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Halo 4 |OT2| TURBO


Will existing Halo 3 file share forge maps port to Xbox One or will we have to start from scratch?

Considering my Halo 3 forge maps have been downloaded well over 700,000 times, this is information quite important to me.

I wouldn't mind starting from scratch but most Halo 3 maps take 3 to 5 weeks to bring to MM specs. I love forge but i would rather spend the time playing.


Is there a HD pic of this H2A wallpaper anywhere?



2 months apart isn't really going against each other.

Please Speedy. That's like saying Halo 3 wouldn't go up against CoD4:MW...

Destiny's legs have been severely cut with this announcement, especially for Xbox One. Now sure there are many people, even Halo fans who won't go back and play remakes.
Will existing Halo 3 file share forge maps port to Xbox One or will we have to start from scratch?

Considering my Halo 3 forge maps have been downloaded well over 700,000 times, this is information quite important to me.

I wouldn't mind starting from scratch but most Halo 3 maps take 3 to 5 weeks to bring to MM specs. I love forge but i would rather spend the time playing.

I wouldn't hold your breath. I would be very, very surprised if they supported this. Love your maps, hopefully you keep forging.

Very curious to see how well Halo CE plays online with the dedis. Haven't had the greatest experience with Titanfall.


Can you confirm for me once and for all that Halo CE's multiplayer in the MC Collection is indeed the original MP and not a knock off?

It's OG, it's Halo 1, Halo: CE. It's there.

Now we just get to see what kind of strange things happen to Halo CE at 60 FPS and 1080p. Wonder if jumps will be affected, nade spots to launch weapons cross map, ton of other fine details that most people wouldn't even notice were off.

Invite Ogre 2 and his LAN buddies, Nistic, Mantrain, Patch, McDick, Shade, etc to play it and see what kind of goofy shit they find.


Will existing Halo 3 file share forge maps port to Xbox One or will we have to start from scratch?

Considering my Halo 3 forge maps have been downloaded well over 700,000 times, this is information quite important to me.

I wouldn't mind starting from scratch but most Halo 3 maps take 3 to 5 weeks to bring to MM specs. I love forge but i would rather spend the time playing.

They will not. Frank said was asked this on the Twitch stream and he said no. Not sure if that can change later though.
It's OG, it's Halo 1, Halo: CE. It's there.


My feeble heart skipped a beat and I thought we were about to see some HEH TS.. so cruel.

Now we just get to see what kind of strange things happen to Halo CE at 60 FPS and 1080p. Wonder if jumps will be affected, nade spots to launch weapons cross map, ton of other fine details that most people wouldn't even notice were off.

Invite Ogre 2 and his LAN buddies, Nistic, Mantrain, Patch, McDick, Shade, etc to play it and see what kind of goofy shit they find.

Surely Bravo knows all about this stuff and probably keeps in touch with old Halo people.


I'm confused as to why they're doing these revamped maps in the first place. I mean so essentially we'll have

Halo CE
Halo 2
Halo 3
Halo 4

multiplayer available from the get-go... so why are they adding - in what I assume to be - another subtype? The community seems like it will be incredibly spread out and fragmented as is.

I guess these cross game playlists will help shuffle people around. But I'd imagine most will want to stick to one game, no? /shrugs
Pretty fucking mad about this Halo Master Chief Collection Mega Thread. I claimed the OT back in like beginning of May, what an asshole. Who the hell is this guy?

EDIT: New Johnson Image

Ohhh where did that come from?

Welp, looks like Desolation and Tombstone are going to be in the game. I am so damn confused.


edit: Sounds like every map will be included.

It's like when they said they weren't in the game someone back at 343 was like "I can do zat! I can do zat!"

There are interesting aspects to the remade maps. Still h2 appropriate.

I suppose we may see more interactive elements like the gates on Zanzibar?
I'm confused as to why they're doing these revamped maps in the first place. I mean so essentially we'll have

Halo CE
Halo 2
Halo 3
Halo 4

multiplayer available from the get-go... so why are they adding - in what I assume to be - another subtype? The community seems like it will be incredibly spread out and fragmented as is.

I guess these cross game playlists will help shuffle people around. But I'd imagine most will mainly want to stick to one game, no? /shrugs

Because Forge. And because Halo 2 Anniversary. I don't think we will see fragmentation with how they're setting up the MP. Haven't noticed any option to matchmake in one game's MP only, though that could probably be changed with a hopper update, so it will evolve over time I bet.


They will not. Frank said was asked this on the Twitch stream and he said no. Not sure if that can change later though.

My friends at GrifballHUB will be very displeased since they will not be able to play Halo 3 Grifball (best of the series) on a quality map for the first month or so.
Now we just get to see what kind of strange things happen to Halo CE at 60 FPS and 1080p. Wonder if jumps will be affected, nade spots to launch weapons cross map, ton of other fine details that most people wouldn't even notice were off.

Invite Ogre 2 and his LAN buddies, Nistic, Mantrain, Patch, McDick, Shade, etc to play it and see what kind of goofy shit they find.
Wonder if we can glitch out of maps still with banshees? Also that sidewinder warthog jump out of Map . Gimme gimme Gimme


My friends at GrifballHUB will be very displeased since they will not be able to play Halo 3 Grifball (best of the series) on a quality map for the first month or so.

