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Ghost of Tsushima Out July 17: Collector’s & Digital Deluxe Editions Detailed


Whilst the competition whines online and concentrate solely on 12TF that will do nothing for their console's perspective, Sony keeps on delivering hit after hit after hit in the last days of PS4 which will secure said PS4 owners as PS5 buyers......

As I've always said, Sony does not need hype events in Mexico or false promises all they need is the best games.....It's the biggest form of marketing in this industry and it has worked for Sony for 4 generations....Games talk, fake hype walks....

BTW, Tsushima is Day 1...….but you guys knew that.....
My eyes...

I need this injected directly into my veins. Someone with the appropriate credentials, please perform the procedure on my ASAP.

Seriously though - the PS4 is supposedly into the last few months of its life cycle and we are getting games that could potentially be the best released on the console thus far. At this point I wouldn't even care if Sony pushed the PS5 back a year if they continue releasing bangers like Tsushima.
Will you buy a Halo Infinite at launch?
1st thing before I even answer your question your comparing a franchise that has stayed in the exact same genre "outside of halo wars and its phone game" since its inception a Futuristic scifi fps to a new ip? You would of been better off comparing ghost to cyberpunk 2077 since there both new ips. But yes I plan on getting halo 6 I loved and enjoyed Halo 1-5 + odst played Halo 4 MP for hours on end hope Halo 6 has fire fights and co op from the jump.
I personally like most all Sucker Punch’s games, their games have smooth and feel very good to control and I love the setting they are going for.

If the game don’t interest you so far then wait for reviews before you decide.
This game looks like nothing Sucker punch has made I hope it has all of those things that makes the infamous games fun but that's to be determined. I rather see uncut raw game play like CP2077 then go off of shill reviews by people who cant play games or from websites trying to push for ad space or to sale a product or metacrtic where fanboys jerk each other off gameplay is unbias whats there is whats there.


Writes a lot, says very little
We clearly have the blueprint for cross gen games in place for the next generation. If Ghost of Sushi gets a second release for the PS5 then it's bullshit and you know it.

Again...who says they "have to"?

Sooooo you are getting emotional about someone else choice to buy something... If they want to double dip, its their money and their time. Thats a none issue. Also consider PS5 will play PS4 games, thus...no one "have to" buy anything again if they don't want to... So if Bluepoint makes a PS5 version, its the choice of the consumer on if they want to buy that version vs the PS4 version.

Its bullshit someone has a choice? Its bullshit someone can spend their money how they feel just? So I have no plans to buy this game on PS5 for any upgrades, but I also could care less if someone wants to buy a PS5 version for some sort of upgrade being done to the game. Its nice if a company does it for free, but I don't suddenly expect a team to work for free on upgrades to titles....

Nice, but I don't expect it or demand it.

Bluepoint games also needs to get paid too bud. So as cool as it was for Take Two to give Bioshock collection for free for those who had it on PC, its not the norm and the team should be paid for the work they did. This is a business, its not some charity. The few times a team has given a free upgrade to existing customers should not been seen as some norm as that hasn't happened enough times for anyone to be arguing that it NOT happening is "bullshit".

You mean....the normal way remasters release?
Again...who says they "have to"?

Sooooo you are getting emotional about someone else choice to buy something... If they want to double dip, its their money and their time. Thats a none issue. Also consider PS5 will play PS4 games, thus...no one "have to" buy anything again if they don't want to... So if Bluepoint makes a PS5 version, its the choice of the consumer on if they want to buy that version vs the PS4 version.

Its bullshit someone has a choice? Its bullshit someone can spend their money how they feel just? So I have no plans to buy this game on PS5 for any upgrades, but I also could care less if someone wants to buy a PS5 version for some sort of upgrade being done to the game. Its nice if a company does it for free, but I don't suddenly expect a team to work for free on upgrades to titles....

Nice, but I don't expect it or demand it.

