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Germany machete attack: Syrian refugee kills one and injures others.

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WTF does 'culturally' murdered mean?

I guess someone who murders his wife because she did something he didn't deem acceptable and he kills her because of that and it's "tolerated" by society means being culturally mudered. Or so-called "honor-killings" probably fall under this category as well.

That's what I would think after hearing that phrase.


I guess someone who murders his wife because she did something he didn't deem acceptable and he kills her because of that and it's "tolerated" by society means being culturally mudered. Or so-called "honor-killings" probably fall under this category as well.

That's what I would think after hearing that phrase.

I'm not aware Syria was that well associated with honour killings in comparison to the Indian subcontinent.


I'm not aware Syria was that well associated with honour killings in comparison to the Indian subcontinent.
Not sure why you are quoting me instead of asking him yourself but there was no talk about Syria but the Middle-East instead.

Apart from that, the refugees/migrants aren't just from Syria...heck, not even all the "Syrians" coming into Europe are from Syria.


Not sure why you are quoting me instead of asking him yourself but there was no talk about Syria but the Middle-East instead.

Apart from that, the refugees/migrants aren't just from Syria...heck, not even all the "Syrians" coming into Europe are from Syria.


I quoted you because I'm responding to your post, that's generally how it works. Regardless - honour killings don't seem to be that prevalent outside of the Indian subcontinent. So I don't see the relevancy.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
How about we try to think at least a little bit before we post? There will be given really harsh bans if you guys don't shape up.


A government protecting its citizenry is one of the functions of government.

The primary function of the German government is to protect human dignity (and human rights), that's what it says at the top of the constitution. Says nothing about only protecting German citizens.


Not 100% related so delete if necessary. Bunch of people on first page asked sources of crime rates and denied higher crimerates of immigrants and refugees. I found some data from 2013 Finland. We get a lot of refugees from Africa and it does show in crimerates.
Sexual crimes:
"kerroin" basically means compared to natives, which is 1. You probably get it without knowinh the language tho.

Violent crimes:

And more here: https://www.kansalainen.fi/maahanmuutto-ja-turvallisuus-rikollisuus-ja-seksuaalirikokset/ Probably not the greatest source if I remember right but the pics are legit.

Pictures of these statistics are from official statistical reports, best I could find on mobile quickly, there should be newer ones also and I think those numbers got even worse, not 100℅ sure tho. Remember that we are welfare country that pays your rent, food, hospital bills, clothes and education. I personally don't think it's acceptable to return the genorosity with crime.
This stuff is really starting to become a ''usual'' thing, almost every goddamn week a tragic event occurs. After the Munchen shooting i was already (sadly) thinking like ....''so....next week another one?'' and it has barely been two days. What the fuck is wrong with people man? What is wrong with this world? Quite a lot.

Before the Nice attack i barely watched the news and while one friend said this was not a good thing, because i need to keep up as he said it, i think i am going back to that to be honest. Fuck this world.

Time Flashes

Neo Member
1. This wouldn't be such a big news if he hadn't been a refugee. Crimes are done by every group of society and refugees don't seem to have a higher crime rate than everyone else, and it's pretty logic considering they would be kicked out if they do something bad. Media coverage if crimes/attacks done by muslims can't even compare to anything else. That only results in manipulation towards islamophobia.
2. They have to stop calling this "crimes of passion", they are misogyny crimes. If media/people care about saving human lives and avoiding harrasment/discrimination they should embrace the feminist fight now.
Yes, Germany has taken in a lot of refugees, and with that you're gonna get some unstable individuals, but the way something like this now seems to always become amplified to a world audience just because it's a refugee, is not helpful, and in fact fuels and justifies(in certain minds) this desire to paint every group with a single brush.

This is how fear, hate and xenophobia takes hold, and then before you know it, your new leader is some far-right nutter come next election.


This stuff is really starting to become a ''usual'' thing, almost every goddamn week a tragic event occurs.
Welp... I was just about to reply with the usual "it's just our more connected times and instant access to information which leads to information overload" spiel, but...
Tagesschau.de said:
Im fränkischen Ansbach hat es eine Explosion gegeben, bei der ein Mensch getötet und elf verletzt wurden. Ein Sprecher des bayerischen Innenministeriums sagte, nach jetzigem Stand sei es kein Unfall. Die Ansbacher Oberbürgermeisterin Seidel sprach von einem Sprengsatz, der explodiert sei.
There was an explosion in Ansbach, which killed one and wounded eleven. Bavarian ministry of interior states it's not looking like an accident.


