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Gears of War 4 cashes in with expensive UIR pack


The game is great but probably the worst handling of DLC/packs/season pass in gaming history. The Coalition need to sort out their pricing strategy fast as this is just insulting.
I don't dislike Rainbow's Six method but it is worse than Overwatch. It gates actual gameplay content behind a paywall or grinding.

Not really, I've been able to unlock every operator in R6S without much work or forcing myself to grind when I'd rather be doing something else. If you play the game you will be able to get the content. If we're talking from a casual perspective you have a point, but that's a problem that exsists with almost any method unless you're handing the content out with no requirements.
Not really, I've been able to unlock every operator in R6S without much work or forcing myself to grind when I'd rather be doing something else. If you play the game you will be able to get the content. If we're talking from a casual perspective you have a point, but that's a problem that exsists with almost any method unless you're handing the content out with no requirements.

and OW doesn't lock any gameplay related things behind a paywall, R6 Siege also has a shitton of cosmetics too
Got over 100 hours lol

300-400 here. Still have 250 items to unlock and all I get is dupes. The only way to get anything, including in-game currency, is to buy a shit ton of loot boxes. I already explained this all in a previous post. Not going to argue anymore. You clearly see Blizzard in a better light than the Coalition or you wouldn't put up with either of their shit.
300-400 here. Still have 250 items to unlock and all I get is dupes. The only way to get anything, including in-game currency, is to buy a shit ton of loot boxes. I already explained this all in a previous post. Not going to argue anymore. You clearly see Blizzard in a better light than the Coalition or you wouldn't put up with either of their shit.


I'm in-game rn but I'll detail my thoughts on why OW has the best unlock system of any recent mp shooter in a bit
and OW doesn't lock any gameplay related things behind a paywall, R6 Siege also has a shitton of cosmetics too

Not technically. Unless you stop and look at their system and realize being able to buy any meaningful amount of content with in-game currency is mostly a façade. But people love Blizzard, so whatever. It's time to leave work to get some Overwatch in. Have fun throwing all of the shit at the Coalition.


Yeah, they definitely need to get more flak for how bad their pack system is. Like it's so bad that it makes Overwatch's loot boxes look good by comparison and I think Overwatch's system is pretty scummy.

It's really baffling to me because I actually thought that they were starting to figure it out last month. They made an anniversary pack that was fair (only 3 cards but just 200 credits) and they made the booster packs good. In fact, the booster packs are objectively the best ones. Like it doesn't even make mathematical sense to get the other ones so they either need to reprice them or remove them.

And now this month we have more expensive Gearsmas and UIR packs. Like what the hell happened?

If you're gonna have a system that's similar to Overwatch then at least make it as good as that one. The only good packs in the game right now are the booster packs so the event packs should just replace those (same price and # of cards but now the guaranteed customization item is from the event). Done. That's all you gotta do.

There is simply no way they could be making enough money from this to justify all the backlash so they better start changing things immediately.
Not technically. Unless you stop and look at their system and realize being able to buy content with in-game currency is mostly a façade. But people love Blizzard, so whatever. It's time to leave work to get some Overwatch in. Have fun throwing all of the shit at the Coalition.

I'm not even throwing shit at the Coalition, I'm just saying OW has a better unlock system and you'd have to be intentionally obtuse to think otherwise.


well, i rather believe the coalition than you, so yeah, cloud is used for the amount of enemies on horde

You can believe whatever you want.

I believe that if a console from a previous generation can run horde offline with nearly as many enemies so can GOW4s horde.
You can believe whatever you want.

I believe that if a console from a previous generation can run horde offline with nearly as many enemies so can GOW4s horde.

There are a lot more factors than just enemy count. Unless Gears4 is using the same engine as the other Gears you're talking about?


The game is great but probably the worst handling of DLC/packs/season pass in gaming history. The Coalition need to sort out their pricing strategy fast as this is just insulting.

Yeah it sucks because I really like playing the game. I think they did a great job with making the game, I just wish they weren't so goddamn terrible with their pricing.

Like I mentioned in my previous post, I actually thought they did a good job with the booster packs and the anniversary pack last month. It seemed to me that maybe they realized where they messed up but then this happens.

Don't they realize that people will pay even more money if they are happier with the pricing?


dont you realize that you can put fortificactions, WHEREVER on horde 3.0?

Don't you realize that GOW4 runs on a superior console (compared to 360) with much more power ? That's rhetorical btw.

Wasn't the reason of horde being online only because of the amount of enemies ? Now it's because of the mobility of fortifications ? That wasn't the reason given by them was it. Btw does GOW4 also have the silverback ? No ?

Adam Fletcher, the Director of Community for Gears of War at The Coalition, had this to say about the lack of solo horde in Gears 4:

"Actually, it is mainly due to Horde using our cloud servers for extra processing power for the amount of enemies and items on screen at once."

