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God of War’s director would love to see the game on the PC, but this decision is above his paygrade


The PC version of Death Stranding surprised some gamers that were expecting it to be purely exclusive on Playstation 4.

However, it appears that other PS4-exclusive developers would also like to see their games on our platform. One of them is the director of God of War, Caro Barlog, who claimed that love to see the latest GoW game on the PC.

Now while Barlog would love to see a native PC version of God of War, he did state that such a decision is above his paygrade. In other words, this is something that only Sony can approve and we are pretty sure that this won’t happen anytime soon.
You know, I would love that. It is, sadly, a decision far above my paygrade. As is proven on a daily basis, I am no Kojima.

— Cory Barlog ? ???? (@corybarlog) October 29, 2019

Barlog claimed that, unfortunately, he is not Kojima who can freely release his game on our platform. However, we do have to note that Kojima Productions originally announced Death Stranding as a PS4/PC game. On the other hand, God of War has always been a Playstation exclusive series.

Now while Sony has been really friendly to the PC platform, I don’t expect it to release its first-party titles to it. In other words, PC gamers should not expect to get Horizon: Zero Dawn, God of War or Gran Turismo. However, other games – like perhaps Spiderman – may one day find their way on the PC. Let’s not forget that both Detroit: Become Human and Journey came out on the PC.

So yeah, while I don’t expect the Playstation-exclusive series to ever come out on the PC, we may see more PS4-only games releasing on the PC in the future. After all, we are certain that most developers would want to see their games on as many platforms as possible.

You can't legally play Mario Odyssey on PC either. It's just the thing with being a first party developer. Their job is to aid in adaptation of the console, selling good games are just a means to that end.

The whole point is so one has to make the decision to go without GoW in order to not buy a playstation. Making money is actually secondary to that.
It makes zero sense and would devalue the platform that is the sole reason they exist and can be excused the budget, time, freedom and manpower that is far in excess of what third party multiplatform developers can afford.

I'd even argue it's part of the reason why Xbox continues to slide into complete fucking irrelevancey and their games are broadly less impressive and memorable. MS treats thei games like non exclusives, allowing them on PC, other consoles and at dirt cheap prices while making them dully mass marketable, trend chasing and even sometimes filled with the same exploitative microtransaction crap bastards like EA and WB's shove into everything.

So yeah, getting these great games on PC would be awesome for the tiny minority with PC's beefy enough to really crank up the graphics, but it'd quickly be the end of those games being great.


Gold Member
Arguably Death Stranding makes sense in the way that the asynchronous world works. Having it on more platforms will just improve the experiences over time
It makes zero sense and would devalue the platform that is the sole reason they exist and can be excused the budget, time, freedom and manpower that is far in excess of what third party multiplatform developers can afford.

I'd even argue it's part of the reason why Xbox continues to slide into complete fucking irrelevancey and their games are broadly less impressive and memorable. MS treats thei games like non exclusives, allowing them on PC, other consoles and at dirt cheap prices while making them dully mass marketable, trend chasing and even sometimes filled with the same exploitative microtransaction crap bastards like EA and WB's shove into everything.

So yeah, getting these great games on PC would be awesome for the tiny minority with PC's beefy enough to really crank up the graphics, but it'd quickly be the end of those games being great.
I like to simply it further; Microsoft genuinely believe that 1st party games exist to make money and for no other reason. Normally there is nothing wrong with that, except it means the console doesn't get the support it is suppose to get.
Even in multiple online game forums, actual real life Xbox customers claim that they believe all it matters is that the games are profitable. They don't understand that game consoles can't survive in a vacuum, or you end up like the PS Vita. The PS Vita is a very good piece of hardware, Sony just doesn't have the means to support it with games while propping up PS3 at the same time. So Sony choose to keep PS3 going, and let Vita go.

A game console without games is just an expensive brick. And without exclusive games people want to play, people would buy the opposition's brick instead.
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All games should be on all platforms that can run them. This exclusive crap is nonsense in this day and age.

Gaming is a huge medium now we should all be able to play no matter what box you put under your TV.

Imagine a Sony Studios Blu Ray not working on a Panasonic player.
All games should be on all platforms that can run them. This exclusive crap is nonsense in this day and age.

Gaming is a huge medium now we should all be able to play no matter what box you put under your TV.

Imagine a Sony Studios Blu Ray not working on a Panasonic player.
You are describing PCs. If you want an open platform Consoles aren't it. You get all those wonderful 1st party games only if you buy the machine, that's the deal.

