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Guccifer releases DNC dossier on Clinton

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There's a lot of nuance to uncover on the leaks regarding media and dnc favoritism of Clinton.

What amazes me though is that so many on gaf are totally fine with politicians having the ability to become multi millionaires by getting paid by the very same industries they are supposed to regulate.

Because it's a pedestrian business transaction rather than the smoking gun of deeply-rooted corruption some people seem to really want to see.


Why are her speeches worth so much? She's free to do them, but I wonder what these companies think they're getting out of them. Will it raise productivity that much? Or is it more about being able to push their agenda to Hillary while she's there?

Name recognition and also because she has to pay her secret service detail. This is why she needs the jet. Because she has like 30 Secret Service Agents within 5 feet of her at all times and planes are safer for moving SS-protected persons across the country.


There's a lot of nuance to uncover on the leaks regarding media and dnc favoritism of Clinton.

What amazes me though is that so many on gaf are totally fine with politicians having the ability to become multi millionaires by getting paid by the very same industries they are supposed to regulate.

It is amazing. A lot of people don't research or care about knowledge/truth, they simply develop opinions for the sake of having them. Everything is subjective right? lol

As far as a big chunk of politicians, they all seem like humble public servants don't they? It really always comes down to money and power.


One thing I thought was amusing was this

I think the DNC probably had material on all candidates and possible candidates, it's just that Hillary's file in particular got leaked—because she's the presumptive nominee.

Think Martin O'Malley's dossier had any photos?

One could hope. I could use more of former presidential candidate abs.

qcf x2

Her favorability rating is probably going to tank though. I'm dubbing this election the Unfavorabowl. I might copyright that while there's still time.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Her favorability rating is probably going to tank though. I'm dubbing this election the Unfavorabowl. I might copyright that while there's still time.

From what?

boiled goose

good with gravy
Because it's a pedestrian business transaction rather than the smoking gun of deeply-rooted corruption some people seem to really want to see.

Pedestrian business transaction? Bs. It's like you dont understand conflict of interest at all!.

The revolving door is not a problem to you when Republicans do it either?
Cheney getting paid by haliBurton? Totally fine? Politicians getting paid by fossil fuel industry denying climate Change?

Totally fine!
I think the information at hand is less interesting than that the DNC was susceptible. Internet security is a huge problem and can lead to all kinds of unwanted scenarios. I don't think anything in these documents is particularly damaging or is not information that would have eventually come out during the election. Every candidate is going to be torn apart by the press, as they should be, to properly vet any Presidential candidate.

That's completely fair.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
In all seriousness, I love invading people's privacy. Can't wait to scour these docs for personal pleasure and peek into the mind of Wonks Inc.

Stuff to look out for:
- whether there was official conspiracy in the DNC to support Hillary over Bernie, or to diminish him in ways that were highly impartial to the process.
- if there's anything about the email situation we don't already know
- Official documents regarding VP vetting
those documents have already come out. There are documents from last year that speak of Hillary as the presumptive nominee.
That and the Bernie bro stuff that's coming out even journalists are saying they were approached by hillary camp to run Bernie bro stories.

Doesn't look good at minimum for the DNC.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
I'm baffled at people who simultaneously manage to push "She's so rich money is no object, out of touch" and "Wow, 200k$ buys political favours from a president!" narratives.
I mean, it's one or the other.

Why are her speeches worth so much? She's free to do them, but I wonder what these companies think they're getting out of them. Will it raise productivity that much? Or is it more about being able to push their agenda to Hillary while she's there?

It's a prestige thing. "Look how much money can we afford to throw to get your ass in the seat"


Pedestrian business transaction? Bs. It's like you dont understand conflict of interest at all!.

The revolving door is not a problem to you when Republicans do it either?
Cheney getting paid by haliBurton? Totally fine? Politicians getting paid by fossil fuel industry denying climate Change?

Totally fine!

Cheney was CEO of Halliburton. Was Clinton CEO of any of these companies?


Neo Member
I mean, it's a lot of money, but it's also completely normal for a high-profile person's speaking fees, so I'm not sure what the controversy is besides it's Hillary Clinton and she's people don't support her run for president?

I think the fact that she's running for president coupled with the fact that she's being paid in a big way by companies to represent their interests which may not be best for the country long term.

But maybe I'm jumping to conclusions, I certainly hope she's interested in helping as many people as she can but when money is involved, and this much money too, it is pretty easy to see why things like this keep being brought up.

Obviously Trump and his supposed millions are not better on that front, his motives are based on money just like Hillary's are and just as everyone's is, we all want money but we're all not running for leader of a county. It's just concerning to see who all the millions come from.
The speaking fees aren't unusual or abnormal, but that's a problem with our system.

If you don't bribe a politician up front for a favor, you can offer them speaking opportunities if they do you favors while in office.

Hillary or anybody else, America should find this problematic.


those documents have already come out. There are documents from last year that speak of Hillary as the presumptive nominee.

She was the presumptive nominee last year?

I don't really get why people think it's somehow proof of collusion that people at the DNC believed, just like everybody with any knowledge believed and just as things actually turned out, that Hillary was guaranteed to win the nomination.
Fundamentally useless for Trump.

