles.

But here's the thing - as oppose to PS3 and PS4, where those weren't such a big deal, with PS5, the controller is its biggest feature, it's what's suppose to sell the console, what differentiates it from all the other consoles out there and PCs, that's all they're marketing the console with - fast loadings, adaptive triggers, haptic feedback, 3D audio - those are the 4 things Sony keeps mentioning over and over and over whenever there's a PS5 ad.

Now, fast loadings are nothing new unless someone was stubborn and was purposely using HDD in the past decade, 3D audio is reserved for the headphones at least for now, no one is talking anything about users with soundbars or surround sound setups, literally there's no mention how much better the sound will be with those, seems like those people will just have to settle down for the same old Dolby they've been using with PS4 and PS3 already, so anything that's really new for the general crowd is the controller, and like I said, so far there's completely zero hype about it when it comes to the actual games, it's all Astro and nothing else, and just a promise/wish/hope that future games might be just as great with the controller, but will they really? And if, will it be god knows how much of a game-changer, will we see headlines like "forget your RTX3090, DualSense is how the games are meant to be played"? I highly doubt it.


Hard to Kill
There’s an alternate universe where people are just excited to get their new consoles without taking shots at each other, point scoring and comparing dick size, and without media outlets fanning the flames of war. I like that universe.

Enjoy your new consoles, GAF. Fuck what anyone else is doing or saying.
Oh yeah ? Then fuck what you are saying, I'll just enjoy my console and its games ....Wait what's happenning ? ...It's ...It's a paradox?!

Why is the world disintegrating ? What are those ? they look like testicles with teeth !!! Shit it's the langoliers !!!!!

But yeah do enjoy what you have or will have soon, you can even like a game that has bad reviews who cares?
(Mad props for those that remembered the langoliers ... it was so lame and cheesy).
So how many of these critics already experienced the Xbox Series X?

I'm guessing that some of them could be saying that because they were stuck playing BC titles and with a regular controller the last couple of weeks. Obviously after getting a PS5 they probably noticed some differences.

Just speculating.


It's been obvious for a while that this could be the outcome of a generation-break Vs. a generation-less strategy.

The plot twist that I think most people weren't expecting was just how big of a differentiator the controller would be. Yes, we knew that the calls from GiantBomb and Co. of wanting the DualShock 4 to be the PS5 controller were dumb as shit, and yes we knew that tethering the new Xbox to 10 year old controller tech was a terrible idea. But I don't think anyone could have guessed that the DualSense -- and not the I/O SSD architecture -- would immediately make the Series X|S consoles look outdated.

The last time a controller had this kind of effect was the Wiimote and the claims of it being a 'magic wand'. But even then, the horsepower of both the 360 and PS3 still kept both consoles feeling like a new generation. This time, with both the PS5 and Series X being capable of 4K gaming with performance modes, the horsepower -- as crazy as it sounds -- has never been more irrelevant. So the 'twist' is that not only is the new generation being defined by the input device, but for Microsoft, the one thing that their new hardware can't do is the exact thing that will make their new hardware always feel old.

It's hilarious when you think about it. It's like there was a cake baking contest and one baker went all out with the ingredients and frosting and shit, and it turns out the fork would be the deciding factor.
I can see that... I was really surprised with how the first impressions of Dual Sense were not only good but in the amazing level already.

I expected it to be really a step forward to DS4 but not that gamer changer level.


Gold Member
It's like people are surprised to see someone say their own thing is amazing. Or to find the most positive quotes/opinions about their thing.

I generally dislike stuff like this. I feel like it kind of takes away any legitimacy that particular quote/opinion may have IMO.

I'm sure both consoles are exceptional and have solid reasons why, but people are going to flock to the console they prefer, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.


Oh yeah ? Then fuck what you are saying, I'll just enjoy my console and its games ....Wait what's happenning ? ...It's ...It's a paradox?!

Why is the world disintegrating ? What are those ? they look like testicles with teeth !!! Shit it's the langoliers !!!!!

But yeah do enjoy what you have or will have soon, you can even like a game that has bad reviews who cares?
(Mad props for those that remembered the langoliers ... it was so lame and cheesy).