Not gonna make a thread despite the new news, new thread mantra. I don't want to have that thread on my account.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
There was another incident in Göttingen, Germany. A 39-year old Iranian man was standing in a shopping street with a sign saying "Germans are dogs" and insulting passers-by. When people told the man to stop, he got out a kitchen knife. Two men tried to detain him, but they were stabbed. Other bystanders managed to stop the man from hurting more people. Two men were heavily wounded in the altercation, two others lightly wounded.


this day, we have problems to accurately address a problem in germany. we have to face to facts and take action.
and this is not said in a right wing-fashion. we have a problem of right and left-wing parties. both are pretty much living in a bubble which has nothing to do with the reality.

educate the refugees to get accustomed to language, culture and society, if not, they have to face harsh consequences. right now, the german government and all the volunteerily helping people are hopelessly overstrained.

sad times, i hope it wont turn into something bad.

on the other hand, news and journalists are quickly jumping into conclusions... i hope this wont fuel hate :/
I did a quick extrapolation of the data for 2015

-Murder, German nationality: 0,72 per 100.000
-Murder, Foreign nationality: 2,51 per 100.000

-Sexual abuse, German nationality: 1,55 per 10.000
-Sexual abuse, Foreign nationality: 3,04 per 10.000

-Sexual assault, German nationality: 0,36 per 10.000
-Sexual assault, Foreign nationality: 1,42 per 10.000

Keep in mind that Western European and East Asian immigrants are usually underrepresented compared to Germans, but Middle Eastern and African immigrants are extremely overrepresented. For example, some more numbers I just calculated according to BKA data from 2015:

-Sexual assault, Afghan nationality: 5,2 per 10.000
-Sexual assault, Iraqi nationality: 5,2 per 10.000
-Sexual assault, Pakistani nationality: 5,1 per 10.000
-Sexual assault, Tunesian nationality: 7,1 per 10.000

This is interesting. I heard Western Euro countries dont keep (or was it publically release?) crime stats based on background. Please link to an English language report, if possible. I wish more governments showed more transparency with these kinds of crime figures. Im pretty sure we take those details here in Australia, but the government doesnt release them.

Pictures of these statistics are from official statistical reports, best I could find on mobile quickly, there should be newer ones also and I think those numbers got even worse, not 100℅ sure tho. Remember that we are welfare country that pays your rent, food, hospital bills, clothes and education. I personally don't think it's acceptable to return the genorosity with crime.

Your post was interesting too (though I dont read Finnish) and I agree with your welfare country statement.
There has recently been much talk in the news (here in NSW) of largely immigrant crime gangs down in Victoria violently robbing people in their homes. When you know the Aus government is already providing for them financially (at worst), their crime really adds insult to injury.
Its not fair on local populations, for governments to allow in large groups of people from parts of the World that statistically commit crime at significantly higher rates.
There was another incident in Göttingen, Germany. A 39-year old Iranian man was standing in a shopping street with a sign saying "Germans are dogs" and insulting passers-by. When people told the man to stop, he got out a kitchen knife. Two men tried to detain him, but they were stabbed. Other bystanders managed to stop the man from hurting more people. Two men were heavily wounded in the altercation, two others lightly wounded.

Hi how about not posting stuff from 5 years ago

Artikel veröffentlicht: Samstag, 15.01.2011 14:15 Uhr
Artikel aktualisiert: Sonntag, 16.01.2011 17:21 Uhr

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
So new details:

Man worked at a local doner kebab shop. Weapon was a doner kebab knife.
Victim also worked there (polish)
Man was apparently in love with her and they argued before he killed her (according to a coworker)
After that he ran through the streets and attacked random people until he got run over.
Man was known to have psychological problems.

Source: http://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/...mit-hackmesser-afd-will-kapital-schlagen.html

So the thing has absolutely nothing to do with terrorism, immigration, refugees, ISIS, politics. Thank you for clearing this up.
So new details:

Man worked at a local doner kebab shop. Weapon was a doner kebab knife.
Victim also worked there (polish)
Man was apparently in love with her and they argued before he killed her (according to a coworker)
After that he ran through the streets and attacked random people until he got run over.
Man was known to have psychological problems.

Source: http://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/...mit-hackmesser-afd-will-kapital-schlagen.html

Thank you for this. Tragic event and the family of the woman likely doesn't care what the perpetrator's motivation was but information like this is important to put this case into perspective.