The way he's postured himself, he can't exactly attack someone for making money or putting obscene value in their name brand. He would look like a simpleton if he tried to attack Clinton for her speaking fees.

... he'll probably do it.

boiled goose

good with gravy
The speaking fees aren't unusual or abnormal, but that's a problem with our system.

If you don't bribe a politician up front for a favor, you can offer them speaking opportunities if they do you favors while in office.

Hillary or anybody else, America should find this problematic.

Fucking exactly. The fact that people defend this shit because it makes their preferred politician look bad is unbelievable..
I think the fact that she's running for president coupled with the fact that she's being paid in a big way by companies to represent their interests which may not be best for the country long term.

But maybe I'm jumping to conclusions, I certainly hope she's interested in helping as many people as she can but when money is involved, and this much money too, it is pretty easy to see why things like this keep being brought up.

Obviously Trump and his supposed millions are not better on that front, his motives are based on money just like Hillary's are and just as everyone's is, we all want money but we're all not running for leader of a county. It's just concerning to see who all the millions come from.

I don't think the speaking circuit is really an issue at the heart of corruption within American politics.
Pedestrian business transaction? Bs. It's like you dont understand conflict of interest at all!.

The revolving door is not a problem to you when Republicans do it either?
Cheney getting paid by haliBurton? Totally fine? Politicians getting paid by fossil fuel industry denying climate Change?

Totally fine!

I do understand conflict of interest, enough to understand that this doesn't fit the definition.

But we already know your opinion of Hillary. You'll see whatever you want to see.
Fucking exactly. The fact that people defend this shit because it makes their preferred politician look bad is unbelievable..

Ex politicians get paid large amounts to give speeches even when they have no power. Essentially you just seem mad that Clinton was making a lot of money for something you don't think was worth that amount.

I mean would you be ok if she got paid 500 dollars per speech?


I think it's funny that people think Clinton is in the pocket of "Big Finance" for getting paid a lot for speaking arrangements when, by that same logic, she would also be in the pocket of "Big Camping" and "Big Girl Scouts".

qcf x2

Is not her fault theres a system in fuction that allows her to receive such ammounts of money for talking.

While this is true, there's something to be said for the gap between ordinary people and absurdly rich people when it comes to actually caring about fixing problems. If one side cannot relate, it's hard to form trust. If one side is making $44 million for speaking, they cannot relate to the struggles of those low on the social ladder. Privilege, etc. The bigger the gap, the bigger the disconnect. Whether this is 100% scientific fact is debatable, but as far as perception? It's truth.


I don't really like Clinton all that much in many areas but honestly good for her to get paid this much for speaking.

I wished I could as well. :)
I think it's funny that people think Clinton is in the pocket of "Big Finance" for getting paid a lot for speaking arrangements when, by that same logic, she would also be in the pocket of "Big Camping" and "Big Girl Scouts".

It's the untold story of this election imo

boiled goose

good with gravy
I do understand conflict of interest, enough to understand that this doesn't fit the definition.

But we already know your opinion of Hillary. You'll see whatever you want to see.

Umm. How is this not conflict of interest??

Stop projecting your bias onto me. I have no issues specifically with Hillary. I have voted for her in the past and will likely vote for her in November.

I call out bs when i see it. I dont give Democrats a pass because Republicans are worse


Unconfirmed Member
Is there anything actually damning in here, or is it all just "successful person made a lot of money!" type stuff?


The speeches are a red herring.

Clinton Foundation "donations" from Saudi Royals (known for their generosity) and EU lobbyists are much more offensive to me.

Is anybody else even reading the files for themselves?


Umm. How is this not conflict of interest??

Stop projecting your bias onto me. I have no issues specifically with Hillary. I have voted for her in the past and will likely vote for her in November.

I call out bs when i see it. I dont give Democrats a pass because Republicans are worse

your watchdog persona is really tiring
Ex politicians get paid large amounts to give speeches even when they have no power.

From lobby groups and corporations they helped out while they were in power.

Take Hillary out of the equation. She wasn't the first person to get rich after leaving office. Regardless of Hillary, this is a problem we should talk about.
I think it's funny that people think Clinton is in the pocket of "Big Finance" for getting paid a lot for speaking arrangements when, by that same logic, she would also be in the pocket of "Big Camping" and "Big Girl Scouts".

It's pretty much the same mentality that got Planed Parenthood labeled as" part of the establishment!"


I think it's funny that people think Clinton is in the pocket of "Big Finance" for getting paid a lot for speaking arrangements when, by that same logic, she would also be in the pocket of "Big Camping" and "Big Girl Scouts".

Big real estate, big cultural groups, big tires...
Umm. How is this not conflict of interest??

Stop projecting your bias onto me. I have no issues specifically with Hillary. I have voted for her in the past and will likely vote for her in November.

I call out bs when i see it. I dont give Democrats a pass because Republicans are worse
I really don't understand it either. Is the idea that the speech prices are inflated to cover hidden donations/bribes?
From lobby groups and corporations they helped out while they were in power.

Take Hillary out of the equation. She wasn't the first person to get rich after leaving office. Regardless of Hillary, this is a problem we should talk about.

That people get paid lots money when they are not politicians? I mean I don't know how exactly you want to fix this problem besides barring any politicians from ever making large amounts of money.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
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