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Godfall: Challenger Edition launches December 7


Gold Member
Does anyone know how good the campaign part of the story is? Or are there any specific loot locked behind story missions?
Very true I doubt Sony has much say what gets released on their system from first party especially whats getting put on PS+

Judge Judy Reaction GIF
WTF are you on about?

GodFall is not first party, and PS+ works the same way GamePass does, in that Sony/MS pay devs/pubs a lump sum to put the games up.

In this case, if the dev didn't want to give Sony the full game for the price Sony was willing to pay, and Sony wasn't willing to pay more, then you end up with a situation like this.

Frankly, your premise that Sony specifically asked this dev for half a game is patently absurd. Why would they do that? The onus is on you with your faux-logic to explain what benefit it would provide Sony, as opposed to the devs who benefit from forcing players to shell out for the full game while pocketing Sony's lump sum cash.

You're letting your platform bias get in the way of common sense.
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King of Gaslighting
Does anyone know how good the campaign part of the story is? Or are there any specific loot locked behind story missions?

I said "to heck with it. . ." and grabbed the discounted deluxe edition. So far the campaign is about as bog-standard as you can get. Like Diablo 3, it is not what you are here for. The combat, so far, is pretty satisfying. Also, aesthetically, it is a pretty great looking game.

. . .but yeah, I can see why they have just said "Screw it, let people skip the campaign and get right to the end-game grind." It'll be interesting to see what the Challenger edition is priced at though for folks who don't have PS+ (or miss it).


Lol Godfall is not a 1st party game or published by Sony.
They control what they put on PS+, but Sony has nothing to do with the decision to create this stripped out version of the game.
But Sony decided to put this on ps+. It's really a slap in the face and Sony could have told the dev to go pound sand. But nope, this is the marquee title for ps+ in December! Oof


Gold Member
WTF are you on about?

GodFall is not first party, and PS+ works the same way GamePass does, in that Sony/MS pay devs/pubs a lump sum to put the games up.

In this case, if the dev didn't want to give Sony the full game for the price Sony was willing to pay, and Sony wasn't willing to pay more, then you end up with a situation like this.

Frankly, your premise that Sony specifically asked this dev for half a game is patently absurd. Why would they do that? The onus is on you with your faux-logic to explain what benefit it would provide Sony, as opposed to the devs who benefit from forcing players to shell out for the full game while pocketing Sony's lump sum cash.

You're letting your platform bias get in the way of common sense.
Platform bias is funny

I don’t like to mute people here because they might have something of value to add one day but grays you made it


Why is this by Sony?

Eh?.... The mental gymnastics of some of you in this thread.

The dev themselves are the ones who sat down and decided to start carving content out of their game in order to include it on PS+.

Do you guys really think Sony specifically offered them money to provide a carved up cadaver of a game for the Dec PS+ if the full game was on the table?

"Sony: Hey dev, we'd like your game on PS+ for the month of Dec. We're willing to pay you X amount.
Dev: Sure, Sony.
Sony: I know, maybe only give us half the game. That'll piss off @Bryank75 some more and increase his hate boner for Jim. We just like fucking with him.
Dev: Sure, Sony. That's a great idea."

Is this really how you thought this went?!? REALLY!?!?.... Wut!

Or don't you think, Sony offered them money for the full game, and the dev said, "well we don't wanna give you the full game but would rather expend even more dev resources carving this shit up so we can sell PS the rest as a MTX. We like nickel and diming fuckers."
Well said. 100% the devs trying to generate extra sales from this flop!

I just wished Sony would have had better foresight to say no, this is not going to go down well with our subscribers. And I hope to god this doesn't set a precedence for the future.


I was considering giving this game a chance... But kinda of a crappy move giving out just a demo on ps+... Do they really think the games is such a huge success that they would be losing potential customers by making it all available?
Yes, they are obviously still living in la la land.

