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Halo 5 Gameplay Demo (E3 2015)


I think that they showed the worst vertical slice they could have.It made halo look like just another corridor shooter.They should have showed a large open area and wowed us. 343 have themselves to blame for the low hype.Conversely the multiplayer trailer was better for me.


Because they aren't Bungie. After Halo 4, I pretty much knew the aesthetic and Bungie-feel of Halo wouldn't exist. They are 343, different developers. And different developers bring what they know with them. It's why with Tim Longo as creative director, you're seeing a Republic Commando influence in campaign, it's why when they brought Josh Menke on board, he brought his SC2/Blizzard style ranking.

Gears is different because you have the original producer brought in as studio head. Gears of War, after the debacle of Gears 2 is not an industry defining game anymore. It has a very hard-core following and large fanbase, but as we saw with Judgment, they didn't capture the wider gaming audience when they shifted away from the series. So at best, they just want to make a great Gears game that Gears fans love. Halo however still is perhaps the second most important shooter anywhere. It's played beyond its large fanbase. It still literally moves Xboxes. This won't keep up forever. But you also have to remember, Halo CE is now almost 15 years ago. There are probably kids today who are going to be buying Halo 5, who probably started with only Reach or Halo 4.

I hate ADS with a passion, but you cannot say they haven't tried to give fans, both new and old what they want. Arena competitive is returning to equal starts, on map static weapon spawns, no random elements, no instant respawns, no loadouts, and after feedback even made killcams off by default. For the casual audience who didn't necessarily enjoy competitive Halo, they made Warzone, a large infinity meets firefight/Spartan ops mode. You are going to have quite a large number of people play it, because it gives them something they want. I laughed when they were bringing multi-player to Mass Effect 3, who'd want to play that shit, and then I literally spent over a hundred hours playing.

Sure I wasn't thrilled with the Michael Bay campaign sequence today but I don't give them grief for choosing that. They have literally a few minutes and need to show off visuals, new gameplay, new characters and what makes this campaign different really quickly. I bet were still going to get the wide open battlefields, the hectic firefights, plus Blue Team and Chief etc.
Good insight here, and well stated. I just can't shake the sense that if 343 shared Bungie's aims for the types of player experiences they wanted to create, they'd be able to come up with something equally good in their own way. They didn't achieve that in Halo 4. There seem to be a lot of unjustified changes in that game, and most of them were for the worse.

I don't replay most of Halo 4's campaign because the enemies and level design are so frustrating and limited. I don't like teleporting, melee-happy, resurrecting opponents with too much health, whose weapons I can't clearly recognize until they shoot me with them. I don't like staving off charging hoards in confined areas, and having to deal with flying enemies I can't leave for later because their rezzing and shielding and grenade catching will interfere with battles too much. 343 could have created more open levels and enemies with different abilities and behaviors, and they could have done it their way. They ended up making a product mostly devoid of the well balanced foes, emergent gameplay, and sheer freedom that make earlier Halos so appealing to me.

Also, IMO, the art is just plain uglier. Too cluttered. Not enough clean geometric shapes. Sort of garish color schemes. Bungie had better designers, or at least better designs.

Fortunately, Halo 5 might fix some of this. Hopefully? Maybe?
For all its faults, Halo 4 was a visually stunning game that was far and away one of the best looking shooters of last gen. I suspect this is using the same engine.. So it's not that surprising it looks like Halo 4 in 1080.

H4 looked incredible. H5 (from what we've seen) looks stunning. Not sure what people are upset about, here. Easily one of the best looking titles shown off at e3 so far.

Is Marty doing the music for this then or not?

There were some rumours floating around a few days ago.

No. It's Jinnouchi.


Is Marty doing the music for this then or not?

There were some rumours floating around a few days ago.

No. Kazuma Jinnouchi taking the reins. He will incorporate some of Marty's past work especially for Chief sections. So there's at least that. They know how much the fans love the monks, the older themes. Halo 4 may have been new and modern, but wasn't Halo to me.


It seems in Warzone you can choose what weapon you spawn with right? Or at least, go up to some device to choose a weapon. I fear that with this option, every match will turn into a sniper fest.... I hope there's a limit in how many snipers you can have?

After watching the IGN Warzone video, I'd actually like to see 4 person squads added to the game, like in single player. Where one person is the captain (ie Chief or Locke) and can command his squad on which areas to attack.

I think it is a real shame that the player count is limited at 24. Surely they can squeeze a few more in there? I know it's running at 60FPS, but Battlefield has 64 players, Battlefront has 48, both running at 60FPS, Halo has 24. :(


No way. 12v12 is already getting up there enough that it's going to impact player vs player in terms of team engagement. 4sk BR means even just 4 guys shooting you at once can take you out. Plus the visuals are way different than Battlefield as are rh effects. It's different when you have 12 Spartans with warthogs and rockets against 12 Spartans with lasers and banshees plus adding enemies.

