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Ghost of Tsushima promises to be the Japanese Assassin's Creed fans never got




Cool main menu screen
This feels like preventive damage control. Like incase it's not well received, SP can say, "Well, we told you it was like AC." It looks promising, and I hope it blows me away, but I have a small suspicion it'll be like Death Stranding in the way of vast emptiness between the actual gameplay.
The gameplay demo from like a year ago was pretty bland, and it hinted that this is gonna be a cinematic experience first and a game second. Since we haven't seen anything else but cinematic trailers since then, I can only assume that is still the case
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Neo Member
Looks like it controls like an RPG

It also has kung fu combat

(Where characters surround you and take turns attacking)

They should design a realistic non mechinized combat game one day

this is a step in the right direction

I certainally hope the character control is more like gears/tekken rather than an artsy RPG

I am a massive fan of tenchu and have loved it for years but always hated the combat because it took so many cuts to dispatch your enemy

This could be AWESOME

Hopefully the covid crisis won't diluted sales to such a degree that the big money developers dont want to gamble on realistic sword combat ever again!!

reading this just makes it sound a lot more generic than I may thought it would be. I'm starting to reconsider my day one going in. No story choices, no consequences whether you're playing stealth or not, no variety to weapons, etc. Basically everything is straight up set in stone, linearly but set in a huge open world filled with pretty vistas some 100% boring side missions and collectibles, aka old AC games in Japan and this is coming from someone who likes AC.


Writes a lot, says very little
haha i cant help to think that once ubisoft made their samurai assasins creed, people will compare with this game...

Probably. I think Ubisoft has likely already been working on one at least conceptually and this game can at least shape some stuff they do or don't do etc. Like Japanese voice acting in all versions, different film grains, no hud option etc. Their teams for the most part do an amazing job with detail so I'd support a Samurai Assassins Creed day 1.


Probably. I think Ubisoft has likely already been working on one at least conceptually and this game can at least shape some stuff they do or don't do etc. Like Japanese voice acting in all versions, different film grains, no hud option etc. Their teams for the most part do an amazing job with detail so I'd support a Samurai Assassins Creed day 1.
thats interesting take...so this game become a benchmark that ubisoft need to suprass for their japanese setting assasins creed


Am i the only one who finds the article/thread title misleading? It sounds as if the developers themselves are making that promise when actually it's just the opinion of a journalist (although from what i've seen i agree with him).


Writes a lot, says very little
thats interesting take...so this game become a benchmark that ubisoft need to suprass for their japanese setting assasins creed

Should be. Its an easy mark to beat if you consider Ubisoft would be working on next gen hardware. This gives them an idea at least how its being received so they don't make similar mistakes. If you are a company making AAA games, how many times really could a competitor make a game VERY similar to the one you are working on or going to be working on to get a sneak peak? So I think they'll 100% be paying close attention. Ubisoft has some amazing teams and I have no doubt they'll make a masterpiece if they indeed do this setting for a next gen title.
It will be the triple a game assassins creed will never be. I think its a disservice to compare it to a series like assassins creed.


I know we like to do this, but I see nothing Assassins Creed about Tsushima......The combat, customization/menu-depth and story is way different than AC. The only similarity is that they are open world games......Tsushima's combat looks so much better than AC, which is what something like Witcher 3 lacked in as well....


Neo Member

reading this just makes it sound a lot more generic than I may thought it would be. I'm starting to reconsider my day one going in. No story choices, no consequences whether you're playing stealth or not, no variety to weapons, etc. Basically everything is straight up set in stone, linearly but set in a huge open world filled with pretty vistas some 100% boring side missions and collectibles, aka old AC games in Japan and this is coming from someone who likes AC.
what makes you think there won't be weapons choices?


Neo Member
I know we like to do this, but I see nothing Assassins Creed about Tsushima......The combat, customization/menu-depth and story is way different than AC. The only similarity is that they are open world games......Tsushima's combat looks so much better than AC, which is what something like Witcher 3 lacked in as well....

I don't know I have some serious concerns

In the sequence where the samurai is jumping from The Cliffs to the lashed bamboo it sure looks like it's an automatic course run like Assassin's Creed rather than a player-controlled maneuver like Splinter Cell


Neo Member
I certainly hope ghost of tsushima plays more like Tenchu Z then like Assassin's Creed

Modern developers seem to have a predilection for the quick Time Event and automatic course running/jumping taking the control away from the player and instead giving them an interactive cartoon where they simply press a direction and the character takes care of all the timing and maneuver strategy

This is clearly an attempt to dumb Down video gaming to make it more accessible to a general audience and that is certainly an awful shame

perhaps one day they can put in a special needs mode where all you have to do is press the direction and your character does all the jumping stooping and sliding on their own

Hopefully they would add another "player control" setting where you would have to handle all that stuff like we did in the old school days of OG Ninja Gaiden

I remember my girlfriend being surprised when I showed her that you could beat every single one of the Uncharted fight scenes by simply pressing the buttons back and forth in a Non-Stop manic pattern

try it... it's hilarious


Neo Member
Should be. Its an easy mark to beat if you consider Ubisoft would be working on next gen hardware. This gives them an idea at least how its being received so they don't make similar mistakes. If you are a company making AAA games, how many times really could a competitor make a game VERY similar to the one you are working on or going to be working on to get a sneak peak? So I think they'll 100% be paying close attention. Ubisoft has some amazing teams and I have no doubt they'll make a masterpiece if they indeed do this setting for a next gen title.
All Ubisoft would have to do is give the Sam Fisher character a few cool jumping maneuvers and ninja gear for an automatic masterpiece LOL

From dropped the "ninjaball" by making Tenchu z a ridiculous unlock Fiasco

you guys from Ubisoft could pick up that baby and run it for a touchdown

look how popular Mark of the Ninja was

The punchline is we're never going to get a cool new ninja game because it doesn't lend itself to the microtransaction inspired Easter egg hunt


Neo Member

reading this just makes it sound a lot more generic than I may thought it would be. I'm starting to reconsider my day one going in. No story choices, no consequences whether you're playing stealth or not, no variety to weapons, etc. Basically everything is straight up set in stone, linearly but set in a huge open world filled with pretty vistas some 100% boring side missions and collectibles, aka old AC games in Japan and this is coming from someone who likes AC.

