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H3H3Productions |OT| Reppin' the Naysh \//\


The only good thing to come out of the Joey Salads thing is that it introduced me to H3H3. This Ken Bone video is great, lol.


Had never heard of this Ken Bone guy (maybe saw one thread of GAF?), but that was kinda creepy.
And by "that" i mean the way people immediately feel the need to comb a person's social life to find something to entertain themselves and their sense of self righteousness, until they can jump to the next target.

I mean you can tell yourself and others that you're doing it because of some search for truth or whatever, but really, it's all about that sense of belonging that forms when you're piling on someone mercilessly.

The way they transformed him in some sort of icon, before the AMA, was also sort of creepy though, even though not as damaging.


Loved his video on Ken Bone.

He's right, and I don't think Ken deserves to be demonized for liking JLaw's butthole or for saying the killing of Trayvon was "justified" (his actual comment was far more nuanced but it keeps getting boiled down to that, which is unfair.) And besides, even with him saying that, it doesn't make him a bad person or even racist. Could very well just be a conclusion he came to after looking at the conflicting evidence. It's not like he's willing to fight to the death over having said it. Opinions can be changed. Though, h3h3 actually didn't even bring up that supposed comment from Ken. I'd like to have heard his argument there.

On the other hand, I think we'll all be happy when that 15 minutes of fame is done and over with. At least it's been more amusing than some similar personalities from the past (anyone remember Joe The Plumber?)


No love for the Bone Zone? Thought the interview was pretty great.


I'm not gonna lie. I saw those articles about Ken Bone after the AMA and thought less of the dude. Kinda hate that I did that without hearing his side. Hopefully improves his image a bit.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Have I missed something, whats wrong with his mom?


When I first saw this thread I had seen H3H3 on youtube's front page but I thought he was just another leafy and always ignored the videos.

What a big mistake.

I ended up watching a video a few weeks ago and I'm a changed man. Ethan and Hila are by far my favourite youtubers. I went through their second channel in a week, watched a lot of their videos and almost every video made me laugh.

Such a great duo and I enjoy their content so much.

Wow, Ethan! Great moves, keep it up, proud of you!

The tune is sick, https://soundcloud.com/aldenchambers/great-moves-keep-it-up
Ethan looks at the Hugh Mungus Lady's response video.

It's like, dude, you are villainizing this guy and not admitting to how horrible you were to him.
Yeah, she's nuts.

Thought the ending was hilarious.
I went and checked out her channel and I lost it. H3H3 actually is the one related channel for her.


That Hugh Mungus lady is so caught up in her own doctrine that she's lost all critical thinking and reason. She's fucking insane basically.


"Zarna has been dealing with sexual harassment, stalking, rape threats, and death threats from cops, white supremacists, and misogynists for over 2 months, ever since she defended herself from a sexual harasser in a public place. There has been widespread hate and character assassination directed at her in an attempt to terrorize and intimidate her into silence. Despite this, Zarna has been working to encourage her community to speak out against the patriarchal power structure so that women, people of color, and marginalized people do not have to live in fear of men and white supremacy. This fundraiser is so that people who care about dismantling patriarchy can contribute to Zarna's safety and wellbeing as she continues to fight the threats towards her and all who suffer from the patriarchy."

She essentially opened a GoFundMe and this was the description.


So not worth it
That Hugh Mungus lady is so caught up in her own doctrine that she's lost all critical thinking and reason. She's fucking insane basically.
It seems she pretty much any white male is the personification of evil. And every black man is so burdened by America's history of slavery that they default to rape.

She needs serious help, because she is liable to seriously hurt someone over her own feelings of persecution if her reaction to people as calm and mellow as those in the Hugh Mungus incident are anything to go by. Something is very off there.


Well, at least she can live being a living joke that just makes REAL feminist movements look bad.


Also, dunno how many people follow H3H3 on Facebook, but they recently teased this



what exactly is she trying to accomplish with this money?

It's just her way of quadrupling down on pretending to be a victim. Not only can she not apologize or admit she was in the wrong for the way she acted to the guy, she now needs you to give her money from the backlash she received.


As H3 pointed out, Hugh Mungus asked people to donate to a charity. Zarna sets one up to go straight to her. Says it all right there.


Also, dunno how many people follow H3H3 on Facebook, but they recently teased this

I wish Hila would share her thoughts more tbh!
As H3 pointed out, Hugh Mungus asked people to donate to a charity. Zarna sets one up to go straight to her. Says it all right there.

I wish Hila would share her thoughts more tbh!

It's the norm with a certain group of feminists, like Brianna Wu for example, tons of them have patreon/gofundme pages. So stupid.


As H3 pointed out, Hugh Mungus asked people to donate to a charity. Zarna sets one up to go straight to her. Says it all right there.

I wish Hila would share her thoughts more tbh!

She most likely has received some pretty fucking disgusting remarks and harassing from people after that video, but instead of opening a charity for homes for women or something similar she opens one for herself and thats a pretty big red flag for me.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Even though she has clearly gone too far down a rabbit hole and let feminism define her entire personality (of all the things to get extremist about, it is one of the best though), I kind of feel like that kind of video just encourages the harassment of her. Better to just leave that stupidity alone. They already had humungous on encouraging donations to a worthy charity.


New vid: "Hugh Mungus Needs Our Help"

Anyone who checks the H3 subreddit probably saw this coming, but I didn't expect a vid on it so soon. Basically, Hugh is in a pretty bad way. Going through cancer treatment, had hip replacement surgery recently and hasn't been able to work, got an eviction notice from his landlord recently. Ethan set up a "YouCaring" fund in his name to try to help him out. Anyone with the means to do so should definitely consider donating: https://www.youcaring.com/rudypantojajr-686813
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