You want everything on PC? Then tell everyone else to stop buying console games. PC gamers have tried for years, it never worked.
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The game wouldnt have had nearly as high of a budget if it was just some third party multiplat game, so I'm not sure he would really want that. It is easy to say "oh just make it multiplat now why not???" but the game's economics from the very beginning would have been entirely different if they weren't factoring in it's hardware and no-licensing fee revenue. It isn't a coincidence that Sony first party games have huge budgets.

Imagine a Sony Studios Blu Ray not working on a Panasonic player.
This actually did happen though, for years.
Imagine a Sony Studios Blu Ray not working on a Panasonic player.
Apples and oranges, same format different players.
You can't play native WIndows games on your Mac either.
It will happen if there will be economic advanteges in the long run in doing so. There's no other reason, it's only about money. They produce, invest and the goal is to make cash. From hardware, software, services, everything.
Untill hardware makers make more money in that way, they'll continue. If they can make more money in an other way sooner or later they'll address it.
Right by now I think that subscription services are more important to them rather that making money on a single purchase, so I believe than rather that publish native games on other platform we'll see probably them pushing those services.
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And without exclusive games people want to play, people would buy the opposition's brick instead.
Yes, it's not like there are other reasons for people to buy different consoles. It's almost like this is the sole reason why they keep selling you underpowered bricks and you keep buying them. There's no need for them to innovate on the technical side, just throw all the money at exclusives.
Of course he would love to see it. His vision of a game in the most optimal setting without having to make compromises?

Yeah, he'd like that.

But his studio is owned by Sony, and has been given pretty much free hand with an iconic IP.
The technical compromises to be made were probably the least of the team's worries.

AND despite making compromises they delivered an awesome looking, playing game with the story of a protagonist noone ever even imined being able to like. They changed that.

And it's only the beginning. I still didlike Kratos. But I know he knows he's a piece of shit now,.
Him living with that baggage will be interesting.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
All games should be on all platforms that can run them. This exclusive crap is nonsense in this day and age.

Gaming is a huge medium now we should all be able to play no matter what box you put under your TV.

Imagine a Sony Studios Blu Ray not working on a Panasonic player.

It doesn't work that way for reasons that are totally obvious if you think about it for a second.

The investment is made not solely for the potential revenue generated by the product in itself, but for the trickle-down effects on hardware sales, platform services and ecosystem. That's all factored in to the P/L projections when the project gets greenlit.

Barlog has nowhere near the "name" value of Kojima, so he doesn't have the same pull when it comes into garnering suitors willing to invest millions into his enterprises.
The only values consoles have (for me and many others) are exclusives. If Sony/Ninty were on PC, I'd never buy another console again. I don't think that will ever happen though.

Well, they know you would never buy into their ecossystem again if you could just play their shit on PC.

That was probably the whole idea! :p


always chasing the next thrill
the second playstation first party new games come to pc
is the day they are doomed.

look at microsoft
wait oh never mind


I think that would be very stupid for obvious reasons, but go ahead Sony. Do like MS did and give us some sort of Gamepass for €9,99 per month (and let us share it between friends aka gamesharing) for your games. We will save a shit ton of money that way, and only one platform in my house (with millions of launchers).
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advanced basic bitch
Why not have it as a timed exclusive, release on PS4 first and then release it on PC a year or so later?
They would still get a lot of PS4 sales and then benefit for a a full price release for PC.
I was going to post this exactly. I'm biased though since pc is my favorite platform. I want everything on it lol


Cant sell services to pc users.
Sony needs hardware to seel their services, unlike microslft.
PlayStation Now!?
Edit.: it came out before game pass, available for pc users since the beginning,... and it even has the game in quote on OT available on the service for a limited period of time.
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Why are these people obsessed with seeing exclusives on PC? The whole point of a console exclusive is to encourage people invest in the hardware. If you want to play, for example, Horizon Zero Dawn, then you need to buy a PS4. That there is no other way to play this game compels people to buy the console. Remember how people went wild for Gears of War on the Xbox 360? There were people buying a 360 for that game.
Putting console exclusives on PC gives people fewer reasons to buy the console hardware.


What I wouldn't mind is if PlayStation had their own launcher with trophies supported and all the other stuff, like parties and communities. But you need to have a PlayStation with a digital copy of the game and the PC just connects to the PS4 and authenticates so you can then Play the game on PC at any setting.