Bluepoint games also needs to get paid too bud. So as cool as it was for Take Two to give Bioshock collection for free for those who had it on PC, its not the norm and the team should be paid for the work they did. This is a business, its not some charity. The few times a team has given a free upgrade to existing customers should not been seen as some norm as that hasn't happened enough times for anyone to be arguing that it NOT happening is "bullshit".

You mean....the normal way remasters release?

I'm getting emotional and then you write a wall of text? LOL ok.

Friend, my point was simply that we as consumers have a chance to demand better than what we got. Always. CDPR flat out said to not pay for the same game twice, that's a nice motto and we should be running with that. Why shouldn't the PS5 be backwards compatible and this game just get a patch? That's it. I don't care how anyway spends their money, heck if you want to buy 10 copies of this game I'd be very happy. Sucker Punch are awesome! They deserve to sell a fuckload with this one. I'm just saying that we can give up any hope of being more of a consumer friendly industry if we don't even pretend to demand better from the publishers. If we swallow everything, they will continue to feed us the dick. We should at least pretend that bad practices against us are unacceptable.


Writes a lot, says very little
I'm getting emotional and then you write a wall of text? LOL ok.

You getting mad someone else is spending their money how they feel just. No one is forcing you to buy a PS5 version.... For god sakes, the PS5 plays PS4 games and you are still upset someone wants a PS5 version with enhanced features? So you don't "have to" buy a PS5 version of that game. No reason to get worked up cause someone wants one themselves. Its just a non-issue bud.

we as consumers have a chance to demand better than what we got.

Yea and we got a PS5 that is BC to PS4.....sooooo you can very much play Ghost on PS5 still. No one is stopping you.

You are free to play it on PS5, no developer, publisher etc has any ode to then work for free for any upgrades regarding new hardware. That is amazing for those who do give it for free, but lets not pretend that is this default concept. Developers have NO ODE TO WORK FOR FREE. Relax on the entitlement.

CDPR flat out said to not pay for the same game twice

Thats nice for them, they are also likely offering THE SAME GAME...twice... as in, little upgrades... Its up to them. If a team wants to do a full on remaster and add a bunch of features, thats ok too, but respect developers enough to pay for what they are working on. Trust me, to argue with some remasters you are paying for the "same game twice" is to argue you had a version of The Last Of Us on PS3 that was running 1080p 60fps with different character models. https://kotaku.com/should-you-get-the-last-of-us-again-on-ps4-1611888103

Those upgrades are not free for THEM, they actually do something to enhance the title when they are adding those features to really expect it to be this normal thing when new systems come out for all developer to suddenly start working for free or something.

Why shouldn't the PS5 be backwards compatible and this game just get a patch?

The PS5 is BC to PS4.

Its up to the developer, publisher etc if the want to just add that free patch. Those updates vary, its not a simple thing to just assume all will do that. Remasters also vary, thus it might be minimal, or it could be substantial ie The Last Of Us or Uncharted Collection or something. So it will be on a case by case basis and up to the team. I'm ok with those that add a free upgrade, I'm ok with those that want to add more features for price on some ultimate edition or something.

Why? Cause its not my game, its not my IP, I'm not the publisher and owner of that work. If they feel a remaster is worth the price, they have all their right to release it. If the want to add it for free, they have that right too...

I'm just saying that we can give up any hope of being more of a consumer friendly industry if we don't even pretend to demand better from the publishers.

You have PS5 being BC to PS4... after all that, to then argue for developer to work for those upgrades for FREE is beyond ridiculous.

We should at least pretend that bad practices

Just stop man, a developer, publisher making a remaster is no where near a "bad practice". NO ONE IS FORCING YOU TO BUY ANYTHING! They worked to upgrade something, to add something more, they are owed some payment to those who wish to actually play the version with those benefits. By this logic, shit don't even ask to pay for games, FORTNIGHT is Free, APEX is FREE.. we should be demanding BETTER bro /s Legit question, did CDPR give that season pass for free for Witcher 3 or? Ohhhh sooooo they charged you? Oh but no, several developers right now give out all the DLC for their titles FOR FREE..maybe "we should be running with that" instead of charging for a season pass right?

