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Why aren't PlayStation games successful on PC?

Should Sony abandon their PC initiative?

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Gold Member

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It's not different tastes. These games are introduced to pc gamers after a significant lag, meaning many PC gamers could have played these games already. This is especially true for the ps4 games that sold 20 mil+. We know it's not just a matter of different taste for pc gamers because if you only look at the recently released games; the most successful ps games on pc were gow and spiderman - games that also did really well on console; at the same time, the games that did poorly on console did even worse on PC (Sackboy, Returnal). If tastes were so different, you'd expect a different pattern here too.

Also Sony should abandon this strategy. It does devalue the brand. Nintendo seems to get this - why Sony would follow Microsoft in this strategy is anyone's guess.


This kind of game revolves around the hype train at launch. And since they don't have a simultaneous release, when they release the PC version the hype is long gone usually.

If it was something that PC gamers are fond of (like if they released Bloodborne i'm sure it would sell a lot even 10 years after) it wouldn't be a problem but narrative third person is still more a console thing.


Gold Member
The vast majority of people who really want to play these games have a PS5 already. Also, PC gamers are known to be “frugal” when it comes to paying full price for games that cost hundreds of millions of dollars to make. Maybe there’s not a lot of money left over after buying a 4090.
Or they don't want to pay full price for 2-3 year old ports. One of the two.

Where'd you get this from?
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This kind of game revolves around the hype train at launch. And since they don't have a simultaneous release, when they release the PC version the hype is long gone usually.

If it was something that PC gamers are fond of (like if they released Bloodborne i'm sure it would sell a lot even 10 years after) it wouldn't be a problem but narrative third person is still more a console thing.
Bloodborne came out in 2015. It's been free on ps plus for years now. And apparently it sold 7.5 mil. I don't think there are many pc gamers out there that really want to play bloodborne that actually hasnt done it yet. There are probably some, but i think it would sell about as well as the last of us part 1 sold on pc.


I’d be interested to see numbers if one of their heavy hitters released day and date on PC and PS5. Like TLOU 3 or a new GOW. I think it would do a lot better than these.


Gold Member
Later tonight I’ll a make a spreadsheet with all your hate boner Returnal posts going back to its reveal. Prepare your troops.

army marching GIF
Hey, i decided to do your job for you out of curiosity. Here's what i found on my opinions for Returnal pre-release:
>High budget Roguelite seeming risky.
>Laying out what i think they should get right in order to be a great game, like not being 30 fps or making sure story isn't overly intrusive.
>Defending the gameplay loop choice from people complaining about repetitiveness. And from some PS fanboy calling it low-budget when it clearly wasn't.
>Thinking gameplay looked cool.
>Not being super fond of the narrative elements shown in trailers.

What may trigger you:
>Called MC karen once.

So level-headed even i was surprised. And trust me i still call her Karen in my heart, she certainly looks like one.
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Gold Member
Bloodborne came out in 2015. It's been free on ps plus for years now. And apparently it sold 7.5 mil. I don't think there are many pc gamers out there that really want to play bloodborne that actually hasnt done it yet. There are probably some, but i think it would sell about as well as the last of us part 1 sold on pc.
The PS4 version sucks. Chromatic aberration up the ass, only 30 FPS (most of the time), and horrible antialiasing. It was getting these criticisms at release. It is a GOTY winner with great mechanics and poor fidelity. It cannot be truly enjoyed until those fidelity issues are ironed out. Also, on PC the extensive modding community for FromSoftware titles could make it look and play several generations ahead.
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Ev1L AuRoN

Low investments > high return
Steam DRM = high piracy
To bring awareness to their games and platform, imagine someone who played and liked God of War, would be inclined to purchase a PS5 to play Ragnarök on launch.


Gold Member
Also Sony should abandon this strategy. It does devalue the brand. Nintendo seems to get this - why Sony would follow Microsoft in this strategy is anyone's guess.
Eh, it hurts the brand very little. The games release months to years later and have already mad their mark. Spider-Man 2 will have a potr, but that didn't stop it from breaking every PlayStation exclusive sales record. God of War is in a similar boat.