Airbus Jr

I warned people about this game. There was a lot of overhype with it being PlayStation exclusive that was unwarranted. We've been burned too many times by gearbox. I'm still waiting for the version of brothers in arms that matched the video they showed years ago.
Warned people? Seriously bro we get it youre an xboxers but is such thing reallly necesary?

You guys sure spend lot of time hating game man
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So they're giving us a stripped down version with no story on PS+? Well they can go fuck themselves then, I won't be adding the game to my library.

What the absolute shit. So basically we don’t get a PS5 game on plus this month. Was looking forward to downloading Godfall but since they stupidly decided “no story mode. End game only”, they can take the game and shove it up their asses. Randy Bitchford strikes again.
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A lot of weird salt here from people who can't see the forest through the trees.

This version is just the multiplayer component, the campaign is sold separately.

I ask you this. What is the difference between this and Halo Infinite?
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Kagey K

I ask you this. What the difference is between this and Halo Infinite?
Well Halo has a single player and muliplayer component, but it doesn't matter if you are lvl 1 or lvl 100. The loot is all the same and has no advantage over other loot.

Also Halo wasn't advertised as a free game with subscription only to have half of its features pulled back.

Imagine if they tell you you are going to get Avengers for free, but it's just one of the Hawkeye campaigns, or you are going to get CoD for free, but it's only one map.

Kagey K

Sony that poor they can't pay for the full game to be on ps+? What a waste and a friend wanted me to play it with him. NO THANKS!

Atleast mortal shell is pretty good from what I played on game pass.
Hopefully they made Gearbox pay them to put that demo up, imagine if Sony paid for that to be part of PS+


Also Halo wasn't advertised as a free game with subscription only to have half of its features pulled back.

Godfall wasn't advertised like that either, the leak mentioned Godfall but it failed to specify this alternate version. I dont blame anyone for thinking it was the full game after the leak but its not Gearboxes fault that it was leaked in the first place so.....
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Boss Mog

A lot of weird salt here from people who can't see the forest through the trees.

This version is just the multiplayer component, the campaign is sold separately.

I ask you this. What is the difference between this and Halo Infinite?
The difference is Halo multiplayer is free and this here is a PS+ title which people pay for. We expect PS+ games to be full games, not stripped down free to play garbage. The reviews for Godfall are already mediocre, if they're going to take most of the game away there's no need to even bother with it.

Kagey K

Godfall wasn't advertised like that either, the leak mentioned Godfall but it failed to specify this alternate version. I dont blame anyone for thinking it was the full game after the leak but its not Gearboxes fault that it was leaked in the first place so.....
So they went out of thier way to make a worse version of the game to offer to ps+ players, and Sony was like..... cool, will do.

What other game has been featured pulled on PS+ after it was already out?

If you think it's fine, all the power to you, ps+ can just become the new expensive demo disc.


Gold Member
It's all about expectations. And the expectation is a full game. It can be a good game or bad game, but either way it's complete.

Out of the 100s of games released on GWG and PS+, how many of them are specially edited versions like Godfall?


The difference is Halo multiplayer is free and this here is a PS+ title which people pay for. We expect PS+ games to be full games, not stripped down free to play garbage. The reviews for Godfall are already mediocre, if they're going to take most of the game away there's no need to even bother with it.
So they went out of thier way to make a worse version of the game to offer to ps+ players, and Sony was like..... cool, will do.

What other game has been featured pulled on PS+ after it was already out?

If you think it's fine, all the power to you, ps+ can just become the new expensive demo disc.

I argue that this version will actually be better received by the community and perhaps a better representation of the developers vision than the original release due to not being weighed down by a worthless singleplayer mode that most players will probably drop well before getting to the fun part.

Kagey K

I argue that this version will actually be better received by the community and perhaps a better representation of the developers vision than the original release due to not being weighed down by a worthless singleplayer mode that most players will probably drop well before getting to the fun part.
I'm not going to argue, I have no skin in the game.

If you think it's better I hope it keeps working out for you.