Developers like EA are making APEX free to play, I guess CDPR should do that too right? I mean "that's a nice motto and we should be running with that" all games free, cause you know Fortnite and Apex are free so....yea?

That must mean CDPR is out here with those "bad practices" being greedy and charging people for games and such /s
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The nicest person on this forum
Looks fucking great. Just finished Sekiro so i'm all in for more Samurai shit

1st thing before I even answer your question your comparing a franchise that has stayed in the exact same genre "outside of halo wars and its phone game" since its inception a Futuristic scifi fps to a new ip? You would of been better off comparing ghost to cyberpunk 2077 since there both new ips. But yes I plan on getting halo 6 I loved and enjoyed Halo 1-5 + odst played Halo 4 MP for hours on end hope Halo 6 has fire fights and co op from the jump.

Cut the crap, will you buy a Halo Infinite at launch or not?


I hope it has some decent gamplay and not only something like parry/heavy strike/normal strike. I don't want a button masher.
I don't know if that's the way you meant it, but I REALLY hope Ghost of Sushi plays nothing like the new GOW. SP are kings of traversal mechanics, fun combat and hype as fuck mission design. Their games are bonafide GAMES filled with engaging moment to moment gameplay. I don't want a story focused snoozefest, I want to double jump and smash into shit.
I didn't mean it's gameplay is like GOW (which is fantastic IMO), i meant their marketing is similar to GOW/DOOM 16 where they don't show anything gameplay wise to avoid spoilers and don't send out Invitations to gaming websites to play it, just drop the game and let the consumers do the real marketing.


Collectors edition is so tempting but I'd be mad if I buy it and then there's a Ps5 collector's edition lol.

What to do ?????? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
You getting mad someone else is spending their money how they feel just. No one is forcing you to buy a PS5 version.... For god sakes, the PS5 plays PS4 games and you are still upset someone wants a PS5 version with enhanced features? So you don't "have to" buy a PS5 version of that game. No reason to get worked up cause someone wants one themselves. Its just a non-issue bud.

I'm not going to answer to all you wrote brother, I don't have the fortitude and you got crazy agitated for whatever reason. You even made my point for me that the PS5 will be backwards compatible and therefore we won't NEED a remaster. That makes the concept of a quick and dirty remaster obsolete, but hey if you want to think otherwise and enjoy buying the same product twice then more power to you.


I'm not going to answer to all you wrote brother, I don't have the fortitude and you got crazy agitated for whatever reason. You even made my point for me that the PS5 will be backwards compatible and therefore we won't NEED a remaster. That makes the concept of a quick and dirty remaster obsolete, but hey if you want to think otherwise and enjoy buying the same product twice then more power to you.

People who talk about a PS5 remaster seem to be ignorant to why there are so many remasters on PS4 to begin with.
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People who talk about a PS5 remaster seem to be ignorant to why there are so many remasters on PS4 to begin with.

Yeah and they're living under a rock since the concept of performance patches already exist with the Pro and the X. CDPR just gave a clearer direction and a marketing spin on top of it.
Cut the crap, will you buy a Halo Infinite at launch or not?
To re quote what I said yes I plan on getting halo 6 either at launch or in the launch window still doesn't change anything else I said halo is not a new ip or changing to a different genre anyone can figure out the basics of how halo 6 will play you cant compare that to a new ip with barely any game play shown except for random tidbits spliced in. CP2077 answered all of my question after there second showing with that Glorious 48 minute game play reel.



To re quote what I said yes I plan on getting halo 6 either at launch or in the launch window still doesn't change anything else I said halo is not a new ip or changing to a different genre anyone can figure out the basics of how halo 6 will play you cant compare that to a new ip with barely any game play shown except for random tidbits spliced in. CP2077 answered all of my question after there second showing with that Glorious 48 minute game play reel.

Sucker Punch always had great gameplay in their games.