Lol classic cheesy film 👍🏻


I don't understand the controller thing. Wii's waggle wasn't next gen and whatever Sony's doing also isn't next gen. When playing on PC with a DS3 I have rumble permanently disabled and that'll never change. I'll never buy a DS4 due to its shitty battery and I imagine it's not much better on 5. The only way I'd buy a PS5 is if there was a reasonably sized version and it was jailbroken, and even then it's mostly to play a few last gen exclusives.


Hard to Kill
Lol classic cheesy film 👍🏻
Yep Bronson Pinchot was crazy in it...Well he is crazy all the time so no surprise there.
But I watched that movie as a kid at the same time as I was watching Meego and I couldn't watch it anymore.
But now I'm a grown up I stopped peeing the bed like weeks ago I think I can handle it.


PS 5 is great. Xbox is great. I just dont like Xbox so i will buy a PS 5. I dont care for "Online Only" and thats why Game Pass is nothing that sells me an Xbox. Its fine to have sometimes jeah but i want to reduce Microsoft to my laptop and not much more ;)

Another thing is... most people i play with buy PS 5. So i will stick to it, nobody wants an Xbox and if i buy one there are no friends to play with.

My 16 year old nephew was big into XBox but he decided now that he wont buy the new Xbox and focus on a better gaming pc. So its another loss for Microsoft lol
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Given another chance
Aw350m3, thanks for your advice.
Blimey you went easy on me 😁.
Outside you have a ruthless exterior...but inside you have a gooey centre 😊.

Enjoy the XBSX fella.
I’m looking forward to Scorn, Flight Sim and the huge back catalogue running at a solid 60fps.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Blimey you went easy on me 😁.
Outside you have a ruthless exterior...but inside you have a gooey centre 😊.

Enjoy the XBSX fella.
I’m looking forward to Scorn, Flight Sim and the huge back catalogue running at a solid 60fps.
Well I don't have it out for the PS5. I bought one even. Sure I prefer the Xbox and will defend it if warranted, but I don't dislike PS.


Given another chance
Well I don't have it out for the PS5. I bought one even. Sure I prefer the Xbox and will defend it if warranted, but I don't dislike PS.
I’m lucky to have purchased both too.

Xbox SX design is incredible this new gen along with the technology built in.
Over the moon that MS went all in.
Gamepass is the greatest gift to ever happen to gaming.

I love a bit of tongue In cheek humour :)

Unfortunately both consoles are locked away until Xmas.
It's actually from gamesindustrybiz. They writer made a summary of over a dozen reviews of the system. It's hurt one of the things that he found.

It's hurt one of the things he found?

XSX has great back compat, power, value, and potential. These are good enough reasons to pick one up at launch and feel good about your purchase. And when those exclusive games start rolling in it's gonna be great!

That said, gamers want next gen exclusives now. Not Mid 21'-late 21'. Spin it any way you want but Microsoft not having launch exclusives to show off the power of the system is a huge fuck up.

This is the reason the PS5 will be the better system to own next week. It has nothing to do with more or less power or special rumble controllers or storage space, any of that crap.

You don't need next-gen exclusives to show what your console can do, you just need good-looking games. And while I think Miles Morales and Demon's Souls look fantastic, they're not really in a "league of their own" from a visual standpoint. I didn't think I'd ever say it, but Valhalla and Watch Dogs: Legion look fantastic themselves, particularly the latter with its RT.

Those are cross-gen games similar to Miles Morales and Demon's Souls (c'mon, a PS4 version is pretty much guaranteed), and multiplatform so while they aren't exclusives, they still compare very strongly with "exclusives" on a visual and performance level. Other things like art direction or style come down to subjective tastes.

Heck WD: Legion in particular kills off one of the big talking points directed against Series S: not able to do RT. It's apparent that if Legion can do real-time RT, then games like DMC5 are, at the very least, either lazy ports or ports that haven't had enough time to implement RT in a Series S version, because the system should seemingly be able to handle some forms of RT with a game like DMC5 if it can do what it does with WD: Legion.

This next part is just in general from observations, might as well tie it in here...