An admission that 75% of your game is crap is not a good look though.
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It's all about expectations. And the expectation is a full game. It can be a good game or bad game, but either way it's complete.

Out of the 100s of games released on GWG and PS+, how many of them are specially edited versions like Godfall?

Most recently would be the unique version of FF7 Remake that was made incapable of receiving the next gen upgrade.

Kagey K

Most recently would be the unique version of FF7 Remake that was made incapable of receiving the next gen upgrade.
Which part of the game did they cut out for the PS+ version?

Nobody expects free upgrades, they just want PS+ games to be actual full games.
This is not as bad or stupid as you guys are making it out to be. The fire and darkness expansion actually reviewed pretty well. They are hoping to make some sales by offering some content to people who a) have the game but never played the endgame and b) never played the game at all. The sale on godfall right now lasts until 12/23. You'll acting like getting to play for free is a bad thing.

I'm not saying the game is good. Actually, I think it sucks. It's overly repetitive in the bad kind of way. The parry window is wayy too easy. I don't know how that hasn't been changed since launch. Game is very pretty though and I've heard the new expansion makes the game a lot more interesting so I'm curious to check out the endgame and maybe buy the expansion for $10


Gold Member
Which part of the game did they cut out for the PS+ version?

Nobody expects free upgrades, they just want PS+ games to be actual full games.
I was wondering at his statement. I dont follow FF, so I wasnt sure if he meant the game has big content changes, or just gimped upgrade function.

Well, give Gearbox credit. The game is so shit, they forced themselves to purposely splice up the game to get gamers to better parts. Who knew a dev would release a game where you could immediately zoom to level 50.


Gold Member
This is not as bad or stupid as you guys are making it out to be. The fire and darkness expansion actually reviewed pretty well. They are hoping to make some sales by offering some content to people who a) have the game but never played the endgame and b) never played the game at all. The sale on godfall right now lasts until 12/23. You'll acting like getting to play for free is a bad thing.

I'm not saying the game is good. Actually, I think it sucks. It's overly repetitive in the bad kind of way. The parry window is wayy too easy. I don't know how that hasn't been changed since launch. Game is very pretty though and I've heard the new expansion makes the game a lot more interesting so I'm curious to check out the endgame and maybe buy the expansion for $10
This Godfall PS+ download is closer to a demo or trial with limited content. GWG/PS+ games are traditionally content complete releases of the base game. I dont follow them enough to know or remember if any have been special or deluxe editions, but the expectation is complete base versions.
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Kagey K

This thing ever gets an Xbox release and this is the version they offer on Gamepass people will be upset.


Man, was gonna finally dust off the PS5 since Returnal's launch. I bought Mortal Shell on PC so no interest in that. I guess we wait some more. Don't even DL this guys, get Mortal Shell instead.
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Gold Member
A lot of weird salt here from people who can't see the forest through the trees.

This version is just the multiplayer component, the campaign is sold separately.

I ask you this. What is the difference between this and Halo Infinite?

Halo Infinite multiplayer is free to everyone and doesn't require a subscription to anything. Massive difference.

Bottom line: I expect more than a chopped up version of a game with my PS+ subscription.

Boss Mog

Most recently would be the unique version of FF7 Remake that was made incapable of receiving the next gen upgrade.
That's a bad faith argument and you know it. FF7R was still the full game with nothing taken out. Publishers are in no way obligated to give out next gen versions for free, SE decided to do it for those who actually shelled out money for the game, that's their perogative and it doesn't oblige them to do the same for people that got the game via PS+.


From what i've seen in reviews, the story is garbage anyway.

The whole game is apparently garbage...but since it's free i'll see to myself what people are talking about.


They made the deal and it is becoming a trend that since Jim took over they have been going for these terrible multiplayer focused games, like this and Destruction Allstars, several others too and then forcing PS studios to focus more on multiplayer.