Paying PS+ allows you to play any digital games on PC.

Something like that...


Is this a possibility? Sony releasing its exclusives on PC? Because me and my wallet are in a 4 years long arm wrestle against Sony because of Bloodborne.

Release it, Sony, release, damn it!
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RSI Employee of the Year
Is this a possibility? Sony releasing its exclusives on PC?

No. It's not. It gives Sony nothing. Microsoft does it because they basically own the PC platform, as pushing PC means pushing Windows.

Death Stranding is coming on PC because Kojima Productions is NOT a first-party dev, exactly like Quantic Dream.

Incidentally, Sony isn't releasing any exclusive on PC. 505 Games is, and third-party publishers aren't going to get the publishing rights for first-party games.

It's as possible as Nintendo doing the same.


What I wouldn't mind is if PlayStation had their own launcher with trophies supported and all the other stuff, like parties and communities. But you need to have a PlayStation with a digital copy of the game and the PC just connects to the PS4 and authenticates so you can then Play the game on PC at any setting.

Paying PS+ allows you to play any digital games on PC.

Something like that...
I would mind Yet Another Launcher actually.


Ps now is what Sony should do, just increase the streaming Rez to 1080p and if you want the full 4K ish experience get the 4K console. That would make business sense for them.
All games should be on all platforms that can run them. This exclusive crap is nonsense in this day and age.

Gaming is a huge medium now we should all be able to play no matter what box you put under your TV.

Imagine a Sony Studios Blu Ray not working on a Panasonic player.

Not having exclusives would mean Sony, Nintendo and (theoretically) Microsoft would have no reason to just dump shitloads amounts of money into games. It's a terrible idea.


I think most game creators aren't platform fanboys so I think most would probably like to release their games to as wide of an audience as possible and I imagine for technically advanced games like GOW they'd also like to see their game pushed as far as possible on high end PC hardware.

But ultimately Sony is funding the game to sell their consoles... and I'm glad they are because right now we don't have that many big companies funding big AAA single player games with no microtransaction bullshit.
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RSI Employee of the Year
That still doesn't make PC a "Microsoft" platform.

And even if you want to stick to your pedantry, there's Steam Play Proton and Lutris along with the DXVK wrapper.

you do understand that the overwhelming majority of people playing games on PC do so on Windows right?

There is a reason why Microsoft is pushing PC gaming, and it's because while they don't "own" the platform, they have a majority stake in it.
And even if you want to stick to your pedantry, there's Steam Play Proton and Lutris along with the DXVK wrapper.

Doesn't matter, people still game on Windows.
This is a PC fanboy site that has made of port begging and making a mountain of a molehill every time a developer mentions PC basically a tradition.

And I say this as a primarily PC player. It's ridiculous.

Yep, the sad thing is they don't even know much about either platform. I've been developing on both for over 20 years.

Like the dude above (The Mad Draklor) who thinks he's a genius because he figured out how to use a wrapper. Try developing an enterprise-class application that runs on a fleet of thousands of auto-scaling Linux servers before you try to make yourself look like you know what you're talking about.
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Doesn't matter, people still game on Windows.
Which is a different statement from "PC is a Microsoft platform".

Your thesis:
Calling PC “our platform” in this context is so cringe. It’s Microsoft’s platform.
Now point to where in that statement did you mention the number of Windows users.

Like I said, even if I were to follow your pedantic rules, your statement of the PC being a "Microsoft platform" isn't true. If I can play a "Windows-only" game on Linux via Proton, then is that game really "Microsoft" exclusive if I can play it on a different operating system?

The other problems of your "PC is a Microsoft platform" assertion is that you can get Windows for free with the caveat of not being able to change your wallpaper and if I were to buy a game from Steam, for instance, none of that money goes to Microsoft unless the game is Microsoft-published. So even if I were to concede to your assertion, due to the other issues of the "argument" I just pointed out, it's a rather meaningless point.

Like the dude above (The Mad Draklor) who thinks he's a genius because he figured out how to use a wrapper. Try developing an enterprise-class application that runs on a fleet of thousands of auto-scaling Linux servers before you try to make yourself look like you know what you're talking about.
It doesn't take being a genius. It's called common sense and the learning curve isn't even that steep to run games on Proton. But hey, let's arbitrarily set a standard that has little to do with the subject matter because reasons...
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