Until they start releasing day/date (which I don't see happening anytime soon), they're strat is different.


Spider-Man Remastered PC Port: $2.3 million

Spider-Man PC Sales (Steam Alone): 1.3 M by the end of 2022 -> Between August release and end of 2022

Let's say not all people bought it at 60 dollars and cut 0.3 mil to compensate. 1 mil x 60 dollars is 60 million $

Steam takes %30 cut so 18 million minus. So 48 million. Cut the 2.3 million cost to port and you get 45.7 million.

45 million PROFIT of ONE GAME with ONLY ONE STORE and ONLY 2022 SALES

Now add God of War, Horizon, Days Gone etc. We are are looking at 400Mil or more easily.

You'd be blind to to think a public corporation like Sony will say no to free money like that.
Yep. Once you throw in external keystores and a few copies sold on Epic it’s even more.

It’s a good chunk of cash in exchange for somewhat minimal effort all in all.

Uncharted 4 problem is the that it’s the FOURTH game in the storyline.

And for all these late ports $60 is high, they should have come in at $40-50 IMO.


Gold Member
PC is a different market baby. they have different idiosyncrasies. People need to realize this.

just look at the most popular Steam games.


Bloodborne came out in 2015. It's been free on ps plus for years now. And apparently it sold 7.5 mil. I don't think there are many pc gamers out there that really want to play bloodborne that actually hasnt done it yet. There are probably some, but i think it would sell about as well as the last of us part 1 sold on pc.
It's not because a PC player wants to play Blooborne he's willing to buy a console to play it. The line between PC and consoles is not as porous as some people make it looks like. And PC players are patient.

Also in any case someone that already played Bloodborne if he's a Souls fan would probably be willing to buy it again on PC for the technical benefits. Of course the only way to verify it is to release it, maybe i'm wrong.

7,5 million lifetime is good but still significantly less than 10 millions in 4 years for DS3 and 20 millions for ER, especially for games in that range of budget. If the game sold 2 millions more it would be more significant than the 3 millions of God of War.
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They are successful given how little they cost to make. You can look up the budget for all of insomniac ports because it has also leaked a while ago.

They get a massive ROI on the ports, multiple times higher return percentage than the original games.
SM remastered was 2.3m to port, Rift Apart was 2.5m, MM was 1,5m (4.6m and 7m projected for spider-man 2+3 respectively, with 4m for wolverine)

1.3m units for spider-man x $60 = $78m
$78m -30% steam cut = $54m
$54m - $2,3m fixed cost for porting = $51.7m profit
thats over 2000% return and those data are pretty old at this point, it should be even higher by now

Obviously the game has had multiple small discounts, i am too lazy to account for that. The project of porting spider-man remastered has had higher return on investment percentage than SM2018,
It did makes less money on PC in total though. Funny thing is that where i work it would classify as a more successful project.

Now if you think 2000%+ RIO is not successful what do you think about 50-300% RIO on consoles? Extremely unsuccessful? I need answers OP, but i know i wont get one.
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Because of their strategy of PC releases.
How can you expect massive sales when you throw your games to the PC gamers several years after everybody picked them apart? Conversations around Spider-Man 2 died down after 2 weeks after release so you really expect PC gamers to care after two years when game will finally hit PC platform?

It's obvious that you are targeting much smaller audience of people who refused to buy PlayStation console but still want to play those games. So it's niche within niche.

But that's the trade off. If Sony released their first-party games on PC day one, they would be sacrificing PS5 sales which they are not willing to do. Yet.
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I’ll agree with this. At the time, having a third person shooter with that particle orgy and fluid simulations at 60 fps was new (for a console). Also, 0 loading times.
I was actually being sarcastic, because 60fps have indeed been (sadly) the most next-gen aspect of these machines despite it being the norm on PC since forever and even the standard on older generation of consoles.

Never really cared for the controller gimmicks aside for very few exceptions.