German media are trying to downplay this shit. They report "a man" killed a woman with a machete and somewhere at the end of the news they mention it was a syrian refugee. They tried the same thing with the Cologne sexual abuse attacks at new years.

you might want to stop those fly-by posts in every single thread. Yeah we know, "#lügenpresse" and they "downplay" the news by simply stating the facts. We got it. You can stop. thanks.


So not even two years here and several run-ins with police because of assault/bodily harm offences.

Are we really okay with that? If you seek shelter at another country and totally disrespect them and harm their citizens, how long has your shit to be tolerated before they are allowed to put their foot down? At least house arrest until the potential court dates should be done in such cases
(actually should be done in ALL cases with repeat offenders no matter their legal status or nationality IMO, I had my nose broken by guys who had so many previous cases ongoing that my case against them didn't even influence their jail time any further...simply count it as time served and reduce their jail stay by the same amount of time)
you might want to stop those fly-by posts in every single thread. Yeah we know, "#lügenpresse" and they "downplay" the news by simply stating the facts. We got it. You can stop. thanks.

So you are denying that Spiegel.de calls the attacker from the shooting David S. instead of Ali David S. which is his actual name to make him appear more German?


The Birthday Skeleton
So new details:

Man worked at a local doner kebab shop. Weapon was a doner kebab knife.
Victim also worked there (polish)
Man was apparently in love with her and they argued before he killed her (according to a coworker)
After that he ran through the streets and attacked random people until he got run over.
Man was known to have psychological problems.

Source: http://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/...mit-hackmesser-afd-will-kapital-schlagen.html

Thanks for this. I wondered if the "machete" wasn't actually a kebab knife, but found no reliable info about it yesterday. Not that it makes less awful for the victims, but a guy carrying a machete around sounds way more terrifying.

Still it's not OK that he had some violent antecedents, there must be a policy in place for these kind of things. Like a fast track deportation or at least some kind of surveillance/judicial control.


So you are denying that Spiegel.de calls the attacker from the shooting David S. instead of Ali David S. which is his actual name to make him appear more German?

Grundgesetz für die - Bundesrepublik DeutschlandArt 5 - please note paragraph 2
just because bild or that earlier posted right-extreme magazine don't give a flying f* about our constitutional law - well... it still exists.

Also, care to explain what exactly the media is hiding when they clearly state "man killed woman" and name his origin in the article? What's the big difference if they would mention "man from bavaria" or "man from syria" in the headline? You must be really narrow-minded if that makes any difference or you're really hoping for the next "I KNEW IT!"-moment.

Edit: just in case you managed to ignore it until now: he was - in fact - german.


This is interesting. I heard Western Euro countries dont keep (or was it publically release?) crime stats based on background. Please link to an English language report, if possible. I wish more governments showed more transparency with these kinds of crime figures. Im pretty sure we take those details here in Australia, but the government doesnt release them.

All crime-related data can be found on the following website, it is listed by different indicators and quite comprehensive (except for dual nationality, which is usually counted as German). Just in German, though



Water is not wet!
Still it's not OK that he had some violent antecedents, there must be a policy in place for these kind of things. Like a fast track deportation or at least some kind of surveillance/judicial control.

ive read that it would be illegal to deport refugees for anything short of the worst crimes. Not sure how accurate that is but it might explain why he wasnt.


So not even two years here and several run-ins with police because of assault/bodily harm offences.

Are we really okay with that? If you seek shelter at another country and totally disrespect them and harm their citizens, how long has your shit to be tolerated before they are allowed to put their foot down? At least house arrest until the potential court dates should be done in such cases
(actually should be done in ALL cases with repeat offenders no matter their legal status or nationality IMO, I had my nose broken by guys who had so many previous cases ongoing that my case against them didn't even influence their jail time any further...simply count it as time served and reduce their jail stay by the same amount of time)

It's tricky on a legal basis because of all the relevant basic and human rights. But I have the opinion now, that we have to have a zero tolerance policy for refugees and migrants as well (as long as they don't have citizen status). It's just necessary to cope with the influx. Gauck has been advocating this approach.


The Birthday Skeleton
ive read that it would be illegal to deport refugees for anything short of the worst crimes. Not sure how accurate that is but it might explain why he wasnt.

I meant to find a way to fast track the asylum request analysis and reject it based on violent antecedents. I'm pretty sure this can be done while complying with human rights, so the laws could be adapted to fit this.
Grundgesetz für die - Bundesrepublik DeutschlandArt 5 - please note paragraph 2
just because bild or that earlier posted right-extreme magazine don't give a flying f* about our constitutional law - well... it still exists.

