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Goddamn America, Trump is hilarious.

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You think Trump is anti-war/non-interventionist? Have you even been listening to the debates?

"We're going to go after their families"

“He took fifty bullets, and he dipped them in pig’s blood,” Trump said. “And he had his men load his rifles and he lined up the fifty people, and they shot 49 of those people. And the fiftieth person he said ‘You go back to your people and you tell them what happened.’ And for 25 years there wasn’t a problem, okay?”

"Go in and take the oil"

Seems like a guy who won't get involved in pointless conflicts, wait, Trump is boycotting Apple right now for dumb shit.


When even reddit isn't racist enough you know you have a problem.
The funny part is /pol/ is arguably filled with the biggest cucks of all. Just a board filled with a bunch of frustrated neckbeards upset that women are out having sex with black guys instead of their creepy asses.


Even as an account suicide, spouting racist bullshit isn't a cool way to end your account. People don't want to hear you call others racial slurs, and you going straight to these kinds of insults is worrying to say the least. Don't want your neogaf account? Just don't login, don't try to insult other people with this, nobody needs to see it.

I reckon it's a alt account.


Honestly I'm not sure what's worse. The fact that Trump could win, the issue of him lighting a fire under the ass of racist asshats in the US that won't be quelled anytime soon, or that the rest of the world has completely changed their views of the American people simply because of the size of his fanbase (the anti-American sentiment from people in this thread is proof enough of that).


Banned now, so best to forget about it.

Anyways, no Trump isn't hilarious. It's bad enough that he may have the chance to win, but even if he loses he is still riling up all the racists and homophobes in the country.


FGC Waterboy
I don't know man, I'm afraid.

A lot of gaffers thought that Republicans would not take the Senate, look what happened. They took it alright.

You can never be too certain, especially with the bs voter I.D laws in certain states which is used to bar minorities, college students, and the less fortunate from voting.

The electoral demographics are not quite yet where they need to be. People are forecasting the future into the present, and assuming Obama level turnout is going to stay, which is really, really dumb. See the primary voting this year versus 2008. GOP is out in force.

In 2008, everyone swore that the electoral map would never favor the Republicans again.

Has that changed?

Obama's electoral map is different than typical D electoral map. I do not think people have fully grasped that yet.

The overwhelming majority of Republican primary voters are white.

30% of general election voters are non-white.

Problem is that the GOP has much more potential in terms of voter turnout than Obama non-white turnout. Trump's biggest advantage would be that if he got the white non-college vote out in force, the Dems would have a rough time increasing minority turnout to beyond Obama levels (because it is already high except for Asian-Americans, who aren't as hardcore Democrat as Latino / Black). Also, there is the potential for said increase in turnout turning Congress much harder towards Republican control.

Edit: So I didn't see the earlier posts where the banned dude was using "cuck" earlier (Nope: had him on ignore and NeoGAF+ for the win). The comment makes WAY more sense in context, and I apologize Bronx. My bad.
i wonder how america is going to look like when he get elected, could he get away by renaming United States of America to United States of Trumperium ?


he's Virgin Tight™
Well Trump has a chance at presidency if Bernie wins the primary. I hope he won't though, and Hillary is the front runner. I shudder to think Trump as President.


The GOP establishment (With the support Hillary Clinton and many Democrats) started the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. Obama and Hillary helped turn Libya, Syria, and Egypt into basket cases. Total: about 4 million dead Muslims. Pardon me if I don't think Trump's comments about immigration are the most racist thing ever.

I'm an anti-war (in fact, non-interventionist) libertarian, which leaves me in a odd position this election. There's a lot to dislike about Trump's policies, but I think he's going to fracture the GOP win or lose, which is very welcome. Even though I'm the opposite of Bernie on many policies, at least he's somewhat anti-war, and he would throw a wrench into the Democratic establishment - they deserve it too. I'd actually back Bernie against any opponent except Trump; and even then it would be a tough call.

Regarding the anger, I think this column explains a major aspect of it very well https://www.lewrockwell.com/2015/12/patrick-j-buchanan/hate-trump/. A lot of the support for Trump comes from a rebellion against PC, and the mainly liberal-leaning media who try to define the terms and enforce it. Many opponents simply want to label everything "racism", but that's a huge exaggeration. Trump is doing much better among minorities than most Republicans. This issue tends to get ignored because it doesn't fit the left's worldview, but new immigrants tend to compete with existing minorities for jobs.

Trump has talked about losing some rights for security purposes. How as a libertarian do you rectify that? Or does sticking it to some woke people more important


FGC Waterboy
EDIT: There was context from posts about the "cuck" comment. I stand corrected and apologize to Bronx. I'm totally ok with Bronx's post after reading Chidori's earlier post.

Didn't know it had been used by the jackass who got banned. (I had him on ignore so I didn't see the comment, lol) My bad!


So, there are people who keep an alt. in hand for moments when they know what they'll say will get them banned and use it? Strange as hell.


FGC Waterboy
Maybe he'll collapse into himself like a dying star. please please please please :3

I still have a conspiracy hope that Trump will win the GOP primary, then during the first debate, he walks over and fistbumps Hilary, then gets this multi-million dollar check from the Clintons and drops out. :D


I still have a conspiracy hope that Trump will win the GOP primary, then during the first debate, he walks over and fistbumps Hilary, then gets this multi-million dollar check from the Clintons and drops out. :D

Would have probably spent more money campaigning than what she would give him.