I don't understand how suddenly the controller is what makes one system "next gen"; this has never ONCE held over well for any given console in a generation with a unique controller. N64's controller didn't make that system more "next gen" compared to PS1 in the day. OG Xbox's Duke controller having more buttons (technically) didn't make it more "next gen" versus PS2 and Gamecube (it having a built-in HDD, OTOH, kind of did tbqh). Same with Wii in comparison to 360 and PS5.

It feels like, hopefully this isn't the case but there's always the chance it is, that people are once again trying to shift the point of emphasized discussion towards another metric, this time the controller, because that just happens to incidentally be something Sony actually prioritized this time, similar to having a strong 1P launch lineup for the first time in their history. And now suddenly these things are coincidentally what "really" define "next-gen" for some people.

When the truth of the matter is, you aren't going to have any revolutionary game design paradigms, genres etc. burst forward simply because haptic feedback is in Dualsense. Keep in mind, Valve's Steambox controller also had haptic feedback, and while economies of scale weren't in their favor we didn't see much spring forth there which wouldn't of translated well to traditional controller inputs.

Considering the end-user on PS5 can completely disable the haptic feedback features of the controller, I doubt many games will truly leverage what it can do. However, even for games that do, there isn't really too much the controller provides that comes off as a transformative (i.e enabling a whole new method or genre of gameplay that actually builds its foundation and substance off the haptic feedback) enabler, because it's still within the form factor of a traditional controller. All of the features pertain to the sense of touch (and a few are related to sense of sound), but we've had sense of touch feedback in controllers since 1996 (for mainstream consoles), the concept itself is nothing new. And gaming by and large is overwhelmingly driven by sense of sight i.e what you can see, that's why it's called video games ;)
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Nah tons of typos in that post.

It's one of the things that he found I meant to say. And it's true that some reviews did say that.

What Matthew did was make a summary of over a dozen reviews. That's all he did and Shu retweeted it.

For next gen games?
We will see
I think Cerny when he choose this type of ssd(a really speed demon) , was not only to cut the loading times and duplication data(size of the games) but for more streaming data (minor jump of the density of ram, only 2x ) .
We will see
I think Cerny when he choose this type of ssd(a really speed demon) , was not only to cut the loading times and duplication data(size of the games) but for more streaming data (minor jump of the density of ram, only 2x ) .

Ah ok I thought you saw something from next gen games.

My bad.


Given another chance
OK sure I was nitpicking
But tell me, If it were not Spiderman MM
what else did Sony do better than Microsoft?
They’ve both done an incredible job.
I’d say the pad. That’s really intriguing. But that’s it. That’s how good I think they’ve both done.
XBSX has an incredible design this time round with technology to boot.
Anyone notice that the dualsense isn't getting hyped up when it comes to Mile Morales? It got rave reviews when it came to Astrobot.

I just wonder if I should pull the trigger on Valhalla on Xbox One so that I can play it a little tonight or if the controller will actually make a good difference in 3rd party games...

The Dual Sense got mentioned in some MM reviews and it is was positive, but toned down in comparison to astrobot, which is kind of self explanatory since its a glorifoed tech demo for pretty much specifically the dualsense.

For the question whether playing AC on SeX or PS5, afaik Valhalla will not have haptic feedback on PS5, which seems weird on behalf of ubisoft since a huge chunk of PR was about "crunchy and visceral combat", but then again it has a PR Collab with MS going forward so it would feel weird supporting the other platform in a way that differs from the one it is marketed on. Those 3rd party games will do their best not to favour one platform over the other.
The Dual Sense got mentioned in some MM reviews and it is was positive, but toned down in comparison to astrobot, which is kind of self explanatory since its a glorifoed tech demo for pretty much specifically the dualsense.

For the question whether playing AC on SeX or PS5, afaik Valhalla will not have haptic feedback on PS5, which seems weird on behalf of ubisoft since a huge chunk of PR was about "crunchy and visceral combat", but then again it has a PR Collab with MS going forward so it would feel weird supporting the other platform in a way that differs from the one it is marketed on. Those 3rd party games will do their best not to favour one platform over the other.

You mean they are just using the Haptics the same way they use rumble?
The PS5 doesn't have rumble motors though. I'm assuming it's doing rumble with the voice coils.

Don´t ask me specifics how it will acchieve the vibration in the controller, i´m not too deep into the tech behind it.