GOW3 horde had nearly as many amount of enemies, more variety, AND fortifications on screen at once. On an older console.

Based on that reason given by them I am not a believer. If you are that's fine.


People really take cosemetics to heart. It's a way for the developers to make money. Sounds like it doesn't affect gameplay. I get it, I love cosmetics too, but I wouldn't stop playing a game because of these practices.


I might be part of the problem (i guess) but id never stop playing a game i like due to over priced cosmetic stuff.. i just skip the over priced cosmetic stuff


I legitimately forgot this game had micro transactions and I play it every week. I changed my skin when I first played the game and haven't since. The game is a blast. I just play PvP and never felt the need.


For you.
300-400 here. Still have 250 items to unlock and all I get is dupes. The only way to get anything, including in-game currency, is to buy a shit ton of loot boxes. I already explained this all in a previous post. Not going to argue anymore. You clearly see Blizzard in a better light than the Coalition or you wouldn't put up with either of their shit.

I'll have to disagree. I never paid for a single lootbox and I already have 95% of the skins I could possibly want.
Yup, I dropped Gears 4 because of their absolutely scummy microtransactions. Run The Jewels was a pretty good indicator that it was time to jump ship. Seems I made the right call.


Reminds me of Overwatch tbh.
The time limit here is insane with 24h and the price is steep, but the same applies to Overwatch's seasonal events which last ~1-2 weeks the skins also are 3x the price of normal ones in ingame currency.

It's a shit way of cashing in in both games but strangely one is being accepted and the other ones are getting people to stop playing the game.


Reminds me of Overwatch tbh.
The time limit here is insane with 24h and the price is steep, but the same applies to Overwatch's seasonal events which last ~1-2 weeks the skins also are 3x the price of normal ones in ingame currency.

It's a shit way of cashing in in both games but strangely one is being accepted and the other ones are getting people to stop playing the game.

We've had much longer threads than this one with people complaining about Overwatch's system so let's not act like everybody is totally happy with how it works in Overwatch.

They both have bad systems. But Gears system is even worse so of course people will be less tolerant here.


No one is saying developers can't charge for skins or cosmetics in general. It's the fact that they are charging you for a dice roll. It's a messed up system because it doesn't value the player's time equally.

Player A and B want the same skin, player A gets lucky and gets it after only spending $10 , player B is unlucky and has to spend $60 or more before getting it. Why can't you just let them both buy the skin? You'll still get the money. If you want more, offer more things they can buy. If people wanna gamble, they can go to a casino.


I have over 20,000+ credits doesn't bother me. I spend 4400 and get it right back maintaining my credit level at around 20,000+


Yeah, Gears 4 has been real shitty about their cosmetics. At least you can buy them with in game credits I guess?? Everyone should've seen this coming after the Esports and Run the Jewels packs though.

Thank God I don't really care about the skins in this game that much; if 343 did shit this crazy with REQs I'd be so pissed. There was a Gnasher skin you could only get from doing league matches for a couple weekends in a row. Like what? lmao


I understand where the frustration comes from, but the fact that they let you buy stuff with optional credit (as harsh as the conversion rates are) is still pretty cool, not every game let's you do that.

I'll never understand how can be so important for someone optional/cosmetic skins to decide to stop playing...

It usually means the player isn't enjoying the game itself that much.

You didn't see people complaining about this during the Quake and Unreal days, because the games were good enough that they didn't need that extra carrot on the stick to keep you playing.


Junior Member
The vitriol is real on Twitter right now over it. Rod Ferguson tweeted about a sandwich shop he found while visiting Raleigh, and not a single reply has to do with the shop. It's people going off on him about the price of the packs, saying he should quit The Coalition, basically just a lot of mean-spirited shit. It's sad.
Blame the lots of people who buy this kind of shit and supports this crappy practises, they continuing doing this further because it works and sells and makes them alot of money
Don't you realize that GOW4 runs on a superior console (compared to 360) with much more power ? That's rhetorical btw.

Wasn't the reason of horde being online only because of the amount of enemies ? Now it's because of the mobility of fortifications ? That wasn't the reason given by them was it. Btw does GOW4 also have the silverback ? No ?

GOW3 horde had nearly as many amount of enemies, more variety, AND fortifications on screen at once. On an older console.

Based on that reason given by them I am not a believer. If you are that's fine.



Loot crates suck. Limited-time loot crates are the worst. You have my sympathy as an Overwatch player. A 24 hour loot crate event is next-level shit.


I just got online to play a little while ago and scoffed at the price. I won't bother with it at all.

Halo 5 continues to dish out more in-game credits and have better packs than Gears 4. Gears 4's card system has a cash grab mess and I can't believe it hasn't gotten better. An ugly scar on an otherwise fantastic game.


the 1 day thing pushes it over the top. at least make it available for 3 weeks or something if you're going to make it that expensive to buy with credits.