I'm hoping someone will find a way to inject the files into the Xbox One harddrive somehow.


Now we just get to see what kind of strange things happen to Halo CE at 60 FPS and 1080p. Wonder if jumps will be affected, nade spots to launch weapons cross map, ton of other fine details that most people wouldn't even notice were off.

I'm not well-versed in what kind of wizardry is required to translate the maps from one to the other, but I don't see how the physics (nade launches and crouch jumping) would be affected.
Halo 1 pc multiplayer had a lot of rocket servers. People figured out if you crouch jumped right before the rock hit you it would bounce off you. I miss halo ce so much.


I get why it's not there, but honestly, I'd loved to have seen Reach get the 1080p and 60 fps treatment, especially for campaign which I did enjoy. Same goes for ODST. Maybe one day... The worst part of Reach was the frame drops, the blur in campaign etc.

Either way, I don't know whether to ask more questions here or in that master thread on gaming side. I hope they release some game play video soon and start announcing some kind of bundle sku.
Perhaps we can eventually get a 1080p/60fps bundle of Halo Reach, ODST and Wars.

I would kill just for ODSTs Firefight with online servers and netcode that actually worked.

What's happening here? Spartan Superbowl?
War Games simulation?
Why are the UNSC building huge multiplayer arena maps in orbit?

Is this one of those, "don't ask questions about multiplayer canon because it's not a thing" things?
Ooooh. Nice! I was playing so bad that day

And haha, about that...
I was using my iPhone as an internet connection because I wanted to save bandwidth on my home connection to stream E3.
Wasn't expecting to get host at all... but I'm glad it wasn't too bad :eek:

That was your phone? Even more props in that case, haha!


I just realized how very... Unreal or Quake like that arena is.
I don't think it fits Halo aesthetics as it is, Halo needs a dose of realism and more grounded locations (the Forerunner stuff being something of an exception), i think.



What's happening here? Spartan Superbowl?
War Games simulation?
Why are the UNSC building huge multiplayer arena maps in orbit?

Is this one of those, "don't ask questions about multiplayer canon because it's not a thing" things?

Looks like they're clinging to the rather tenuous idea that MP is just a "wargame" for Spartan training. They're taking the "Arena" aspect rather literally.


Neo Member
So are we done with news for now? We gonna get any more H2A treats before E3 comes to an end? MP or SP? I wouldn't mind seeing the redone Lockout or Zanzi.... :)


I just realized how very... Unreal or Quake like that arena is.
I don't think it fits Halo aesthetics as it is, Halo needs a dose of realism and more grounded locations (the Forerunner stuff being something of an exception), i think.
I think it looks pretty damn badass. Also it makes sense canon wise if they stick to the whole war games idea. MP is Spartan 4 training.


I think it looks pretty damn badass. Also it makes sense canon wise if they stick to the whole war games idea. MP is Spartan 4 training.

Spartans being kind of sports players doesn't make any sense in my mind. War games or not.

I did not really like the idea of MP being hard canon. Map locations and functions being canon is okay (as always).

A true war game Spartans would play would be, in my mind, very different: long scenarios and campaigns truly simulating warfare the Spartans are expected to take part in, not capture the flag or the like. Instead, deep raid behind the enemy lines to capture some important information would be appropriate. Not that you can simulate this with Halo MP map likes maps, i think. You'd need a campaign mission-like missions and maps...
EDIT this is also the major reason i found Spartan Ops to be so very disappointing, i expected the missions to be more like campaign missions, if shorter, not missions filled with enemies in rather small areas.

Also, speaking of map sizes, Halos missions are deceptively small. They look big... but in reality they're not very big. Did the Tip of the Spear vacation glitch today with a friend, we walked some 12 kilometers from the Spire, much more than the actual mission area has length...


Why? It's not like those are Spartan-II's... Many soldiers play sports in their offtime even while deployed. Looks like they're doing some kind of training or some kind of war games exercises on a converted orbital landing ship or something.

I think it's actually pretty cool, imagine it fully realized too, sort of a mix of foundry and anchor 9.


Levolution pieces in Forge confirmed.

Is there any link to that Gamespot stream? I missed it.

It is going to be awesome when you mancannon up from the bottom platform with the rockets and firing one into the dish causes an earthquake that cracks Ascension in half.

I made this up, I am a terrible person


Why? It's not like those are Spartan-II's... Many soldiers play sports in their offtime even while deployed. Looks like they're doing some kind of training or some kind of war games exercises on a converted orbital landing ship or something.

I think it's actually pretty cool, imagine it fully realized too, sort of a mix of foundry and anchor 9.

Soldiers playing sports with full combat armor and weapons?
Now i don't oppose the concept of combat sports, it is very interesting (Mass Effect had this Urban Combat League, which, i think, would make a nice spin-off game, not that i'd play it). But Spartans doing that... eh, they're supposed to be frigging super soldiers.

The map and the sport aesthetics are my biggest concern, whether they're canon or not stuff less so. Not Halo to me. EDIT i wasn't a fan of Ricochet (didn't like the gametype) or that one DLC armor for Halo 4 for that matter. Ugh.

You could explain them well, in a way that makes sense, and i'd appreciate it, but it doesn't change my dislike of the style (a thing i don't like in Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament either really).
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