There was a sheet for valhalla as well as WD Legion where the features were listed for every next System the games release on. And there was no specific mention of the haptic feedback in the dual sense, but the sound engine. Watch dogs supports it though i think. I´m not finding it rn...
OK sure I was nitpicking
But tell me, If it were not Spiderman MM
what else did Sony do better than Microsoft?

-MM/Demon Souls/Ratchet and Clank/Horizon/GT7/GOW all coming out within the first year and looking way better than anything MS has shown so far
-Next gen controller that everyone loves so far that brings real new tech to consoles (adaptive triggers and haptics are not a gimmick and easy to implement/code for)
-Brand new 4k HDR UI with next gen features like tutorials and better PIP modes


Have a One X which I adore and is only 6 months old. It feels slightly next gen to me at times (RDR2) and the BC is beast.
I just don’t feel a need to upgrade at the moment while Sony is luring me with Spider-Man and Godfall with a kickass new controller.
Once Fable comes out and is hopefully awesome I’ll get a Series X but at the moment it doesn’t feel like must have at the moment.
This is exactly why I canceled my preorder. I have a PS5 coming and the one x is plenty good for me until Xbox’s real next gen games come out. I don’t really expect that to happen for at least another year or more.
X might be slightly more powerful but PS5 will be way more popular.

It’s no contest. Just like the original Xbox was more powerful than PS2, but still lost massively.


This is exactly why I canceled my preorder. I have a PS5 coming and the one x is plenty good for me until Xbox’s real next gen games come out. I don’t really expect that to happen for at least another year or more.

Also keep in mind if you sell you xbox one x, you can get decent money for it still, your upgrade cost moght not be so bad. You deserve to play the best version on all your games now!


X might be slightly more powerful but PS5 will be way more popular.

It’s no contest. Just like the original Xbox was more powerful than PS2, but still lost massively.

Technically the ps3 had more power than the 360 yet sales were pretty much even (well actually the 360 won in North america), so while this backs the theory that power might not matter, it also proves that one brand can recover a ton of sales from one generation to the next.
This has been proven over and over. It's not reasonable to assume it's "no contest" that the ps5 will massively outsell the xbox series x.
In fact, between between recent acquisitions, games in the pipeline, gamepass, etc, it could be very close this time around.
Gamesindustry's articles are always funny, in a pathetic sort of way.

"Hey, I'll cherry-pick a few quotes from journalists that fit the narrative I want, and then I'll allege that "critics agree."

Like those few people quoted here are representative of anyone but themselves. 😂

Sorry Mr. Clickbaiter whateveryournameis, but you'll need more than 6 people to establish that "critics agree" on anything.
Gamesindustry.biz is THE place for industry news and interviews, and very geared towards developers and people, well, in the industry. Linking to it and pulling a quote from it that's positive towards the company he has a major part in isn't "baiting." He's proud of their product. From what I've seen over the years of being subscribed to Games Industry is that it's very level headed, and I don't think there is a shred of "bait" to it at all. It's reporting on the review trends of the consoles.
You're making too much sense mate.
We can't have that in this thread.


Gold Member
X might be slightly more powerful but PS5 will be way more popular.

It’s no contest. Just like the original Xbox was more powerful than PS2, but still lost massively.

You're probably right, especially since games industry critics like Kotaku goes out of their way to try to make it so:

Xbox Series X Has Too Many Horrifying Holes

"I don’t think I could keep the new Xboxes in my home without prolonged exposure making me want to throw the console away." - Ash Parrish, Kotaku Staff Writer

Edit: Well, to be fair, in a PS5 review Kotaku complained about Covid-19 and the president being a white male..
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You're probably right, especially since games industry critics like Kotaku goes out of their way to try to make it so:

Xbox Series X Has Too Many Horrifying Holes

"I don’t think I could keep the new Xboxes in my home without prolonged exposure making me want to throw the console away." - Ash Parrish, Kotaku Staff Writer

Edit: Well, to be fair, in a PS5 review Kotaku complained about Covid-19 and the president being a white male..

Kotaku is a joke. Someone, somewhere, is laughing their ass of that they are able to make a living writing complete horse shit like that.
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