It has some generic tropes to be certain but it has crossed a major line in that it actually seems to respect the kind of damage a katana cut really inflicts by dropping opponants in -3 cuts where previous displays of Sword combat are somewhere in the 17 to 50 cut range....hilarious

I am praying to all that is Holy that this game is a major success because if it is not we'll never see another legitimate display of ninja/samuri combat in our lifetime

it's going to be flying ninjas in purple high heels against giant magical dragons who breathe fire out of their butthole from here on out
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I watched the state of play and it definitely didn't do anything for me. Looked like a lesser Assassins Creed. Reading between the lines looks like alot of time travelling, not doing much of anything.

I think it's going to have its audience but I'd definitely keep my expectations in check (hopefully I'm wrong).
what makes you think there won't be weapons choices?

read the article.

Are there different types of weapons apart from a sword, like axes and spears?

Jason Connell:
Jin’s katana is a family heirloom and will be with him from the beginning to the end. As a lethal samurai, this is his main weapon in fighting against the invaders. The Sakai blade is something that will grow with Jin throughout his journey.

The Alien

Let hope to god it nothing like Assassin's Creed. My biggest reason why I didn't enjoy Horizon Zero Dawn because it open world design borrowed heavily from AC series and other Ubisoft games like FarCry.
100% agreed.

I was def feeling the start of HZD, but found the gameplay to be a mix of Assassins and Arkham. Games I've played the shit out of.

I stopped playing HZD cuz it felt like.evrything else I've ever played and really wanted a fresh experience.


Neo Member
Goddamn I’m going to fuck this game so hard

Will have the Platinum in DAYS. DAYS I SAY.

Looks like its got contextual controls (like automatic vaults and jumps) so i bet its designed for youth accessibility

*hate that but the fact that you can stop an opponent in less than 3 cuts means it's the first realistic edged weapon game in a long long long time



Neo Member
100% agreed.

I was def feeling the start of HZD, but found the gameplay to be a mix of Assassins and Arkham. Games I've played the shit out of.

I stopped playing HZD cuz it felt like.evrything else I've ever played and really wanted a fresh experience.

Tenchu z and sekiro should be its models

certainly hope so

CANNOT BELIEVE they abandoned tenchu!!!!

It had terrible skill unlocks and some camera problems plus fighting was way way too repetitive

They clearly wanted to FORCE stealth like early splintercell
Nothing in that post says sword only...

Link the whole article

Are you fucking blind my dude? It literally, explicitly, obviously, says so right there. The question is simple, are there any other weapons? Their official reply is that his katana will be with him from start to end. No where does it state YES HE WILL HAVE OTHER WEAPONS. No videos shown him weilding other melee weapons, nothing. Unless they're hiding or avoiding the truth which would be ridiculous, that statement is fucking clear as day.
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Neo Member
Are you fucking blind my dude? It literally, explicitly, obviously, says so right there. The question is simple, are there any other weapons? Their official reply is that his katana will be with him from start to end. No where does it state YES HE WILL HAVE OTHER WEAPONS. No videos shown him weilding other melee weapons, nothing. Unless they're hiding or avoiding the truth which would be ridiculous, that statement is fucking clear as day.


how does the statement

"his katana will be with him from start to end"

Certify it as the exclusive weapon used?

That means it cannot be replaced by another weapon

Not that you are unable to use others

Its a samurai thing...bro


Neo Member

Worry not young lad...

they're making all the games with adult situations and intense violence highly accessible to children by dumbing-down the controls

Gears of War/Ghost Recon are perfect examples

Gears 1 was tough but a monkey could finish 3+

Advanced Warfighter AND Future Soldier were downright tough however wildlands and breakpoint are absolute Walkovers

I havent played a game in a long time a 10 yr old couldent advance in

I doubt many could finish advanced warfighter


I know this is a period piece in feudal Japan, but I hope for Sucker Punch’s sake they throw in a few black characters or just simply change the skin tone of some NPCs. I’m sure they don’t want a Kingdom Come: Deliverance situation on their hands, and believe me, people will be crying about it.


Nope, this game is a western game through and through with a samurai skin. No way Japanese developers will make such horrible character design. It will probably come out as a decent game but it will certainly not appeal to gamers who are into Games made by Japanese developers.


The nicest person on this forum
this game is a western game through and through
So? games like Resident Evil, original Dead Rising and Silent Hill take place in western setting but they are very much Japanese game.

it will certainly not appeal to gamers who are into Games made by Japanese developers.
This western game that has Japanese setting, it’s not trying to be a “Japanese game”. Do you want game like MGS try be a “western game” just because it has western setting?
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I’m getting pretty excited for this game

I have enjoyed AC games but my main problem was too many collectible stuff all over the map and also those modern VR segments which completely pulled me out of the game. My first AC was Black Flag and when they went to modern times it was such a monumental bummer

Neither of these issues appear to be the case here. They seem to be referencing that series mainly as shorthand for “photo realistic historical simulator” which is fine.
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