I still have a conspiracy hope that Trump will win the GOP primary, then during the first debate, he walks over and fistbumps Hilary, then gets this multi-million dollar check from the Clintons and drops out. :D

That would be hilarious if this was just all a game to keep Republicans out of the white house.


There is always a slim chance. I mean he is winning fucking primaries. Lets see how far he gets, but I'm starting to worry.


Yeah, it's likely he will be the GOP nominee, and it seems this is shaping up to be a Trump vs Clinton showdown.

But there is no way in hell Hillary is losing a general election to a clown like Trump. Moderates, independents, minorities, liberals, and most sane people will rally behind Clinton.

Trump will be defeated worse than Romney was in 2012.


Yea, I'm definitely not laughing anymore. I'm legitimately concerned about the upcoming election and the future of this country. Even if Trump loses (he most likely will), how the hell did he get so far in the first place? I'm hoping this is going to be a blowout election in Clinton's court and we can chalk up all this Trump madness to a small selection of crazy white bigots in America that will actively participate in these primaries. Very scary how polarized our country is becoming and even more scary how we seem to be regressing instead of progressing as a society.

He's getting far with republicans. This speaks more about republican parties and their candidates than the entire country. If there was ever a wake up call that the party is in shambles this is it. You would think Palin would have sparked some change, but nah stubborn republicans still marched forward into this

Note this is not an insult to republican viewpoints in general or republican policy. Just that the candidates that have been the forefront of attention has been Palin and trump. Absolutely ridiculous


FGC Waterboy
Would have probably spent more money campaigning than what she would give him.

The SuperPAC could write him a $200 million dollar check without blinking an eye

That would be hilarious if this was just all a game to keep Republicans out of the white house.

Well, think of it this way. Trump looks at the state of politics and realizes it is completely broken due to the unholy alliance that exists in the GOP (big business and evangelicals / social conservatives). The Clintons point out that if he ran, he could sever the alliance in one fell swoop, and then lead to Congress actually doing its job. He runs, specifically targets the unholy alliance and tears it apart (which he has done), and the GOP is hosed, and his good pro-business friends the Clintons are back in the WH.

The Clintons enact some pro-business and protectionist populist policies, and Trump makes a shit-ton of money off of it. The Art of the Deal, baby.


The SuperPAC could write him a $200 million dollar check without blinking an eye

Well, think of it this way. Trump looks at the state of politics and realizes it is completely broken due to the unholy alliance that exists in the GOP (big business and evangelicals / social conservatives). The Clintons point out that if he ran, he could sever the alliance in one fell swoop, and then lead to Congress actually doing its job. He runs, specifically targets the unholy alliance and tears it apart (which he has done), and the GOP is hosed, and his good pro-business friends the Clintons are back in the WH.

The Clintons enact some pro-business and protectionist populist policies, and Trump makes a shit-ton of money off of it. The Art of the Deal, baby.

i'm convinced, let's spread this meme


The Wall

The blue firewall is as much of a myth as the red one was for the Republicans in the 90s.

Bell is the blue firewall. D:

Military and police use Bell for their cellphones in some places, I believe. Without going conspiracy, it simples makes sense because Bell laid down the first phone networks and is more established, I figure.

Yeah, it's likely he will be the GOP nominee, and it seems this is shaping up to be a Trump vs Clinton showdown.

But there is no way in hell Hillary is losing a general election to a clown like Trump. Moderates, independents, minorities, liberals, and most sane people will rally behind Clinton.

Trump will be defeated worse than Romney was in 2012.

I really don't believe this. I think Trump will back down on the aggression and will pivot his campaign towards real issues and smart debate once he wins the nomination and will have people starting to open to him. The American people have no memory, they will start forgetting about his rapist claims and insults soon if they play their cards right.
Alt of an already member. I don't doubt it.

Possibly, I wonder if people who do this slip up and get their main accounts banned since I'm certain admins/mods can see your IP address.

If not that then people who hate the site, hope to get in and wait for the right moment to post their trash.

In either case, they must be miserable to put effort into either, and considering they're so scared to post on their mains. Says "pussy ass" yet they're scared to post what they say on their mains, lol.


I really don't believe this. I think Trump will back down on the aggression and will pivot his campaign towards real issues and smart debate once he wins the nomination and will have people starting to open to him. The American people have no memory, they will start forgetting about his rapist claims and insults soon if they play their cards right.

trump is a 3d chess player, he ain't no chump.
The problem with American politics is that all it takes is for one thing to 'offend' or sway voters and suddenly everything changes.

So Sanders/Hilary could be up against Trump (or god forbid Cruz) and a sure bet, and then something like a terrorist attack or a 'Yraaaaghh!!!' will make everyone vote for the republicans.


I switched to an alt account to ditch my embarrassing tag so I could be an embarrassing Naughty Dog fanboy in peace. Ask me anything!
I am not American so I dont get one thing. Are they no rules or legal standards in place to prevent people like Trump from contesting. If someone spouts racist bullshit or hatred should they not automatically be disqualified by an authority from contesting? ( For example in India , the election commission has the power to disqualify candidates on grounds of inciting religious hatred. It has not been effective but the law is still there ). I dont get how Trump is still allowed to contest after the nonsense he has been spewing?
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