Every move PS has made since Jim came in has been one to increase margins and cut costs, the art and quality doesn't seem to be even in the top 3 priorities anymore.
Games going to PC was enough for me to see he didn't understand one thing about the console model or about the customers he is supposed to be serving.

PS is not far off just being a blue version of xbox these days. Except Xbox at least offer value.... PS now doesn't have proper exclusives, is more expensive than everywhere else and has the worst communication and PR with fans and the worst customer service in the industry.
Fanboys will want your head for this post but this is the perfect summary of this current shitty Sony.
They made the deal and it is becoming a trend that since Jim took over they have been going for these terrible multiplayer focused games, like this and Destruction Allstars, several others too and then forcing PS studios to focus more on multiplayer.

Every move PS has made since Jim came in has been one to increase margins and cut costs, the art and quality doesn't seem to be even in the top 3 priorities anymore.
Games going to PC was enough for me to see he didn't understand one thing about the console model or about the customers he is supposed to be serving.

PS is not far off just being a blue version of xbox these days. Except Xbox at least offer value.... PS now doesn't have proper exclusives, is more expensive than everywhere else and has the worst communication and PR with fans and the worst customer service in the industry.
Sony is fine as long as you realize the games they focus on are one and done titles that won’t last months or years.

games should be going to PC, PC players will wait for those games to come to PC before going out and buying a PS5 for exclusives. This ain’t the early 2000’s anymore, the measurement of success is no longer done by exclusives


Warned people? Seriously bro we get it youre an xboxers but is such thing reallly necesary?

You guys sure spend lot of time hating game man
I don't care what system a game is on, gearbox hasn't put anything good out in a long time. if its garbage its garbage. The fact it bothers you, says more about yourself then others. Also no, Us "guys" don't spend a lot of time hating games? That's pure bollocks.

Airbus Jr

I don't care what system a game is on, gearbox hasn't put anything good out in a long time. if its garbage its garbage. The fact it bothers you, says more about yourself then others. Also no, Us "guys" don't spend a lot of time hating games? That's pure bollocks.
Is that so

You tell us youre the one whos looks visibly upset for unknown reason here lecturing people around not to buy this game
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Well said. 100% the devs trying to generate extra sales from this flop!

I just wished Sony would have had better foresight to say no, this is not going to go down well with our subscribers. And I hope to god this doesn't set a precedence for the future.

Sony probably saw the metacritic score of the game and wasn't prepared to offer more than what they normally offer for full games for PS+. Gearbox evidently thinks their game is worth more than what Sony was offering and decided they were only willing to give Sony part of a game.

Surely Sony could have just hard declined, but then who else do they approach? We haven't had any AAA PS5 games on PS+ so far, so they probably just thought this wouldn't be a bad compromise.

That said, I hope the universal derision from PS gamers makes Sony rethink this as a policy going forward and makes sure they only opt to provide full complete games on PS+ going forward.

Gearbox are just greedy assholes. They could have given away the base game on PS+ and if people liked it they would have paid for the expansion. This way, people are more likely to avoid even downloading this trash shareware, and even if they do, after playing with a maxed out character and playing the endgame, they aren't likely to want to go back and purchase the campaign.


But Sony decided to put this on ps+. It's really a slap in the face and Sony could have told the dev to go pound sand. But nope, this is the marquee title for ps+ in December! Oof
Yeah its dissapointing with getting this trash as the PS5 game. Gotta wait to see if at least Mortal Shell can get the free PS5 upgrade or is also locked like Greedfall was.


I am honestly done with ps plus . I am never renewing this shit.
I used to do so to play some online games like cod . But now I switched to pc , the ps5 online is useless to me . At least with the Xbox you get an actual games . This here is just shit.

Honestly I grew up on PlayStation but the amount of bullshit this cocksucker Jim is doing making me wish the whole company just fail and he never gets hired again just like that idiot from Xbox one era Don something .

These 2 guys are 2 sides of the same shit coin .

man the evil in me is rising ffs.
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