What makes you think it won't this time, even with the gameplay segments in the trailers?


Neo Member
Anyone remember the leaked details I posted over on another site? Well, now that its been a while and we have multiple trailers and information pieces, we can cross reference the leak to see if it still holds up! I'll repost the original leak and add some validity to each.

Leaked info (posted before E3 2018):
  • Samurai were the most respectable people in Japan, people bow to Jin as he passes by on foot or horseback, but samurai were also feared; some women and children will attempt to hide or flee at the sight of Jin, while others will attempt to attack in order to prove themselves, or take some of the valuable gear a samurai would typically carry. This all helps to make the world feel alive and immersive. Not sure how often these civilian interactions occur. (Seems accurate, we can see the NPC bowing when Jin approaches him in the reveal gameplay trailer)
  • Each outpost has a story behind it and a quest line, not just "take out these soldiers and you retake the village". Villages can be retaken by Mongols if you do not complete the quest line. (Unknown at this point but there are outposts as shown in trailer 2 and 3)
  • The game has two central towns (think Witcher 3), and many smaller outposts / villages. (We've seem villages in all the trailers, but no major towns (afaik)
  • There are NPCS who can help train you in the ways of the Ghost, as for a Samurai, it would be a completely different form, and dishonorable way, of combat. Don't expect Jin to be able to right out of the gate know how to throw shuriken, use kunai, use alchemy (poisons, create potions, and explosives), use grappling hooks to get on top of rooftops, quickly, etc. (So far we've only seen an archery NPC)
  • 2 major skill trees with many branches; which are way of the samurai, and way of the ghost. Samurai focusing more on sword play, archery, and defense, while ghost focuses more on stealth, alchemy, and agility. (Going by the pre order bonus including technique points, its fine to assume there will be skill trees, but not sure if exactly those leaked)
  • Samurai skill tree is fully unlocked from the start, while ghost requires you to complete tasks in order to unlock a specific branch, such as working with an alchemist in order to learn poison abilities, or to create potions with strong effects. (see above)
  • You will be free to switch between samurai and ghost kits. Jin in full samurai armor won't be able to climb buildings (you can still jump, don't worry) or swim/dive, and would be fit more for a defensive, all out attack build. This can be balanced out however by mixing kits. You switch by going into any outpost / town, there you will also be able to sleep in order to pass the time, so if you prefer to tackle a mission at night as a ghost, or at day as a samurai, it's up to you. So for a more grounded approach, samurai is recommended. (Pre order bonus includes another armor, but is simply labeled "skin". So not sure if this still holds up.
  • Think of climbing buildings as a faster paced assassins creed. Tenchu style grappling hook makes it even faster. (We've seen grappling hook but not building climbing)
  • You don't necessarily want to be seen in your ghost kit, as people may take you for an assassin and will sometime be hostile toward you. The game recommends you to be the ghost at night, but samurai at day. (Unknown, might have been taken out due to being a hindrance, but going by latest trailer, people, both hostile and friendly, seem to not like the ghost way of combat)
  • Some quests will only be handed out in your samurai gear, or only in your ghost gear, such as assassination requests. Double agent type of system and story to back it up. (Going by the latest trailer, seems to fit. Going by SP's trackrecord, you will likely have the choice between going full samurai honorable or full ghost dishonorable.)
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This game is releasing in less then 4 months, and they haven't even shown a gameplay demo is concerning. also what's with the characters having big heads.


Neo Member
This game is releasing in less then 4 months, and they haven't even shown a gameplay demo is concerning. also what's with the characters having big heads.
They did show a gameplay demo, albeit an old one back in 2018.

Stop with the concern posts. Many sony first parties don't have a big gameplay reveal outside of the initial E3 gameplay until close to launch.
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They did show a gameplay demo, albeit an old one back in 2018.

Stop with the concern posts. Many sony first parties don't have a big gameplay reveal outside of the initial E3 gameplay until close to launch.

just saw it. looked really cool. just watched the story trailer again, and looks mind blowing as well.
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