Most likely you'll be playing with randoms and suffering drops after wave 20, which has been a problem for some time with this game. Simply put, by putting a 1-day limit on the item, you are pressuring players who are short on credits to just buy them with real cash.

this problem is because a lot of the bounties are done after wave 20, right? i was so confused when i was doing horde mode, and our team was just doing fine, then 3 people on the team dropped after wave 20.
Big Gears guy here, the Microtransctions have really turned me off and resulted in me playing the game less.

I barely even care about the actual rewards, I just don't like the general feeling of being begged at for money when I play the game. Maybe that's harsh wording, but the currencies, loot boxes, and everything just make it hard to ignore. Plus it's just not fun wanting to play as a certain character - like I did in every past Gears game to date for free - and not being able to.

Not only that, but all of the ugly ass skins in the game actively hurt the look of the game, because I have to see all these other players running around in the ugliest, most garish looking skins constantly. That further turns me off - too often the player models are ugly as all hell because they didn't have enough good skins to support this model, so they just resorted to doing things like tye-dying every model in the game to make more skins.

Their model just makes for an overall environment that I don't like being in, so I end up playing the game less. It feels less like I'm a member of a community compared to past games and more like I'm a constant potential customer for microtransactions. I don't enjoy that feeling.
So the grind is worse than COD IW scrap materials?
In Gears, you can pay for a $10 pack, roll tge dice and get all duplicates that the scap put together would equal about 60 scrap. Epic characters are 600 scrap, legendary are 2400. Gawd awful. This happens waaaaaaayyyyy more than you'd think. The drop rate is insulting.

If they would just add a trading system, duplicates wouldn't be an issue. But paying $10 to get those 1 or 2 skins you need via RNG only to get the same things and not even want to bother to scrap because you got 3 emblems in 1 pack that are worth 5 scrap a piece is a gawd damn problem.


Have barely played it since Titanfall 2 came out(I play Overwatch more still but I prefer TF2 to Gears 4), not as good as 3. Only thing I'd say is better is Horde mode which was always my least played mode anyway.


Junior Member
I don't know what's going on with 343 and TC.

One is great at multi. Other is great at campaign. Can't these two just look at each other's mistakes and do a good job right from the start? le sigh.


My main gripe with gow 4 loot system is that the boxes have way too different prices, yet they feel the same since the drop rates are godawful


I'll never understand how can be so important for someone optional/cosmetic skins to decide to stop playing...

Because it limits your sense of progression? The cosmetics are the only unlockables.

It really isn't that difficult of a concept to grasp, especially in a TPS where character skins are infinately more important.


People saying "it's just cosmetics, it's not that big of a deal" are missing the point somewhat. Personalization means a lot to players. Making it extremely inconvenient, difficult, and costly to access cosmetics that help players flesh out the design of their avatar can definitely have a negative impact on their experience with the game. This is true not just of Gear of War but for any online multiplayer game. I don't even play Gears of War but I can understand why the way these microtransactions are setup has pissed off the community.
Anyone who wonders why this game has been selling for $23 (Best Buy GCU) for the past few weeks so soon after launch...here ya go.

Yeah, it's "just cosmetics". No, you don't *have* to buy. But...this RNG lootbox bullshit is designed to pick at the psychological weaknesses of its target demographic by reinforcing what is essentially gambling behavior. This kinda stuff is scummy AF. Just let people buy what they want straight up. Of course, they can't snag weak-willed whales prone to addictive behavior if they do that, now can they?

"Merry Christmas, dumbfucks...now give us all your money!"


Anyone who wonders why this game has been selling for $23 (Best Buy GCU) for the past few weeks so soon after launch...here ya go.

Yeah, it's "just cosmetics". No, you don't *have* to buy. But...this RNG lootbox bullshit is designed to pick at the psychological weaknesses of its target demographic by reinforcing what is essentially gambling behavior. This kinda stuff is scummy as fuck. Just let people buy what they want straight up. Of course, you can't snag weak-willed whales prone to addictive behavior if they do that, now can they?

"Merry Christmas, dumbfucks...now give us all your money!"

Finally someone using his brain

The sad part are people not understanding this
As someone who doesnt mind paying real money for cosmetics in games (I get the devs need to make money) I absolutely hate this gambling shit. Just let me buy the stuff I want, not give me a chance of getting something. its my only real issue with overwatch.

If this system they have was a kinda over the top amount of ingame free currency to get but can buy with real money but you bought things out right in both cases then thats fine as far as im concerned. But that amount of money or in game currency to have a chance at getting something I just find annoying.


The other problem with this system is that inside boxes you could get upgrades for horde mode (which imo are a worse offender) or bounties that earn you more credits. And if you buy an special box you still don't know if you will get one of the event items

Say what you want about OW, the system is scummy, but at least when you open an event box you at least think that you get something worthy
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