You're going to see a big difference between arena visuals and campaign and Warzone. Wanting 32v32 in Halo is just nuts.


No way. 12v12 is already getting up there enough that it's going to impact player vs player in terms of team engagement. 4sk BR means even just 4 guys shooting you at once can take you out. Plus the visuals are way different than Battlefield as are rh effects. It's different when you have 12 Spartans with warthogs and rockets against 12 Spartans with lasers and banshees plus adding enemies.

Just reading that makes me :)


Jesus so much bitching...

The demo was fine... Of course it was linear (Do you guys not know what E3 demos are like???)

Buck is on point
The new boss/villain was awesome!
Graphics look good
The scale appears massive!
And war zone sounds great!

Agreed on all points and I'm no Halo fan (haven't played any of them). I usually dislike Halo artstyle, but this really look good to me.


No way. 12v12 is already getting up there enough that it's going to impact player vs player in terms of team engagement. 4sk BR means even just 4 guys shooting you at once can take you out. Plus the visuals are way different than Battlefield as are rh effects. It's different when you have 12 Spartans with warthogs and rockets against 12 Spartans with lasers and banshees plus adding enemies.

You're going to see a big difference between arena visuals and campaign and Warzone. Wanting 32v32 in Halo is just nuts.

Yeah, you're probably right. :)


Stinkles, any chance you can upload an uncompressed/super hi-bitrate 1080p/60 version of the gameplay somewhere?


I am surprised I honestly do not think it looks good graphically. H4 looked great on 360 but this? Not so sure. Not bad by all means, but the explosions, animations, textures, aa etc. don't look impressive compared to other games shown on the same hardware imo (thought Gears and TR looked great). The overall design looks good though.

And offcourse it is 60 fps, but personally I would like Guerilla's SP/MP - 30/60 approach for this. If they are going for a storydriven spectacle premise, I think this is lackluster (only based on this slice of gameplay, offcourse).


I've watched it a few times and I think it is graphically outstanding and the settings are intriguing.

The one thing I really wanted to see were smarter enemies in skirmishes, making it less of a shooting gallery and more about tactical combat. Hopefully there is a healthy mix of scenarios throughout the campaign.
I am surprised I honestly do not think it looks good graphically. H4 looked great on 360 but this? Not so sure. Not bad by all means, but the explosions, animations, textures, aa etc. don't look impressive compared to other games shown on the same hardware imo (thought Gears and TR looked great). The overall design looks good though.

And offcourse it is 60 fps, but personally I would like Guerilla's SP/MP - 30/60 approach for this. If they are going for a storydriven spectacle premise, I think this is lackluster (only based on this slice of gameplay, offcourse).

Yup the explosions and textures looked terrible. I cant belive this is close to release too


I am surprised I honestly do not think it looks good graphically. H4 looked great on 360 but this? Not so sure. Not bad by all means, but the explosions, animations, textures, aa etc. don't look impressive compared to other games shown on the same hardware imo (thought Gears and TR looked great). The overall design looks good though.

And offcourse it is 60 fps, but personally I would like Guerilla's SP/MP - 30/60 approach for this. If they are going for a storydriven spectacle premise, I think this is lackluster (only based on this slice of gameplay, offcourse).

Well one game was an almost end of generation game, and one game is the first this generation. It's comparing apples and oranges. How much better was Watch Dogs on Xbox One compared to a GTA V on Xbox 360, why? Because GTA V was an end of generation game.

Also the gap between generations is smaller this time. You're not going to see massive leaps. Maybe comparing the final Halo on Xbox one years from now, and Halo 4 will show how far we've come. Plus Halo 4 dropped to under 25 frames or less quite often. This is 60fps. They don't want 30 only campaign, 60fps in every mode, so of course some visual fidelity will suffer.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
I'm curious to see how combat will flow with a squad of 4 Spartans. Rather than the ebb and flow of tactics when tackling elites, will this just boil down to having your squad all focus on downing one enemy at a time simplifying the complexity of firefights?


contribute something
I liked the demo quite a lot. It reminds me of the Halo 2 E3 demo a bit, but I'm also getting a very welcome Halo Reach vibe.


Man I really am not a fan of Locke's voice - it sounds like it belongs in a car commercial or something, not for someone speaking regular dialogue.

And I hope the AI Spartans are smart - I could see them constantly going down in Legendary mode and being an annoyance.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Wonder when we're going to get word on resolution. I think if it was 1080p we'd know by now.
Yeah, I don't think it'll be 1080p. I imaime its up in the air depending upon what they are able to optimize at and what trade offs worl best. Id wager itll be something around 900p. I honestly don't much care though, and at least The Conan footage of empire definitely looked better than the betas 720.