Also, care to explain what exactly the media is hiding when they clearly state "man killed woman" and name his origin in the article? What's the big difference if they would mention "man from bavaria" or "man from syria" in the headline? You must be really narrow-minded if that makes any difference or you're really hoping for the next "I KNEW IT!"-moment.

Edit: just in case you managed to ignore it until now: he was - in fact - german.

I am confused here, that has absolutely nothing to do with the right of free speech. Constitutional law? (Hint: Bild and other news outlets are private entities) What are you trying to say?


So new details:

Man worked at a local doner kebab shop. Weapon was a doner kebab knife.
Victim also worked there (polish)
Man was apparently in love with her and they argued before he killed her (according to a coworker)
After that he ran through the streets and attacked random people until he got run over.
Man was known to have psychological problems.

Source: http://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/...mit-hackmesser-afd-will-kapital-schlagen.html
Goddamn we do have some messed up people in this country, first the kid with the axe, now this guy with the knife.

Honestly, I'm glad it's so tough for these unhinged problem cases to get their hands on more dangerous weapons. Knives and Axes can and have been lethal, yes, but the danger and damage is multiplied by so much when more dangerous killing weapons are involved, as we've seen with that rampage in Munich last week.


Water is not wet!
Good Lord, you people are so fucking annoying.

He's a dude who's born and raised in Munich talking perfect german, what the hell does it change if he's called Ali David or David because his fucking name and nationality wouldn't have changed anything.

i thought he was a refugee?


I am confused here, that has absolutely nothing to do with the right of free speech. Constitutional law? (Hint: Bild and other news outlets are private entities) What are you trying to say?

"Recht der persönlichen Ehre." - (roughly translated to) "Right to personal honor."
Thats the reason why news outlets (usually) change the name of someone to a fictive name. If someone is already known by their name as a public person then this law isn't used because he's already a public person and the "personal honor" isn't valid anymore.

i thought he was a refugee?
nope. born and raised in germany.
People like that guy demand that "ali" gets accented so he doesn't sound like a german.
So new details:

Man worked at a local doner kebab shop. Weapon was a doner kebab knife.
Victim also worked there (polish)
Man was apparently in love with her and they argued before he killed her (according to a coworker)
After that he ran through the streets and attacked random people until he got run over.
Man was known to have psychological problems.

Source: http://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/...mit-hackmesser-afd-will-kapital-schlagen.html
Ah, the old "you shamed me now i must either kill you or throw acid in your face" shit.
"Recht der persönlichen Ehre." - (roughly translated to) "Right to personal honor."
Thats the reason why news outlets (usually) change the name of someone to a fictive name. If someone is already known by their name as a public person then this law isn't used because he's already a public person and the "personal" honor isn't valid anymore.

That's not at all what is being said in Art. 5 II GG. Art 5 II GG. is a limitation of the rights in Art. 5 I GG. Persönliche Ehre just means that insulting people isn't covered by the right of free speech. And on top of that Bild as a private business isn't directly bound by constitutional law.


"Art 5 II GG. is a limitation of the rights in Art. 5 I GG" - absolutely true.
the first paragraph allows everything and the 2nd paragraph limits the rights of free speech to protect - in this case - the personal honor of the guy. It is basically not a matter of public interest if he's called David, Mathias or Mike. Therefore the first and last name of any dead attacker or victim gets usually changed.
"Art 5 II GG. is a limitation of the rights in Art. 5 I GG" - absolutely true.
the first paragraph allows everything and the 2nd paragraph limits the rights of free speech to protect - in this case - the personal honor of the guy. It is basically not a matter of public interest if he's called David, Mathias or Mike. Therefore the name of any dead attacker or victim gets usually changed.

What you are looking for is "Persönlichkeitsrecht" derived from Art .1. GG and Art. 2 I GG. And again, private businesses are not directly bound by constitutional law. Trust me, I am a lawyer.
German media are trying to downplay this shit. They report "a man" killed a woman with a machete and somewhere at the end of the news they mention it was a syrian refugee. They tried the same thing with the Cologne sexual abuse attacks at new years.

lmao how did I miss this post. German Lügenpresse not stressing the perpetrator's ethnicity before facts surface? Shocking journalism! How dare they not jump to conclusions!? Oh wait, turns out this case is relationship related and involves an individual known to the police with a supposed history of mental health issues apparently snapping and killing his partner and assaulting people on the street. Tragic but what is the point of stressing his refugee status?

Look, the "Pressekodex" dictates not mentioning a perpetrator's ethnicity unless relevant to the crime to avoid discrimination. German media handled this perfectly.
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