I love that in OP’s mind the main competition for PC gamers time is Sony and MS.
Funny how posting reception of Sony direct competitor brings all sort of conclusions.
I agree with the comment that releasing 2-3 year old PS5 games at full-price on PC could perhaps a big part of why some of the games haven't sold well. In my opinion, you can only get away with asking full-price for PS5 games if they are released on PC at the same time. Selling a PC port at £55 when the PS5 version can now be bought for a fraction of that price is absolutely off-putting.

SEGA release a lot of old console games, including the Yakuza franchise. I'm not sure how well they sell on PC but I would guess that it must be well as they still keep releasing them. Yakuza 0 was released at £25 if I recall and was why I bought it not having played the games before. If that had been £55 then I would almost certainly have ignored it until it was in a Steam Sale or something.


Gold Member
Those numbers are good OP, and you're trying to weigh this conversation towards your end.

You're not interested in honest conversation on the topic, you're interested in pushing your disingenuous narrative, all the while saying let's avoid console warring when you clearly are console warring, while gaslighting PC players all the while.

You're not slick.
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Gold Member
If they are making profit, they are successful.
That's not the standard. Unit counts and percentages are all that matter. All units sold are at full price and it doesn't matter what number something did 30% better or worse than.


You're not interested in honest conversation on the topic, you're interested in pushing your disingenuous narrative, all the while saying let's avoid console warring when you clearly are console warring, while gaslighting PC players all the while.
I am interested though, as the main explanation provided in the other Thread proved to be nonsense.

But something tells me you weren't bothered by that other "disingenuos narrative", hence your views in here.


This "devaluing the brand" nonsense peddled by salty sony fanboys (easily the lowest form of life on earth) never ceases to amuse
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Because people that want PS games have a PS. There is probably plenty of overlap too between what people with a PC and a PS.


Gold Member
Funny how posting reception of Sony direct competitor brings all sort of conclusions.
The only conclusion it brings is that half of MS portfolio suck. Sony games aren't competing just with MS games on the PC platform, they're competing with everyone.

If someone decides Needy Girl Overdose is worth their time more than The Last of Us 1 - and there will be people who think just that, no matter how much you put the latter on a pedestal - that will be one more lost sale.
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This is a shit tier bait thread and people are answering seriously... fuck it, I'll give it a go, Spiderman cost 2.5 million to port, sold 1.3 million copies and it's not even the most popular PC port Sony has released, do the math, how is this not successful?
Uncharted I chalk it down to marketing and not having the PS3 trilogy on PC, I know people who weren't interested in playing just the 4th game without having context of the first 3 so they just didn't bother.
And sackboy... yeah, it's just sackboy :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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Gold Member
Most PC gamers are cheapskates when it comes to buying games. It is known.
exactly. Some people need a reality check that consoles, mobile and PC have different idiosyncrasies.

this dosen't mean that the same game can't have success in every platform; it just means that each platform has their own "quirks and features"


Gold Member
This "devaluing the brand" nonsense peddled by salty sony fanboys (easily the lowest form of life on earth) never ceases to amuse
I won’t stand for this dehumanisation of the PlayStation Nation.

I’m calling for a global condemnation of these attacks and a permanent ceasefire between our GAF members.


How are they not successful? You just shared a picture showing that more than half of them sold over a million, that's pretty successful, especially for years old games sold at full price.
About uncharted and miles morales, I think it's because for uncharted they didn't release 1-3 on pc, so a lot of people didn't want to start with the 4th episode if they didn't play the others before, and about miles morales... well it was way too expensive for a glorified DLC.
Sackboy? I'd be curious about the sales on playstation because I'm sure it didn't sell like crazy over there too.
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What exactly is bad about very low cost with high return investments that carry near zero cannibalization of Sony's console business?


Gold Member
I am interested though, as the main explanation provided in the other Thread proved to be nonsense.

But something tells me you weren't bothered by that other "disingenuos narrative", hence your views in here.
I've never seen the other thread, so can't comment on it, just calling out your obvious bias. What thread?
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