Yeah, I don't think it'll be 1080p. I imaime its up in the air depending upon what they are able to optimize at and what trade offs worl best. Id wager itll be something around 900p. I honestly don't much care though, and at least The Conan footage of empire definitely looked better than the betas 720.

Well the reasoning behind dumping split screen was that they wanted to achieve 1080p/60fps, so I assume they'll get it in there.


Well the reasoning behind dumping split screen was that they wanted to achieve 1080p/60fps, so I assume they'll get it in there.

No it was just 60fps. There are few to no games that can do 1080p/60fps with split screen. Most are always sub 30 because of how visually demanding games are. Frank said they couldn't sacrifice the 60fps simulation to get it running in campaign.

There is no way Halo 5 will be 1080p. It'll be above 720p, maybe 900p more or less. 60fps performance is a huge hit to what they can do resolution wise.


There is no way Halo 5 will be 1080p. It'll be above 720p, maybe 900p more or less. 60fps performance is a huge hit to what they can do resolution wise.
Why? Forza 6 is also running in 1080p @60fps.

You just have to turn down some visual aspects of the game.


IGN footage looks good. Warzone is certainly an interesting mix. Not quite what I wanted but getting damn close.

I do like the start where teams have to clean their base first. Gives players time to get ready and then jump into the wider world.

Also like the idea that capturing certain points on the map gives you something i.e. access to vehicles etc.

Do we know if this is Spartan v Spartan only or do they have plans to have teams of player Elites?


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
IGN footage looks good. Warzone is certainly an interesting mix. Not quite what I wanted but getting damn close.

I do like the start where teams have to clean their base first. Gives players time to get ready and then jump into the wider world.

Also like the idea that capturing certain points on the map gives you something i.e. access to vehicles etc.

Do we know if this is Spartan v Spartan only or do they have plans to have teams of player Elites?

No word on that.

The ign footage, ignoring the horrible players, looked fun. The ai enemies seemed pretty rare minus the initial fighting, so the grand scale epicness seemed lower key than my initial expectations. Could just be how that match played out I suppose.

I wonder how many of these maps they'll ship with? As fun as it looks, I hope it's a smaller focus at launch to see how the players respond to it.


No word on that.

The ign footage, ignoring the horrible players, looked fun. The ai enemies seemed pretty rare minus the initial fighting, so the grand scale epicness seemed lower key than my initial expectations. Could just be how that match played out I suppose.

I wonder how many of these maps they'll ship with? As fun as it looks, I hope it's a smaller focus at launch to see how the players respond to it.

Personally I was hoping for a bit more A.I to show up. It seemed from the footage that at certain bases, Red/Blue Soldiers join your side and seem to do basic defence. I hope this gets a bit more indepth.

Also hope the scale ramps up. I am thinking GTA wanted levels for the police. I really want to know how they intend to do the difficulty stuff. Also how/why they choose bosses and A.I enemy drops.

I wonder if they will go with the idea of a large Warzone map that gets split up for the other modes. Would much prefer dedicated maps for the correct modes.

Also, hopefully we can Forge this stuff too!


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Personally I was hoping for a bit more A.I to show up. It seemed from the footage that at certain bases, Red/Blue Soldiers join your side and seem to do basic defence. I hope this gets a bit more indepth.

Also hope the scale ramps up. I am thinking GTA wanted levels for the police. I really want to know how they intend to do the difficulty stuff. Also how/why they choose bosses and A.I enemy drops.

I wonder if they will go with the idea of a large Warzone map that gets split up for the other modes. Would much prefer dedicated maps for the correct modes.

Also, hopefully we can Forge this stuff too!

Maps are mode dedicated.


So the Limited Collectors Edition only comes with a download of the game and not a physical copy? Or does it include both?


Why? Forza 6 is also running in 1080p @60fps.

You just have to turn down some visual aspects of the game.

One is a racing game with pre-rendered vehicles essentially racing from A to B. It's quite another for a first person shooter that can have dozens of enemy AI on screen along with firing weapons, large open spaces.

That's the biggest mistake people make these days thinking that each game is similar. Just because Halo can get 60fps doesn't mean others will and likewise.

I mean sure they can tone down the visuals, but Frank said the way the campaign is going to run, it's only at 60fps. Having it go down to say 25fps with split screen probably causes other issues, along with the fact they'd need to tone down visuals etc. Probably just easier to cut the feature altogether. Many games are doing so because it's just not worth it to try and get campaign or the game to run in split screen. I think Forza was one of the few allowing split screen still. I don't think Horizon or Driveclub have split screen?


Yeah, I would dare say it's the best looking 60fps title on consoles yet.

I'd say that title belongs to Battlefront. Anyway I think H5 looks really good but they need to nail the IQ. The look of the game will benefit greatly. I don't expect 1080p but something like the H2A res, along with a good AA solution will really help. Its what messed up H3. It had lovely texture work and that amazing HDR lighting but the resolution and lack of AA made a mess of things.
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